Mobile Sites (Resolution and Semantics) - iphone

I recently was requested to put together a Flash site. Since I did that, I of course need to follow up with sister site that will work with handheld devices etc.
I put a site together which looks, for example, fantastic on the Blackberry, but the resolution of an iphone is so good that the site looks microscopic. What is an elegant way to deal with these resolution disparities?
Also, I just used PHP to check the browser type and feed different pages based on that, I didn't actually make a mobile subdomain or use special mobile code.. those days are over right? Or am I committing semantic crimes by treating it like a normal-but-different website?
Thanks for everyone's input.

CSS Media Queries were specifically designed to solve this problem.
Check out the article on Responsive Web Design over at A List Apart
Example site: A List Apart CSS Media Query Example
Another great example/tutorial:
Resize the width and height of this window to see what the media queries are doing. (also, view the underlying css)


How to get larger favicon from Google's api?

Is it possible to get a larger version of the favicon from the Google's api or from somewhere else?
This is the url.
I searched for an alternative api on ProgrammableWeb and Google but many of them don't exist anymore and the one I found that actually seems to work isn't free. (
I need the icon for a VB.NET project that has a list of websites with icons. But 16x16 icons are too small for that.
looks like there is size parameter in google now.
The below answer is no longer valid, but the code is freely available on github:
Github -> Favicons for all!
Original answer
You can also try Statvoo's Favicon API, e.g.
They also have quite a few other API's you can use if you look around. Most of which are free and have been around for years.
Looks like Google has an size attribute too.
Here's some Favicon Fetchers I have found
Free Favicon-Service by -
Google Favicon Snatcher -
Favicon Grabber -
For Favicon Grabber it will return as JSON list of icon URLs.
Alternatively you can load the main page of the site and figure it out from there:
According to
Unless that endpoint can also return other resolutions, Favicon Kit
offers more:
(Though, I will say, the URIs returned for Twitter and the image sizes
don't actually align in those cases. The first is actually 192ˣ192
pixels, and the second is 32ˣ32 pixels. That seems odd. Maybe they
should have endpoints like domain/large, domain/medium, domain/small?)
Favicons are specified either as part of the HTML page, the HTTP response to a request for a page, or simply by being hosted at a default location.
That's true for all sites. There's plenty of browser extensions that can help you figure out the favicons a page send, if you don't manage by hand. For example, right clicking in firefox, "Page Info", "Media", "sort by type"->"Icon" should show all icons that a browser can find. It's not usual to have Icons larger than 32x32, and google might not be an exception.
Also be aware that the .ico format can contain multiple Icon sizes that not all tools show. So saving that .ico on your computer and inspecting it with a tool known to deal with all sizes contained in a single file might help.
Last word of advice: You're dealing with the logo, the very core of their brand, of a multi-billion dollar company. You might want to check with their policy of using that logo in your project. Probably it's OK (for example, browser don't seem to get in trouble for having a google logo for their google search box), but I'd still take care not to raise the impression that you're association a product of your own making with their logo.

Media link of a video available on OTT platform

I am looking to integrate videos freely available on OTT platforms in India.
For example
However this is the web link to the video file. I am not able to fetch the media link to this and all such videos. Is it possible to do what I am trying and if so what should my direction of implementation be
I think if you look at the terms of use on that site (which are at the bottom and are, not very helpfully, hidden every time you scroll down) the conditions don't really allow what you are proposing, other than by linking to their site as your link above does, or sharing via their share options (Google + and Facebook for the example you show above).
So you can solve this technically with varying degrees of ease, depending on whether the source sites hide the media manifest URL's or use dynamically generated URL's etc, but it's probably worth making sure you are not going to get into issues over rights first.

