Efficient low-rank appoximation in MATLAB - matlab

I'd like to compute a low-rank approximation to a matrix which is optimal under the Frobenius norm. The trivial way to do this is to compute the SVD decomposition of the matrix, set the smallest singular values to zero and compute the low-rank matrix by multiplying the factors. Is there a simple and more efficient way to do this in MATLAB?

If your matrix is sparse, use svds.
Assuming it is not sparse but it's large, you can use random projections for fast low-rank approximation.
From a tutorial:
An optimal low rank approximation can be easily computed using the SVD of A in O(mn^2
). Using random projections we show how to achieve an ”almost optimal” low rank pproximation in O(mn log(n)).
Matlab code from a blog:
% preparing the problem
% trying to find a low approximation to A, an m x n matrix
% where m >= n
m = 1000;
n = 900;
%// first let's produce example A
A = rand(m,n);
% beginning of the algorithm designed to find alow rank matrix of A
% let us define that rank to be equal to k
k = 50;
% R is an m x l matrix drawn from a N(0,1)
% where l is such that l > c log(n)/ epsilon^2
l = 100;
% timing the random algorithm
trand =cputime;
R = randn(m,l);
B = 1/sqrt(l)* R' * A;
Ak = A*b(:,1:k)*b(:,1:k)';
trandend = cputime-trand;
% now timing the normal SVD algorithm
tsvd = cputime;
% doing it the normal SVD way
[U,S,V] = svd(A,0);
Aksvd= U(1:m,1:k)*S(1:k,1:k)*V(1:n,1:k)';
tsvdend = cputime -tsvd;
Also, remember the econ parameter of svd.

You can rapidly compute a low-rank approximation based on SVD, using the svds function.
[U,S,V] = svds(A,r); %# only first r singular values are computed
svds uses eigs to compute a subset of the singular values - it will be especially fast for large, sparse matrices. See the documentation; you can set tolerance and maximum number of iterations or choose to calculate small singular values instead of large.
I thought svds and eigs could be faster than svd and eig for dense matrices, but then I did some benchmarking. They are only faster for large matrices when sufficiently few values are requested:
n k svds svd eigs eig comment
10 1 4.6941e-03 8.8188e-05 2.8311e-03 7.1699e-05 random matrices
100 1 8.9591e-03 7.5931e-03 4.7711e-03 1.5964e-02 (uniform dist)
1000 1 3.6464e-01 1.8024e+00 3.9019e-02 3.4057e+00
2 1.7184e+00 1.8302e+00 2.3294e+00 3.4592e+00
3 1.4665e+00 1.8429e+00 2.3943e+00 3.5064e+00
4 1.5920e+00 1.8208e+00 1.0100e+00 3.4189e+00
4000 1 7.5255e+00 8.5846e+01 5.1709e-01 1.2287e+02
2 3.8368e+01 8.6006e+01 1.0966e+02 1.2243e+02
3 4.1639e+01 8.4399e+01 6.0963e+01 1.2297e+02
4 4.2523e+01 8.4211e+01 8.3964e+01 1.2251e+02
10 1 4.4501e-03 1.2028e-04 2.8001e-03 8.0108e-05 random pos. def.
100 1 3.0927e-02 7.1261e-03 1.7364e-02 1.2342e-02 (uniform dist)
1000 1 3.3647e+00 1.8096e+00 4.5111e-01 3.2644e+00
2 4.2939e+00 1.8379e+00 2.6098e+00 3.4405e+00
3 4.3249e+00 1.8245e+00 6.9845e-01 3.7606e+00
4 3.1962e+00 1.9782e+00 7.8082e-01 3.3626e+00
4000 1 1.4272e+02 8.5545e+01 1.1795e+01 1.4214e+02
2 1.7096e+02 8.4905e+01 1.0411e+02 1.4322e+02
3 2.7061e+02 8.5045e+01 4.6654e+01 1.4283e+02
4 1.7161e+02 8.5358e+01 3.0066e+01 1.4262e+02
With size-n square matrices, k singular/eigen values and runtimes in seconds. I used Steve Eddins' timeit file exchange function for benchmarking, which tries to account for overhead and runtime variations.
svds and eigs are faster if you want a few values from a very large matrix. It also depends on the properties of the matrix in question (edit svds should give you some idea why).


What is the reverse process of the repmat or repemel command?

