How can I dynamically process all .html files through the Catalyst Framework? - perl

I want to use Catalyst to process all requests: Both html (mixed with Template Toolkit), and those normally intended to be processed by Catalyst. I am aware of Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple, but that doesn't seem like it does what I am describing since it simply prints files statically.
As an example, I want to show whether the user is logged in on index.html without using ajax or SSI. There are many other cases beside that one.
There is probably a simple answer to this...

Thanks for the pointer, RET. My solution turned out to be pretty simple.
I made the nginx config point to my Catalyst App before serving files directly and added the path to my html files to the TT config in
Here are the basics of the snippet I added to my controller in the default subroutine:
if($c->req->path =~ m{\.html$} || $c->req->path =~ m{\.htm$}) {
$c->stash->{template} = $c->req->path;
elsif($c->req->path !~ m{[.]+}) {
$c->stash->{template} = $c->req->path . '/index.html';


Meteor, coffeescript files running on every page

I am just getting started with Meteor and have encountered something that isn't necessarily an issue but something that I just don't understand. I have the following code in a file called
Meteor.setInterval ( ->
console.log "Hello " + roomName'keepAlive', Meteor.user(), roomName)
), 5000
I originally was under the impression that coffee-script files only ran on their associated html files. This doesn't seem to be the case here as this code runs on every single page regardless of the file name. Is this the intended way things are supposed to work, and if so, is there a way to enforce that only certain code runs on certain pages.
One thing to mention is that this code is running in the client side folder.
On the client side, Meteor will associate your templates with their javascript functions and helpers based upon shared template names, but that is not inherently tied to your file names.
By way of example, if you have a template named "chat" in an html file as follows:
<template name="chat"></template>
Meteor will run scripts such as{}) or{}) only in connection with the "chat" template. But that is not dependent on your file naming conventions. It could be placed in a file name chat.js for organization and convention, but could equally well reside in a file named client.js or any other arbitrarily named .js file.
Similarly, your <template name="chat"> could reside in a file named chat.html, or client.html, or an arbitrary name of your choosing.
Your setInterval function is not tied to a specific template so it will run on every page, even if it resides in a file named chat.js.
Meteor merges all your javascript ( via coffeescript ) and all the html, which it stores in its own special way. It merges all the html in heads and body etc into a page and serves that up, and it will then render templates as you specify.
To have a more "page" oriented app you can use something like iron router.

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox - How to open multiple tabs

I want to open two separate tabs and keep them open in firefox. I am using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox.
Please find the code below:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;
my #array = <DATA>;
foreach (#array)
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(
activate => 1, # bring the tab to the foreground
autoclose => 0 # to prevent autoclosing of the Tab
Above code works fine and creates two tabs. But I am not happy with my approach as I am creating two object. I am looking for some way to open multiple tabs. I could not do it with a single $mech object and hence created multiple object using for loop.
I have gone through below documentation:
however none of them seem to answer this issue. OR I may have missed some information in those documentation.
Is it possible to open multiple tabs using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox
or some other relevant firefox mechanize module? and how?
Personally, I did not like my code pasted above whihc is creating
multiple objects. Is it OK/BAD to create multiple objects?
There's nothing inherently wrong with creating multiple objects. You may be concerned by the memory overhead. The objects may have extra stuff going on (localhost TCP sockets in this case) that you'd rather not duplicate. You may find it irritating to have to loop over your multiple objects every time you want to perform one logical action that must be shared across the objects.
But nobody's going to recoil in horror. "Multiple objects?! HOW DARE YOU."
If all that you want to do is open multiple tabs, I use something like this:
sub browse {
my $method = $_[1] ? 'new-window' : 'new-tab';
system firefox => -remote => "openURL($_[0],$method)"

Perl: How to retrieve album metadata from MusicBrainz?