Cross-domain navigation within Blogger without Javascript

The setup: I have a Blogger blog set up on a domain name as The main site site at is running Umbraco CMS.
The problem: I need to have the navigation from the CMS transported to Blogger somehow, so that making a change on the main website doesn't require the extra step of modifying the navigation inside Blogger.
Generating the navigation data on the CMS side in what ever format it needs to be (XML, unordered list, JSON, etc) is not a problem. The problem is getting the data from Umbraco to Blogger after it is generated.
I'm not yet willing to use Javascript, as this would seriously impair the website for users browsing without Javascript. (Too bad because AJAX would be a very workable solution.)
I've tossed around the idea of using an iFrame. How would this work for a navigation system including sub-menus? Creating and deleting multiple iframes is out of the picture, since I don't want to use Javascript. I could use one large iframe to allow for the sub-menus, but then it would cover content at the top of the content area, rendering it unclickable.
I'm thinking about how you could do this, but while I do - in this day-and-age javascript has become very common. Most users are going to have it, and those with it disabled really shouldn't be on the web. Is this the only reason you don't want to use javascript? Around 2% according to YDN have js disabled, and that's lower from other countries. As time goes on that 2% should get lower, I don't see that as an issue. However if you absolutely can't use javascript, I'll keep thinking. I might have an idea, I'll need to test it though.
It's not possible to use IFrame, cause of same origin policy. Both sites are on different domains, when user click menu item inside IFrame, there is no way to call parent window.
There are few ways how this can be done.
1) Javascript solution. Use json rpc, or another cross-domain calls. Load menu from your CMS and render it. Yes, this requires javsascript, but, seriously, show me the site, which does not use javascript.
2) Direct server communication.
Is it possible to perform http call from blogger ? If so, just perform http call to your CMS from Blogger, get data and render it.
3) Mixed flash/javascript solution. Flash can perform http call regardless of same origin policy. Get data with flash, use ExternalInterface to call Javascript function to render data.
There is no another way to do it. I suggest you to use javascript solution
You could build an HTML skeleton of empty ULs in Blogger (the max that you might need) to hold your navigation contents, and then link to an Umbraco-generated external stylesheet.
This stylesheet could fill those LIs with CSS generated content using the :before and :after pseudo-elements, and hiding unused LIs with CSS display: none.
An example of this is at:
This works in IE8+ so depending on your clients, this may-or-may-not be more widely supported than Javascript. Likely not. ;-)

How do I build a wiki into an iPhone app?

I want to build an iPhone app that is really a wrapper around a wiki. Specifically, I have some static reference content that can be represented by a hyperlinked set of pages and want to build an app that will provide a nice interface over this content, including search, bookmarking, and annotating. I'm wondering what the best approach is for building something like this.
(I'm spent a fair bit of time googling for answers but pretty much every combination of search terms I can think of returns links to wikis, not links about putting a wiki into an app).
Are there libraries out there for handling wiki content (rendering, navigating links etc.)? I imagine I could just represent my content as a set of local HTML pages and point the web browser control at these but that doesn't seem right. Any ideas on how best to approach this in the iOS world?
Thanks in advance!
Try looking at TWedit, it is a wrapper for the excellent TiddlyWiki which is a single file WIKI built around JavaScript and HTML. TW is very powerful and well supported with many plugins available.

joomla multiple site content distribution

I'm just starting to evaluate joomla CMS as a tool to build out my personal site. I'd like to manage multiple sites/domains with one copy of joomla on one host. so I'll own and, which will both point to the same host/joomla code. If I do this I need to be able to set which domain/site the content I add shows up on. For some sites the content will be on both for others it will be on only one. What would be ideal it to have some kind of filtering mechanism so I don't have to manually set where the content goes.
What would be ideal is for me to set tags on the content and each site can specify which taged content to show.
My last requirement is that I be able to have different pages on each site.
Is this possible or am I asking too much from a "free" CMS?
Thanks all
I don't know if there's a component that achieves what you're describing here. I use a multi-language component in some of my sites that shows translations, but it doesn't "suppress" articles that doesn't have references to a translation: it just says "No translations to this article". I know you're not asking for translations methods, but I think the Joomfish way of selecting content based in a chosen language would be what you wanted, but not based in languages, just domains.
The only component I know it would be able to suppress articles based in pre defined parameters (in its case the language), is the Joomfish's "Table Localization Plugin", but you need to be a Joomfish silver member paying $60 to Joomfish's developers.
You could write a component(see here for plugin documentation), that analyzing the domain, would suppress articles that shouldn't appear in that specific domain. But I think it's going yo be a lot of work. You would learn a lot of Joomla's architecture, though.
How Joomla displays its content (output) is controlled entirely by parameters. So if you can control what parameters are loading, you can create multiple displays per host
However, that may be overkill in this case. You can just easily hack your template. Just make it load a different menu for siteA and siteB. (The host is set in $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
The menu on siteA could have a tagging component item, set to display articles tagged The siteB will have the same for its domain.
While there are extensions that will do what you describe (, Joomla is really designed for one site at a time. I've done setups where I use the same codebase for Joomla and manage it with version control, but I always end up launching multiple sites with individual databases.
However, I don't know of any CMS that inherently allows you to share articles across instances while keeping the data centralized. You may be looking at an extension (or your own customization) regardless of which platform you pick.
We had a similar problem with needing to share content across multiple Joomla! sites so we developed this extension:
It is not very robust in terms of what it can share but it does let you share Articles across multiple sites and choose which sites and categories those articles get published into. I hope it works for you.