Eclipse error while running android emulator - eclipse

So my eclipse basically freezes up on loading my android emulator whenever it sees fit. Its not an actual error. Everything works fine but I cannot run the emulator. I try terminating the android emulator trying to run but it wont terminate and it always stops at 27%.
I have to force quit eclipse and start it up again. It happens a lot and its really annoying to have to stop coding and restart my emulator every like 30 mins. Ive tried restarting the computer and such and looking this up on google but still havent found anything... Anyone know what to do or what it could be?

You can try running Eclipse in debug mode from a terminal, with this command, from the Eclipse directory:
./eclipse --consolelog --debug


Flutter error Unable to start the daemon process

My flutter project is run smoothly in my old laptop. But when I use my new laptop, my flutter project can't run in debug mode.
This error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the User Manual chapter on the daemon at
Process command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin\java.exe -Xmx1536M -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp C:\Users\ajoris\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.6.2-all\9st6wgf78h16so49nn74lgtbb\gradle-5.6.2\lib\gradle-launcher-5.6.2.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 5.6.2
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 1572864KB object heap
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Is there something missing in the settings on my new laptop? I tried to clean project, upgrade flutter but always fail. Sorry for new
What actually worked for me is, In windows 10 just turn off your mobile hotspot and run the app again. I think it's a glitch/bug in windows 10.
The solution to this problem is deactivating windows hotspot before running build or app compilation.
Don't delete anything or file, just build the app with mobile hotspot turned off.'
its a windows 10 bug that start without any reason. i refreshed my windows and this started
Flutter or Android Applications
The general steps I would use are:
run flutter doctor in terminal
if you are using an emulator make sure it has enough space (often it needs a restart to clear junk files created upon consecutive deploys)
if the gradle files have been modified it is recommended to open them with Android Studio (Android folder of the application). If anything is missing the IDE will prompt you to install the missing dependencies.
Hope it helps
I tried all the above methods but sadly none of them worked. What eventually worked for me was too simple.
first try all the suggested solutions here and if it doesn't work
try to disable mobile firewall, actually I discovered that it's a windows 10 bug because disabling mobile hotspot just until you build or compile your project then you can reenable it without any problem .
Step 1: Open the Registry Editor on your Windows 10 computer. To do this, just press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. In the Run dialog box, type “Regedit” and hit enter. This will open the Registry Editor window.
Step 2: In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft WindowsNetwork Connections
Step 3: In the Network Connections key, on the right-side pane, right-click anywhere in the empty area and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Step 4: Name the newly created registry “NC_ShowSharedAccessUI” and keep its value as “0” to disable the Mobile Hotspot feature on your laptop.
Step 5: To enable the feature, just change the value of the NC_ShowSharedAccessUI registry from 0 to 1 and the feature will be enabled again.
When the functionality has been disabled, the feature will still appear in the Network & Internet settings but it cannot be enabled or configured. To use the feature, the registry needs to be edited again and enable the functionality.
It looks like a memory problem.
In your project folder, Go to android/
Change the line
Save the file and try to run debugging again.
That Worked for me :)
Usually it Is bcoz of the .gradle file in C:drive.
1.Locate to the .gradle folder (usually in C:\users\your_username)
2.Delete the .gradle folder once located.
2.Locate to your flutter project folder
2.Locate to android
3.Run gradlew clean
4.Run gradlew build run your app...It worked for me
I tried all the above methods but sadly none of them worked. What eventually worked for me was simple.
There has been a lot of problem with emulator configuration and sometimes it crashes for a lot of reasons. For the above problem what I recommend is, delete the current emulator but remember the settings like API version and all and make a new emulator.
This worked for me fine!
I'll post what solved for me.
flutter clean
flutter run
Close Android studio
Delete your ".gradle" folder
Open android studio as administrator and allow project to build.
For my case i had --no-sound-null-safety in the Dart: Flutter Additional Args ( go to vscode settings under extensions dart ). I deleted it, deleted the web folder in the project ( i was working on the app only ) then reloaded vscode. the error was gone afterwards
go to C:\Program Files\nodejs
Open npm, npm.cmd, npx, npx.cmd
then change the prefix -g to prefix --location=global
still if this did not work,
go to android studio click on build, then click clear project.
I also faced this issue and this step resolved problem. Still if this did not work out let me know.
Non of the solution in here worked for me. running my vscode or android studio as an administrator solved the problem.
Go to file/setting/build,execution,deployment/gradle, and there where Gradle user home: pass static address.
For example, my address is C:/Users/Admin/.gradle.
After applying if runs OK.
There is a simple solution.
Uninstall the app from your device .
Then restart the PC .
First of all Uninstall the application from emulator.
then wipe all data from the emulator.
Sometimes turning off mobile hotspot will do the work.
After turning off if not work then restart the pc or a laptop. Don't turn on mobile hotspot and run flutter run.

