Fill iPhone Screen With Translucent Mask EXCEPT For One Area - iphone

I already have a view box showing the user where to center the text they would like to analyze, but I would like to fill the rest of the screen with a translucent gray mask. Unfortunately I can't simply pre-render what I want (as shown in the image) in Photoshop and just add it to the project because I need the view box to remain programmatically added separately. Is there a way to add color to a view in all areas except a designated area?

Why not just add 4 translucent views (fill them with black and set their alpha property to 0.5 for example) on top of the view? One on top, bottom, left and right of the area you want translucent?
That shouldn't be too hard to do, you can just modify the size of the views based on where you want the box to be.


UIBarButtonItem Custom Image is Stretched (Xcode)

I'm creating a side menu in Xcode, and to open it I'm using a navigation view controller like the following:
I need the left bar button item to be on the left.
I added a left bar button item. Without changing it to a custom image, it is aligned to the left, as desired. When I change it to the custom image (the three lines) it stretches and aligns itself in the center. I have not written any code for this view controller yet, so none exists for the bar button item.
How can I get this aligned to the left as it should be? (Above the "Home" text).
Thanks for any help.
This is because your menu icon size is bigger.I have added two images one is with 64*64 px size which is perfect and in another icon with 512*512 px size
Hope it will help.Thank you.
You can’t use any image size for UIKit tab bar or navigation items.
Please read this guideline from Apple:

How to perform an interactive animation with Auto Layout in which you interpolate between different constraints?

I'd like to have an interactive animation where a view transitions from one set of constraints to another as the user drags up/down the screen. The background image should shrink vertically (easy), and the profile image should change from being horizontally and vertically aligned to the background image to being anchored to the top and left corners of the background image. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible, and you can see this effect in the Avvo app, for example (in the lawyer profile screen). The trick here is to smoothly transition from one set of constraints to another.
Here's an outline of how to do this:
add a UIScrollView. Add the view you want to animate as a subview to the scroll view.
Make your view controller implement
In the delegate method
scrollViewDidScroll(_:), update the constraints' constants as
Also in that method, when contentOffset crosses a
threshold value, flip to a different set of constraints, by setting
their active property to true or false.
To keep the view (the headshot image, in my example), pinned to the top as you scroll, just continuously update its top spacing constraints based on the contentOffset.y value.
Achieving a perfectly smooth transition may take some trial and error, but it definitely can be done!
Here are the screenshots showing the transition as you scroll up:

Setting 2 different backgrounds for a view

I have a view, which is divided into 2 parts. On the top half of the view I want a blue background and on the bottom half I want a transparent background. I am not sure if it can be done.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks
There are multiple ways to do this. By far the easiest is to simply create a subview in the top half of the view with a blue background. Other methods include adding a sublayer or overriding drawRect with custom drawing code.
if you only want to create a single view then you have to create a image file with 2 parts
upper part is blue and bottom half is transparent
else you need to create two view with different background

Is it possible to set autosizing in interface builder for rotatable bg image?

I'm designing the UI with IB with a lot of images, and the default design orientation is landscape. However, I need to shrink the whole view to fit in portrait mode, by shrinking to the maximum allowed width and maintaining same aspect ratio for the view with it's inner images. The best way to imagine what I want to achieve is to imagine some landscape photo. When you rotate that to portrait it shrinks to the maximum width, centers vertically, but maintains the same aspect ratio. In my case, I want to shrink a view with its all inner subviews.
First, I'm manually resizing view frame to required size in viewWillApppear, and also calling setAutoresizesSubviews to resize all it's inner views. Those inner views - images are with "Aspect Fit" and all autosizing options set (to fill the available area on resized view). However, inner views pops out of the container: some images jumps to the top, text view expands to full portrait height. Is possible to set some kind of "view-container", then say - "view resize to size X and resize all your but only inside view-container area?
When you design in IB you must check several things. First of all the "view container" properties, that is the view that contains all subview. In order to behave properly on rotation this view must be setup with right IB Autosizing properties, that is with the autosize lines (springs) and border lines (structs) correctly set. In your case you want your container to be exactly fit with the main view so enable the "structs" at the four sides and enable the "springs" inside. Play with this values and look at the "Example" displayed by IB.
Then you must instruct this container to properly behave with its subviews. So check in IB that "Autoresize subviews" and the content mode, if needed, (= "Mode") has the wished setting.
At this point you check in the device or the simulator if your view is rotating and rising properly.
Then you must take care of the content of this view, which is a UIImageView. This must be centered, so remove the structs, and autoresized, so set the springs. Then set the content mode to Aspect Fit or Aspect Fill at your wish.
These settings should work. For more complex stuff, you must programmatically set things.

What is the best way to implement a widget like this in iPhone SDK?

alt text
At first we thought of have a back bar and a front bar and simply grow the front bar as the bar progresses. But then we realized that the front bar cannot "stretch" because it has a flat end, and the flat end will be taller than the back bar when it reaches near the end.
How would you implement this bar in the iPhone SDK?
I would do the same as Sophtware but with a bit more sophistication, since the background below the progress bar also seems to be an image view, having a bit of gradient on right side.
From bottom to top, I would have:
1) at the very bottom - background of the progress bar, stationary. It can be larger than the progress bar area since it will have stuff sitting on top of it.
2) the progress bar rectangle with border, shadow, gradient etc - as Sopthware says, you would slide this left and right for desired "progress"
3) the top layer - the bezel around the progress bar, with a hole (transparent area) in the middle, from where both the progress bar and background would be.
EDIT: you mentioning the background being UIToolbar changes things a bit. The easiest way implementation-wise would actually to produce all the possible states of the widget as one monolithic image. At runtime, you would simply swap the images. The widget is sufficiently small that this would not have an impact on the app size, and should be fine if you don't want to do complex animation or anything like that.
There are other ways of doing it that would involve breaking the image into pieces, but as you mention, those will be more dependent on the UIToolbar color. Producing it as a monolithic image will work with any toolbar color.
You could use two image views. The top one would be everything with the progress part knocked out, which would have that area set to transparent. The second image view would be rectangle of the entire progress portion. Then just slide the progress part under the top view to get the desired affect.