Automatically saving shell history in Emacs - emacs

Is there an easy way to automatically save every command I execute in shell-mode buffer? I'm running things like python and lua from Emacs' shell buffer and want to save those in addition to regular bash commands.
Default behavior saves history in in .history or .bash_history, but it does not save input to subprocesses. As an example, if I do the following
ls /export/hda3/tmp
import sys
ls /export/hda3/tmp
the following gets saved
ls /export/hda3/tmp
ls /export/hda3/tmp

Commands are saved automatically, only you need to make sure to actually exit the shell. If you simply kill the shell buffer then no commands will be saved.
I added a check to emacs exit to warn me if I have an open shell buffer, so that I can exit it manually:
(defun my-check-if-no-shell-buffer-exists ()
(if (not (get-buffer "*shell*"))
(message "you have a shell buffer, make sure you exit it manually")
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'my-check-if-no-shell-buffer-exists)
It would even be better if the shell buffer would do it automatically when killing the buffer. I think it's a bug in emacs that it fails to do that.
Edit: I noticed I have a setting which prevented running process warnings when emacs exits and that's why I needed the above function. If you get a warning about a running shell already when exiting, then you don't need it, you only need to exit the shell manually to save history.


Emacsclient called by applescript can't find emacs server socket

The shell command
emacsclient -n -e '(make-remember-frame)'
But the applescript
do shell script "emacsclient -n -e '(make-remember-frame)'"
just returns
emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?
To start the server in Emacs, type \"M-x server-start\".
emacsclient: No socket or alternate editor. Please use:
--server-file (or environment variable EMACS_SERVER_FILE)
--alternate-editor (or environment variable ALTERNATE_EDITOR)
I rarely use this, but it has worked successfully in the past for various purposes. Perhaps you can modify it to suit your needs. The init.el or .emacs file must have (server-start) inside in order to make everything work. I have lots of stuff that loads when Emacs is activated for the first time, so I need a 5 second delay before emacsclient is called -- you can adjust the delay downward if your Emacs loads faster. If Emacs is already running, there is no need for a delay. You can comment out the verbal messages generated by say -- I used them this morning to test the conditions and make a minor adjustment to the script. The script contains a command-line example on line 4, which calls two Emacs functions. Of course, the path to your Emacs and emacsclient will need to be adjusted to wherever you have installed them on your computer.
# `(server-start)` must be inside `init.el` or `.emacs` file.
# This script can be used in the terimal: osascript path-to-script arguments
# Terminal Example:
# osascript /Users/HOME/ "-e '(progn (dired \"/Applications\") (message \"Hello-World\!\"))'"
on run argv
set arg to item 1 of argv
set emacs to application "Emacs"
set appIsRunning to emacs is running
if appIsRunning then
say "Emacs is already running."
do shell script "/Users/HOME/ " & arg
tell application "/Users/HOME/" to activate
say "Please wait five seconds for Emacs to load."
delay 5
do shell script "/Users/HOME/ " & arg
end if
end run

Closing emacs in emacs

Occasionally when using emacs in term mode I will mistakenly run emacs file instead of just opening the file. This will create a nested emacs client inside the current client. My problem is how to close the inner client only?
You should be able to C-z out of it, then kill it with
kill %1
C-z will suspend the current process, assigning it a job number and returning you to the shell.
The jobs command will show you the current jobs and their numbers. kill allows you to kill a process by its job number using the %n syntax.
Just use the command M-x kill-emacs inside the inner emacs. Backgrounding and killing it works fine but it is a little bit more hackish.
You should use the top Emacs. Starts emacs with:
emacs --daemon
Starts all frame with:
emacsclient -c
From your term:
emacsclient -n
Or you should use eshell instead.

How to kill a remote process without killing the shell (C-c C-c also kills the shell...)