eclipse gets stuck when trying to launch static web on local host

I am trying to run a static web page on my mac (Yosemite 10.10.2) using eclipse Luna.
When I run it for the first time it works perfectly fine. But as soon as I exit from eclipse, reopen it and click on run button then HTTP Preview progress gets stuck at 100% while showing:
Preparing Launch delegate ... Launching delegate
The only workaround I've found so far is to exit eclipse, delete the whole workspace folder and run eclipse again. It works but it's so annoying. I tried this before with mountain lion OS and eclipse kepler and same thing happens.
I really appreciate your help.
It worked for me after eclipse restart.
Had same problem and it turns out that my mistake was changing /etc/hosts file configuration for After removal of config changes, server worked.

Can't get Android Emulator to work in Linux

I have Fedora 10, it's an old machine.
When I launch the Emulator, it comes up, but I don't
get any initial "Android" display text on the screen, and I've tried
waiting ages.
I installed the Java JDK 7 first then 'android-sdk-r22.2.1-linux.tgz'
and I even set the "alternates" for Java.
I've tried several Emulators, like the 4.3 with the armeabi
and an earlier 3.2. I also tried launching them from the command line with:
emulator -no-audio -gpu off -avd [AVDName] and I even tried '-force-32bit'
but nothing is working.
I've used the Emulator on Windows for a long time, so I'm
very familiar with how to use them, but I just can't get them working on Linux,
what can I try?
This will work:
1) Create a Phone in Eclipse using the Android Virtual Device Manager
(Navigation Bar | Window | Android Virtual Device Manager)
2) Open a terminal in: yourInstallationFolder/sdk/tools
3) Type: ./emulator #theNameofYourPhone -force-32bit
I had exactly the same issue, with the latest build tools - emulator would not launch, adding -debug-init showed that it couldn't get past this line:
ping command: /path/to/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/ddms ping
emulator 22.3.0 "NVIDIA Corporation" "GeForce 8600 GTS/PCIe/SSE2"
"3.3.0 NVIDIA 331.20
But sometimes it worked, it got past this and printed some debug info about display surface, pixel format etc - then emulator was working.
I tried soooo many things, none worked, but it seems I found the solution!
It looks like emulator always starts OK if I launch it from the first virtual desktop! And not working, 'hanging' - when launched from others.
Took some time to figure out, because my main 'development' virtual desktop is a second one :)
Dunno whos bug this is, NVIDIA's, xorg's or emulator's, but I hope this workaround will keep working :)
I have been pulling my hair out on this issue all week... I finally just tried a different DE. I launched an icewm session and the emulator is not running just fine. It seems to be an issue either with GTK or KDE's WM.
Any ways, I hope this helps solve the issues you might be having.

eclipse program stops at launching 27%

i just installed eclipse 3.5.2 on my ubuntu 10.04 and also the ADT and the plugins for the android api.
When i first run an app lets say it works great, but if i make a change and try to run it again the emulator doesnt works and at the down right corner displays this message :
"Launching Test: (27%)" and the emulator displays the program as it was without taking effect by the new changes.
You can check what i said at the right bottom of the pic.
The issue happens when launching the first emulator from the Run button in Eclipse.
To avoid:
Start Eclipse
Window -> AVD Manager
Start an emulator
Run the project

Eclipse: Blackberry simulator output console is not showing any entry

Suddenly the console is showing no output while I run my programs on the simulator(even when on debug mode).
The console remains all empty while I start the simulator and run the programs.
How to fix it?
This might sound stupid, but have you restarted Eclipse? I've seen this happen before and I've just restarted