class with multiple xib or more classes? - iphone

in my application, I made a transition from FirstViewController to FormViewController.
[self presentModalViewController:formViewController animated:YES];
in FormViewController I want to display four images, each time the user clicks an image, I note the number or the name of the image clicked in a dictionary and I display the four next images. So, there are about 8 sets of 4 images.
So my questions are, each four images shoul be showed in a new class, or i should put all the images in FormViewController and use .hidden ?
it's possible to make an animation when changing images ? not an animation of all the view , only the images.

I'd use a single xib and a single class. The class needs some kind of data model to hold the list of available images, the previously chosen images and the current visible ones.
When the user clicks an image, update the data and show new ones with something like this to fade-out old image and fade-in the new one.
/* ARC code */
-(void)animationDidStop:(NSString *)animationID finished:(NSNumber *)finished context:(void *)context {
/* destroy the transition view, set the image first */
UIImageView *transitionImageView = (UIImageView *)context;
self.pic.image = transitionImageView.image;
[transitionImageView removeFromSuperview];
transitionImageView = nil;
- (void)clickHandler:(id)sender {
/* temporary view for the animation */
UIImageView *transitionImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.pic.frame];
transitionImageView.image = <# new UIImage #>;
transitionImageView.alpha = 0.0f;
[self.view addSubview:transitionImageView];
[UIView beginAnimations:#"UpdateImages" context:transitionImageView];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0f];
transitionImageView.alpha = 1.0f;
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:#selector(animationDidStop:finished:context:)];
[UIView commitAnimations];
Adapt it for your four images.
If you want more fancy animations you can have two sets of 4 UIImageViews and use them to show and animate the image transitions.

you can show the images in the same class and personally I believe that is what u shud do as it will be easier to manage ur code , and yes you can animate the image changes.


Vertical UIScrollView?

