Where to put jar files for struts 2 in eclipse,giving error index.jsp(8,40) File "/struts-tags" not found - eclipse

Eclipse is only giving me option to include jar files in Java Build Path->Libraries .In some tutorial sites they are showing to add jar files in WEb-INF/lib,but iam not able to add jar here.i tried importing files to WEB-INF/lib,jars were added but they did not had jar icon instead some weird icon ,and when i m trying to run my struts login page its giving me error
/index.jsp(8,40) File "/struts-tags" not found.Where to put jar to make it work,Also while learning struts sometime i get Http 404 error,but when i restart eclipse(I tried restarting server but it didnt help) the error is gone all of a sudden.why this is happening.Eclipse is so confusing.

Go to the your web-project folder outside the eclipse.Cope your jars (which are required for your project).
Than open-up Eclipse, follow these steps
Right Click on project(Project Explorer) choose -->Configure build path.
Go to Library tab and click on add jars, it will open this wizard
Add required jars and i hope this will solve your problem.
Make sure you have required jars in your class-path..

As jars are showing some weird icon, I would suggest you to change the jar files. Also, make sure your added jar contains struts-tags.tld file. This will resolve error on index.jsp.
sorry, system is not allowing me to put comment. So editing the same.
Follow below steps to check the jars are added to build path correctly -
switch to package explorer view.
check whether your jars are added under web app Libraries. If yes your jars are added properly.
Then check struts-tags.tld file is present inside struts2-core.jar. If not present then copy it or add new jar containing the same.


Another GWT module may need to be recompiled

I'll start with the other threads I've read:
GWT module may need to be (re)compiled REDUX
Some subtlety of GWT compilation - "gwt module may need to be (re)compiled."
Google App Engine - recompile GWT module
GWT Maven : Module 'xxx' may need to be (re)compiled
I have taken the following steps to fix this:
Cleared my browser cache.
Deleted gwt-unitCache folder.
Deleted *.nocache.js.
Deleted every file that was left over from a previous build. (I did this by looking at the date and time it was created.)
Run both maven clean and gwt:clean on my project.
Compile by right clicking on the project and going to Google > GWT Compile.
Run maven package.
Put the war in my JBoss EAP 6.1 (JBoss AS 7) folder.
Connect to it and still get the "GWT module may need to be recompiled" error.
What else could be causing this error to come up?
This has happened to me in the past when I imported a GWT project to a different computer. Seems you have already done some things I have tried. Before you start, right click on your project, hit Refresh, so you don't miss anything that's not in sync with the file system. There are multiple things it may be, so here's all the things I did to get it working:
Before the following steps also helps if you use the same version of GWT that was originally used to create your project. Also, make sure gwt-servlet.jar, gwt-servlet-deps.jar, validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar, and validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar in your libs directory are the same as the ones from your GWT SDK directory (only if your app uses them).
Delete gwt-UnitCache
Open up the war directory.
Delete ALL compiled module folders.
Delete the war/WEB-INF/deploy folder.
Delete the war/WEB-INF/classes folder. It may be hidden in Eclipse, so you may have to do it via your file system.
Now, on the menus: click Project > Clean...
Make sure a build happens too. Either make "Build automatically" is selected, or use the option in the "Clean" dialog.
Do a GWT Compile. If you have more than one module, ONLY compile the main module. Any inherited modules will also be compiled.
I hope this helps. Ask if you need any clarifications.

No Class Def Found Error in my JSP file

I have a jsp file called AddBidding.jsp which adds bids for a facility. I am using the Google App Engine's datastore (objectify). When I try to run the file using localhost:8888/AddBidding.jsp. However, it keeps giving me NoClassDefinitionFound Error. Can I know what causes this error? I know it's due to the classpath but how do I fix it in Eclipse GAE?
I am making some assumptions over here since there are not too many details about which class is giving you the NoClassDefFound Error. Just ensure that all the external(additional) JARs that you use are present in the WEB-INF\lib folder also. For e.g. put all the Objectify and dependent JARs in the WEB-INF\lib folder and then try.
Right Click the Project on Project Explorer View > "Configure Build Path"
In Source [tab] Make sure your Default output folder is right
In Libraries [tab] you have Web App Libraries
If not Add Library...
That should get you working.

jars getting loaded twice in eclipse

Problem: jar getting loaded twice in eclipse
I copied and pasted struts jar into lib folder of WEB-INF.
The jars icon get changed .
If I remove the jars in build path they get back to normal state but program says package not found.
My program is correct but i am getting
Resource not found ie HTTP-404
error due to this.
So please tell me how to load jars?
You can do two things
go to the build path and create user define library for you jar file and
when you deleting it from build path that mean it is not configured for you application but some times it shows like it is configured. For that you again go to lib and add the jar to build path

How do you import a Java Class Library into a Java Web project (using NetBeans)?

I've already tried the options "Add folder...", "Add Library...", and "Add JAR/Folder...", but it's not working this time -- I've done this several times before without any problems.
I've also tried to add the folder / JAR file (.war-file) manually to the projects properties in every thinkable way, but still no success.
And so far, Google hasn't helped either..
Any help would really be appreciated.
(This is for a Java Web project with JavaServer Faces, using NetBeans 7.1)
Solved: I never found out what caused the problem. I ended up re-installing entire NetBeans, and re-created (a thousand times) the project I was trying to import. And in the end, I got it working.
Put the JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web project. All JARs in the WEB-INF/lib and all packages in WEB-INF/classes are automatically in the CLASSPATH.
Can you make "Hello, servlet" work? If not, why bother with JSF? Do a simple web app successfully and build up from there.
I had this problem with netbeans, but it seems like all the answers I found are for Eclipse (I guess am wrong) as I dont see any WEB-INF/lib directoryin NetBeans, though I have a WEB-INF directory.
so here what I did.
I remove the tomcat server on NetBeans, go to C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.30\lib , put the jstl-1.2.jar file their, restart NetBeans and add a new (Tomcat) server, create a new web app, and their, I could find the jstl-1.2.jar file in the Libraries > Apache tomcat.
and for unknown reason, it worked.!

Netbeans web application - excluding the JAR while building the WAR

I'm using Netbeans IDE for developing a web applications, and I've some JARs available in the application server which don't need to be in the WAR (but we need them to compile and run locally).
Is there an option in Netbeans to exclude the JAR file while building the WAR file?
Select the project in the Projects explorer window.
Pick the Project Properties item from the File menu (up in the menubar).
Select the word Libraries from the list on the lefthand side of the dialog that appears.
For each jar/library listed in the Compile-time Libraries list, uncheck those that do not need to be included in your war file.
I found the problem myself. I've all the libraries under my lib folder and added them to the project class path. Since the build is copying the entire content in the project, my library is also copying even though I've unchecked the package check box against the library.
So, don't put the library in your lib folder if you want to exclude that in the WAR built.