boolean test = true;// my loop starts here and i want to be able to loop the //switch statement when non of the cases are selected, I want the loop to go to back to case 1 after displaying the error message.
while (test)
Proceed = Next.nextInt();
switch (Proceed) {
case 1:// Proceed
System.out.println("Please enter your 5 digit pin below.");
Scanner Pin = new Scanner(;
int Pincode = Pin.nextInt();
if (Pincode > 9999 && Pincode < 99999) {
System.out.println("1)Display Balance");
System.out.println("2)Withdraw Cash");
System.out.println("3)Other services");
} else {
.println("Sorry,the pin you enterd was incorrect\nyour card is being ejected\nPlease wait...");
case 2:// Return Card
System.err.println("Your card is being ejected.\n Please Wait..");
default: // i want to display this message and send it back to case 1. when i do the method i'm doing it just keeps spamming this message.
System.err.println("Sorry your request could not be processed.Please re-try");
If you want to send it back to case 1 then you need to set proceed to 1. I'm guessing that Next.nextInt() will give you 1, 2 but then 3 and then 4, etc. And anything over 2 will go to the default case
I try to use this code
Status = gBS->OpenProtocol(handles[i], &gEfiUserManagerProtocolGuid, (void **) &mUserManager, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL);
switch (Status)
case EFI_SUCCESS: Print(L"OpenProtocol _____ OK!\n\r"); break;
case EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER: Print(L"OpenProtocol _____ EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER!\n\r"); break;
case EFI_UNSUPPORTED: Print(L"OpenProtocol _____ EFI_UNSUPPORTED!\n\r"); break;
default: Print(L"OpenProtocol _____ Status = %d \n\r",Status); break;
Status = mUserManager->Create(mUserManager, &User);
switch (Status)
case EFI_SUCCESS: Print(L"Create _____ create successfully!\n\r"); break;
case EFI_ACCESS_DENIED: Print(L"Create _____ EFI_ACCESS_DENIED!\n\r"); break;
case EFI_UNSUPPORTED: Print(L"Create _____ EFI_UNSUPPORTED!\n\r"); break;
case EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER: Print(L"Create _____ EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER!\n\r"); break;
default: Print(L"Create _____ Status = %d \n\r",Status); break;
Status return EFI_SUCCESS, computer go to reboot. Next time i try to create user, status return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED. Where user profile storing? How to create user at second time?
I think you are creating a user with limited rights by default which can't create any other users that is why you have EFI_ACCESS_DENIED in return.
Here is the related quote from UEFI 2.4 Rev B specs, page 1837:
If the current user profile does not permit creation of new user profiles then
EFI_ACCESS_DENIED will be returned. If creation of new user profiles is not supported, then
EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
Here you can find an example of using the protocol you are trying to use.
User profiles are stored in non-volatile memory that must be protected from tampering, so it's implementation-defined thing, but all implementations I know are using NVRAM.
I would like to filter a product based on size, color with (or) operator in Shopify and multiple options. This feature is not yet available in Shopify. Here is a sample link (non Shopify store)
I have tried with the following example, it does work for price (between 200 to 300 and 300 to 400 price) class.
$( "#price input[type='checkbox']" ).change( function() {
var str_all= $("#all").attr("checked");
var str_200_300= $("#200-300").attr("checked");
var str_300_400= $("#300-400").attr("checked");
var case_id;
if(str_all=="checked") {
}else if((str_200_300=="checked") && (str_300_400=="checked")) {
}else if(str_200_300=="checked") {
}else if(str_300_400=="checked") {
}else {
switch(case_id) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
Use Powertools Shopify App for filters.
Power Tools can assist in basic tasks, automate processes and add new features to your store. It's a commercial app, but you can use the Free Trial which is 5 days.
I am using JQGrid v4.4.1 and MVC3.
When Selecting the 'Next Record' or 'Previous Record' icon on The JQGrid Edit Form, I get a Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property of method 'split'.
