Post activities on Google plus - plugins

I'd like to make a plugin so that people can post activities on Google plus more easily.
However, the Google Plus API is read-only.
So there is no way to post activities there programmatically.
Using this link works.
But it is not user friendly, which makes me want to wrap its functionality. Before I do that, I would like to know if there is already a wrapper for that?

As you already said the Google+ API is read-only. The recommended method to allow users to post from your site is to use a +1 button.


Facebook app id for website social plugins

I have like/share buttons on my website and am not currently using an appid. Finding information on whether this is a necessity for the above configuration is difficult to confirm. When going through the Facebook app "create" forms, I'm really confused by a lot of the requirements as it seems to be more focused around actual apps rather than websites, which login via fb etc.
In the past I have created an app for one of my other websites and I don't believe there was any verification/submission process at this point (about 2-3 years ago). Reviewing my old app configuration now I can see that it is not "live" - does anyone know whether Facebook implemented this submission process in the last couple of years, and then de-activated any live apps that were created prior to this?
I now want to setup a new app for my new website and I'm unsure what the different 'action types' mean and what I would need to simply use like/share buttons on the website. Could someone give me a quick run down of what I'd need and what they are?
Any other info/tips people can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm finding that the like/share DO still work without the app, but sometimes the share button doesn't work properly (I have a feeling this is something to do with the app).
If you are just using the Social Plugins, you don't need to have a Facebook App ID.
If you want more integration, it will be required. Creating an App ID is like registering your App, wether an iOS or Android App or just a website, so that you can make Graph API calls for it.
The easiest way to register your website is to go the quickstart: (or There you can type a name and follow the steps.
You can then follow the "Sharing best practices" ( on how to use the App ID. For example, by including an fb:app_id meta tag on your pages.
There is a review process, since last April, but that is only needed if you use permissions for your App. If you just use the plugins, that is not needed.
Can you explain more what is exactly not working?
The time you create a page the Facebook crawler does not know yet what the Opengraph data for that one is. This will happen after the first share, but if you want to ensure it is correct from the first share on, you can force a re-scrape.
This section explains how that works:
When an app triggers a scrape using an API endpoint This Graph API
endpoint is simply a call to:
POST /?id={object-instance-id or object-url}&scrape=true

Use Facebook to share albums/pictures with a page

I don't know if it's already possible but I am trying to implement a "sharing system" on my site. Basically I have a blog and I want to add a section where people can share one picture or one entire album so it can be visible on the site itself.
Since I don't want to re-invent the wheel, I would love to do that via Facebook. I already have a Facebook Page for my site, so it would be really interesting if users could directly share the photos they already uploaded via Facebook with my existing page. I thought about using "tags" but it's too limited for what I wanted to do.
Anyone can help ?
Facebook didn't allowed to use the feature of shared albums ( in SDK, so you need to find an alternative.

Facebook API/Dialogue for Un-Friending people?

I'm aware a similar question has been asked before, but I believe my request is slightly different so I'm going to go for it anyway.
Existing Questions/Findings
I have read the following articles on SO already:
Unfriending someone through the Facebook API?
Any way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API?
Previous queries have focussed mainly on silent/programatic un-friending of a user. I don't necessarily need it to be silent and would be quite happy to use a prompted dialogue box.
Is there anything even close to this, or some hack around I could use?
In one of the articles above, an app is mentioned Burger King 'Whopper Sacrifice' which did unfriend I believe. The reason for it being shut down appears to be the privacy invasion/publicising of the un-friending (which seems a bit harsh!) rather than the un-friending itself.
Example idea/Summary
I am looking for some way to simply (either using or not using a prompt) help the user unfriend someone.
As an example, do you think it would be possible to use some kind of call to an iframe to bring up the dialogue?
No, there's no API or Dialog for this functionality. Users can use Facebook's own interface to remove friends but not via 3rd party apps.
Side note, the user can unfriend someone from that person's timeline, if you want one of your users to unfriend someone for some reason, just link them to that timeline and give them the 'unfriend' instructions
There is only way to add user as friend (Friends Dialog) but not terminate friendship, there is no such functionality in API or SDK-s Facebook provide.

How i can use the facebook like in my wordpress in order to show the post?

I want to use the facebook like button us an if statement. before show a post i want first the user click the like button in order to see the post. how i can do this?
There's a PHP script for sale on CodeCanyon that does exactly that:
I don't believe that's possible. In fact, it might violate Facebook's Terms of Service. Rather, consider adding the Facebook like plugin and have it display at the top of the post.
Note to Readers: If you are looking for the download to this file you can grab it here:
I am the developer of this premium WordPress plugin, I just wanted to let you know you can get instant access to the plugin, support, and free updates when download it through CodeCanyon.
It does comply with Facebook's TOS, and is NOT a method of click jacking which is what facebook frowns upon.

Is the Like Button the only currently supported method for posting a webpage to Facebook?

The Like Button seems like a very specific, and not very elegant in my opinion, solution to allowing users to post a web page to their Facebook profile. You have two options: 1) Use the iFrame solution, which allows very little flexibility in functionality, integration or appearance or 2) the XFBML solution which requires loading the entire Facebook javascript SDK just for one little "share this" button.
Is the Like Button the only way that is currently supported by Facebook to allow sharing of content to a user's Facebook profile? It seems to be the only method mentioned anywhere in the Facebook developer documentation, and I've had trouble finding any alternatives elsewhere on the internet.
There was a service called Facebook Share:<your url>&t=<your title>
I guess it's still working but I'm seeing people having troubles using it and Facebook is forcing developers to use the Like Plugin.
Most likely your visitors will have the Facebook JS Library cached on their browsers
Facebook uses CDNs and their servers are super fast
Even if it doesn't fit in your design, don't forget that users are used to it
You can create a Facebook Application and use the Graph API but it's way more complicated
Don't use their services!
Actually, Facebook share is the simplest and most natural solution to share content on your FB profile.
You may want to read this article.