I have a matrix of 50-by-1 that is demodulated data. As this matrix has only one element in each row, I want to repeat this only element 16 times in each row so the matrix become 50 by 16. I did it using the repmat(A,16) command in Matlab. Now at receiving end noise is also added in matrix of 50 by 16. I want to get it back of 50 by 1 matrix. How can I do this?
I tried averaging of all rows but it is not a valid method. How can I know when an error is occurring in this process?
You are describing a problem of the form y = A * x + n, where y is the observed data, A is a known linear transform, and n is noise. The least squares estimate is the simplest estimate of the unknown vector x. The keys here are to express the repmat() function as a matrix and the observed data as a vector (i.e., a 50*16x1 vector rather than a 50x16 matrix).
x = 10 * rand(50,1); % 50x1 data vector;
A = repmat(eye(length(x)),[16,1]); % This stacks 16 replicas of x.
n = rand(50*16,1); % Noise
y = A * x + n; % Observed data
xhat = A \ y; % Least squares estimate of x.
As for what the inverse (what I assume you mean by 'reverse') of A is, it doesn't have one. If you look at its rank, you'll see it is only 50. The best you can do is to use its pseudoinverse, which is what the \ operator does.
I hope the above helps.

Calculating the essential matrix from two sets of corresponding points

I'm trying to reconstruct a 3d image from two calibrated cameras. One of the steps involved is to calculate the 3x3 essential matrix E, from two sets of corresponding (homogeneous) points (more than the 8 required) P_a_orig and P_b_orig and the two camera's 3x3 internal calibration matrices K_a and K_b.
We start off by normalizing our points with
P_a = inv(K_a) * p_a_orig
P_b = inv(K_b) * p_b_orig
We also know the constraint
P_b' * E * P_a = 0
I'm following it this far, but how do you actually solve that last problem, e.g. finding the nine values of the E matrix? I've read several different lecture notes on this subject, but they all leave out that crucial last step. Likely because it is supposedly trivial math, but I can't remember when I last did this and I haven't been able to find a solution yet.
This equation is actually pretty common in geometry algorithms, essentially, you are trying to calculate the matrix X from the equation AXB=0. To solve this, you vectorise the equation, which means,
vec() means vectorised form of a matrix, i.e., simply stack the coloumns of the matrix one over the another to produce a single coloumn vector. If you don't know the meaning of the scary looking symbol, its called Kronecker product and you can read it from here, its easy, trust me :-)
Now, say I call the matrix obtained by Kronecker product of B^T and A as C.
Then, vec(X) is the null vector of the matrix C and the way to obtain that is by doing the SVD decomposition of C^TC (C transpose multiplied by C) and take the the last coloumn of the matrix V. This last coloumn is nothing but your vec(X). Reshape X to 3 by 3 matrix. This is you Essential matrix.
In case you find this maths too daunting to code, simply use the following code by Y.Ma et.al:
% p are homogenius coordinates of the first image of size 3 by n
% q are homogenius coordinates of the second image of size 3 by n
function [E] = essentialDiscrete(p,q)
n = size(p);
NPOINTS = n(2);
% set up matrix A such that A*[v1,v2,v3,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6]' = 0
A = zeros(NPOINTS, 9);
if NPOINTS < 9
error('Too few mesurements')
for i = 1:NPOINTS
A(i,:) = kron(p(:,i),q(:,i))';
r = rank(A);
if r < 8
warning('Measurement matrix rank defficient')
T0 = 0; R = [];
[U,S,V] = svd(A);
% pick the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue
e = V(:,9);
e = (round(1.0e+10*e))*(1.0e-10);
% essential matrix
E = reshape(e, 3, 3);
You can do several things:
The Essential matrix can be estimated using the 8-point algorithm, which you can implement yourself.
You can use the estimateFundamentalMatrix function from the Computer Vision System Toolbox, and then get the Essential matrix from the Fundamental matrix.
Alternatively, you can calibrate your stereo camera system using the estimateCameraParameters function in the Computer Vision System Toolbox, which will compute the Essential matrix for you.

