Can I access my Scala app's name and version (as set in SBT) from code? - scala

I am building an app with SBT (0.11.0) using a Scala build definition like so:
object MyAppBuild extends Build {
import Dependencies._
lazy val basicSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
organization := "",
version := "0.1",
description := "Blah",
scalaVersion := "2.9.1",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8"),
resolvers ++= Dependencies.resolutionRepos
lazy val myAppProject = Project("my-app-name", file("."))
.settings(basicSettings: _*)
I'm packaging a .jar at the end of the process.
My question is a simple one: is there a way of accessing the application's name ("my-app-name") and version ("0.1") programmatically from my Scala code? I don't want to repeat them in two places if I can help it.
Any guidance greatly appreciated!

I just wrote sbt-buildinfo.
After installing the plugin:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](name, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion),
buildInfoPackage := "foo"
Edit: The above snippet has been updated to reflect more recent version of sbt-buildinfo.
It generates foo.BuildInfo object with any setting you want by customizing buildInfoKeys.
Ad-hoc approach
I've been meaning to make a plugin for this, (I wrote it) but here's a quick script to generate a file:
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (sourceManaged in Compile, version, name) map { (d, v, n) =>
val file = d / "info.scala"
IO.write(file, """package foo
|object Info {
| val version = "%s"
| val name = "%s"
|""".stripMargin.format(v, n))
You can get your version as foo.Info.version.

Name and version are inserted into manifest. You can access them using java reflection from Package class.
val p = getClass.getPackage
val name = p.getImplementationTitle
val version = p.getImplementationVersion

You can also generate a dynamic config file, and read it from scala.
// generate config (to pass values from build.sbt to scala)
Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task {
val file = baseDirectory.value / "conf" / "generated.conf"
val contents = "app.version=%s".format(version.value)
IO.write(file, contents)
When you run sbt universal:packageBin the file will be there.


sbt-buildinfo generated object cannot be referenced

I'm using the aforementioned sbt plugin to get the version of the app I'm working on.
The project has sub-modules. Here is the main build.sbt
lazy val abandon = (project in file(".")).
aggregate(base, cli, gui).
dependsOn(base, cli, gui).
settings(commonSettings: _*).
name := "abandon",
fork in run := true,
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](name, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion),
buildInfoPackage := "co.uproot.abandon"
lazy val base = (project in file("base")).
settings(commonSettings: _*).
name := "abandon-base",
fork in run := true
lazy val cli = (project in file("cli")).
settings(commonSettings: _*).
name := "abandon-cli",
fork in run := true
lazy val gui = (project in file("gui")).
settings(commonSettings: _*).
name := "abandon-gui",
fork in run := true
The generated BuildInfo.scala is located under target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/sbt-buildinfo/BuildInfo.scala as expected.
package co.uproot.abandon
import scala.Predef._
/** This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo. */
case object BuildInfo {
/** The value is "abandon". */
val name: String = "abandon"
/** The value is "0.3.1". */
val version: String = "0.3.1"
/** The value is "2.11.8". */
val scalaVersion: String = "2.11.8"
/** The value is "0.13.12". */
val sbtVersion: String = "0.13.12"
override val toString: String = {
"name: %s, version: %s, scalaVersion: %s, sbtVersion: %s" format (
name, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion
When I go to a file inside the package co.uproot.abandon and try to reference BuildInfo.version I get
Error:(256, 42) object BuildInfo is not a member of package co.uproot.abandon
I read about the problem with submodules and this plugin here and ultimately tried this workaround but that didn't help.
Any help will be appreciated!
I wanted to add an image to illustrate zaxme answer, but I can't in the comments, so I am adding another answer to add more information about it.
1 - Right click on target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main:
2 - Select Mark Directory as and Unmark Generated Sources Root:
Then rebuild, it should work.
Issue solved.
Just make sure to set the main part of target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/sbt-buildinfo/BuildInfo.scala as source in the Project structure for the particular sub-module you would like to use it for and not the whole project.
Other than that the syntax highlighting is screwed so it will show up the same way as before i.e. when it wasn't compiling. To avoid that follow the link in this that I posted in the question.

sbt-assembly does not pick up configuration specific settings

I am updating an old 0.7.x build file from the tool sbt that thankfully removed the reference to "simple" from its name in the meantime.
Something that once worked, does not do so any longer. I had different config entries for platform specific assembly tasks. These include specific filters that for some reason are now called assemblyExcludedJars instead of excludedJars, and specific jar names that for some reason are now called assemblyJarName instead of jarName.
val Foo = config("foo") extend Compile
lazy val assemblyFoo = TaskKey[File]("assembly-foo")
lazy val root = Project(id = "root", base = file("."))
// .configs(Foo) // needed? doesn't change anything
inConfig(Foo)(inTask(assembly) {
assemblyJarName := "wtf.jar"
scalaVersion := "2.11.7",
assemblyFoo <<= assembly in Foo
Now I would expect that if I run sbt assembly-foo or sbt foo:assembly, it would produce a file wtf.jar. But I am getting the default root-assembly-0.1-snapshot.jar. The same problem happens when I try to specify assemblyExcludedJars, they are simply ignored and still included.
If I remove the inConfig it works:
lazy val root = Project(id = "root", base = file("."))
inTask(assembly) {
assemblyJarName := "wtf.jar"
scalaVersion := "2.11.7",
assemblyFoo <<= assembly in Foo
But now I cannot use different jar names for different configurations (which is the whole point).
As described in a blog post by one of sbt's authors and the author of sbt-assembly, this should work. It was also written in this Stackoverflow question. But the example requires an antique version of sbt-assembly (0.9.0 from 2013, before auto plugins etc.) and doesn't seem to apply to the current versions.
If one defines a new configuration, one has to redefine (?) all the tasks one is about to use. Apparently for sbt-assembly, this means running baseAssemblySettings:
val Foo = config("foo") extend Compile
lazy val assemblyFoo = TaskKey[File]("assembly-foo")
lazy val root = Project(id = "root", base = file("."))
inConfig(Foo)(baseAssemblySettings /* !!! */ ++ inTask(assembly) {
jarName := "wtf.jar"
scalaVersion := "2.11.7",
assemblyFoo := (assembly in Foo).value
Tested with sbt 0.13.9 and sbt-assembly 0.14.1.

