Pushing UILabel with another UILabel - iphone

I am working on an app in which I need to have the ability to tap and drag UILabels around. The second challenge is that I need the other UILabels on the screen to move out of each others way (never overlap). So as I drag one label and run into another, it bumps the second out of the way. Perhaps an important note is that each label will be random rotations as well.
I am sorry but I don't really have any code to share because I am not sure where to start with collision detection of this sort.
Perhaps CGRectIntersectRect() ?

Learn to use Cocos2d, you can set layers for images for your overlapping problem. You can create your own labels and just set their position to accelerate towards where the user touched, or customize this however you want.
Also with the collision detection, this would be easy to implement in Cocos2d.


endless vertical scrolling background

I want to make an endless vertical scrolling layer that gives the impression that the main character is moving upwards. I have been brainstorming on how to achieve this.
My issue is that I want objects to appear as if they are coming from above and below the screen at the same time. Secondly, I want to be able to move the main character to create and destroy box2d joints between it and some of the objects appearing on the screen. What is the best way to achieve this with consuming too much memory? I would appreciate any help on this.
Apple did a wonderful tutorial of this in a WWDC 2011 video session. It was "UITableView Changes, Tips & Tricks" and it's about 35m40sec into the video.
Since the use of the UITableView is really just a UIScrollView for the purposes of the background, you could just use a UIScrollView and you can either have it move on timer or events as needed.
Think of your player as moving within a stationary bounding box. The background can scroll using the aforementioned pooling method (as the background tile scrolls off the screen it is placed into a pool, and before a new tile is instantiated the pool is checked for available reusable tiles). Thirdly, your enemy objects will simply approach from either the bottom of the screen or the top.
Imagine your idea without the scrolling background (flying effect) and you should find that the problem is relatively straightforward.
I also needed and endless scrolling background layer. This can do exactly that, and it is super simple to set up and use. Just copy the four files in to the cocos2d folder in your project, then follow the quick tutorial seen on the github. Make sure the image you use is seamless (when you line them up vertically you can't tell where one ends.

Create a UIScrollView that can be embedded into another view

I'm trying to build a custom, reusable UIScrollView that can be added to multiple views. The scroll view is going to be a weight picker. For the life of me, I can't find a decent example for how to implement this neatly or cleanly.
I would love for someone to point me to an existing library or tutorial that shows me how to do this. I've hacked apart a few examples, but so far, nothing is very good or reusable. Please help!!
For what it's worth, I have an image that individual ticks for the weight. So I can select to the tenth of the number (e.g. 160.4). The image has the first tick bold and larger than the remaining 9. I'd like to have the weight/number centered over the large tick. I'll update the points to my label/datasource after scrolling stops.
I need to make this. I have the custom font, background, and ticker image.
I would not do this through an UIScrollView. I think it would be more complex and you would certainly end up having issues when trying to add you custom picker into another scroll view.
What I would do is:
building the picker view by means of a series of CALayers, each one representing a "building block" of your picker view; see attached image:
each building block would represent a specific value by mixing a UILabel (the text) and an image;
use a pan gesture recognizer, or alternatively define touchesBegin/Moved/Ended method to deal with panning;
when a pan is done, you displace the view content to the left or right according to the panning;
when panning, you also add new building blocks to the left or right end of the picker to account for empty areas that would be revealed by the displacement done at point 4.
I think that having a look at another kind of custom control source code would be of great help to you. You would not possibly find your custom picker already implemented, but could get some guidance. Have a look then at cocoa controls.
Hope this helps.
If I were going to implement this, I would create a really wide image that had every weight on it I'd ever need - I would probably create this in code when the app started up. This image is then used as the contentView of your picker. You get all the scrolling features "for free", and you could even update the values shown in the other parts of the view during scrolling (or dragging.
The scrollView is just the area with the tick marks and weight numbers, and resides in a subview above the background, but below the centered vertical line that shows the actual weight.
EDIT: on second thought, forget the image. If you have the code to draw the image, you can do the drawing in a custom UIView. So you get the draw rect, you know the contentOffset, so you can draw just what you need.

How does (or how would) Apple do this animation?

