RequestFactory javax.validation.ValidationException NoClassDefFoundError - gwt

I use Guice along with GWT 2.4 but I get a javax.validation.ValidationException NoClassDefFoundError when I run the server. In the pom.xml file I referenced the correct dependency:
but in Eclipse I can't see the validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar in the Maven Dependencies tree. The behavior is pretty strange:
I can find validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar and javax.validation-validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar under the target directory. I don't understand why it's there.
In the Maven Dependencies tree of eclipse, I can see a reference to javax.validation-validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar which contains 5 packages but no classes.
Running the app outside eclipse works. I run it using mvn gwt:run.
Any ideas?

The problem came from the dependency gwt-user, I managed to fix it by excluding the dependency on validation-api:


Maven using wrong version of javax.validation

I have a dynamic web project I have been working on that uses hibernate as a jpa provider. Up until the last week, I could insert, update, query, and delete from my databases using hibernate. Recently, I began working on validation, and brought in a lot of different maven dependencies. In the course of doing this, I somehow have ended up with my project using an older, deprecated version of javax.validation jar, which throws a no such method exception. I have included the relevant lines of the stack trace below:
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.validation.BootstrapConfiguration.getClockProviderClassName()Ljava/lang/String;
at org.hibernate.validator.internal.xml.ValidationBootstrapParameters.<init>(
However, in my pom.xml I have the following dependency (which, when examined via javap and through eclipse, it has the method getClockProviderClassName() in the specified class):
<!-- -->
I put the following exclusion tag in my pom in multiple dependencies to try and ensure that it does not pull this jar from other sources:
I have also simplified my build path, so there is three elements in it: one properties folder that contains only my log4j configuration, the JRE System library (version 1.8) and maven dependencies. Is there any way to tell where the deprecated javax.validation jar is coming from? Can I force the program to use version 2.0.0 I bring in with maven? Thank you for your help.
Additional Information:
full stack trace
persistence.xml source
working datasource properties
Java Build Path
Line where root exception occurs (in my code)
look inside the included jar to see it contains the method
using javap to examine artifact in maven (m2) directory
dependency overview from maven
Dependencies from pom.xml
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Try adding this dependency to your pom.xml
The situation is provoked by having javaee-web-api 7.0 as dependency:
This dependency provided by your servlet or application container at runtime is giving you an older api for javax.validation.
You have two things to try:
Change the version of javaee-web-api to 8.0
This is the fastest solution if you are deploying your web app to a servlet or application container that supports Java EE 8.0 (for example: it seems to work in Tomcat 8.5.X but reading the documentation, only Tomcat 9 provides support for Java EE 8).
Keep javaee-web-api as 7.0 and downgrade hibernate-validator, validation-api dependencies:
You have to change also some imports such as #Email or #NotEmpty from javax.validation package to org.hibernate.validator.constraints (those annotations are Deprecated in 6.0.X hibernate-validator versions because they're included inside javax.validation api).
Do mvn dependency:tree , May you have another dependencies that use hibernate-annotations, and conflict with your spring version, also you can find them and exclude from class path, as below:
I hopefully help you.
Had the same problem with Springboot 2.1.4.RELEASE and some GeoTools dependencies.
Validation-api was specified from javax.validation and javaee-api jars.
Put them as dependencies like following:
Had the same issue as jekho, but solved it with:
I found which dependency was using javaee-api by using maven's dependency:tree on my project which points out which packages are being used by which dependency.

Adding rampart.mar to classpath via Maven

I have been trying to find a solution for this for several days, but with no avail.
I'm currently in the process of introducing Maven to some of my Java projects. One of them requires Axis2 and Rampart for WS Security.
I added all Axis2 and Rampart dependencies in pom.xml:
When I import the project in Eclipse, rampart.mar is not there, and attempting to engage the rampart module on runtime causes a failure.
However, when I use maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies to a specific repository, I see that the rampart mar file is there!
This makes me believe that this is a limitation in the Eclipse m2e plugin. Anyone stumbled upon this one before? I saw several similar questions on Stackoverflow that were left unanswered.

