Proper way to release memory allocation? - iphone

I'm a newbie when it comes to objective C, and am currently experiencing a memory leak with the following code snippet. The memory leak occurs with the 'responseObj' allocation. Whenever I try to release it similar to responseData, I get a crash.
-(void) connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
NSString* responseStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSMutableArray* responseObj = [responseStr objectFromJSONString];
[delegate loadGameDetails:[responseObj objectForKey:#"result"]];
[responseStr release];
[responseData release]; responseData = nil;
I also tried to autorelease as below, but I also get a crash:
[delegate loadGameDetails:[[responseObj objectForKey:#"result"] autorelease]];
What's the proper way for me to release this block of memory?

The problem is not in your allocation. Your are sending objectForKey: to a NSMutableArray which is actually a NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary method. Double check what type of object objectFromJSONString really returns.

Nothing in that code is leaking. You have a possible over-release of responseData but I can't tell since the declaration and setup of it is not in scope. If it is an ivar you would typically set it to nil via the accessor (which would release it there) than directly as you have done here.
If there is a leak it is in your loadGameDetails method. What makes you think you have a memory leak? Have you run this through instruments, or used the static analyser?


Memory leak of an NSMutableArray using Instruments

According to the leak instrument in XCode it's saying this line is giving a memory leak (100%)?
self.unsentPatients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[defaults arrayForKey:UNSENT]];
I'm correctly releasing etc. on dealloc (which is definitely being ran) so I don't understand where I am going wrong?
It's only a small leak and Analysis doesn't come up with anything, but nonetheless it's still a leak.
Kind regards,
There are many things wring with this code.
I'm assuming that the property is retaining the value, then you should not assign the value the way you are doing now, but more like:
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[defaults arrayForKey:UNSENT]];
self.unsentPatients = temp;
[temp release], temp = nil;
self.unsentPatients = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[defaults arrayForKey:UNSENT]] autorelease];
You should also avoid using the self. syntax in dealloc or init, which will call a mutator.
In multithreaded environment this could give problems.
So the correct dealloc would be:
- (void) dealloc {
[unsentPatients release], unsentPatients = nil;
[super dealloc][;

Why does one of these methods cause a leak and the other not

In my app i get a memory leak in
-(void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
result = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[webData mutableBytes]
length:[webData length]
[webData release];
-(void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
NSString * result = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[webData mutableBytes]
length:[webData length]
[webData release];
in my first process I didn't get a memory leak(Declare a string object globally and I didn't release it)
In my second process i get a memory leak in string object.
Value stored to 'result' during its initialization is never read
Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count (owning reference)
Object allocated on line 124 and stored into 'result' is no longer referenced after this point and has a retain count of +1 (object leaked)
what is the difference?
In first case analyzer expects you to release your initted result string in, say, - (void)dealloc method of the class. If you don't - you'll get a leak as well (you'll see the leak if you run your app with via Instruments app with Leaks instrument added.
In second case you're creating a local variable in method scope where it should be released as well since you won't have a reference of it in any other method (i.e. if you try access result variable in other method you'll get unknown identifier error).
The difference is that the global String variable still points to the memory location containing the object, whereas the local variable goes out of the scope, so there is no pointer anymore and the memory has not been released.
That said, one has to understand that even situations technically not being leaks, could be seen as such, especially if one does not intend to use the global variable and just holds the reference for the lifetime of the application.

Objective-C memory leak in C methods

Hi all
I get memory leaks on the leaks instrument whenever I trigger this method. Do you think anything is wrong with this??
static NSString* readStringOrDie(InputData *input, size_t length, NSStringEncoding encoding)
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: readOrDie(input,length)
length: length
encoding: encoding]; // HERE THE LEAK COMES !!
if (!str)
[NSException raise: BERParserException format: #"Unparseable string"];
return [str autorelease];
That code is fine. Most likely the actor that receives str retains it and subsequently fails to release it. Instruments knows where memory that has leaked was allocated but doesn't know where it should have been released, so it can provide some slightly unhelpful clues.
Because of using NSException for recoverable error.

instruments showing NSPlaceholderstring leaks

I'm trying to reduce the memory leaks in my app, so i used instruments to find all the leaks. I managed to remove almost all of the leaks, except a very annoying one.
Instruments is telling me that i have a lot of NSPlaceholderstring leaks.
The code that generated the leak (according to instruments) is:
if (nil == storedHash)
NSString *description = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"1 = %# 2= %d", uId, service];
self.storedHash = description; // This line is the leak according to instruments
[description release];
description = nil;
return storedHash
storedHash is define like this:
#property(copy) NSString* storedHash;
I tried everything i can think of:
I used retain instead of copy
I used an autorelease allocation of the NSString (stringWithFormat)
I tried wrapping the code with an autorelease pool
Nothing of the above changed the leak. (In some cases the type of the leaks change, but there are still leaks)
Ideas anyone?
Where do you release storedHash? Do you release it in dealloc?
Note that NSPlaceholdeString is an implementation detail; it is the class of the instance returned by NSString's +alloc method.
How about in the dealloc method? Did you release the storedHash in the dealloc method? And how about checking if (nil == self.storedHash)
You should use
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* storedHash;
instead copy. #property(copy) didn't release your old NSObject and you should do it yourself:
if (nil == storedHash)
NSString *description = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"1 = %# 2= %d", uId, service];
[self.storedHash release];
self.storedHash = description; // This line is the leak according to instruments
[description release];
// description = nil; // it's unnecessary
also you should release storedHash in dealloc.

Why Instruments report a leak?

I am developing an iphone app. Instruments reported a leaked object ServiceTypes. Below is the relevant code. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks a lot for your help.
ServiceTypes *serviceTypes = [[ServiceTypes alloc] init];
if ([userConnection getServiceTypes:serviceTypes]) {
if ([serviceTypes.types length] > 0) {
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[serviceTypes.types componentsSeparatedByString: SERVICE_TYPE_DELIMITOR]];
serviceRequestTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:array];
[array release];
[[self typesTableView] reloadData];
[serviceTypes release];
It doesn't look like serviceTypes is being leaked. From the code you posted, serviceTypes is always released at the end of the method, and it doesn't appear to be retained anywhere in your sample. My question is: what happens inside getServiceTypes:. Does that method retain the serviceTypes parameter?
One more thing. If serviceRequestTypes is an instance variable (and it looks like it is), then you may be leaking memory by reassigning it without releasing the existing serviceRequestTypes object first. You should either rewrite serviceRequestTypes to be a property and use a synthesized accessor or make sure to release it every time before assigning. If its current value is nil, no big deal; the release message will simply be ignored. For example:
[serviceRequestTypes release];
serviceRequestTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[serviceTypes.types componentsSeparatedByString:SERVICE_TYPE_DELIMITER]];