I am creating a Perl script which will move a mp3 file to my music folder in format artist/album/mp3file. Now it is possible that some of my mp3 files don't have an album tag so I thought of querying the MusicBrainz database to retrieve album metadata given track title & artist.
I am using WebService::MusicBrainz Perl module for this task, but I am not able to see any method that gives album metadata info. My current code is:
use WebService::MusicBrainz::Track;
my $ws = WebService::MusicBrainz::Track->new();
my $response = $ws->search({ ARTIST => 'Ryan Adams', TITLE => 'when the stars go blue' });
my $track = $response->track();
print $track->title(), " - ", $track->artist()->name(), "\n";
say $track->id();
So, how do I get my the album info for a given track using MusicBrainz and if it is not possible what are my alternative options?
First of all, what you want is adding metadata to mp3s which is the most common usage scenario people have. The "normal" way is to use a Musicbrainz Tagger, open these files there and work with the interface to attach the correct metadata.
The suggested (gui) tool is Musicbrain Picard
I also want to state that the Perl module is using the now deprecated Web Service Version 1 of MusicBrainz.
That Web Service has a couple of problems because it was made for another database scheme than the one used now at MusicBrainz.
However, the current Web Service Version 2 has only a python library available: python-musicbrainzngs.
You can still work with the Perl module, but if you run into "weird" problems, this might be the reason.
This is how the Web Service works in general (and how it should apply directly for the Perl module as a wrapper for this web service):
Your search gives this:
There you get a list of recordings of this track. These recodings occur on multiple releases (ReleaseList).
You can disregard many of these, as they are of the type "compilation". You probably want the "album" releases.
You probably ask yourself why there are multiple album releases with the same name in the list.
This is because a "release" on MusicBrainz is a combination of a release-event and a couple of mediums.
You might have an US release and a german deluxe edition and so on.
All of these releases are in one "release group".
You probably want the name of this "release group", which mostly is also the name of every release in this group.
You might want to read a bit on how the MusicBrainz Database is structured.
This is only the basic use case of course.
You might run into misspellings in artist/title, multiple or missing album release groups and other things.
However, altogether it should work and you can just drop the "problem" cases in a special directory and work with them in Picard.
Picard also has other means of identifying files per "musical analysis" (PUIDs, Acoustids)
my #tracklist = $response->track_list();
foreach my $track ( #tracklist ) {
print $track->title(), " - ", $track->artist()->name(), "\n";
my #releaselist = $track->release_list();
foreach my $release ( #releaselist ) {
print " ", $release->title(), " - ", $release->type();
Should work in general, but it doesn't. It gives you all tracks of the response, but somehow it can't extract releases from release_list(). Possibly because the schema changed or because the perl module is broken.
Check out our perl modules for accessing the Cover Art Archive:
More info on our archive is here, including specs:
Good luck!

Selenium WebDriver with Perl

I am trying to run the Selenium driver with Perl bindings, and due to the lack of examples and documentation, I am running into some roadblocks. I have figured out how to do some basic things, but I seem to be running into some issues with other simple things like validating the text on a page using Remote::Driver package.
If I try to do something like this:
$sel->get("" );
$ret = $sel->find_element("//div[contains( text(),'Thursday, April 26, 2012')]");
I get a message back that the element couldn't be found. I am using xpath because the driver package doesn't appear to have a sub specific for finding text.. at least not that I've found.
If my xpath setup is wrong or if someone knows a better way, that would be extremely helpful. I'm having problems with some button clicking too.. but this seems like it should be easier and is bugging me.
Finding text on a web page and comparing that text to some "known good value" using Selenium::Remote::Driver can be implemented as follows:
package SomeWebApp;
sub get_text_present {
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $locator = shift;
my $text = $self->{driver}->find_element($target, $locator)->get_text();
return $text;
Somewhere in your test script:
my $text = $some_web_app->get_text_present("MainContent_RequiredFieldValidator6", "id");
The above finds the element identified by $target using the locating scheme identified by $locator and stores it in the variable $text. You can then use that to compare / validate as required / needed.
https is a tad slower loading than http. Although WebDriver is pretty good about waiting until it's figured out that the requested page is fully loaded, maybe you need to give it a little help here. Add a sleep(2); after the get() call and see if it works. If it does, try cutting down to 1 second. You can also do a get_title call to see if you've loaded the page you think you have.
The other possibility is that your text target isn't quite exactly the same as what's on the page. You could try looking first for one word, such as "April", and see if you get a hit, and then expand until you find the mismatch (e.g., does this string actually have a newline or break within it? How about an HTML entity such as a non-breaking space?). Also, you are looking for that bit of text anywhere under a div (all child text supposedly is concatenated, and then the search done). That would more likely cast too wide a net than not get anything at all, but it's worth knowing.