Im struggling with some iOS development and I hope someone will be able to help me with an advice. I want to implement a stack of UIViews that will look like a deck of cards. User should be able to swipe out 'cards' with touch. I thought of UIScrollViews with pagingEnabled to give an impression that cards are separate. However, UIScrollView can swipe from horizontally where something appears from left or right side. I want my deck of cards to be in the middle of the screen so the user can swipe cards from the deck without seeing the card appearing on the left or right side.
Also, I was thinking of using Touch Methods ( touchesBegan, touchesMoved, etc.) to move views. It could work... but Im worried that I wont be able to reproduce proper mechanics of the card ( friction, bouncing effect when the swipe is to short and so on..).
Can someone please point me to a proper technique or advice some tutorials? I did some research already but I couldn't find anything that would be helpful.
Here is an image of the effect that I would like to achieve.
And what I want to achieve is to swipe cards out of the deck.
Thanks a lot!
I guess you want a swipe to take the top card of the stack and “shuffle” it to the bottom of the stack, revealing the second card on the stack, like this:
The animation is much smoother in real life. I had to use a low frame rate to make the animated GIF small.
One way to do this is to create a subclass of UIView that manages the stack of card views. Let's call the manager view a BoardView. We'll give it two public methods: one for shuffling the top card to the bottom, and one for shuffling the bottom card to the top.
#interface BoardView : UIView
- (IBAction)goToNextCard;
- (IBAction)goToPriorCard;
#implementation BoardView {
BOOL _isRestacking;
We'll use the _isRestacking variable to track whether the board view is animating the movement of a card off to the side.
A BoardView treats all of its subviews as card views. It takes care of stacking them up, with the top card centered. In your screen shot, you offset the lower cards by slightly randomized amounts. We can make it look a little sexier by rotating the lower cards randomly. This method applies a small random rotation to a view:
- (void)jostleSubview:(UIView *)subview {
subview.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((((double)arc4random() / UINT32_MAX) - .5) * .2);
We'll want to apply that to each subview as it's added:
- (void)didAddSubview:(UIView *)subview {
[self jostleSubview:subview];
The system sends layoutSubviews whenever a view's size changes, or when a view has been given new subviews. We'll take advantage of that to lay out all of the cards in a stack in the middle of the board view's bounds. But if the view is currently animating a card out of the way, we don't want to do the layout because it would kill the animation.
- (void)layoutSubviews {
if (_isRestacking)
CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds));
UIView *topView = self.subviews.lastObject;
CGFloat offset = 10.0f / self.subviews.count;
for (UIView *view in self.subviews.reverseObjectEnumerator) { = center;
if (view == topView) {
// Make the top card be square to the edges of the screen.
view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
center.x -= offset;
center.y -= offset;
Now we're ready to handle the shuffling. To “go to the next card”, we need to animate moving the top card off to the side, then move it to the bottom of the subview stacking order, and then animate it back to the middle. We also need to nudge the positions of all of the other cards because they've all moved closer to the top of the stack.
- (void)goToNextCard {
if (self.subviews.count < 2)
First, we animate the movement of the top card off to the side. To make it look sexy, we rotate the card as we move it.
UIView *movingView = self.subviews.lastObject;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
_isRestacking = YES;
CGPoint center =;
center.x = -hypotf(movingView.frame.size.width / 2, movingView.frame.size.height / 2); = center;
movingView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_4);
In the completion block, we move the card to the bottom of the stack.
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
_isRestacking = NO;
[self sendSubviewToBack:movingView];
And to move the now-bottom card back into the stack, and nudge all of the other cards, we'll just call layoutSubviews. But we're not supposed to call layoutSubviews directly, so instead we use the proper APIs: setNeedsLayout followed by layoutIfNeeded. We call layoutIfNeeded inside an animation block so the cards will be animated into their new positions.
[self setNeedsLayout];
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction animations:^{
[self jostleSubview:movingView];
[self layoutIfNeeded];
} completion:nil];
That's the end of goToNextCard. We can do goToPriorCard similarly:
- (void)goToPriorCard {
if (self.subviews.count < 2)
UIView *movingView = [self.subviews objectAtIndex:0];
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
_isRestacking = YES;
CGPoint center =;
center.x = -movingView.frame.size.height / 2; = center;
movingView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_4);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
_isRestacking = NO;
UIView *priorTopView = self.subviews.lastObject;
[self bringSubviewToFront:movingView];
[self setNeedsLayout];
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction animations:^{
[self jostleSubview:priorTopView];
[self layoutIfNeeded];
} completion:nil];
Once you have BoardView, you just need to attach a swipe gesture recognizer that sends it the goToNextCard message, and another swipe gesture recognizer that sends it the goToPriorCard message. And you need to add some subviews to act as cards.
Another detail: to get the edges of the cards to look smooth when they're jostled, you need to set UIViewEdgeAntialiasing to YES in your Info.plist.
You can find my test project here:
Icarousel has that exact built in scrolling using UIImageViews. There's several different effects in there, I forget the name of the one you're describing.

How do I present a UIViewController by zooming?

