Unity Container, Interface infinite loop - inversion-of-control

I need help with configuring MS Unity.
I have a class implementing an interface:
public class ProjectService : IProjectService
which works fine with this configuration:
_conainer.RegisterType<IProjectService, ProjectService>();
I another, caching, implementation, I need the first concrete type injected into the caching concrete type.
public class CachedProjectService : IProjectService
public CachedProjectService(IProjectService projectService, ICacheStorage cacheStorage)
How can I configure Unity to return the caching version with the first implementation injected into it?

It's called decorators wiring that you can achieve like this :
_container.RegisterType<IProjectService, ProjectService>("innerService");
_container.RegisterType<IProjectService, CachedProjectService>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<IProjectService>("innerService"),
new ResolvedParameter<ICacheStorage>()
Hope it helps


Issue while implementing a interface which extends to MongoRepository interface in Kotlin

I am trying to use the in built methods of MongoRepository<T,ID> interface to interact with mongo.
interface MovieRepository : MongoRepository<Movie, String> {
But when I try to implement the "MovieRepository" using class. Its asking me to implement all the member functions defined in "MongoRepository" as well
class ControllerClass(private val MovieRepository: MovieRepository): MovieRepository {}
This is what i get when i initialize my controller class:
Class 'ControllerClass' is not abstract and does not implement abstract member public abstract fun <S : Movie!> save(entity: S): S
Is there any way so that i do not need to defined all those MongoRepository's functions again in my ControllerClass?
You don't usually implement a repository interface yourself: you let Spring do it for you!
First, you define your interface, as you have done:
interface MovieRepository : MongoRepository<Movie, String> {
// Add any abstract methods you'll need here…
Then, you autowire a property of that type. In Kotlin, you can either do it in the primary constructor, e.g.:
class ControllerClass #Autowired constructor(
private val movieRepository: MovieRepository
) {
// …code…
Or as a plain property. (In this case, because you can't specify an initial value, you have to make the property a var; it must either be nullable — requiring !! everywhere you use it — or, better, make it lateinit.)
class ControllerClass {
#Autowired private lateinit var movieRepository: MovieRepository
// …code…
Spring will then create some synthetic class implementing that interface, and set your property to it. (You don't need to worry about how it does that — just as you don't need to worry about all the other magic it does, much of which involves creating synthetic subclasses. That's why Spring objects generally need to be made open — and why there's a Spring plugin which takes care of doing that.)
It's more usual to use the repository in a service class, and then call that from your controller class — at least, that pattern tends to scale better, and be easier to follow and to test. But doing so directly should work too. Either way, you can call whichever repository method you need, e.g. movieRepository.findAll().
See the Spring docs; they use Java, but it's mostly trivial to convert to Kotlin.

Migrating from Unity, how to do Property or MethodInjection on all classes without registering them

Ok, lets first be clear that I know this is not correct way (use constructor injection). I do have a huge codebase to take care of and a refactoring is not an option right now.
I have a base class
public abstract class ServiceBase {
public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork {get;set;}
and a lot of Concrete classes that are NOT registered in the contianer.
public class ServiceScript : ServiceBase {
How do I inject IUnitOfWork??
I have alot of this ServiceScript-classes that are not registred in the Container
but is using the AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource in Autofac
In unity I did just mark my PropertyDependency with a [Dependency]-attribute and everything just works.
It looks like StructureMap has the same way of using attributes, but they don't have Prism/Xamarin-support, like Autofac has.
This same problem can be applied to a ControllerX : ControllerBase in asp.net core.
I have tried to solve this with a RegistrationSource, but can't get it to work in the controller case that I tried first.
Any input??

SetExecutionStrategy to SqlAzureExecutionStrategy with DbMigrationsConfiguration?