Eclipse STS Hibernate error: "Fetching children of Database". org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.log

I have looked and tried various solutions dealing with the SLF4J related issue but nothing has worked. All I am trying to do is use the Hibernate plug in inside STS. I Simply click on the Hibernate perspective, Then the down arrow on my project and down arrow on the Database and this exception occurs.
I saw in the properties of the Hibernate console that there is an Eclipse log file dir to a logback. Do I have to setup logback in my pom somewhere?
I used my setup from eclipse tutorials I found online. The only difference is that I'm using the specific STS version and a more recent version of Spring and Hibernate. I have setup the hibernate conifig and the console config.
Any help to get this Hibernate plugin working correctly with Logging using Maven would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
The following is my setup:
STS v3.2, MySQL DB, vFabric Server (comes with STS), Using Maven
POM versions:
Spring, Hibernate & Logging sections:
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- Saw this fix online and was trying - doesn't work, temp commented out
Exclude SLF4j to avoid version conflicts (we have 1.6.2, this drags in 1.6.1)
END Saw this fix online and was trying - doesn't work, temp commented out -->
<!-- Logging -->
Below is the stack trace:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.log(Lorg/slf4j/Marker;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
at org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog.debug(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect.JDBCMetaDataDialect.getTables(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.processTables(
at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.readDatabaseSchema(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter$2.execute(
at org.hibernate.console.execution.DefaultExecutionContext.execute(
at org.hibernate.console.ConsoleConfiguration.execute(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter.readDatabaseSchema(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.LazyDatabaseSchemaWorkbenchAdapter.getChildren(
at org.hibernate.eclipse.console.workbench.BasicWorkbenchAdapter.fetchDeferredChildren(
at org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager$
Thanks! I actually ended up just commenting out logging for a couple minutes while I let the Hibernate reveng tool do its thing. Per this post I then readded them after and all is well! :D –
The NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger.log() method with 6 arguments is symptomatic of a slf4j binding with version prior to 1.6 on the class path. The 'mvn dependency:tree' should indicate as much, i.e that you have an older binding, say slf4j-log4j-1.5.jar.

Maven not adding JAR to project when using mvn compile but does when using mvn eclipse:eclipse

I need to download the Quartz scheduler. So I added its dependency to pom.xml and also I nedded sl4j for scheduling. So here is my pom.xml
When I run the mvn compile command, it is downloading the quarts JAR but not adding to my eclipse Project. But when I run mvn eclipse:eclipse it is adding the JAR to project.
Why that is happening? Why mvn compile not adding the JAR to the Project?
How can you say it's getting downloaded on eclipse:eclipse, if you are doing a project refresh in eclipse note that doing eclipse: eclipse will modify the.classpath of the project and then only will the jar reflect. This behavior happens when the project imported is done as existing java project.

How to run a Ext GWT (GXT) application with Maven

I am trying to make a GXT 3.0 starting app with Maven support. I have successfully compiled and run the native GWT application with mvn gwt:compile gwt:run command
Howeven, when I added these dependecies:
and added this in the gwt.xml (module) file:
<inherits name="com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT" />
I am getting this error (running the same mvn command as above):
GWT module com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT not found
And looking from the Java build path of the project in the Maven Dependencies, I can see that the GXT jars have not been downloaded.
Full pom.xml here.
If you want the snapshot, make sure you have the repository tags for it as well, for wherever you are getting that build from. Otherwise use the latest release, 3.0.0-beta3.
If you are building your own local copies, or deploying to an internal repo, then 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT should work - make sure the jar can be found in your repo, and that you aren't running as offline.
Use these dependencies:
GXT does not require uibinder-bridge anymore according to Sencha forum.
All GXT uibinder features were incorporated into GWT 2.5.0 release.
GXT 3.0.1 is on maven central