Java server framework to listen to PostgreSQL NOTIFY statements - postgresql

I need to write a server which listens to PostgreSQL NOTIFY statements and considers each notification as a request to serve (actually, more like a task to process). My main requirements are:
1) A mechanism to poll on PGConnection (Ideally this would be a listener, but in the PgJDBC implementation, we are required to poll for pending notifications. Reference)
2) Execute a callback based on the "request" (using channel name in the NOTIFY notification), on a separate thread.
3) Has thread management stuff built in. (create/delete threads when a task is processed/finished, put on a queue when too many tasks being concurrently processed etc.)
Requirements 1 and 2 are something which are easy for me to implement myself. But I would prefer not to write thread management myself.
Is there an existing framework meeting this requirements? An added advantage would be if the framework automatically generates request statistics.

To be honest, requirement 3 could probably be easily satistied just using standard ExecutorService implementations from Executors, which will allow you to, for example, get a fixed-size thread pool and submit work to them in the form of Runnable or Callable implementations. They will deal with the gory details of creating threads up to the limit etc.. You can then have your listener implement a thin layer of Runnable to collect statistics etc.
Something like:
private final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
private final NotificationCallback callback;
private int waiting, executing, succeeded, failed;
public void pollAndDispatch() {
Notification notification;
while ((notification = pollDatabase()) != null) {
final Notification ourNotification = notification;
threadPool.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exeception thrown while processing notification: " + ourNotification, e);
// check PGconn for notification and return it, or null if none received
protected Notification pollDatabase() { ... }
// maintain statistics
private synchronized void incrementWaitingCount() { ++waiting; }
private synchronized void waitingToExecuting() { --waiting; ++executing; }
private synchronized void executionCompleted() { --executing; ++succeeded; }
private synchronized void executionFailed() { --executing; ++failed; }
If you want to be fancy, put the notifications onto a JMS queue and use its infrastructure to listen for new items and process them.


Samza: Delay processing of messages until timestamp

I'm processing messages from a Kafka topic with Samza. Some of the messages come with a timestamp in the future and I'd like to postpone the processing until after that timestamp. In the meantime, I'd like to keep processing other incoming messages.
What I tried to do is make my Task queue the messages and implement the WindowableTask to periodically check the messages if their timestamp allows to process them. The basic idea looks like this:
public class MyTask implements StreamTask, WindowableTask {
private HashSet<MyMessage> waitingMessages = new HashSet<>();
public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope incomingMessageEnvelope, MessageCollector messageCollector, TaskCoordinator taskCoordinator) {
byte[] message = (byte[]) incomingMessageEnvelope.getMessage();
MyMessage parsedMessage = MyMessage.parseFrom(message);
if (parsedMessage.getValidFromDateTime().isBeforeNow()) {
// Do the processing
} else {
public void window(MessageCollector messageCollector, TaskCoordinator taskCoordinator) {
for (MyMessage message : waitingMessages) {
if (message.getValidFromDateTime().isBeforeNow()) {
// Do the processing and remove the message from the set
This obviously has some downsides. I'd be losing my waiting messages in memory when I redeploy my task. So I'd like to know the best practice for delaying the processing of messages with Samza. Do I need to reemit the messages to the same topic again and again until I can finally process them? We're talking about delaying the processing for a few minutes up to 1-2 hours here.
It's important to keep in mind, when dealing with message queues, is that they perform a very specific function in a system: they hold messages while the processor(s) are busy processing preceding messages. It is expected that a properly-functioning message queue will deliver messages on demand. What this implies is that as soon as a message reaches the head of the queue, the next pull on the queue will yield the message.
Notice that delay is not a configurable part of the equation. Instead, delay is an output variable of a system with a queue. In fact, Little's Law offers some interesting insights into this.
So, in a system where a delay is necessary (for example, to join/wait for a parallel operation to complete), you should be looking at other methods. Typically a queryable database would make sense in this particular instance. If you find yourself keeping messages in a queue for a pre-set period of time, you're actually using the message queue as a database - a function it was not designed to provide. Not only is this risky, but it also has a high likelihood of hurting the performance of your message broker.
I think you could use key-value store of Samza to keep state of your task instance instead of in-memory Set.
It should look something like:
public class MyTask implements StreamTask, WindowableTask, InitableTask {
private KeyValueStore<String, MyMessage> waitingMessages;
public void init(Config config, TaskContext context) throws Exception {
this.waitingMessages = (KeyValueStore<String, MyMessage>) context.getStore("messages-store");
public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope incomingMessageEnvelope, MessageCollector messageCollector,
TaskCoordinator taskCoordinator) {
byte[] message = (byte[]) incomingMessageEnvelope.getMessage();
MyMessage parsedMessage = MyMessage.parseFrom(message);
if (parsedMessage.getValidFromDateTime().isBefore( {
// Do the processing
} else {
waitingMessages.put(parsedMessage.getId(), parsedMessage);
public void window(MessageCollector messageCollector, TaskCoordinator taskCoordinator) {
KeyValueIterator<String, MyMessage> all = waitingMessages.all();
while(all.hasNext()) {
MyMessage message =;
// Do the processing and remove the message from the set
If you redeploy you task Samza should recreate state of key-value store (Samza keeps values in special kafka topic related to key-value store). You need of course provide some extra configuration of your store (in above example for messages-store).
You could read about key-value store here (for the latest Samza version):