In my iPad app I have a view controller with a small table view. When you tap on the table view it opens a modal view controller that is a larger and more refined version of the small table view. I would like to create an animation from a pre-rendered image of the large view controller by scaling the image down to be the size of the small table view and zoom it to full screen size and then replace the image with the "real" view controller.
Something like:
LargeViewController* lvc = [[LargeViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:lvc byZoomingFromRect:CGRectMake(50,50,200,300)];
I know you can produce an image from a view:
- (UIImage *) imageWithView:(UIView *)view
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view.opaque, [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]);
[view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage * img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return img;
But how do I make the view controller draw itself (offscreen) so I can take it's view and scale the image in an animation to fill screen?
Thanks in advance.
I suppose you want to create your very own animation. Last month I played around with something like that. My solution was adding a custom view (maybe taken from a view controller) to the current view as an overlay. This works with layers, too.
First you fetch the Image from your "future" or "present" view controller, like you did in your code example above. Normally the view controllers content should be available while rendering to the context.
Now you have the image. The manipulation of the image must be done by you.
Add the image to a UIImageView. This ImageView can be added as subview or layer. Now you have a layer where you can freely draw above your actual user interface. Sometimes you have to move the layer or view around, so that it perfectly overlays your view. This depends on your view setup. If you are dealing with Tableviews, adding a subview is not that easy. So better use the layer.
After all the work was done, present the new view controller without animation, so that it appears immediately.
Remove the layer or view from your parent view after the work was done, and clean up.
This sounds complicated, but once you've done that you have a template for that. In "WWDC 2011, Session 309 Introducing Interface Builder Storyboarding" apple introduced 'custom segues', where you'll find a mechanism for exactly what you want to do. The code below is a cut out of an older project and is somehow messy and must be cleaned up. But for showing the principle this should work:
-(void) animate {
static LargeViewController* lvc = [[LargeViewController alloc] init];
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, view.opaque, [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]);
[lvc.view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
// Create a ImageView to display your "zoomed" image
static UIImageView* displayView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
static UIImage * img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// Add your image to the view
displayView.image = img;
// insert the view above your actual view, adjust coordinates in the
// frame property of displayView if overlay is misaligned
[[self.view] addSubview:displayView];
// alternatively you can use the layer
// [self.view.layer addSublayer:displayView.layer];
// draw the imageView
[displayView setNeedsDisplay];
// do something in background. You may create your own
// construction, i.e. using a timer
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval animationDuration = 3.;
NSTimeInterval t = -[now timeIntervalSinceNow];
while (t < animationDuration) {
t = -[now timeIntervalSinceNow];
// Do some animation here, by manipulation the image
// or the displayView
// <calculate animation>, do something with img
// you have exact timing information in t,
// so you can set the scalefactor derived from t
// You must not use an UIImage view. You can create your own view
// and do sth. in draw rect. Do whatever you want,
// the results will appear
// in the view if you added a subview
// or in a layer if you are using the layer
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// display the result
displayView.image = img;
[displayView setNeedsDisplay];
// now the animation is done, present the real view controller
[self presentModalViewController:lvc animated:NO];
// and clean up here
Perhaps you could use something like
CGAffineTransform tr = CGAffineTransformScale(lvc.view.transform, 0.5, 0.5);
to embed a scaled down version of the view in your parent view controller, then present lvc modally and restore scale when the user taps the view.
UIKit takes care of most of this for you. While jbat100's solution could be made to work too, you should be able to do this simply by setting lvc's initial frame to the smaller rect you want to start out at and then when you set the frame too its full size, the implicit animation for changing the frame will handle the zooming animation for you. Each UIView has a CALayer that its content is drawn in and that layer has several implicit animtions setup to animated changes to certain properties such as the frame or position properties. Here is my untested stab at it:
lvc.view.frame = CGRectMake(50,50,200,300);
[self performSelector:#selector(setFrameToFullScreen) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
- (void)setFrameToFullScreen {
lcv.view.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
The performSelector:withObject:afterDelay call will cause setFrameToFullScreen to be called on the next run loop cycle. If you don't do something like that, then only the final frame will be used and the system won't recognize the change in the frame and apply its implicit animation to the views layer.