How can I run a CGI::Application run mode from the command line?

I have a run mode in my CGI::Application web-app that I would like to be able to trigger from the command line so i can automate it. From the web-app's perspective it does some processing then sends the results in an email.
When called from the web interface it passes in a set of parameters (email address, which query to run, date, etc) so these need to be passed in.
How can I construct a call to the CGI::Application app that will be the same as if I ran it from the web?
The original CGI specification makes it easy to run things from the command line and was fully intended not as a specific HTTP-only interface but something that could handle FTP and gopher as well as new top-level URL schemes. I know what I wanted when I helped specify it.
The spec I referenced should give you all you need, but for the most part it is just a collection of environment variables. If you see a request for:
The environment variables come out looking like this:
To reverse the polarity of that in Perl would go something like this:
$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = '/some/path';
$ENV{'QUERY_INFO'} = 'a=b&c=d';
Things get a bit more complicated in handling POST queries and there are more possible environment variables that may be required. Worst case you can enumerate them all with a quick CGI script something like:
print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
foreach (keys(%ENV))
print "$_=$ENV{$_}\r\n";
Now put that on the web server in place of your CGI script and you'll see all the environment that gets passed in (and the original environment so you'll need to make a few judgement calls).
Upon further digging through the CGI::App and the CGI documentation, it appeared to be more straightforward than I thought. The simplest case (no real argument handling or dealing with the output from the webapp run call) is:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use WebApp;
my $cgi = new CGI( \%{#ARGV} );
my $webapp = WebApp->new( QUERY => $cgi );
It just takes a series of space separated name value pairs to create the CGI. You need to pass in the run mode and all the arguments.
I'm the maintainer of CGI::Application, and I do this all the time-- I have dozen of cron scripts built with CGI::Application because it's convenient to share the infrastructure with the application.
The simplest approach is this:
# There is no browser to return results to.
my $app = WebApp->new;
In that example, you bypass the normal flow and call a method directly. Be sure you don't need any of the "setup" or "teardown" actions to happen in that case.
If you just have one run mode you are calling, you can also just set the "start_mode", and call run(), so then the default run mode is called by default.
Another idea: you can use a module like Getopt::Long and pass in values through the PARAM hash to new(), or completely replace the run-mode selection process. Here's an example where command line flags are used to determine the run mode:
sub setup {
my $self = shift;
my ($dry_run, $help);
'dry-run' => \$dry_run,
'help' => \$help
$self->param('dry_run' => $dry_run);
$self->mode_param(sub {
return 'help' if $help;
return $self->start_mode();
$ perl field1=value1 field2=value2
Perl's CGI library takes care of the magic for you, and it appears that CGI::Application relies on CGI (judging from their example code).
Instead of having to go through CGI::Application every time you want to get something done, enforce a proper separation of concerns, perhaps using an MVC setup. All of the functionality should exist outside of the CGI::Application stuff since that should only work as a controller. Once you separate out those bits, you can easily write other controllers for other input methods.
Don't write a web application; write an an application that happens to have a web interface. When you have that, you can easily give your application other sorts of interfaces.
You could automate by calling the web app using curl, wget, or an LWP GET-script with the appropriate parameters. I've used a similar system for cron-driven tasks with a Catalyst application.
That deals with all the environment variables for you..