Unsupervised Filter Feature Selection - Rank by Correlation

I have a set of features which and I wish to rank according to their Correlation Coefficient with each other, without accounting for the true label (that would by a Supervised feature selection, right?).
My objective is selecting the first feature as the one more correlated with every other, take it out and so on.
The problem is how to test the correlation of a vector with a matrix (all the other vectors/features)? Is it possible to do this or am I doing this all right.
PS: I'm using MATLAB 2013b
Thank you all
Say you had a n-by-d matrix X where the rows are instances and columns are the features/dimensions, then you can compute the correlation coefficient matrix simply using the corr or corrcoeff functions:
% Fisher Iris dataset, 150x4
>> load fisheriris
>> X = meas;
>> C = corr(X)
C =
1.0000 -0.1176 0.8718 0.8179
-0.1176 1.0000 -0.4284 -0.3661
0.8718 -0.4284 1.0000 0.9629
0.8179 -0.3661 0.9629 1.0000
The result is a d-by-d matrix containing correlation coefficients of each feature against every other feature. The diagonal is thus all ones (because corr(x,x) = 1), the matrix is also symmetric (because corr(x,y) = corr(y,x)). Values range from -1 to 1, where -1 means inverse correlation between two variables, 1 means positive correlation, and 0 means no linear correlation.
Now because you want to remove the feature which is on average the most correlated with other features, you have to summarize that matrix as one number per feature. One way to do that is to compute the mean:
% mean
>> mean_corr = mean(C)
mean_corr =
0.6430 0.0220 0.6015 0.6037
% most correlated feature on average
>> [~,idx] = max(mean_corr)
idx =
% drop that feature
>> X(:,idx) = [];
I probably should have taken the mean of the absolute value of C in the above code, because we don't care if two variables are positively or negatively correlated, only how strong the correlation is.

Anomally detection

I'm writing a code to detect anomalys using Gaussian distribution.
This is the code i wrote to compute the probability density function:
function p = multivariateGaussian(X, mu, Sigma2)
%MULTIVARIATEGAUSSIAN Computes the probability density function of the
%multivariate gaussian distribution.
% p = MULTIVARIATEGAUSSIAN(X, mu, Sigma2) Computes the probability
% density function of the examples X under the multivariate gaussian
% distribution with parameters mu and Sigma2. If Sigma2 is a matrix, it is
% treated as the covariance matrix. If Sigma2 is a vector, it is treated
% as the \sigma^2 values of the variances in each dimension (a diagonal
% covariance matrix)
k = length(mu);
if (size(Sigma2, 2) == 1) || (size(Sigma2, 1) == 1)
Sigma2 = diag(Sigma2);
X = bsxfun(#minus, X, mu(:)');
p = (2 * pi) ^ (- k / 2) * det(Sigma2) ^ (-0.5) * ...
exp(-0.5 * sum(bsxfun(#times, X * pinv(Sigma2), X), 2));
My first question: are there a fastter and clever way to compute this? I have a little matlab cluster setuped here with 2 pcs, but in this case, i have no clue how to parallelize this.
My second question:In one of the matrices i using as trainning set is [42712X19700], even having 24 gb of ram, im getting out of memory error. Is it possible use a technique like random forest(slice the trainning set, and then combine de results?)? Or any other way to circumvent this problem?
I appreciate any help. Tks in advance!
Divide the data into small chunks and apply parfor for processing of each chunk. That is simply my choose for large scale processing. Or you might use process based parallelization and read one chunk as another process is computing on another chunk of data.

Comparing two sets of vectors

I've got matrices A and B
size(A) = [n x]; size(B) = [n y];
Now I need to compare euclidian distance of each column vector of A from each column vector of B. I'm using dist method right now
Q = dist([A B]); Q = Q(1:x, x:end);
But it does also lot of needless work (like calculating distances between vectors of A and B separately).
What is the best way to calculate this?
You are looking for pdist2.
% Compute the ordinary Euclidean distance
D = pdist2(A.',B.','euclidean'); % euclidean distance
You should take the transpose of the matrices since pdist2 assumes the observations are in rows, not in columns.
An alternative solution to pdist2, if you don't have the Statistics Toolbox, is to compute this manually. For example, one way to do it is:
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:size(A, 2), 1:size(B, 2)); %// or meshgrid(1:x, 1:y)
Q = sqrt(sum((A(:, X(:)) - B(:, Y(:))) .^ 2, 1));
The indices of the columns from A and B for each value in vector Q can be obtained by computing:
[X(:), Y(:)]
where each row contains a pair of indices: the first is the column index in matrix A, and the second is the column index in matrix B.
Another solution if you don't have pdist2 and which may also be faster for very large matrices is to vectorize the following mathematical fact:
||x-y||^2 = ||x||^2 + ||y||^2 - 2*dot(x,y)
where ||a|| is the L2-norm (euclidean norm) of a.
C=-2*A'*B (this is a x by y matrix) is the vectorization of the dot products.
||x-y||^2 is the square of the euclidean distance which you are looking for.
Is that enough or do you need the explicit code?
The reason this may be faster asymptotically is that you avoid doing the metric calculation for all x*y comparisons, since you are instead making the bottleneck a matrix multiplication (matrix multiplication is highly optimized in matlab). You are taking advantage of the fact that this is the euclidean distance and not just some unknown metric.