What I'm trying to do:
The bottom (and top) cells of a "grouped style" UITableView have rounded corners - as is the default in many Apple iOS and non Apple apps. Sometimes cells are inserted via an animation, i.e:
[tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
Now this works fine. Except: When a cell is inserted below the bottom cell, or above the top cell (for a grouped style table) - there seems to be no smooth animation.
The Problem:
What I mean is that the corners of the top/bottom cells need to animate from rounded to unrounded (as they are no longer top/bottom) - and this happens in a very jerky and unlike Apple fashion.
Does Apple ever do this in an App - if so, how do they do this smoothly? Otherwise, how could this be done right?
NB - I know this is a pretty minor detail, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist...!
Take a look at the Weather App that comes with iOS, in the flip side view where you configure your cities you will see a table that accommodates these animations. As Mark Adams points out, in iOS5 there is an enum for the OS to auto-detect which animation should be used. If you want to target pre-iOS5 then on your delegate method that commits deletion you should determine what cell is being deleted based on its row position, if its 0 you would use UITableViewRowAnimationBottom if it is the the last row you would use UITableViewRowAnimationTop and if it is somewhere in the middle you would likely use UITableViewRowAnimationTop so that the group shifts upward with the animation, you might want to play around with this though.
Sorry I don't have time to write actual code out and test it, but maybe I can give you a lead. You're basically asking to set the corner radius on only two corners of a cell, then fluidly animate them to sharp corners as they move toward the center of the table.
One way to do that might be to define your custom UITableViewCell with a CAShapeLayer as the background. CAShapeLayer is drawn from Quartz paths: see http://developer.apple.com/library/IOS/#documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/drawingwithquartz2d/dq_paths/dq_paths.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001066-CH211 . CAShapeLayer's path is animatable, but not with implicit animation. You'll need to use CAPropertyAnimation or perform your own interpolation. In my experience, for example in http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blaster-through-asteroid-field/id414827482?mt=8 , doing your own interpolation is faster and more reliable (but other than the interpolation and collision detection everything most of the game relies on quartzcore, so I don't think you'll have a performance issue).
SUMMARY: Custom cell has CAShapeLayer backing. CAShapeLayer has path with 2 rounded corners. You animate the path property as the position of cell moves toward a certain point on screen. Done, smoothly animated rounded-to-square corners. Let me know if you try it out :-)
Other references:
As there's no real (code complete) answer currently, here's a list of the best workarounds.
Change your interface so that this jerky animation never happens.
This might mean using a plain style tableView as opposed to grouped
style, or using the alternate style seen in the Weather app (see
Chris Wagner's answer. Thanks Chris!). It might even mean using a
completely different interface that doesn't incorporate this
animation - this was the solution I went for, I managed to work out
a UX alteration that is possibly even better than the original.
Deal with it. Apple seem to, in some of the less used parts of
the OS or their apps.
File a bug report on bugreport.apple.com. It would be nice if Apple
fixed this... I know it's a pretty minor detail, but that's why I
like Apple products - cos they get the little details right!
Create a custom UITableViewCell subclass. I've thought a bit about
this, and while it's a bit of a programming challenge, I think it's
doable. Here's how: EDIT: See Rab's answer for some more detail. Still haven't coded it out yet but may give it a go when I get some time.
The custom cell has a property that defines whether the cell is a top, middle, or bottom cell. This can be set by a UITableViewController (or subclass etc).
The backgroundView property of the custom cells can be custom drawn using quartz for the rounded corners etc.
Whenever the property that defines the position of the cell is altered, the change to backgroundView can be animated. The hard part
here is animating the curve of the corners... is this doable? Apple
seems to do it in the corners of notification center, when it is
pulled down and pushed up - so seems like it is possible.
If someone seriously want to do this, and put the code on gitHub... you would be awesome! And you would have bettered
Apple's UI ;)
Have you tried to insert two rows at a time? The one on the top with zero height, and the next with rounded corners (you can use quartz core for that)
If you check the Tags section of the 'Send to Youtube' part of the Photos app, you'll see apples animations are just as 'jerky' as the rest of ours. (obviously you need a video to upload to youtube)
I'll assume thats what you were thinking of...

Can it be done using UIAnimation?

I am developing a game for iPhone and I came across a question whether this can be done using UIAnimation or I have to switch to OpenGL.
If you see the picture above, you can realize there is a rectangle (it will have background image) having many holes in it. User is supposed to touch on holes and initiate the animation. The holes are actually on the image and are not some view. Do you know any article or tutorial I need to read in order to understand this can be done using UIAnimation?
It's more like chess. When you tap a hole, there is a view placed and moved at z-axis and then when you press the other hole, the view is moved to that hole and so on.
I believe it can be done with UIViews too. The holes can be made by using an image with "transparent" holes in it. You can place this UIView on top of a background image(if required). When touches are detected, you can animate another view on top of this view using addSubview:. You can keep this other view outside the screen bounds initially so that the animation seems like a sliding animation.
yes UIView is also an option in your case. if you feel that you will use high quality lots of graphic and will do lots of animation stuff at once on the screen, openGL will be the best or perhaps the gane you are making is a 2d game so you must consider COCOS2D "http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/" for kick starting your game you'll surely get many effects and other glittering stuff with it. and bes of all it is openGL based..!! Performance will be too high for you..!!
Best of luck..!!

OpenGL ES : Revealing underneath view

I am working on a sample in which I have placed two textures one above the other. What I want, whenever user moves his finger on the screen, underneath view should get revealed as he moves. Wiping out front view to reveal underneath view is what I am looking for.
I would like to know some of ideas/ thoughts to implement this feature using OpenGL ES. Any related pointer will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This does not sound performance-intensive so simple code can trump complicated tuned operations.
You don't need to use OpenGL. You can simply have two images - front and back - with the front supporting an alpha channel. Each time you get a hit or move, you clear a circular patch whereever the impact is for some certain radius or such.
And then queue-up a redraw. The redraw draws the two bitmaps, back first then front.
If possible, try to queue a redraw for just the the area where you have updated the front since the last draw.