Get result of REST sampler in JMeter - rest

Please show me how can get the result of REST sampler in Jmeter. Because I need to to it for checking my sampler is right or wrong

You can use View results tree and uncheck Errors and Success check boxes in order to show all responses you receive. The Response data tab will show response data :) which you can format using drop down list in the lower left part of the View Results Tree component, bellow the request tree.
When you run test with large number of requests I suggest you check Errors (to record only requests that failed) to avoid filling up the RAM.
Or even better (for advanced test verification), you can use Assertions to mark the requests/responses that failed (which doesn't have to mean only "response code != 200", you may want to include your business logic and check arbitrary response header/param).

Add a 'View Results Tree View' to your testplan to see how the tests run.
When clicking on a test you can view the request/response data.
Next you might want to validate that response; add a 'Response Assertion' to your test
where you can match the response to anything you want.


a call to query consoleText returns with HttpStatus 100 - how to deal with that?

I am working on a program than launches Jenkins jobs using the REST API. After the job has completed, I'd like to get its log, so I call in my code.
In 75% of the cases that works and I get the text in return. But there a some cases where it comes back with HttpStatus 100 and no text. (Opening the URL with the browser then shows the text, so clearly there is something to return.) (I haven't found any pattern that would explain it, like "exceptionally large log" or so.)
I found no documentation about calls returning 100 and have no idea how to proceed. Simple repeating the call gives the same result. So how can I get the expected result?
Surprisingly "exceptionally large" was the answer. This caused a timeout (followed by some inappropriate handling) in the library that I used to handle the HttpGet. (Fortunately it was fixed very quickly.)

I need simple proxy between 2 rest APIs

My code is working ok for GET/POST/PUT to/from restApi1 and restApi2.
However, my problem I need to implement HEAD/OPTIONS (no body!) and GET uri1
HEAD/OPTIONS could return 204 or 200 depends on a process status. I am getting error "Stream closed". Sounds like Camel want body bytes, but I don't indend to have it. Even I set ExchangePattern.InOnly or optional etc error occur...
What is correct way to see responses and handle requests WITHOUT body, just statuses exchange?
How to see response from restApi2 on Camel rest("/restApi1").head().route().routeId("id1")
I figured it out. Need to set '.convertBodyTo(String.class)' even I don't have a body.

Outlook rest api "synchronize messages" ignores $expand in subsequent calls

I am trying to synchronize an Outlook folder (say the Inbox) using the beta version of the Outlook Rest Api see doc here
I need only to retrieve the property IsRead and the PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID
So following documentation, for the first synchronization my requests look like:
The following Http headers are always added:
request.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.track-changes");
request.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.maxpagesize=5"); //Use a small page size easier for debugging
The first initial full synchronization request'inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))
Good results the value array contain what I need.
The second request after the first request uses the deltatoken'inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead,Subject&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))&$deltatoken=a758b90491954a61ad463ef3a0e690a2
Bad results, no SingleValueExtendedProperties entries
Next requests for paginations with skiptoken...'inbox')/messages?$select=IsRead,Subject&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(PropertyId eq 'String 0x1035'))&$skiptoken=e99ad10324464488b6b219ca5ed6be1c
Bad results again, same as 2.
It looks like a bug to me. Can you provide a workaround? From a list of ItemId is possible to retrieve easily the list of corresponding PR_InternetMessage_Id efficiently (not item per item)?
Note also that in the documentation it is written that:
The response will include a Preference-Applied: odata.track-changes
header. If you attempt to sync a resource that is not supported, this
header will not be returned in the response. Check for this header
before processing the response to avoid errors.
It seems that for 2. and 3. calls this response header "Preference-Applied" is not set.
The sync functionality today doesn't support extended properties. However, we are working to enable this and it should start working in a few weeks.
For a workaround for the very special case of the PR_INTERNETMESSAGE_ID look at the comment below.

GoodData Export Reports API Call results in incomplete file

I've developed a method that does the following steps, in this order:
1) Get a report's metadata via /gdc/md//obj/
2) From that, get the report definition and use that as payload for a call to /gdc/xtab2/executor3
3) Use the result from that call as payload for a call to /gdc/exporter/executor
4) Perform a GET on the returned URI to download the generated CSV
So this all works fine, but the problem is that I often get back a blank CSV or an incomplete CSV. My workaround has been to put a sleep() in between getting the URI back and actually calling a GET on the URI. However, as our data grows, I have to keep increasing the delay on this, and even then it is no guarantee that I got complete data. Is there a way to make sure that the report has finished exporting data to the file before calling the URI?
The problem is that export runs as asynchronous task - result on the URL returned in payload of POST to /gdc/exporter/executor (in form of /gdc/exporter/result/{project-id}/{result-id}) is available after exporter task finishes its job.
If the task has not been done yet, GET to /gdc/exporter/result/{project-id}/{result-id} should return status code 202 which means "we are still exporting, please wait".
So you should periodically poll on the result URL until it returns status 200 which will contain a payload (or 40x/50x if something wrong happened).

RESTful, efficient way to query List.contains(element)?

/images: list of all images
/images/{imageId}: specific image
/feed/{feedId}: potentially huge list of some images (not all of them)
How would you query if a particular feed contains a particular image without downloading the full list? Put another way, how would you check whether a resource state contains a component without downloading the entire state? The first thought that comes to mind is:
Alias /images/{imageId} to /feed/{feedId}/images/{imageId}
Clients would then issue HTTP GET against /feed/{feedId}/images/{id} to check for its existence. The downside I see with this approach is that it forces me to hard-code logic into the client for breaking down an image URI to its proprietary id, something that REST frowns upon. Ideally I should be using the opaque image URI. Another option is:
Issue HTTP GET against /feed/{feedId}?contains={imageURI} to check for existence
but that feels a lot closer to RPC than I'd like. Any ideas?
What's wrong with this?
HEAD /images/id
It's unclear what "feed" means, but assuming it contains resources, it'd be the same:
HEAD /feed/id
It's tricky to say without seeing some examples to provide context.
But you could just have clients call HEAD /feed/images/{imageURI} (assuming that you might need to encode the imageURI). The server would respond with the usual HEAD response, or with a 404 error if the resource doesn't exist. You'd need to code some logic on the server to understand the imageURI.
Then the client either uses the image meta info in the head, or gracefully handles the 404 error and does something else (depending on the application I guess)
There's nothing "un-RESTful" about:
It returns the subset as specified. The resource, /feed/{feedid}, is a list resource containing a list of images. How is the resource returned with the contains query any different?
The URI is unique, and returns the appropriate state from the application. Can't say anything about the caching semantics of the request, but they're identical to whatever the caching semantics are of the original /feed/{feedid}, it simply a subset.
Finally, there's nothing that says that there even exists a /feed/{feedid}/image/{imageURL}. If you want to work with the sub-resources at that level, then fine, but you're not required to. The list coming back will likely just be a list of direct image URLS, so where's the link describing the /feed/{feedid}/image/{imageURL} relationship? You were going to embed that in the payload, correct?
How about setting up a ImageQuery resource:
# Create a new query from form data where you could constrain results for a given feed.
# May or may not redirect to /image_queries/query_id.
POST /image_queries/
# Optional - view query results containing URIs to query resources.
GET /image_queries/query_id
This video demonstrates the idea using Rails.