If highlights a block of code in the jquery.jqgrid.min.js module : var j=g.split(",")
Sometimes intellesense says that g=0, other times it's -2: I guess it's data related, but i cannot see anything that could be causing this!
I've tried to include a section of this module, including this call, but I'm struggling to make head nor tailof it!
Can anyone help me in determining the cause of this error?
jquery.jqGrid.min.js Extract
2*k+"'>"+t.rowcontent+"</td></tr>"),a(h).append(r),r[0].rp=u);0===m.length&&(m=a("<tr "+q+" rowpos='"+u+"'></tr>").addClass("FormData").attr("id","tr_"+f),a(m).append(p),a(h).append(m),m[0].rp=u);a("td:eq("+(y-2)+")",m[0]).html("undefined"===typeof t.label?e.p.colNames[o]:t.label);a("td:eq("+(y-1)+")",m[0]).append(t.elmprefix).append(l).append(t.elmsuffix);n[j]=o;j++}});if(0<j&&(o=a("<tr class='FormData' style='display:none'><td class='CaptionTD'></td><td colspan='"+(2*k-1)+"' class='DataTD'><input class='FormElement' id='id_g' type='text' name='"+"_id' value='"+d+"'/></td></tr>"),o[0].rp=j+999,a(h).append(o),c[].checkOnSubmit||c[].checkOnUpdate))c[]._savedData["_id"]=d;return n}function r(d,e,h){var f,k=0,g,m,j,q,l;if(c[].checkOnSubmit||c[].checkOnUpdate)c[]._savedData={},c[]._savedData["_id"]=d;var o=e.p.colModel;if("_empty"==d)a(o).each(function(){;j=a.extend({},this.editoptions||{});if((m=a("#"+a.jgrid.jqID(f),"#"+h))&&m.length&&null!==m[0])if(q="",j.defaultValue?
q}),a("#id_g","#"+h).val(d);else{var n=a(e).jqGrid("getInd",d,!0);n&&(a('td[role="gridcell"]',n).each(function(m){f=o[m].name;if("cb"!==f&&"subgrid"!==f&&"rn"!==f&&!0===o[m].editable){if(f==e.p.ExpandColumn&&!0===e.p.treeGrid)g=a(this).text();else try{,a(this),{rowId:d,colModel:o[m]},m)}catch(i){g="textarea"==o[m].edittype?a(this).text():a(this).html()}b.p.autoencode&&(g=a.jgrid.htmlDecode(g));if(!0===c[].checkOnSubmit||c[].checkOnUpdate)c[]._savedData[f]=g;f=
a.jgrid.jqID(f);switch(o[m].edittype){case "password":case "text":case "button":case "image":case "textarea":if(" "==g||" "==g||1==g.length&&160==g.charCodeAt(0))g="";a("#"+f,"#"+h).val(g);break;case "select":var j=g.split(","),,function(b){return a.trim(b)});a("#"+f+" option","#"+h).each(function(){this.selected=!o[m].editoptions.multiple&&(a.trim(g)==a.trim(a(this).text())||j[0]==a.trim(a(this).text())||j[0]==a.trim(a(this).val()))?!0:o[m].editoptions.multiple?-1<a.inArray(a.trim(a(this).text()),
j)||-1<a.inArray(a.trim(a(this).val()),j)?!0:!1:!1});break;case "checkbox":g+="";o[m].editoptions&&o[m].editoptions.value?o[m].editoptions.value.split(":")[0]==g?(a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("checked",!0),a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("defaultChecked",!0)):(a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("checked",!1),a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("defaultChecked",!1)):(g=g.toLowerCase(),0>|0|no|off|undefined)/i)&&""!==g?(a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?