I saw a post today about implementing SqlAzureExecutionStrategy:
However, all examples I can find of this use a Configuration that inherits from DbConfiguration. My project is using EF6 Code First Migrations, and the Configuration it created inherits from DbMigrationsConfiguration. This class doesn't contain a definition for SetExecutionStrategy, and I can find no examples that actually combine SqlAzureExecutionStrategy (or any SetExecutionStrategy) with DbMigrationsConfiguration.
Can this be done?
If anyone else comes across this question, this is what we figured out:
Create a custom class that inherits from DbConfiguration (which has SetExecutionStrategy):
public class DataContextConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public DataContextConfiguration()
SetExecutionStrategy("System.Data.SqlClient", () => new SqlAzureExecutionStrategy());
Then add this attribute to your DataContext, specifying that it is to use your custom class:
public class DataContext : DbContext, IDataContext
After more investigation, now I think the correct answer is that:
DbMigrationsConfiguration is completely separate and only configures the migration settings. That's why it doesn't inherit from or have the same options as DbConfiguration.
It is not loaded, and is irrelevant, for actual operation.
So you can (and should) declare a separate class based on DbConfiguration to configure the runtime behaviour.
I added some tracing and I saw that the first time you use a DatabaseContext in an application, it runs up the migration, and the migration configuration.
But, the first time the DatabaseContext is actually used (e.g. to load some data from the database) it will load your DbConfiguration class as well.
So I don't think there is any problem at all.

Serialize aspectj method in GWT

I've try to expose to the client(gwt) an aspectJ method through gwt-rpc, but the gwt client can't find the method defined in an aspect. The class that i expose implements IsSerializable and only it's method are visible to the client interface...the method added by their aspect contrariwise no. How i can fix this? thanks in advice.
p.s. i post a little example for more clarity:
this is the class...
public class Example implements IsSerializable{
private String name;
public setName(String name){
and this is the aspect...
privileged aspect Example_x{
public int Example.getVersion() {
return this.version;
The Example.getVersion() method is unavailable on the client side.
This won't work, as GWT needs access to the source of any Java class that is exposed to the client side. This is necessary to compile them from Java to Javascript. If you modify your classes using AspectJ, the added methods will not be visible to the GWT compiler and therefore not to the client.
I'd say AspectJ is simply the wrong tool for this task. If you want to add some methods to existing classes you could write a (possibly generic) container class that contains an instance of Example as well as the version information from Example_x.

Dependency injection not working in gwt 2.1

I have a new project where I am using GWT-Views like Composite, etc.
I have injected the items in the main menu (like ProductList below) using GinInjector. This works fine!
Somewhere I want to have a reference from a small component to an item from my main menu in order to update it. I try to inject it this way:
public class ProductForm extends Composite {
ProductList list;
But when I use the list I always get null. Whereby, ProductList is defined this way:
public class MyModule extends AbstractGinModule {
protected void configure() {
Any idea what I am doing wrong?!
I failed to mention that ProductForm is an element of the ProductList using the UIBinder's #UIField tag, So That injecting it will create a new object rather than the one created using UIBinder.
I had to restructure my code to include presenters and an event bus so that no direct references between views are needed (other than the #UIField attributes).
I was working through Gin documentation : I'll quote it here :
Gin "Magic"
Gin tries to make injection painless and remove as much boilerplate from your code as possible. To do that the generated code includes some magic behind the scenes which is explained here.
Deferred Binding
One way Gin optimizes code is by automating GWT deferred binding. So if you inject an interface or class1 bound through deferred binding (but not through a Guice/Gin binding), Gin will internally call GWT.create on it and inject the result. One example are GWT messages and constants (used for i18n purposes):
public interface MyConstants extends Constants {
String myWords();
public class MyWidget {
public MyWidget(MyConstants myconstants) {
// The injected constants object will be fully initialized -
// GWT.create has been called on it and no further work is necessary.
Note: Gin will not bind the instances created through GWT.create in singleton scope. That should not cause unnecessary overhead though, since deferred binding generators usually implement singleton patterns in their generated code.
You can see for yourself in this URL : http://code.google.com/p/google-gin/wiki/GinTutorial
It fails to mention why a singleton cannot be autogenerated by deferred binding and injected.
You can fix this by handcreating, using GWT.create(YourFactoryInterface.class).getProductList() in the constructor.
This means for testing puposes, you will need to pull the GWT.create into a seperate method and override it in a subclass and use that for testing like :
YourFactoryInterface getFactory() {
return GWT.create(YourFactoryInterface.class)
Gin's asEagerSingleton() binding was broken for quite a while, and was injecting null. Not sure when the fix went in, but I had problems with eager singletons on v1.0. See the issue or the explanation, if you're interested. I'd either switch to regular .in(Singleton.class) bindings, or make sure you're using Gin 1.5.
Is the Ginjector creating the ProductForm? I think maybe that is needed to make it populate the injected variable.