Powershell to do Clearcase checkin ,checkout,find command? - powershell

How to do check-in /check-out /Find and etc operation in Clearcase UCM using powershell.
Is there any way custom cmd-lets are available for this?

For more advanced functionality and better response times, I'd recommend accessing the CAL API directly via COM. The best documentation for that is available locally in <ClearCase install dir>\bin\cc_cal.chm.
$cc = New-Object -COM ClearCase.Application
$ccItem = $cc.Version("<absolute path to file/dir>")
$coItem = $ccItem.CheckOut($cc.ccReservedState,"",$false,$cc.Latest,$false,$false)
Write-Output $coItem.IsReserved

You can find an example in this IBM bug report, where you would use in your Powershell session the CAL API (ClearCase Automation Library)
PS C:\temp> $ct = new-object -com ClearCase.ClearTool
PS C:\temp> $ct.CmdExec('checkout -nc aFile')
Or, as in this thread, you would use directly cleartool.
In both cases, you will need to make sure the view in which you are doing the checkout/checkin operation as an UCM activity set (cleartool lsact -cact -cview should return an activity name, if done within the view).


IE save as pop up automation using powershell

Automating a process where i download a report from a link and save it in a particular folder. I can use sendkeys to automate this but under headless condition it fails. Is there any way in powershell to automate this.
So you need to download a file via Powershell. You'll need to know a direct link to it, then you can automate it via this script:
$url = "http://your-site/report.xlsx"
$output = "$PSScriptRoot\report.xlsx"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)
There are other options how to download the file via Powershell, but this is the best tradeoff for you.

How do I run Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet from third party program?

I have been trying to get this to work via a game control panel TCAdmin.
$ModPg1 = Invoke-WebRequest "http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=731604991"
$ModVer1 = ($ModPg1.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where{ $_.className -eq 'detailsStatRight' } ).innerText | Select -Last 1
If I run this cmdlet via a program like TCAdmin (or task scheduler), I get the following error....
Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.
Explorer is installed, and set up. The script works just fine if I run it manually.
My guess is there is a way to get TCAdmin to run the scripts the same way I would as a windows User.
Cant find a way nearly as simple to scrape the info 'm looking for.
As for this...
get TCAdmin to run the scripts the same way I would as a windows User.
For any app to run as a user, that users profile must be used on the host where the code is to be run. You cannot natively run PoSH on a host as another user context. This is not a PoSH issue, it is a Windows User Principal security boundary. There are tools that let you do this. For example SysInternal PSExec and AutoIT. Yet as stated that error is pretty specific. The user profile for Internet Explorer has not been created and that only happens when you use IE at least once.
So, as Adam points, out, use the setting the error message states to use or use your code to start IE at least once.
$SomeUrl = 'https://stackoverflow.com'
$ie = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application
$ie.visible = $true
while ($ie.Busy -eq $true) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } # Wait for IE to settle.
Again, if trying to run this in the context of another user, the two above tools will get you there, but you still have to fire up IE to have a profile for it.

Powershell get latest on a working folder?

I am trying to get latest on a specific folder and was wondering how I would do this. I have been reading the MSDN documentation about the Workspace class but unfortunately it doesn't seem to provide any information about how I would go about getting latest of a specific folder.
For example, I have a single workspace but with multiple working folders. My PowerShell script can get latest but only at workspace level. Is it possible to get it from a working directory level or at a particular folder level?
Thanks in advance, DS.
I believe this is possible as power tools is able to do it via right clicking a folder and getting latest. Ideally, want to replicate this.
The below shows my script in practice..
$tfs = .\tfs-get-instance.ps1 -uri $uri
$vcs = $tfs.TfsTeamProjectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer])
[psobject]$workspace = $vcs.GetWorkspace([System.Environment]::MachineName, [System.Environment]::UserName)
$workspace.Map($sourceFolder, $localFolder)
$result = $workspace.GetLocalItemForServerItem($sourceFolder);
if ($result -ne "")
echo $result
You should be able to use the Workspace.Get Method (String[], VersionSpec, RecursionType, GetOptions) to get what you want.
On the other hand, if you don't necessarily want to do it using the .NET objects, you could let tf.exe do the actual work, like the following:
& $TfExePath workfold /map "$codePath" "$LocalFolderPath" /collection:"$tfCollection" /workspace:$workspaceName
& $TfExePath get "$codePath" /version:$ChangeSet /force /overwrite /all /recursive $workspaceName
On the other hand, if you have the TF PowerTools installed you should also have PowerShell cmdlets for working with TFS. I have never used them, but I'm guessing you should be able to use them instead of using tf.exe if you want to. I would probably go for the PowerShell cmdlets in the power tools if they fill your need.

Display progress of exe installation from powershell?

I'm installing a file through powershell silently, but would like to give feedback on the progress of the installation. I can't seem to find this information anywhere. This is the code I have for running the exe:
$exe = "wls1033_oepe111150_win32.exe"
$xmlLocation = Resolve-Path "silent_install.xml"
$xmlLocation = "-silent_xml=" + $xmlLocation
$installLogLoc = Resolve-Path "wls_install.log"
$installLogLoc = "-log=" + $installLogLoc
$AllArgs = #('-mode=silent', $xmlLocation, $installLogLoc)
$filePath = Resolve-Path $exe
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo.Filename = $filePath
$p.StartInfo.Arguments = $AllArgs
Is there even a way to do this? I do get a progress meter for the extraction process in an alternate command window that installs the exe, but other than that it sits for there about 10 minutes with no sort of indication.
Edit: So seeing as this isn't possible, is there a way to do an asynchronous pipeline call while running the exe?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 99% sure that this is NOT possible. Your exe file is seperate process and not a PowerShell script. It will not be able to pass status messages to your PowerShell sessions. The only possibility would be to detect the setups log-file, tail it and update a progressbar in PowerShell based on keywords from the log. This is however a big task and something you need to customize for each setup file.
I would try to look into your exe file and see if it has a "basic ui" (or a similar type) mode that you can use instead of the silent option. A last alternative would be to repackage the setup with such an option(making installation automated with only progressbar). This solution would still only show the progressbar in a separate window and not in PowerShell itself.

Open url from script on Windows Server 2008

I want to write a script that loads a url (eg. http://google.com) automatically. But I don't want to install any 3rd party libraries or programs to the server. what's the easiest way to do this?
I just my options are batch script, vb script or powershell right?
FYI from PowerShell, if you want to retrieve the contents of the URL you can do this;
$page = (new-object net.webclient).DownloadString("http://www.bing.com")
$page # writes the contents to the console
If you just want to open it in a browser:
Start-Process http://www.bing.com
Or using the start alias
start http://www.bing.com
Start-Process is new in PowerShell 2.0.
The beauty of Powershell is it has so many ways to do something.
This is my Powershell 2.0 example code - consisting of a Pause function to allow the site to open. It uses Internet Explorer as the browser. In this case - IE is a better browser than the others because it integrates with Powershell through a verbose API.
$url = "http://www.google.com/"
$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
There are many different functions attached to this object. I recommend loading up the Powershell command line, typing in the above code, and checking what other functions this object has. Type $ie. and pressing TAB iterates through all the methods of this library.
The more I learn of Powershell, the more exciting it becomes. There is nothing it cannot do on Windows.
you can use vbscript
Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
objHTTP.Open "GET", url, False
wscript.Echo objHTTP.ResponseText