gwt: How do I write a clone() method that doesn't result in "The method clone() is undefined for the type Object" error? - gwt

I'm using GWT 2.4. I have this class, which overrides the clone() method ...
public class Attribute implements Serializable, Cloneable {
public Object clone() {
Object ret = null;
try {
ret = super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
} // try
return ret;
Sadly, when I try and run my GWT test class, I get the compilation error
[ERROR] Line 113: The method clone() is undefined for the type Object
Anyone know how I can rewrite the above to avoid the compile errors while preserving the functionality? Thanks, - Dave

Object.clone is not supported by the GWT compiler. If you really need support for it you can follow a work around suggested in this GWT issue:


How to write C# implementation for a Q# operation with intrinsic body?

I have created a library in C# to be used in Q# programs. The library has two scripts, a C# class library called "Class1.cs" and a matching Q# script called "Util.qs", I share the code snippet of each here:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
static void Method_1 (string str) { ... }
namespace MyLibrary {
operation Op_1 (str : String) : Unit { body intrinsic; }
There is another Q# program in a different namespace that uses the namespace "MyLibrary" so after adding reference, in this Q# program I have:
namespace QSharp
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open MyLibrary;
operation TestMyLibrary() : Unit {
Op_1("some string");
When I execute "dotnet run" in the terminal I receive this message:
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors
occurred. (Cannot create an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is
an abstract class.) ---> System.MemberAccessException: Cannot create
an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is an abstract class.
How can I fix it?
Following Mariia' answer and also checking Quantum.Kata.Utils, I changed my code as following:
So, I changed Class1 script to:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
private string classString = "";
public Class1() { }
public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1{
string cl_1;
public Op_1_Impl (Class1 c) : base (c) {
cl_1 = c.classString;
public override Func<string, QVoid> Body => (__in) => {
return cl1;
Now the error messages are:
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core.QVoid'
error CS1662: Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types
in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type
Having checked Quantum.Kata.Utils, I realised I need to create a field and a constructor for Class1 which is a base class and also I should override Func<string, QVoid> as the Op_1 parameter is string type. But I am not sure if each of these steps individually is done properly?
Second Update:
I have changed the previous c# code in first update to the following one:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Common;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
namespace MyLibrary {
class Class1 : QuantumSimulator {
public Class1() { }
public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1{
Class1 cl_1;
public Op_1_Impl (Class1 c) : base (c) {
cl_1 = c;
public override Func<string, QVoid> Body => (__in) => {
return QVoid.Instance;
Now the error message is the same as the very first one:
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors
occurred. (Cannot create an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is
an abstract class.) ---> System.MemberAccessException: Cannot create
an instance of MyLibrary.Op_1 because it is an abstract class.
And also in this new code shouldn't the constructor public Class1() { } have a parameter? if so what datatype?
In your code, there is nothing connecting the Q# operation Op_1 and the C# code that you intend to implement it in Method_1.
Q# operations are compiled into classes. To define a C# implementation for a Q# operation with the intrinsic body, you have to define a class that implements the abstract class into which your Q# operation gets compiled; so you would have something like public class Op_1_Impl : Op_1.
Getting all the piping right can be a bit tricky (it's a hack, after all!) I would recommend looking at the operation GetOracleCallsCount and its C# implementation to see the exact pieces that have to be in place for it to work.
For the updated question, the signature of your method says that it takes string as an input and returns nothing (QVoid), but the implementation tries to return a string cl_1, so you get a Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core.QVoid'.
To provide a custom C# emulation for your Op_1 Q# operation, you'll need to replace your Class1.cs with something like this:
using System;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
namespace MyLibrary
public partial class Op_1
public class Native : Op_1
public Native(IOperationFactory m) : base(m) { }
public override Func<String, QVoid> Body => (str) =>
// put your implementation here.
return QVoid.Instance;
You can then run the Test1Library using the QuantumSimulator.
That being said, as Mariia said, this is kind of hacky, undocumented functionality that might change in the future, may I ask why you need this?

filter("/*).through(PersistFilter.class) does not compile

In my code I have the following:
private ServletModule getModule() {
return new ServletModule() {
public void configureServlets() {
It does not compile allthough it comes straight from the guice-persist site. The error message I get from the compiler is:[47,28] error: cannot access Filter
Netbeans tells me this:
method FilterKeyBindingBuilder.through(Class) is not applicable
(actual argument Class cannot be converted to Class by method invocation conversion)
I checked the code of PersistFilter and it does extend Filter.
Any ideas?
This was a stupid thing. The servlet api was not being pulled in. Guice-persist needs it