iPad - No user interaction on view animated on-screen

Alright this is a newbie question, so I apologize in advance. I have a UIView which I laid out in Interface Builder off-screen. When the user presses a button, I would like to animate this view on-screen. It works, but I can't interact with any buttons in the UIView. I have read that only the view is moved when you animate and that the actual objects retain their positions, so I have tried setting the position of the UIViews' layers, but it causes my UIView menu to display an extra 81 pixels to the left. When this happens, I can interact with the buttons, but I need it to be flush with the right of the screen. Here is my code in the IBAction on the openMenu button:
CABasicAnimation *moveView = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
moveView.delegate = self;
// If the menu is displayed, close it!
CGPoint currentPosView = [[entirePage layer] position];
CGPoint destView;
[moveView setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:currentPosView]];
if (menuDisplayed) {
// Move right to our destination
destView.x = currentPosView.x;
destView.y = currentPosView.y + 81;
[moveView setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:destView]];
// Otherwise, open it
} else {
// Move left to our destination
destView.x = currentPosView.x;
destView.y = currentPosView.y - 81;
[moveView setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:destView]];
// Animate the view
[[entirePage layer] addAnimation:moveView forKey:#"move"];
// Set the final position of our layer
[[entirePage layer] setPosition:destView];
menuDisplayed = !menuDisplayed;
And then in the animationDidStop method:
CGPoint currentPosMenu = [[menuBar layer] position];
if (menuDisplayed) {
currentPosMenu.x -= 81;
} else {
currentPosMenu.x += 81;
[[menuBar layer] setPosition:currentPosMenu];
You shouldn't need to mess with the layers. You could probably achieve the effect you want by laying out the views in Interface Builder at the positions they will be in after they are animated into view. In other words, first lay things out in their final/correct positions. Don't do anything funky in IB.
In your code, after the app is launched or in a -viewDidAppear: method if you're using a UIViewController, you could offset the views by some amount and then restore them to their original position in an animation block:
myView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0,81);
[UIView beginAnimations:#"slideUp" context:nil];
myView.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
[UIView commitAnimations];
As for the lack of user interaction on your views, that could be a number of things. If all of your views are subviews of something like a UIImageView, UIImageView has userInteractionEnabled set to NO by default (at least if you build one in code - I'm not sure off hand what IB's default settings are for an image view). It could also mean that the superview of your views is actually too small and its frame does not contain the subviews. (If clipping was turned on for the superview, you wouldn't even be able to see subviews that are having this particular problem.)
I read things more carefully and see you want things to move in response to a button press, so in other words the views will need to be hidden from the start. In that case you could still lay everything out in IB in their final position, but just set them as hidden in IB. When you push the button, set the views visible (hidden=NO) before translating them. That should allow them to be laid out in their final/correct place in IB making sure that they are positioned on the proper superviews, etc while still getting the animation effect you want.
Forget about the animations for now; you should move your view by setting its frame property.
CGRect menuFrame = entirePage.frame;
if (menuDisplayed)
menuFrame.origin.x += 81;
menuFrame.origin.x -= 81;
entirePage.frame = menuFrame;
// Do your animation here, after the view has been moved
Don't worry about the animation until you've verified that your view is being placed in the correct location. Once you've verified that that code is working correctly, then do your animation after you set the frame property.
Note that you probably don't need to use the CoreAnimation API at all, unless you're doing something complex. UIKit can do animation on its own. E.g:
[UIView beginAnimations:#"MyAnimation" context:NULL];
myFirstView.frame = ...;
myOtherView.frame = ...;
[UIView commitAnimations];

Animation is slow on iPhone

I'm developing an app that would display images and change them according to the user's action. I've created a subclass of UIView to contain an image, an index number and an array of image names. The code is like this:
#interface CustomPic : UIView {
UIImageView *pic;
NSInteger index;
NSMutableArray *picNames; //<-- an array of NSString
And in the implementation part, it has a method to change the image using a dissolve effect.
- (void)nextPic {
if (index >= [picNames count]) {
index = 0;
UIImageView *temp = pic;
pic.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[picNames objectAtIndex:index]];
temp.alpha = 0;
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
pic.alpha = 0;
temp.alpha = 1;
[UIView commitAnimations];
In the viewController, there are several CustomPic which would change the images depends on users' choice. The images would change as expected with the fade in/out effect, but the animation performance is really bad. I've tested it on an iPhone 3G, the Instruments shows that the animation is only 2-3FPS! I tried many methods to simplify and modify the codes but with no hope. Is there something wrong in my code or in my concept? Thanks for any help.
P.S. all the images are 320*480 PNGs with a max size of 15KB.
In that code snippet you are only using one UIImageView:
UIImageView *temp = pic;
So this line does nothing:
pic.alpha = 0;
To fade one image in and another image out, you need two instances of UIImageView.
To speed things up, you might want to load the next image ahead of time. Set a delegate for the animation, and when it completes load the image that will be displayed in the next call of nextPic.
If the images are not transparent, try setting the pic.opaque = YES; so the view can ignore underlying views. If that is not an option, try having as few views as possible between the fading view and a full screen opaque view. At each step of the fade, the view must be composited with every underlying view until an opaque view is found.
If you have many transparent views under the fade, consider making a temporary composite of them all, the equivalent of flatten layers in photoshop, and placing the composite as an image in a full screen opaque view before starting the fade. It may delay starting the fade a moment, but the fade itself should be smoother.
Are you running iPhone OS 4 beta? I find the beta OS much slower on the older generation devices like iphone 3g
Try change
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.025];
and see if that's something you are looking for...
With an animation duration of .25 of a second, you can be guaranteed to get < 4 FPS. What FPS are you targeting?

