Deployment Target in ios - iphone

Using Xcode 4.2, I created an app with deployment target set as 3.2. I was able to install the app on an iPad with iOS5. But when I tried to install the app in iPhone 3G with iOS4.2, it is not installing properly.It shows "Build Succeed" and immediately shows "finished running in iPhone", but not getting installed. It is working fine in all simulators. I tried installing the file by creating app.ipa file, and dragging it to iTunes, but it is showing that it is not compatible with the iPhone. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help, or test this situation properly? Thanks a lot!

deployment target as 3.2 is iPad. I could not recall any iPhone OS version as 3.2 . It was 3.1.3 later on it was 4.0(iPhone) release with 3.2 (iPad).
I'm sure if you set your deployment target as 4.0, it will work.
best of luck..!!


Can not run and build code which is on xCode4.2 with iPad with os 5.0

HI i am new in iPhone i have tried to build application on xcode4.2 and i have iPad with os 5.0
but when i start application to run i got following message
Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
can anybody help me how to solve this problem i have tried so much but could not find any solution from googling also
In your project's Build Settings, ensure that the deployment target is set to "iOS 5.0"

Building/Running IOS 5.0 from xcode on 4.3.3 Device

I am trying to run an application in xcode 4.2 to IPhone 4.3.3. All what I see to run against are:
IOS Device
IPad 5 Simulator
Iphone 5 Simulator
I tried to change my Code Signing, but still did not work. I am getting this message:
"Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned IOS devices are available with compatible
IOS version. Connect an IOS device with a recent enough version
of the IOS to run your application or choose an IOS simulator
as the destination"
I already have the provisioning already setup successfully for my IPhone 4.3.3.
Thanks in advance.
Select the Project's Target. Under the Summary, make sure the Deployment Target is set to the lowest version you want to support (4.0, 4.3.3, whichever you prefer).
Look at Deployment Target Settings in Build Settings. Set it to 4.3
Make sure your iOS deployment Target is set to iOS 4.3 or less

Xcode 4.2 Lion not installing / running project on older devices. iPhone 3G 4.2.1

XCode 4.2 Build 4D199 on Lion with iPhone 3G IOS 4.2.1
Project with Base SDK 5.0 and Target 4.2.
On this phone and on older iTouch the debugger never seems to startup. After pushing RUN the project compiles and then the Debug entry is in the Log Navigator with the Spinner Running. The spinner never stops and the app does not get loaded on the iPhone 3G.
Any clues on how to fix. This was working fine before the Lion Upgrade.
Need to test the older devices. Newer devices seem to work fine.
Device seems to be provisioned fine, etc.
Probably because armv6 is missing from the architectures for the Target.
Click on your Project in Xcode, then click on the Target. Double-click on 'Architectures', and delete what's current there - probably something like $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) - using the '-' button. Next, click on the '+' button and add 'armv7', then add 'armv6'.
Hopefully, that should help.
I found when I would start a new project in xCode 4.2 (Build 4D199) it would not build to my iPod touch running 4.2.1. While I did have to set my architectures to include armv6, that alone did not do it.
In my project's Info.plist file xCode had set "Required device capabilities" to include 'armv7'. I removed that now everything is working fine.
I hope this helps someone else.

iOS5 - Setting the deployment target and building

I'm using iOS5 GM Seed and created an application using "story board" concept. Now I want to distribute the app to app store and want to set the deployment target to iOS4.2
The app when tested in simulator, its working fine.
When I'm building it for iOS device using development profile to test on device, its giving error: "Story boards are unavailable on iOS 4.3 and prior"
How to resolve this issue and make my app run on ios4.2 as well.
I ran into the same issue today using XCode 4.2. Here is what I did to get it to build correctly:
Set Deployment and Build options back to 5.0.
Clean the project.
Close the project.
Quit XCode.
Restart XCode.
Debug / Build the project.
Since Apple has officially release the XCode 4.2 :
Try closing the project and reopening it after switching to device from simulator.
Worked for me.
I made it work! I do not know how it happened but in build settings, iOS deployment target settings was iOS 4.2 and that is why i got this issue. I set it back to iOS5.0 and nothing more required. It just got to work.
You officially can't do it - Storyboards are supported in iOS 5 and later and are enabled by default for new projects. If your app must run on earlier versions of iOS, though, you cannot use storyboards and should continue to use nib files

iphone - Xcode 3.2.3 refusing to run simulator 3.1.3

I have a project build to work with iPhone 3* and 4. Base SDK is set to 4. Target OS is set to 3. I have an iPhone 3GS with 3.1.3.
Xcode 3.2.3 refuses to install the app on this iPhone. It refuses also to run the simulator.
WHen I try to debug on the device I get "Failed to upload". When I try to debug on the simulator I get a message telling me that "simulator could not find the sdk"...
Any clues?
I have resolved partially the issue changing the compiler from GCC 4.2 to LLVM GCC 4.2.
Don't ask me why, but now I can install the application on my 3GS running 3.1.3.
The question is: why GCC 4.2 is not working.
At least the solution for this question is this.
To expand on Jason Coco's answer: If
you go to the Project Info screen and
click Build, you can choose what Base
SDK to use (4.0) and then scroll down
to iPhone OS Deployment Target version
and set it to 3.1.3 or whatever.
However, you also have to go to the
Targets section under Groups & Files
(red bullseye) select your target and
get the Info build page, and set your
iPhone OS Deployment Target there too.
Did you do that also? (from the link posted)