Folding Curried Functions in Scala [duplicate] - scala

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Applying an argument list to curried function using foldLeft in Scala
val f = (i: Int, j: Int, k: Int, l: Int) => i + j + k + l
Because one can do this:
It's easy to fall into the trap of trying this:
List(1, 2, 3, 4).foldLeft(f.curried) { (fs, e) => fs.apply(e) }
However, the B parameter in the fold changes type once one applies an argument to it. In this example, the first iteration would change from a (Int) => (Int) => (Int) => (Int) => Int to a (Int) => (Int) => (Int) => Int.
Question: How to solve this?

You should be able to do this with an HList - see for an example of building fold functions over heterogenous lists.
Edit - hbatista's link in the comment above provides a full solution doing precisely this.


Understanding currying Scala [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Understanding Currying in Scala
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {
def sumF(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
if (a > b) 0
else f(a) + sumF(a + 1, b)
def sumCubes = sum(a => a * a * a)
sumCubes // output Function2
sumCubes(1,10) // output 3025.
sumCubes() // doesn't work
I feel I dont understand currying well enough. In the first statement , we are calling sumCubes without parameters , hence sum gets called with the anonymous function as parameter and returns a function2.
Whats really happening in 2nd and 3rd invocation ,
Why are we able to do
sum(a => a * a * a)(1,10)
but not
My understanding is that in sum(a => a * a * a)(1,10) , we are partially applying sum to the anonymous function, which returns a Function2 ,which is applied to the second pair of parameters (1,10) and hence we are getting 3025,
However the same should happen in case of sumCubes()(1,10) , invoking sumCubes without parameters first , would inturn invoke sum with the anonymous function and the Function2 returned would be applied to (1,10)
Why does sumCubes(1,10) work but not sumCubes()(1,10) , shouldn't sumCubes and sumCubes() mean the same thing , invocation of function sumCubes. Also if a simple reference sumCubes is invoking it , how can I pass it around. I feel like I am not understanding something fundamental about Scala.
Scala's methods can have multiple argument lists.
For example, here is a method foo that has ten argument lists, of which the first seven are empty:
def foo()()()()()()()(a: Int)(b: Int)(c: Int): Int = a + b + c
You can invoke it as follows:
and it will print 321.
Note that when you invoke a method, the number of argument lists, as well as the number of arguments in each list (and also their types) have to match the declaration.
Another example. The following method has two argument lists:
def bar(i: Int)(f: Int => Int) = f(i)
you can invoke it as follows:
bar(42)(x => x * x)
but not as
bar()(x => x * x)
bar()(42)(x => x * x)
or anything like it.
Completely analogously, if you have defined a method with zero argument lists
def baz = (x: Int) => x * x
then you must invoke it with zero argument lists too:
Since it returns an Int => Int function, you can of course apply the result to an Int:
which is the same as (baz)(42), but you cannot do the following:
because baz itself has no argument lists, and () does not contain a single integer argument.
Note that all of the above is actually a simplification: under certain circumstances, methods that have an empty argument list can be called without parentheses, i.e. def foo(): Unit = ... can be invoked as foo, without (). This is a somewhat strange feature, and I can't say exactly why it's there. My best guess would be: it has something to do with java-interop, where you really want to omit parentheses on zero-ary getters.

Transforming Map using map in scala

Given a string I want to create a map that for each character in a string will give the number of times the character occurs in a string. The following function makes a map from character to a list of Strings.
def wordOccurrences(w: String) = {
val lower = w.toLowerCase.toList
lower.groupBy(t => t)
Now I wanted to alter the last line to:
lower.groupBy(t => t) map ( (x,y) => x -> y.length)
But it doesn't work, can someone explain why and how to fix it?
For mapping purposes, a Map[K, V] is an Iterable[(K, V)] (notice the extra pair of parentheses, identifying a tuple type), meaning that when you map over it you have pass a function that goes from (K, V) to your target type.
What you are doing, however, is passing a function that takes two independent arguments, rather then a single tuple argument.
The difference can be seen by inspecting the types of these two functions in the Scala shell:
scala> :t (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
(Int, Int) => Int
scala> :t (p: (Int, Int)) => p._1 + p._2
((Int, Int)) => Int
Notice how the former takes two arguments while the latter takes a single tuple.
What you can do is pass a function which decomposes the tuple so that you can bind the components of the tuple independently:
lower.groupBy(t => t) map { case (x, y) => x -> y.length }
or alternatively pass a function which uses the tuple without deconstructing it
lower.groupBy(t => t) map (p => p._1 -> p._2.length)
Dotty, which is the current project Scala's original author Martin Odersky is working on and that will probably become Scala 3, supports the syntax you are proposing, calling the feature function arity adaptation. This has been discussed, along with other feature, in Odersky's 2016 Keynote at Scala eXchange, "From DOT to Dotty" (here the video taped at 2017 Voxxed Days CERN).
You can use
lower.groupBy(t => t).mapValues(_.length)