How do I warm up an actor's state from database when starting up?

My requirement is to start a long running process to tag all the products that are expired. This is run every night at 1:00 AM. The customers may be accessing some of the products on the website, so they have instances around the time when the job is run. The others are in the persistent media, not yet having instances because the customers are not accessing them.
Where should I hook up the logic to read the latest state of an actor from a persistent media and create a brand new actor? Should I have that call in the Prestart override method? If so, how can I tell the ProductActor that a new actor being created.
Or should I send a message to the ProductActor like LoadMeFromAzureTable which will load the state from the persistent media after an actor being created?
There are different ways to do it depending on what you need, as opposed to there being precisely one "right" answer.
You could use a Persistent Actor to recover state from a durable store automatically on startup (or in case of crash, to recover). Or, if you don't want to use that module (still in beta as of July 2015), you could do it yourself one of two ways:
1) You could load your state in PreStart, but I'd only go with this if you can make the operation async via your database client and use the PipeTo pattern to send the results back to yourself incrementally. But if you need to have ALL the state resident in memory before you start doing work, then you need to...
2) Make a finite state machine using behavior switching. Start in a gated state, send yourself a message to load your data, and stash everything that comes in. Then switch to a receiving state and unstash all messages when your state is done loading. This is the approach I prefer.
Example (just mocking the DB load with a Task):
public class ProductActor : ReceiveActor, IWithUnboundedStash
public IStash Stash { get; set; }
public ProductActor()
// begin in gated state
private void BecomeLoading()
private void Loading()
Receive<DoneLoading>(done =>
// stash any messages that come in until we're done loading
ReceiveAny(o =>
private void LoadInitialState()
// load your state here async & send back to self via PipeTo
Task.Run(() =>
// database loading task here
return new Object();
}).ContinueWith(tr =>
// do whatever (e.g. error handling)
return new DoneLoading();
private void BecomeReady()
// our state is ready! put all those stashed messages back in the mailbox
private void Ready()
// handle those unstashed + new messages...
ReceiveAny(o =>
// do whatever you need to do...
/// <summary>
/// Marker interface.
/// </summary>
public class DoneLoading {}

Apache Curator LeaderSelector: How to avoid giving up leadership by not exiting from takeLeadership() method?