iPhone SDK: After a certain number of characters entered, the animation just won't load

Okay, this is the code:
[lblMessage setText: txtEnter.text];
[lblMessage sizeToFit];
scrollingTextView.contentSize = lblMessage.frame.size;
float width = (lblMessage.frame.size.width) + (480);
[UIView beginAnimations:#"pan" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:durationValue];
[UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:5];
scrollingTextView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(width,0);
[UIView commitAnimations];
//The scrolling text view is rotated.
scrollingTextView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (3.14/2);
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
btnChange.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (3.14/2);
I have the user enter in some text, press a button and then a label is replaced with the text, turned 90 degrees in a scrollview on a page.
After a certain number of characters, for example say 20.. the animation just won't load. I can go back down until the animation will run.
Any ideas on where I am going wrong, or a better way of storing the text etc etc ?
Core Animation animations are performed on a separate thread. When you enclose the change in contentOffset in a beginAnimations / commitAnimations block, that change will be animated gradually. The scrolling text view rotation that occurs next, outside of the animation block, will be performed instantly. Since both are interacting with the same control on different threads, it's not surprising that you're getting weird behavior.
If you want to animate the rotation of the text in the same way as the contentOffset, move that line of code to within the animation block.
If you want to have the rotation occur after the offset change animation has completed, set up a callback delegate method. You can use code in the beginning of your animation block similar to the following:
[UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:#selector(contentOffsetAnimationHasFinished:finished:context:)];
which requires you to implement a delegate method like the following:
- (void)contentOffsetAnimationHasFinished:(NSString *)animationID finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)context;
// Do what you need to, now that the first animation has completed
EDIT (2/6/2009):
I just created a simplified version of your application, using only the sideways text scrolling, and find no problem with the animation on the device with any number of characters. I removed all extraneous calls to layout the buttons, etc., and only animate the text. Rather than apply the rotation transform to the scroll view every time you click the button, I have it start rotated and stay that way.
I thought it might be a layer size issue, as the iPhone has a 1024 x 1024 texture size limit (after which you need to use a CATiledLayer to back your UIView), but I was able to lay out text wider than 1024 pixels and still have this work.
A full Xcode project demonstrating this can be downloaded here. I don't know what your issue is, but it's not with the text animating code you present here.
Right, this code is working fine in the simulator, and works fine until i enter more than say 20 characters in txtEnter.text:
- (IBAction)updateMessage:(id)sender
//Animation coding
//Put the message in a resize the label
[lblMessage setText: txtEnter.text];
[lblMessage sizeToFit];
//Resize the scrolliew and change the width.
scrollingTextView.contentSize = lblMessage.frame.size;
float width = (lblMessage.frame.size.width) + (480);
scrollingTextView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (3.14/2);
//Begin the animations
[UIView beginAnimations:#"pan" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:durationValue];
[UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:5];
//Start the scrolling text view to go across the screen
scrollingTextView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(width,0);
[UIView commitAnimations];
//General hiding and showing points.
[txtEnter resignFirstResponder];
[btnChange setHidden:NO];
[txtEnter setHidden:YES];
[btnUpdate setHidden:YES];
[lblSpeed setHidden:YES];
[lblBackground setHidden:YES];
[backgroundColourControl setHidden:YES];
[speedSlider setHidden:YES];
[scrollingTextView setHidden:NO];
[backgroundImg setHidden:NO];
[toolbar setHidden:YES];
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES];
//Depending on the choice from the segment control, different colours are loaded
switch([backgroundColourControl selectedSegmentIndex] + 1)
case 1:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent animated:YES];
case 2:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque animated:YES];
default: break;
btnChange.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (3.14/2);
I've tried your method Brad, but can't seem to get the (void) section to work properly.
What my app does its fill the label with a message and then rotates them all to act like it's in landscape mode. Then what it does it scroll the label within a scrollview to act like a scrolling message across the screen.