Assume you work on a remote server from a local emacs shell (started with M-x shell). If you execute a process which takes too long (for example an ls in a directory with a huge amount of files), you would like to stop that process (in the terminal one would use control-c). I tried C-c C-c but that kills the whole shell... How can I only kill the running process on the remote server and not the whole shell?
1) M-x shell (execute on local machine)
2) ssh (execute on local machine)
3) sleep 60 (execute on remote machine)
4) C-c C-c (execute in the current shell)
=> instead of still being on the remote host and just the sleep command being killed, the whole remote connection is closed and you are on your local machine again.
When I follow the steps you listed, I find myself back at the remote shell prompt. I'm using Emacs 23.1.1.
I find that typing C-q C-c RET also interrupts the remote process, again leaving me at the remote shell prompt. You might try that as an alternate approach.
It is unclear to me if you want to kill the command from within emacs, but you could alternately open another connection or window (if you are using screen or tmux) and perform the standard
ps aux | grep hungprocess
and then
kill hungprocess_pid
For some reason I kept thinking that such a method wouldn't work and that I'd end up taking down emacs as well. I have used such a method multiple times when I haven't set up my gpg pinentry agent when opening a gpg encrypted file in emacs. Emacs/gpg will try to spawn a GUI and therefore hangs emacs, waiting for input in the GUI when I am remotely ssh'ed in.

Running emacs from the command line and handling locked files

I'm using org-mode and am looking to export my agenda (example of an agenda) to a text file so that I can display it with conky. The org-mode manual features this command line example to do this:
emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "t")' | lpr
I've modified this like so:
emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "e")' \
> ~/org/aux/agenda-export.txt
I have this set as a cron job to run every 5 minutes. It works great unless I actually have emacs open. Then I noticed that the file agenda-export.txt was empty. In running this manually from the coammand line vs. through cron, I get this error (or similar depending on the files I have open):
...~/org/ locked by jwhendy (pid 10935): (s, q, p, ?)?
I was going to write a script to perhaps export to agenda-export-test.txt, then perhaps check for an empty file or no lines (wc -l == 0 maybe?). If true, leave the existing file alone and delete agenda-export-test.txt. If not, then move agenda-export-test.txt to agenda-export.txt.
But... when I try to run such a script, I'm met with the same emacs inquiry about whether to steal the lock, proceed, or quit. I'm fine with proceeding, as I don't think org-agenda does anything to the files and thus it wouldn't harm anything... but I don't know how to tell emacs to "force" or choose "proceed" if problems are encountered. I need something non-interactive.
So, to summarize, my thoughts were to try:
passing a --force option or similar to emacs to make it proceed at the pause
see if the exported tmp file has any lines and deal with it accordingly
tell emacs to run in "read only mode" (but I don't think it exists)
The main issue is that with cron, I'm not there to tell the process what to do, and so it just just make an empty file as the exported results. How can I handle this locked file business with a "blind" process like cron that can't respond?
I've tried asking the mailing list as well without a working outcome. [1] I wondered if someone here might have ideas.
Have you tried copying file without using emacs?
put in your crontab:
cp ~/org/ /tmp/ && emacs -batch .... /tmp/ ..
A regular "cp" command should not copy emacs locks. Of course, once in a while you might get a damaged file if you save agenda just during cp command, but this should not be too bad.

How can I make emacsclient just open a window for an existing emacs daemon without opening a new file

I use an emacs daemon to preserve my emacs session even if I have to reboot the machine that I run my X server on or if I want to access the same session from a different machine. This works very well but when restoring a session I'd quite like to just run "emacsclient --create-frame --no-wait" to connect to the daemon without opening a new file. It won't let me get away without specifying a filename.
I've tried using --eval to execute a function rather than open a file but the window just goes away when the evaluation is complete.
(Emacs 23.1 via backports on Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.)
From the help provided by emacsclient, you have a few options. First, is the one mentioned already which is emacsclient -c. That will try to create a frame associated with the emacs daemon. The advantage to this is that if DISPLAY is not set, then it will open emacs in the terminal.
Which brings us to the next best option (especially if you are logging in remotely): emacsclient -t which forces emacs to open up in terminal mode even if DISPLAY is set.
Also keep in mind that you can set the display from the command-line as well. I use this often when logging in remotely from VNC. The full command would be emacsclient -d DISPLAY -c
emacsclient -c works for me.
emacsclient -n -e "(make-frame)"
The -n flag means that the emacsclient doesn't wait, and the emacs instance doesn't destroy the frame.
If you are using emacs from the command line, you might also want to consider emacsclient -t