I have some text in a string. I want to create a google document using gdata api for java with the text.
I can see there is example of creating an empty document but there is no example of how to insert a text string in it.
Please advise.
I am working on a prototype using iText7 for C#. The PDF I am using is an XFAForm PDF and was created in Adobe Live Cycle Designer. From my research, XFAForms do not support annotations. I was going to add an annotation to the field with a link.
I want to be able to edit the value in a field to include a URL. For example,
Name : Marc
should be:
Name : Marc https://www.google.com
I am able to modify the value in this field, but no luck adding a URL that is clickable. I have tried the following:
element.Add(new XAttribute("href", injectedURL)); element is an XElement
Injecting HTML as the new value with a link
I was thinking about reading the XML, parsing it and injecting the URL in the XML and then writing it back to the PDF, but I do not feel that is a good solution.
Has anyone been able to do this?
I'm currently developing a Word add-in using the word-15.js script. I'm trying to save the document on some location. I assume that calling document.save(), saves the document to a location where the document already exists, so only if the document has been saved before and isn't a new document.
In my scenario, I'm trying to save/load a new document. For instance, when the user has created a new document and entered some text or other data, my add-in can load a SharePoint document library and save the that location. For instance: https://my-tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/my-site/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Shared Documents')/Files/add(url='test.docx', overwrite=true).
I haven't seen this done in any examples that I've been able to scramble through. Is this even possible? And if so, how?
there is no such API. you can, however, get the document (as docx, pdf or txt) using the getFileAsync API. and then once once you have the bits of the document you can upload it anywhere you need.
Here are more details and an example on how to use getFileAsync.
My task involves extracting the cover image in a word document.The heuristics that I am following is "if the first page of the document contains only an image then it is a cover image otherwise there is no cover image ".So i need to get the content of the first page alone and check if it has only an image.How can i do it ?
I tried a bunch of wordprocessing API like POI,docx4j,etc . But these API doesnt have any provisions to identify a particular page's content.I have also tried to write my own XML parsing.I understand that word document is reflowable and openxml of the docxfile doesnt have any clue regarding implicit page breaks.
I have posted a [question regarding this]: Finding implicit page break in word document using xml parsing
and there were no helpful answer.
So if this cannot be done via xml parsing of the openxml of the word document, what is the best way to do it ? Is there any helpful API in Java for this task ?
I am using openxml to generate my word file that contains user input messages and attachment if there are any. Now, I am stuck in a situation where I don't know how to display PDF /JPEG/JPG if user attached such things with the inputted message.
Is there any way I can show the above attached in my generated word file.
MSDN has the specific example of adding the images to the document. The sample code you could use is provided here.
Please excuse my ignorance on this subject I am very new to this.
I need to be able to insert images and html that contains tabular data into a word document from a Word Addin. This I have managed to do in its most basic form using the InsertFile method. Word converts the html into its native syntax wordprocessingML which is fine.
However, I need to be able to store some metadata with each inserted object so that it can be regenerated externally and replaced in the document when requested by the user. I have been looking at Open XML but can see how or if it is possible with this either.
Please can you point me in the right direction as to how best I can achieve this.
Thanks in advance.