Charts in web application Java [duplicate] - charts

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the best open-source java charting library? (other than jfreechart)
In my web application I need to present some charts. I create class where I used JFreeChart library, but this library is desktop library. I need some free web library. Can you help me?

Try the Google Chart Tools; the simple web service interface is easily usable via JavaScript for live graphics and the Google Chart API is great for Java (and other languages) for static images.

You can create chart for your web application by using JFreeChart as well. For more details go to following link:
You can also create chart for web application using Google chart API. For this you need to construct an URL and send it to Google chart server for generating chart.
Click here for Google chart integration with SpringMVC implementation

gRaphäel provides charts with a JavaScript API.

You can use kava charts in java. You can refer this link:

Server side
JFreeChart can be used in web applications as well. Simply create a servlet that returns a chart rendered as PNG
Client side
Google Chart Tools - easy way to generate charts by crafting URLs
Various JavaScript charting libraries, with jqPlot and HighCharts being my favourite


shieldUI build chart images in java backend

I'm using shieldUi library for building charts in a web page.
I was wondering about creating charts in a Java backend and save them as images (or use them when creating a pdf using FOP).
Is shieldUi (and its integration with apache wicket) suitable for this purpose?
There are integration Apache Wicket with ShieldUI.
Maybe it will help you!

Google Web Toolkit With Line/Pie Graphs

Currently I am using Google Charts with Google Web Toolkit but I wanted to explore other options for graphing. I looked into jGraph and the gwt extension mxgraph but that seems to only support actual graphs for flowcharts/diagraming?
Is there any other library (other than Google charts) that I can use to visually show line/pie graphs?
Please have a look at high level visualization charts
And wonderful showcase here
Hope that helps.Good luck.

Using charts with gwt

I am doing some stuff with gwt, Now i need to draw charts. Actually pie chart and line chart.
Is there any library for chart which works well with gwt?
Check out Google API Libraries for Google Web Toolkit. There you will find a link to Google Chart Tools
There is also OFCGWT chart widget for GWT based on Open Flash Chart 2. Here is its demo
Except this you can check out these:
RaphaelJS GWT wrapper, there is also one called raphaelGWT which is not developed actively.
I've already use Google Charts, and I preffer
GWT-HighCharts you can see why checking it showcase.
Check out and its demo at with code snippets on how to use it, which is quite easy.

creating Graphs and charts in iphone application?

I saw a couple of applications in the itunes store with stunning visuals, how is it possible to create those graphs and charts. I know these things can also be created using Java script, is javascript used to create them ?
You're looking for Core Plot.
you can draw chart's of your choice there is one API is available in Google for that using that API you van show your chart in UIWebView here I am providing the URL for that.That Url Required different kind of parameter for that.,378799000000,421849000000&chxs=1N*cUSD&chxr=a&chds=a&chco=50b1c7,EBB671,DE091A&chbh=25,5,25&chxt=x,y,x,x&chxl=0:|2006|2008|2010|2:||5+Year+%+Sales+Growth++33%||3:||3+Year+%+Sales+Growth++11%||&chdl=Sales+Growth&chtt=Revenue+Trend&chts=000000,12,c
For More Detail please refer this URL:

Looking for an interactive pie chart to use with GWT (without extern communication)?

I'm looking for a stand-alone Pie Chart which I can use in a GWT application. The Chart should be interactive, so that I can react on user input (read mouse clicks on the chart).
I've already looked at Google Chart Tools with GWT Visualization. This is exactly what I want. A simple to use PieChart class with user interaction and a simple and comprehensive data input. Except that the data is transfered to Google for the rendering part. The data should not leave the client or our server.
Have you tried Fusion Charts? Here's the Pie Chart showcase. Its a Flash object hence you will need to use JSNI to embed the object into your widget or use a library like GWT2SWF to do it for you.
I have used Fusion Charts + GWT2SWF combination in one of my products, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a interactive flash charting tool (outside of google's toolset)
A colleague of mine found following library: GChart. Rather then using Flash we'll try to draw our own. Not sure how easy this will be.
You mentioned:
"The Data should not leave the server"
With Google visualization APIs (as opposed to the chart apis) the data remains on your server, only the code is downloaded from google.
However, if you meant that you shouldnt need access to google at all, then GCharts is the only remaining and a pretty good option.
Check out GWT-RCharts hosted on . It is stand alone i.e doesn't have external dependency like Visualization. The API works on SVG/VML specification so no plugin dependency. You may find it quite easy to install, implement and use. You can find the demo at