Project aggregation in sbt

I am just starting to learn sbt to build scala projects.
Here is my build.sbt file
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "com.example",
version := "0.1.0",
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
lazy val task = taskKey[Unit]("An example task")
lazy val root =".")).
settings(commonSettings: _*).
task := { println("Hello!") },
name := "hello",
version := "1.0"
lazy val core = file("SbtScalaProjectFoo") )
My project structure is as follows
When I try to run "sbt" inside SbtScalaProject I get the following
No project 'core' in 'file:/Users/asattar/Dev/work/SbtScalaProject/'
What am I missing?
Having multiple build.sbt's has proven to make problems for me, too.
I would recommend aggregating all project data into one build.sbt. If you want to modularize the build, consider moving parts into .scala-Files in (the root project's) project/ directory.

SBT/Scala: macro implementation not found

I tried my hand on macros, and I keep running into the error
macro implementation not found: W
[error] (the most common reason for that is that you cannot use macro implementations in the same compilation run that defines them)
I believe I've set up a two pass compilation with the macro implementation being compiled first, and the usage second.
Here is part of the /build.sbt:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
settings(rootSettings: _*).
settings(name := "Example").
aggregate(macros, core).
dependsOn(macros, core)
lazy val macros = (project in file("src/main/com/example/macros")).
settings(macrosSettings: _*).
settings(name := "Macros")
lazy val core = (project in file("src/main/com/example/core")).
settings(coreSettings: _*).
settings (name := "Core").
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := Organization,
version := Version,
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion
lazy val rootSettings = commonSettings ++ Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= commonDeps ++ rootDeps ++ macrosDeps ++ coreDeps
lazy val macrosSettings = commonSettings ++ Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= commonDeps ++ macrosDeps
lazy val coreSettings = commonSettings ++ Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= commonDeps ++ coreDeps
The macro implementation looks like this:
object Macros {
object Color {
def ColorWhite(c: Context): c.Expr[ObjectColor] = c.Expr[ObjectColor](c.universe.reify(ObjectColor(White())).tree)
The usage looks like this:
object Macros {
import com.example.macros.Macros._
def W: ObjectColor = macro Color.ColorWhite
object Main extends App {
import Macros._
Scala 2.11.6. SBT 0.13.8.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your advice!
Fawlty Project:
The Project on Github
Working Project:
Rearranged the projects to a more correct form:
The cleanedup working project
Your macros and core projects don't contain any files, so they don't cause the problem. The error happens when sbt compiles root, which contains both Main.scala and Macros.scala by the virtue of you saying project in file(".") in the sbt build.

How can i make an SBT key see settings for the current configuration?

I have the following build.sbt file:
version := "0.0.1"
version in Test := "0.0.1-DEBUG"
name <<= (version) apply { v:String => "demo-%s".format(v) }
and while the version seems to be right in the "test" configuration,
> show test:version
[info] 0.0.1-DEBUG
the name doesn't seem to look at the more-specific setting.
> show name
[info] demo-0.0.1
> show test:name
[info] demo-0.0.1
This is obviously a greatly-simplified example of what i'm really trying to do, but i think it illustrates the problem/misunderstanding.
EDIT (2013-07-04): What i'm really trying to do is change javaOptions in the IntegrationTest configuration (b/c we spin up a service and then run testing code against it, and i'd like the service being tested to run in a slightly sandboxed mode). Setting javaOptions in IntegrationTest is easy enough (and show it:java-options confirms), but doesn't actually get used by runner unless i go to the trouble of explicitly defining it:runner to use it:java-options. I would have expected *:runner to prefer the most-specific dependent vars.
Here's your Build.scala translated to use inConfig as suggested by #MarkHarrah:
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
object DemoBuild extends Build {
val mySettings = Seq(
name <<= version { v => "demo-%s".format(v) }
lazy val demo = Project(
id = "demo",
base = file("."),
settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
organization := "com.demo",
scalaVersion := "2.10.0",
version := "0.0.1",
version in Test <<= version { v => "%s-DEBUG".format(v) }
) ++ mySettings
++ inConfig(Test)(mySettings)
I tried this in sbt 0.11 and 0.12.1 and it worked:
version := "0.0.1"
version in Test := "0.0.1-DEBUG"
name <<= (version) apply { v:String => "demo-%s".format(v) }
name in Test <<= (version in Test) apply { v:String => "demo-%s".format(v) }
If you're using a Build.scala file you can generalize this task across projects. Here's an example:
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
object DemoBuild extends Build {
lazy val demo = Project(
id = "demo",
base = file("."),
settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
organization := "com.demo",
scalaVersion := "2.10.0"
) ++ addNameAndVersion("0.0.1", "demo")
def addNameAndVersion(projectVersion:String, projectName:String):Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]] = {
version := projectVersion,
version in Test := projectVersion + "-DEBUG",
name <<= version.apply(s => "%s-%s".format(projectName, s)),
name in Test <<= (version in Test).apply(s => "%s-%s".format(projectName, s))