I'm trying to implement a simple leader election based system where my main business logic of the application runs on the elected leader node. As part of acquiring leadership, the main business logic starts various other services. I'm using Apache Curator LeaderSelector recipe to implement the leader selection process.
In my system, the node which gets selected as the leader keeps the leadership until failure forces another leader to be selected. In other words, once I get the leadership I don't want to relinquish it.
According to Curator LeaderSelection documentation, leadership gets relinquished when the takeLeadership() method returns. I want to avoid it, and I'm right now just block the return by introducing a wait loop.
My question is:
Is this the right way to implement leadership?
Is the wait loop (as shown in the code example below) the right way to block?
public class MainBusinessLogic extends LeaderSelectorListenerAdapter {
private static final String ZK_PATH_LEADER_ROOT = "/some-path";
private final CuratorFramework client;
private final LeaderSelector leaderSelector;
public MainBusinessLogic() {
client = CuratorService.getInstance().getCuratorFramework();
leaderSelector = new LeaderSelector(client, ZK_PATH_LEADER_ROOT, this);
public void takeLeadership(CuratorFramework client) throws IOException {
// Start various other internal services...
ServiceA serviceA = new ServiceA(...);
ServiceB serviceB = new ServiceB(...);
// We are done but need to keep leadership to this instance, else all the business
// logic and services will start on another node.
// Is this the right way to prevent relinquishing leadership???
while (true) {
synchronized (this) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LeaderLatchInstead of the wait(), you can just do:
But, yes, that's correct.
BTW - if you prefer a different method, you can use LeaderLatch with a LeaderLatchListener.

Submitting Callable to ExecutorService is never completed

The problem which i am facing has been nagging for a week now and here it is:
I have a class which processes a CSV file by reading data from it and validating it and storing it in a array list as:
public Object call( ) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
data = ImportMetier.extractFromCSV(
new String(fichier.getFileData(),
catch (Exception e) {
return data;
And i am calling it from my action class using :
ServletContext servletContext=getServlet().getServletContext();
ExecutorService execService = (ExecutorService)servletContext.getAttribute("threadPoolAlias");
AdminBlocageBackgroundProcessing adminBlocageBackgroundProcessing= new AdminBlocageBackgroundProcessing(fichier,blocage);
if(status==0 && refreshParam.equals("eventParameter"))
future= execService.submit(adminBlocageBackgroundProcessing);
return mapping.findForward("self");
// for checking if the submitted future task is completed or not
System.out.println("Process is Completed");
//sessiondata.putBean(Constantes.BEAN_CONTRATCLIENT_CONTRAT_CLE_FIA, null);
//formulaire.set("refreshParam","" );
System.out.println("Les données sont encore en cours de traitement");
return mapping.findForward("self");
Now the problem is CSV is having too much data and when we click for importing it, the process is started in background asynchronously but it never gets to completion although have used autorefresh in jsp to maintain the session.
How can we make sure that it is completed although the code is working fine for small data?
but for large data this functionality crumbles and cannot be monitored.
The threadpool which i am using is provided by the container :
public class ThreadPoolServlet implements ServletContextListener
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
final ExecutorService execService = (ExecutorService) arg0.getServletContext().getAttribute("threadPoolAlias");
System.out.println("ServletContextListener destroyed");
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//for initializing the thread pool
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
final ExecutorService execService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(25);
final ServletContext servletContext = arg0.getServletContext();
servletContext.setAttribute("threadPoolAlias", execService);
System.out.println("ServletContextListener started");
Had a quick look.. your isFutureDone depends on status, which is executed right after the submission of the task - which is fairly quick. status is updated only once, and not updated again. This is fine in the case of very short, seemingly instant, tasks, though it will break for large tasks. It breaks because you use the future.get method conditionally based on the isFutureDone, which will be false for longer tasks. So you never get a result, even though your task completed in the executor. Do away with isFutureDone. Read up a bit on [Future.get][1] (both versions [with and without timeout] block, which is what you need here - to wait for the task to finish). It would be a good idea to utilize a timeout in your code that calls the CSV service, to allow for a failure if it takes inappropriately long.