"prop":"attr"]("checked",!0),a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("defaultChecked",!0)):(a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("checked",!1),a("#"+f,"#"+h)[b.p.useProp?"prop":"attr"]("defaultChecked",!1)));break;case "custom":try{if(o[m].editoptions&&a.isFunction(o[m].editoptions.custom_value))o[m],a("#"+f,"#"+h),"set",g);else throw"e1";}catch(q){"e1"==q?a.jgrid.info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+a.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined,jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose):
a.jgrid.info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap,q.message,jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose)}}k++}}),0<k&&a("#id_g",i).val(d))}}function u(){a.each(b.p.colModel,function(a,b){b.editoptions&&!0===b.editoptions.NullIfEmpty&&k.hasOwnProperty(""===k[]&&(k[]="null")})}function t(){var e,f=[!0,"",""],m={},g=b.p.prmNames,j,o,l,n,v,p=a(b).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeCheckValues",[a("#"+h),z]);p&&"object"===typeof p&&(k=p);a.isFunction(c[].beforeCheckValues)&&(p=c[],
k,a("#"+h),"_empty"==k["_id"]?g.addoper:g.editoper))&&"object"===typeof p&&(k=p);for(l in k)if(k.hasOwnProperty(l)&&(,k[l],l,b),!1===f[0]))break;u();f[0]&&(m=a(b).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickSubmit",[c[],k,z]),void 0===m&&a.isFunction(c[].onclickSubmit)&&(m=c[],c[],k)||{}),f=a(b).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeSubmit",[k,a("#"+h),z]),void 0===f&&(f=[!0,"",""]),f[0]&&a.isFunction(c[].beforeSubmit)&&(f=c[],
k,a("#"+h))));if(f[0]&&!c[].processing){c[].processing=!0;a("#sData",i+"_2").addClass("ui-state-active");o=g.oper;;k[o]="_empty"==a.trim(k["_id"])?g.addoper:g.editoper;k[o]!=g.addoper?k[j]=k["_id"]:void 0===k[j]&&(k[j]=k["_id"]);delete k["_id"];k=a.extend(k,c[].editData,m);if(!0===b.p.treeGrid)for(v in k[o]==g.addoper&&(n=a(b).jqGrid("getGridParam","selrow"),k["adjacency"==b.p.treeGridModel?b.p.treeReader.parent_id_field:"parent_id"]=n),b.p.treeReader)b.p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(v)&&
After Oleg pointed me in the right direction (thanks Oleg!). I have managed to resolve this Error.
Using The jquery.jqgrid.src.js (much more readable) I managed to take an educated guess that the problem lay on a column in my Grid that was using a FORMATTER. I then noticed that even when loading the Edit form - the value for this column was not correct - and bacause The edittype was 'select', it was defaulting to the first item in the value list.
The Formatter would take the Value of the column (which could be either a -2, 0 or 1 in this case) and turn it into a gif for display purposes in the column. that worked lovely.
The UnFormatter, however, attempted to turn the image back into it's respective number (based on its title). I was then returning a numeric value ( ie. -2, 0 or 1). I needed to return a string value. (ie. '-2','0' or '1')
So, it seems that for Unformatters, you cannot return numeric values like this.
I have added the working code below for clarity :)
Working formatters
function EnabledFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var cellValueInt = parseInt(cellvalue);
switch (cellValueInt)
case 1:
return "<img src='#Url.Content("~/Content/images/tick.gif")' title='Enabled' />";
case -2:
return "<img src='#Url.Content("~/Content/images/tick-grey.png")' title='Inherited' />";
return "<img src='#Url.Content("~/Content/images/cross.gif")' title='Disabled' />";
function EnabledUnformatter (cellvalue, options, cell) {
var sTitle = $('img', cell).attr('title');
switch (sTitle)
case 'Enabled':
return '1';
case 'Inherited':
return '-2';
return '0';
Broken Unformatter Please note The lack of '' around the values returned. The EnabledFormatter is Unchanged
function EnabledUnformatter (cellvalue, options, cell) {
var sTitle = $('img', cell).attr('title');
switch (sTitle)
case 'Enabled':
return 1;
case 'Inherited':
return -2;
return 0;