API Error Code 191 when adding page tabs - facebook

I'm aware this is a very frequently asked question but I'm really new to this whole app development thing.
I am the admin of a facebook page and I want to add a tab to the side of the page. So I followed facebook's instructions and created the page tab, but when I tried to access the "add to page" dialog box, I got API Error Code 191:
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
The URL I was using for the box to appear was: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=317467938291427&display=popup&next=https://www.facebook.com/287sqnatc/contact
(The contact at the end is the URL for the app I wish to add.)
Where have I gone wrong, and can someone explain it in simple 5-year-old terms?

next (or redirect_uri) parameter you pass to Add Page Tab Dialog should contain either URL owned by your application or special URL https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html (intended to be used in desktop applications).
You can use FB.ui method of JS-SDK with method pagetab as shown in example of Add Page Tab Dialog documentation this will automatically provide redirect_uri for dialog and allow user to add page tab without leaving your application.


Add Facebook App to Facebook Page

I created a facebook application in the developers.facebook.com. Then on the basic page under how it integrates with Facebook I select Page Tab. I supplied the information because I'm hosting the page and now I want to display it on my Facebook page.
How can I actually display this application on my facebook page?
Adding as an answer for future reference:
Check http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs and make sure you've added all the fields necessary for the 'Add Page Tab' dialog to work; most likely the dialog will fail with Error 191 if you've included a redirect_uri field with a URL other than the one in your Page Tab Url or Site Url

Facebook App as Page Tab constantly gives an error

I am trying to add a Tab to a Facebook Fan Page.
I registered as a developer, and created an app.
In the upper part I filled out Display Name, Namespace, Contact Email and I selected Apps for Pages as my category.
In the integration part I selected the Page Tab section. Filled out the Page Tab Name, Page Tab URL, Secure Tab URL and selected a Page Tab Image.
Saved everything and noted the App-ID.
When I however logon to facebook using the fan-page-account and call up the URL https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=MY_APP_ID&next=www.facebook.com I constantly get an error stating: "An error occurred with DISPLAY_NAME_OF_MY_APP. Please try again later."
What am I doing wrong?
It seems that Facebook has made another change and has not informed anyone. Below is a new link that appears to work. Just replace APP-ID with your application ID.

Adding Facebook Apps to Page Tabs

I have googled and googled around for this and found the blog post from Facebook about remove app profile pages etc. I also found that you can go to this link:
https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=[ID NUMBER HERE]&display=popup&next=[URL OF YOUR DOMAIN]
The problem is what do i put in URL OF YOUR DOMAIN. I cant put a site url in the app settings because its not a web site application, its a page tab application. Any combo of URL's i try, it just errors with "URL not owned by application"
Any ideas or experiences with this?
Use FB.ui method of JS-SDK with method pagetab as shown in example of Add Page Tab Dialog documentation this will automatically provide needed info to dialog.
FB.ui({method: 'pagetab'}, function(){
// User either closed dialog or added tab, you can call Graph API to check...
You have to register the URL first with Facebook and then use it. First go to http://developers.facebook.com. Then go to your app and hit [Edit App]. At the Basic Info section, you'll find a textbox requesting you to enter the APP Domain. Once you save it will work fine.
I simply entered www.my-domain.com, no http, no slashes.

Where is the Facebook "Add To Page" to add an App to a Fan Page

1) I created a Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/WinePassionate
2) I created an App but didn't set any Canvas nor Page Tab URL.
But I keep reading that there supposed to be somewhere a "Add to Page" and I cannot seems to find it.
When I try using the standard process to add the App to my Page
(as suggested by Miguel), I get the following error:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
The App Website URL is pointing to WinePassionate.com
Again I have nothing set for "canvas" nor for "App on facebook".
Would that be the issue?
It changed, application don't get pages anymore, to add the application to a page use:
more info here:
"2) I created an App but didn't set any Canvas nor Page Tab URL. "
To be able to add your app as a page tab, you must specify settings for Page Tab. At least the url is required (no tab name in settings will default to the app's name for display).
First: Why do the apps we created not have the "Add to Page" options on them in first place like all the documentation shows us it should?
Second: Using that URL was confusing!
NOT YOUR URL at the end but this:

I want to open a facebook dialog in an iframe, instead of as a popup

The following code generates a link that when clicked will popup a facebook dialog, and once the user authenticates to facebook, they can share to their wall.
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=<APP_ID>&message=<MESSAGE>&caption= <CAPTION>&link=<LINK>&display=popup&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>" class="share-icon facebook popup" rel='Share via Facebook'></a>
I would like for the same dialog to be generated within my page using an iframe. I attempted to load it like this:
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=<APP_ID>&message=<MESSAGE>&display=iframe&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>&show_error=true&caption=<CAPTION>&link=<LINK>"/>
The popup works fine. But, when I try the Iframe, it loads the following error:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
Which of course seems wrong, because it's the same redirect_uri in both links.
The end result I want, is the share to be in page, and not be a popup. Any suggestions?
In the app settings (specifically Settings -> Basic -> Basic Info), is the domain of the redirect_uri specified in the "App Domain" field? In general, I get that error when I fail to do that.
(And as to why that might be happening, Facebook treats iframes much more strictly than new windows.)