Inter Type Declaration on Compiled Class File

Is it possible to do Inter Type Declarations with AspectJ on Compiled Class Files at Load Time Weaving?
As an example: I compile some Groovy code and want to add fields or methods with IDT.
Oh my goodness, you do not need reflection to access members or execute methods. Eclipse shows errors in the editor, but you may just ignore them, the code compiles and runs fine anyway. So the aspect is really much more strightforward and simple:
public aspect LTWAspect {
public static String Application.staticField = "value of static field";
public String Application.normalField = "value of normal field";
public void Application.myMethod() {
void around() : execution(void Application.main(..)) {
System.out.println("around before");
System.out.println("around after");
new Application().myMethod();
Original answer:
Yes, but you have a hen-and-egg problem there, i.e. you cannot just reference the newly introduced fields from your LTW aspect code without reflection. (The last sentence is not true, see update above.) Plus, in order to make your LTW aspect compile, you need the classes to be woven on the project's build path so as to be able to reference them. Example:
Java project
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AspectJ project
import org.aspectj.lang.SoftException;
public aspect LTWAspect {
public static String Application.staticField = "value of static field";
public String Application.normalField = "value of normal field";
public void Application.myMethod() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SoftException(e);
void around() : execution(void Application.main(..)) {
System.out.println("around before");
System.out.println("around after");
try {
Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("myMethod", null).invoke(new Application());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SoftException(e);
So, e.g. in Eclipse you need to put the Java project on the AspectJ project's build path under "Projects" because only then it can see Java class Application on which you want to declare members. After compilation you just start the Java project and do LTW on the aspect project (don't forget an aop-ajc.xml referencing LTWAspect).
In my example above I declare a static member, a non-static ("normal") member and a non-static method. My advice prints the static member and calls the non-static method, both via reflection. The non-static method then prints the non-static member, again via reflection. This is not nice, but it works and proves the ITD in combination with LTW is possible. There might be a more elegant way, but if so I am unaware of it. (Update: There is a more elegant way: Just ignore the errors marked by Eclipse IDE, see above.)
Program output
around before
around after
value of static field
value of normal field

Cast class to base interface via reflection cause exception

I'm loading a .NET assembly dinamically via reflection and I'm getting all the classes that it contains (at the moment one). After this, I'm trying to cast the class to an interface that I'm 100% sure the class implements but I receive this exception: Unable to cast object of type System.RuntimeType to the type MyInterface
public interface MyInterface
void MyMethod();
public class MyClass : MyInterface
public void MyMethod()
public class MyLoader
Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("MyDLL.dll");
IEnumerable<Type> types = extension.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsClass);
foreach (Type type in types)
I have stripped out all the code that is not necessary. This is basically what I do. I saw in this question that Andi answered with a problem that seems the same mine but I cannot anyway fix it.
You are trying to cast a .NET framework object of type Type to an interface that you created. The Type object does not implement your interface, so it can't be cast. You should first create a specific instance of your object, such as through using an Activator like this:
// this goes inside your for loop
MyInterface myInterface = (MyInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(type, false);
The CreateInstance method has other overloades that may fit your needs.

Reflection / C# typing errors when publishing an F# class implementing an interface

I have an interface written in C#, but when implementing it in F#, I noticed some oddities.
The F# class has to be cast to the interface before C# can consume it
After casting, WPF can't read it's properties (Bindings failed and SNOOP was unable to reflect on it)
I can wrap the object in C# code and everything works fine.
the interface
public interface IInterpret {
public string Name {get;}
public IEnumberable<Project> Interpret(string text);
The F# Class
type Interpreter()=
interface IInterpret with
member x.Name = "FParsec Based"
member x.Interpret(str) = Seq.empty
The code below fails to compile
The error is about Interpreter not implementing IInterpert
public ViewModel(){
IInterpret i = new FSharpLib.Interperter();
This is my current workaround
public class MyProxy: IInterpret{
private IInterpret _cover;
public MyProxy() {
_cover = new FSharpLib.Interperter() as IInterpret;
public string Name { get { return _cover.Name; } }
public IEnumerable<Project> Interpret(string text){
return _cover.Interpret(text);
Is there something I'm doing wrong with my F# class def, or is the proxy needed? I'm using the current VS2010 f#, not an out of band drop.
F# implements all interfaces explicitly. This means you must explicitly cast to the interface type.
I don't know a ton about WPF binding to explicit interfaces, but see if these
help? (I just found them Bing-ing for "wpf binding explicit interfaces".)
(Another alternative may be to do something like
type Interpreter()=
member x.Name = "FParsec Based"
member x.Interpret(str:string) = Seq.empty
interface IInterpret with
member x.Name = x.Name
member x.Interpret(str) = x.Interpret(str)
where you "explicitly implement the interface implicitly", if you pardon the confusing terminology.)