How to open “Paid” app page in iPhone's AppStore by clicking button in “Lite” app? - iphone

I have 2 versions of an app. Lite and Paid. I want to have a button in Lite version which when clicked opens App Store application on iPhone and shows the page for Paid version of the app.
How do I do this? I DONT want to open Paid version iTunes page in Safari. It should open in App Store application only.
This is a bad solution. iPhone opens Safari first, then AppStore.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"itms:// APP ID NO."]];

Protocol itms-apps:// solves problem. Only AppStore opens.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"itms-apps:// APP ID NO."]];

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"{yourCountryCode}/app/idXXXXXXXXX"]];
where XXXXXXXXX is your app id
i think it doesnt get better than this.
EDIT: This link also doesn't know more and is pretty good from what i know:


How to open device Settings to login in to Twitter and Facebook from Social.Framework?

Im using Social.Framework for sharing app specific info to Facebook as well as Twitter everything is working except, if user is not already logged in to Facebook and Twitter in his device that time I want to show a message like login to these sites in device settings and I need to navigate user to Device Settings on tap of this button, my apps minimum deployment target is iOS 6.0 and above, How to take user to Apps Settings Screen from my app?
I heard that openURL is not allowed by Apple from iOS5.0 and above, so that I cant even use the below snippet,
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=TWITTER"]];

How to navigate to updates section in iTunes from an iPhone App

In my iphone app I just want to navigate to updates section of iTunes so that a user can see the updated version of my app. I am trying to do it with following line
NSString* link = #"itms-apps://";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString:link]];
It takes me to the iTunes but after loading for a while, it display a alert i.e "Cannot connect to iTunes Store".
So how can i nevigate to iTunes update section ?
Thanks in Advance.
Send the user directly to your app in the store. The "FREE" or "$" button will reflect "UPDATE".

How to open application/itunes store by one link?

I have idea! E.g I send invite to application for my friend by email. I wanna have link in this email. When user will click it, he will open application, if it's installed, if it's not - show iTunes store. Any idea how to realize it?
Communicating with Other Apps
I begun to read this one, but didn't find solution yet.
I provide the method to check whether an app is installed on iphone.
If the URL scheme for your app is "myapp:", then
BOOL myAppInstalled = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL urlWithString:#"myapp:"]];

Iphone app links to app store but shows blank page instead of app to download

I´m making an app on iphone and i have a button that links to the appStore in order to download another app.
I´m using the code below that opens safari and instead of showing the twitter app the his on the link, show a blank page.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Anyone knows how to solve this?
Was using the simulator, it doesn´t have a app store so offcourse it wouldn´t show it... Guessing it will show on a real device.

Linking the Developer Page at the appStore from an iPhone App

So I know how to open an app page on the appStore from within my iPhone app.
Is there a way to open my company's page? On iTunes on my mac I can do that, but using that URL in the iPhone I can't (or I'm not doing it right).
Thanks in advance.
This is a great article on this subject:
Quote from the article: — Search for all apps by developer
It’s also possible to link to all apps by one developer, but there’s a catch. On a Mac or a PC,
this will open iTunes and land on a developer’s page. On an iPhone or iPod touch it’ll do a bit of a
dance, opening MobileSafari, then iTunes, then the App Store app. Not ideal, a bit ugly and slow, but
it gets there in the end.
If you’d like to hide the redirections and speed up the process, Apple recommend using NSURLConnection.
this prevents it to do little dance it does normally
NSString *iTunesLink = #"itms-apps://";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]];
I used such URL in iOS 8, 9:
where tivogi is the developer's account name and id507966848 is the your developer id.
You can find correct link for you in the any browser: just go to developer page, copy url, and change scheme to itms-apps
In IOS SDK 6 and above, use below link for open developer link from app
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"itms://"]];