Liferay Hooks plugins folder - liferay-6

I am using Liferay 6 version.
I am trying to Learn Liferay, due to its importance.
I am into the Liferay Hooks concept, for this I am following this site:
In this the author mentions about this below:
Go to plugins/hooks create a folder with any name. eg asset-publisher-hook
Please tell me where can i find the plugins folder?
Because inside the Liferay Tomcat, I found 6 folders with the name plugins and no folder hooks under this .
Please guide me.

You might also want to read the documentation in the Liferay Wiki:
In a Nutshell: once you have created the hook plugin (as described by adarshr) you can simply deploy the portlet like any other portlet.
If you want to remove the hook, make sure to undeploy it while Tomcat is running. Otherwise Liferay will not be informed about it and the original JSPs won't be restored.
Un-deploying can be done by simply deleting the portlet's directory in the Tomcat webapps folder.

You need to install the Plugins SDK which can be downloaded from Select "Plugins SDK" in the dropdown and click download.
Once you extract it, open a command prompt in the hooks folder. Then you execute the command create asset-publisher-hook "Asset Publisher Hook" and it will create the basic hooks project for you.


nopcommerce 4.2 payment methods missing

I have NopCommerce source code and I cannot see any payment methods which used to come default with nopcommerce. It says download from Marketplace but I cant find PayPal Standard plugin on the marketplace
In the root plugin folder I can see the plugin Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard which has some files. I believe this is a source code of the plugin. Then I can also see an empty folder of Payments.PayPalStandard
I can see the plugin in action on the demo nopcommerce site so I believe it is still relevant and available.
Am I missing something? Where can I find the plugin and how can I install it on my application
Please download no source code from github.
Refer this link for download deployed code.
It's not possible that any payment plugin not there into plugin folder.
So please dowload from given link and check there are many payment plugins inbuilt.
Currently I have downoad nopCommerce_4.20_NoSource_SelfContained.rar and checked Payments.PayPalStandard is there.
\Plugins is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains plugin projects. Physically it's located in the root of your solution. But plugins DLLs are automatically copied in \Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\ directory which is used for already deployed plugins because the build output paths of all plugins are set to ..\..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{Group}.{Name}\. This allows plugins to contain some external files, such as static content (CSS or JS files) without having to copy files between projects to be able to run the project.
You need to build the project Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard, to publish the binary files in the output directory of \Presentation\Nop.Web project. Then run the project and complete the installation process of the plug-in in the administrative panel.

Hot-deploy Liferay 7 webapp resource (JavaScript/CSS/HTML)

I am developing a Liferay 7 portlet with bundled Tomcat 7.
To deploying a portlet, I copy the war file into deploy folder under Liferay home folder, and then I have to wait a lot of minutes to see my file modified.
Usually I work only on javascript, css and html, I want to see immediately what I changed, then, is there a way to have hot deploy for webapp resource?
You should use the Liferay workspaces and modules. If it is a theme, the gulp watch task will help.
Liferay cache all resources by default, because that you have to wait a lot of time to see the changes. You have 3 ways to force Liferay to delete this cache.
Before deploy the module you must delete the module cache folder. This is in the following path (this applies to js and jsp resources):
Delete the module cache servlet folder located in:
The other option is enter in Liferay Control Panel and click the cache action tasks:

Change Eclipse default update repository list

I am trying to deploy a version of Eclipse and would like control over the default repository list. See my earlier question.
In my other question, I learned that this is stored in the user's home directory under ".eclipse\org.eclipse.platform_3.7.0_525061626\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine\profileRegistry\epp.package.cpp.profile\.data\.settings\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.prefs".
I would rather not deploy this file to a user specific location because there might already be one from another Eclipse installation and there could be more than one user account.
Is there any way that I can avoid the user profile?
I did find an equivelent file under the main Eclipse folder "eclipse\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine\profileRegistry\epp.package.cpp.profile\.data\.settings\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.prefs" but changing this didn't make any difference.
You can use p2 touchpoints and the p2 director to install your feature to customize the version of eclipse you are trying to deploy.
See p2.inf for an example of touchpoint configuration instructions that add p2 repositories to the default install. This one is part of an sdk.product generation. If you are starting with an eclipse that already has a product, your touchpoint instructions would have to remove the repositories that were already included and then add your own.
addRepository(type:0,location:http${#58}//,name:The Eclipse Project Updates);\
addRepository(type:1,location:http${#58}//,name:The Eclipse Project Updates);\
The way that I ended up doing this was to create a lightweight plugin that starts when Eclipse loads. This then programatically adds the update site as detailed here:

Automate Tomcat adding to Eclipse

I'm trying to write a script (Perl) that will automate the adding of Tomcat server for a Java project under Eclipse.
The project is checked out via SVN, and I want, once the project is downloaded via SVN, to run a script that will automatically configure the remaining bits of the project. In this context, I need to find how can I edit which Eclipse's configuration files to automate the adding of a Tomcat server. Actually the script will also modify other configuration files, but I'm facing a hard time trying to find which files to edit and how to add Tomcat.
Any insights will be welcome, thanks in advance.
There is a plugin for eclipse called Escripts. You can create xml like scripts to automate actions like doing wizard actions. I tried to check the documentation, but the homepage of the Escripts is giving back http 500 for me ( I have written a mail to the author, if he answers, I will let you know. The update site looks like working (uncheck the categorize by groups to see the uncategorized plugin): .
Some examples you can found at
What you should enter in the script is a wizard with id The plugin, that is containing it is org.eclipse.wst.server.ui. Take a look at the plugin.xml in that plugin. Without the documentation, this is what I can remember of.
Have you tried the following files in the Eclipse workspace?
I took the following files and dropped them into a new instance of eclipse and it created the Tomcat server under Server->Runtime Environment.

Issue making a Liferay Hook with Eclipse Liferay IDE - getting only empty project

I am using Eclipse Liferay IDE for making a hook to a Liferay native portlet. I mean a porlet that comes with default installation, eg. blogs, content management or similar.
I have done the steps like following:
Select new Liferay Project
Enter project name MyHook
Made configurations (found an SDK directory and Liferay Server instance for Runtime)
Selected Plugin type to Hook
My only option after that was Finish and I ended up having a project with certain structure without any class or properties file inside.
My problem is that I could only get an empty project and don't know how to make the modifications to the files of Liferay because no Liferay originated package names can be found if I make a new class file and try to start typing com.Liferay. or org.Liferay. Because this is a Liferay Hook project, I suppose some Liferay originating tips should normally pop up for my selection, but I didn't see any.
What I am making wrong? What I am missing? Should I know the filenames by myself or is there a trick somewhere to tell the IDE to give me some help?
I use Liferay 6.0 and my IDE version is 6.0.5. At least in my eyes they should match together.
In the IDE you first create a "Liferay Hook Project". This is indeed an empty project. Then you create a Hook, select the Hook project to create it in. You can do the second step manually, but there's a wizard helping you to do this. This might be what you've been missing
I made the same steps again and it worked! Somehow at first time I managed to do a Java project although the project should be interpreted as a Liferay project.
Maybe the IDE is not 100% working always. Whoever knows.