How to access memcached asynchronously in netty

I am writing a server in netty, in which I need to make a call to memcached. I am using spymemcached and can easily do the synchronous memcached call. I would like this memcached call to be async. Is that possible? The examples provided with netty do not seem to be helpful.
I tried using callbacks: created a ExecutorService pool in my Handler and submitted a callback worker to this pool. Like this:
public class MyHandler extends ChannelInboundMessageHandlerAdapter<MyPOJO> implements CallbackInterface{
private static ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MyPOJO pojo) {
CallingbackWorker worker = new CallingbackWorker(key, this);
public void myCallback() {
//get response
CallingbackWorker looks like:
public class CallingbackWorker implements Callable {
public CallingbackWorker(String key, CallbackInterface c) {
this.c = c;
this.key = key;
public Object call() {
//get value from key
However, when I do this, this.ctx.nextOutboundMessageBuf() in myCallback gets stuck.
So, overall, my question is: how to do async memcached calls in Netty?
There are two problems here: a small-ish issue with the way you're trying to code this, and a bigger one with many libraries that provide async service calls, but no good way to take full advantage of them in an async framework like Netty. That forces users into suboptimal hacks like this one, or a less-bad, but still not ideal approach I'll get to in a moment.
First the coding problem. The issue is that you're trying to call a ChannelHandlerContext method from a thread other than the one associated with your handler, which is not allowed. That's pretty easy to fix, as shown below. You could code it a few other ways, but this is probably the most straightforward:
private static ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) {
final GetFuture<String> future = memcachedClient().getAsync("foo", stringTranscoder());
// first wait for the response on a pool thread
pool.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String value;
Exception err;
try {
value = future.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // or whatever timeout you want
err = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
err = e;
value = null;
// put results into final variables; compiler won't let us do it directly above
final fValue = value;
final fErr = err;
// now process the result on the ChannelHandler's thread
ctx.executor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
handleResult(fValue, fErr);
// note that we drop through to here right after calling pool.execute() and
// return, freeing up the handler thread while we wait on the pool thread.
private void handleResult(String value, Exception err) {
// handle it
That will work, and might be sufficient for your application. But you've got a fixed-sized thread pool, so if you're ever going to handle much more than 20 concurrent connections, that will become a bottleneck. You could increase the pool size, or use an unbounded one, but at that point, you might as well be running under Tomcat, as memory consumption and context-switching overhead start to become issues, and you lose the scalabilty that was the attraction of Netty in the first place!
And the thing is, Spymemcached is NIO-based, event-driven, and uses just one thread for all its work, yet provides no way to fully take advantage of its event-driven nature. I expect they'll fix that before too long, just as Netty 4 and Cassandra have recently by providing callback (listener) methods on Future objects.
Meanwhile, being in the same boat as you, I researched the alternatives, and not being too happy with what I found, I wrote (yesterday) a Future tracker class that can poll up to thousands of Futures at a configurable rate, and call you back on the thread (Executor) of your choice when they complete. It uses just one thread to do this. I've put it up on GitHub if you'd like to try it out, but be warned that it's still wet, as they say. I've tested it a lot in the past day, and even with 10000 concurrent mock Future objects, polling once a millisecond, its CPU utilization is negligible, though it starts to go up beyond 10000. Using it, the example above looks like this:
// in some globally-accessible class:
public static final ForeignFutureTracker FFT = new ForeignFutureTracker(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// in a handler class:
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) {
// ...
final GetFuture<String> future = memcachedClient().getAsync("foo", stringTranscoder());
// add a listener for the Future, with a timeout in 2 seconds, and pass
// the Executor for the current context so the callback will run
// on the same thread.
Global.FFT.addListener(future, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, ctx.executor(),
new ForeignFutureListener<String,GetFuture<String>>() {
public void operationSuccess(String value) {
// do something ...
public void operationTimeout(GetFuture<String> f) {
// do something ...
public void operationFailure(Exception e) {
// do something ...
You don't want more than one or two FFT instances active at any time, or they could become a drain on CPU. But a single instance can handle thousands of outstanding Futures; about the only reason to have a second one would be to handle higher-latency calls, like S3, at a slower polling rate, say 10-20 milliseconds.
One drawback of the polling approach is that it adds a small amount of latency. For example, polling once a millisecond, on average it will add 500 microseconds to the response time. That won't be an issue for most applications, and I think is more than offset by the memory and CPU savings over the thread pool approach.
I expect within a year or so this will be a non-issue, as more async clients provide callback mechanisms, letting you fully leverage NIO and the event-driven model.