How to take a constant Integer as input in Partial Function? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to scala, I have a use case where I want to define a partial function to add three numbers in which one number is constant and two
numbers can be passed as inputs and define another method which can take the partial
function as input and gives its cube as result.
Well... That depends on where is your constant coming from?
Choice 1 - Your function forms a closure with a constant present in scope.
val yourConstant = 10
val pf: PartialFunction[(Int, Int), Int] = {
case (x, y) => x + y + yourConstant
pf((5, 10))
Choice 2 - Your function has a local constant.
val pf: PartialFunction[(Int, Int), Int] = {
case (x, y) => x + y + 10
pf((5, 10))
Also, as many others pointed out - this does not look like a use case of partial function. Are you sure that you want a Partial Function and not a partially applied function ?
if you were looking for a partially applied function then,
// first you need a curried function
// Curries function are function which can take parameters in steps to build intermidatary functions.
def normalDef(c: Int)(x: Int, y: Int): Int = c + y + x
// normalDef: normalDef[](val c: Int)(val x: Int,val y: Int) => Int
// now you can "partially apply" this "curried" function to your partially applied function
val addTo10PartiallyApplied = normalDef(10) _
// addTo10PartiallyApplied: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1240/1924827254#46202553
val total = addTo10PartiallyApplied(1, 2)
// total: Int = 13
The following partial function adds 12345 to each number in the tuple passed to it
scala> val addConstantTo: PartialFunction[(Int, Int), Int] = {
| case (a, b) => a + b + 12345
| }
addConstantTo: PartialFunction[(Int, Int),Int] = <function1>
scala> addConstantTo((12, 34))
res4: Int = 12391
This expands on the concept, by programmatically defining a partial function which adds any number to the elements of a tuple:
scala> def addTo(c: Int): PartialFunction[(Int, Int), Int] = {
| case (a, b) => a + b + c
| }
addTo: (c: Int)PartialFunction[(Int, Int),Int]
scala> val pf = addTo(3)
pf: PartialFunction[(Int, Int),Int] = <function1>
scala> pf((1, 2))
res5: Int = 6
Let that sink in for a bit :)

Difference between these two function formats

I am working on spark and not an expert in scala. I have got the two variants of map function. Could you please explain the difference between them.?
first variant and known format.
first variant (x,y) => x.size())
Second variant -> This has been applied on tuple{case (x, y) => y.toString()});
The type of val is RDD[(IntWritable, Text)]. When i tried with first function, it gave error as below.
type mismatch;
found : (, ⇒ Unit
required: ((, ⇒ Unit
When I added extra parenthesis it said,
Tuples cannot be directly destructured in method or function parameters.
Well you say:
The type of val is RDD[(IntWritable, Text)]
so it is a tuple of arity 2 with IntWritable and Text as components.
If you say (x,y) => x.size())
what you're doing is you are essentially passing in a Function2, a function with two arguments to the map function. This will never compile because map wants a function with one argument. What you can do is the following: (IntWritable, Text)) => xy._2.toString)
using ._2 to get the second part of the tuple which is passed in as xy (the type annotation is not required but makes it more clear).
Now the second variant (you can leave out the outer parens): { case (x, y) => y.toString() }
this is special scala syntax for creating a PartialFunction that immediately matches on the tuple that is passed in to access the x and y parts. This is possible because PartialFunction extends from the regular Function1 class (Function1[A,B] can be written as A => B) with one argument.
Hope that makes it more clear :)
I try this in repl:
scala> val l = List(("firstname", "tom"), ("secondname", "kate"))
l: List[(String, String)] = List((firstname,tom), (secondname,kate))
scala>, y) => x.size)
<console>:9: error: missing parameter type
Note: The expected type requires a one-argument function accepting a 2-Tuple.
Consider a pattern matching anonymous function, `{ case (x, y) => ... }`, y) => x.size)
maybe can give you some inspire.
Your first example is a function that takes two arguments and returns a String. This is similar to this example:
scala> val f = (x:Int,y:Int) => x + y
f: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
You can see that the type of f is (Int,Int) => Int (just slightly changed this to be returning an int instead of a string). Meaning that this is a function that takes two Int as arguments and returns an Int as a result.
Now the second example you have is a syntactic sugar (a shortcut) for writing something like this:
scala> val g = (k: (Int, Int)) => k match { case (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y }
g: ((Int, Int)) => Int = <function1>
You see that the return type of function g is now ((Int, Int)) => Int. Can you spot the difference? The input type of g has two parentheses. This shows that g takes one argument and that argument must be a Tuple[Int,Int] (or (Int,Int) for short).
Going back to your RDD, what you have is an Collection of Tuple[IntWritable, Text] so the second function will work, whereas the first one will not work.

What does this mean: map (1 + )

I mean, I know what it means: take the list and add 1 to each element in it; that is, it's equivalent to map (1 + _ ). What I don't understand is how Scala knows it's equivalent. What's going on here?
Daniel points out it's a more general question. For example
def g(f : Int => Int, x : Int) = f(f(x))
g( (1 + ), 2)
res12: Int = 4
Which is cool. Every day I find a new useful thing that Scala can do. I guess what I'm looking for a full description (and ideally a name) of this particular thing.
It goes a bit like this:
map expects a function Int => B (in this case).
1 + doesn't resolve to a function Int => B, so try other things.
1 + can be lifted from a method expecting an Int parameter to a function Int => Int.
One uses 1 + _ to solve ambiguity.