iOS Host public url - iphone

Lets say I have a pdf file on an iOS device that I want to transmit wirelessly to another iOS device.
Is there a way to simply get an NSURL from the file on device A so that device B can directly access it?
I'd like to skip the step of having to post it to a server first.

Yes, this is possible by making device A into an ad hoc HTTP server. You can find implementation help here:
It works quite well, but needs some fiddling.


Install .mobileconfig Programmatically

I am writing an app in order to automate the process of connecting an Apple mobile device to a wifi network and downloading configuration profiles to the device. Since it is being automated (by something such as Native Driver), all of the functions need to be controlled by the app itself, not sent to another app such as Settings or Safari.
I am already using Apple80211 private framework to connect to a wifi network as well as UIWebView in place of a browser in order to navigate to a specific webpage. Once I navigate to this webpage, my server will send the mobile device a .mobileconfig file in order to install a configuration profile. I haven't been able to find a clear answer on how to handle this .mobileconfig file once it is sent by the server. I have read in a few different places that UIWebView cannot handle the .mobileconfig file once it is sent. What would be the best way to handle this file when it is sent?
Also, once it is sent, and granted that something can handle the file, is there a way to install the configuration profile programmatically without the need for user input? i.e. are there any public or private frameworks that I can implement in order to install the configuration profile "behind the scenes?"
This app is only ever going to be used for testing purposes, and will only ever live on a handful of devices. Thanks in advance, any help will be much appreciated.
I tried a similar thing to do.
Unfortunately I didn't get it running with the UIWebView, but with switching to the Safari it worked:
Switch to safari, let the user install the config and send him back to your app. Just register to a custom URL Scheme like "yourapp://" and add a link to this URL in the HTML.

How can I send my app data from one iPhone to another

I built an app which I can add images and texts, what I would like to do is to pack a data from this app (which I can do that by serializing an object to a file) and send it non-synchronically to another app in another IPhone and open it there (without using the mail nor the internet).
for example if I had MMS on IPhone I could do that by sending the file as MMS and set my app to open files with specific post-fix I choose.
Please help, Thanks.
What do you mean by "without using the internet"? You could use NSNetServices to establish connections between devices, and send whatever you want between them. This relies on the TCP/IP protocol though, but does not use HTTP. So if you mean "without going via HTTP", this should be an alternative:
you use an url scheme for small data, or the new UIDocumentInteractionController

Want to transfer data on iPhone to a program on a PC

I have an iPhone app that reads barcodes. I want to transfer that data to a program I have written on my PC. Is this possible?
The easiest way to do this is to have a web server which the app transfers the barcode to and the application on the computer grabs it from. You could probably have each user make an account which they log in to on both the phone and the computer.
EDIT: This document: describes various methods for transferring data between an iphone and a computer.
This is just a suggestion, haven't tried it myself: You can use the iTunes filesharing feature Apple introduced for iOS. This seems to be a good tutorial on how to use it in your App
The only thing is that it requires the user to import/export the files to share on their own via iTunes, if you're cool with that it sounds like a good strategy to use built-in features of iOS.

Debugging iPhone App from Command Line

I can do it from XCode, but I want to be able to launch an iPhone App (on the device) from the command line. Is it possible?
Why? Because I want to capture some of the output for semi-automated testing. I'm guessing I need to use a debug build for NSLog output, but I'd also be interested to know about other methods for getting NSLog / stdio data back to the host Mac.
There is a project on github called titanium_mobile (part of Titanium Developer).
I use a utility from that project called iphonesim. It launches an iPhone app from the command line (though I am not sure how, I think there is a way to do that with If you take a step up one level in the Titanium Mobile code and look at you can see how they launch an app in the simulator and capture the output.
Ultimately I solved my specific need a different way. I needed to get data from the iPhone's accelerometers into a prototype app in Adobe AIR(Flash).
I used this app on the iPhone which drops UDP packets with X,Y,Z forces in them.
Found that from this blog post which might be of interest to people trying to do other similar things.
I used a Python script to present a server to Flash, grab UDP accelerometer packets, munge them into AMF and send them to Flash. Flash uses a socket to connect to this server and receive the accelerometer data.
A few parts, but it works nicely.
You can do this on the device if it is jailbroken. You can put a debug build and symbols on your device and run gdb on it. It is totally unsupported but I hear it works. Not sure if there is a good tutorial. Google?
One method would be to use the AsyncSocket class, and pass whatever data you want to log from the iPhone to a basic host app on the Mac, which NSLogs whatever it receives. If you follow the EchoServer application, you should be able to integrate it in just a few minutes

Apple Push Notifications - When Registering for Notifications no Callbacks are received at all

I've gone through all the steps as specified, am using a dev certificate with APN enabled and am calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: with the right flags in my app delegate.
Still, neither application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: nor application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: are being called. It looks like the registration request just gets stuck in transit.
What am I doing wrong?
This sounds silly, but it's bit me in the past: double-check your capitalization and parameter types. If a delegate method declaration isn't spot on your method won't get called, and you won't get any kind of warning.
Your best bet is to copy and paste the prototype from Apple's documentation.
Try your App on another device. If it works there...
I have the same Problem with one iPhone 3G (no jailbreak, no unlock). It somply dos not work with that phone. I tried updating to a newer iPhone OS. I tried a factory reset. It does show the confirmationscreen and it records the answer in the Settings. But neither application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError nor application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken are ever called.
The same App works on all other tested devices (ipods, iphones). This iPhone 3G does also not receive PNs for other apps.
PNs also did not work for one Jailbroken Classic iPhone.
It might be that your device is simply not behaving correctly. Try a different device.
I had this problem too and it was because of bad certificates, app id, provision profile...
Make sure that:
1, Correct certificates are installed on client AND server
2, Make sure that you have selected correct provision profile in your project settings. REMEMBER App ID in your provision profile has to be specific(not ending with *) and last part of this App ID has to match name of your application exactly and it is case sensitive. so iv your app is called myApp then your app id has to be SOMENUMBERScom.yourcompany.myApp
Just an idea...
I had the same problem and solved it by disconnecting from the cellular network. Seems to be some problem when both wireless and 3G are on concurrently.
I found out that PUSH notifications require port 5223 open in your network (if you are using WIFI), or otherwise, a cellular data connection.
I encountered the same problem in my home network, and had to open the port manually in the wireless router.