http PUT and DELETE using JSR 286 serveResource() - portlet

I'm making a ajax request with type:'DELETE' but somehow the request is not going inside the ServeResources(request,response) method (overridden from GenericPortlet class).
does anyone has an idea that why "Delete" and "Put" are not working with portal application(JSR 286) and How to get rid of that?

HTTP PUT/DELETE are some what protected methods, most of the web/application servers disable these methods by default, that could be the reason why you are not seeing your requests on server side. AFAIK it is independent of portal environment and handled by web/application server. You need to do some configuration changes on your server.


URLSession: how to check what cookies were sent with the request?

There is no doubt that the HTTPCookie is indeed inside the HTTPCookieStorage, but I wonder if there is any way to confirm that it's being sent from programmatic standpoint?
Of course intercepting HTTP traffic via sniffers doesn't count.
There is no way to check that programmatically - the notion of HTTPCookieStorage being configured on the URLSessionConfiguration leads to it completely obscuring the Cookie-related details from the programmer. It operates like magic way out of scope of your vision.
To be honest, I couldn't even tell you that happens if you set Cookie header manually via allHTTPHeaderFields but if there were already cookies for this very same domain and path in the HTTPCookieStorage - like, do they get merged, or does your custom header get discarded...

How to redirect the url from nested site in pencilblue?

I want to 301 redirect the URLs from previous site that are nested, as pencilblue doesn’t support them,
e.g. a/b to page/b
For this I have been experimenting in include/http/request_handler.js but facing some issues.
Call never comes inside RequestHandler.prototype.handleRequest or even RequestHandler.prototype.onSessionRetrieved (seems these methods are not being called from anywhere)
Therefore I placed the code in RequestHandler and after confirming that req is not for public resource or api, I create a new url and execute
return this.doRedirect(newUrl, 301)
This actually works but at the same time I receive
Can’t render headers after they are sent error
#1075 has not helped me much as I’m not sure which specific controller I should modify. I need to catch the req as early as possible and see if it’s a page then redirect to page prefixed url.
Thanks in advance.
There are couple of ways to do redirects. You can do them from a controller or from middleware. You are correct in that, some of the functions in the request handler are not called. These are deprecated despite the fact pencilblue team didn't mark them as such. They replaced a good deal of the request handler functionality with /include/http/router.js and include/http/middleware/index.js. Plugins can register their own middleware to hijack the request pipeline.
See Advanced Routing on wiki for more info about creating your own middleware.
Using the routing framework your plugin would be able to register middleware that would be able to inspect the request and then redirect based on your specific criteria. The Router will be accessible from req.router and from there you could call req.router.redirect (Source).
Reference: #1224

HTTP Options method is not working as expected

I have a Jersey 2.x application running in tomcat. All the method implementations are working as expected, and even I am able to get WADL by navigating to http://{host}:{port}/JerseyRESTWebapp/ws/rest/application.wadl.
Everything is great so far.
Now, Out of curiosity I tried navigating to http://{host}:{port}/JerseyRESTWebapp/ws/rest/employees URL using using HTTP OPTIONS method expecting i will get 405 Method not allowed but i got the 200 OK and response body contains the WADL. Can someone let me know why is this happening? I am using POSTMAN chrome extension as REST client.
Also in the Response Allow Header, i am getting POST,GET,DELETE,OPTIONS,HEAD. I am missing PUT method here. why?
This is how the resource discovery works by default. It's implemented to follow the spec in regards to OPTIONS resource discovery
This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.
If you want to disable the WADL, you can by setting the property ServerProperties.WADL_FEATURE_DISABLE to true.
If you're curious about how this is implemented, check out the source for the WadlModelProcessor. It goes through all the resource models and adds an extra OPTIONS resource method. You can read more about the ModelProcessor in the Jersey docs Programmatic API for Building Resources

Disable REST URI calls

I am developing a project which can disable a particular REST URI at runtime so that consumers will get an error. I have created interface/controller for disabling a URI. But I can not figure out how to disable it.
I thought of setting disable flag for the URI and sending blank data, but consumer needs to see an error.
I can not use Response every where.
Need Help
Implement a ContainerRequestFilter(more on filters), which when a specific criteria is met will call:
with a proper HTTP status code.

Why does Fiddler break my site's redirects?

Why does using Fiddler break my site sometimes on page transitions.
After a server side redirect -- in the http response (as found in Fiddler) I get this:
Object moved
Object moved to here.
The site is an ASP.NET 1.1 / VB.NET 1.1 [sic] site.
Why doesnt Fiddler just go there for me? i dont get it.
I'm fine with this issue when developing but I'm worried that other proxy servers might cause this issue for 'real customers'. Im not even clear exactly what is going on.
That's actually what Response.Redirect does. It sends a 302 - Object moved response to the user-agent. The user-agent then automatically goes to the URL specified in the 302 response. If you need a real server-side redirect without round-tripping to the client, try Server.Transfer.
If you merely constructed the request using the request builder, you're not going to see Fiddler automatically follow the returned redirect.
In contrast, if you are using IE or another browser, it will generally check the redirect header and follow it.
For IE specifically, I believe there's a timing corner case where the browser will fail to follow the redirect in obscure situations. You can often fix this by clicking Tools / Fiddler Options, and enabling both the "Server" and "Client" socket reuse settings.
Thanks user15310, it works with Server.Transfer
Server.Transfer("newpage.aspx", true);
Firstly, transferring to another page using Server.Transfer conserves server resources. Instead of telling the browser to redirect, it simply changes the "focus" on the Web server and transfers the request. This means you don't get quite as many HTTP requests coming through, which therefore eases the pressure on your Web server and makes your applications run faster.
But watch out: because the "transfer" process can work on only those sites running on the server, you can't use Server.Transfer to send the user to an external site. Only Response.Redirect can do that.
Secondly, Server.Transfer maintains the original URL in the browser. This can really help streamline data entry techniques, although it may make for confusion when debugging.
That's not all: The Server.Transfer method also has a second parameter—"preserveForm". If you set this to True, using a statement such as Server.Transfer("WebForm2.aspx", True), the existing query string and any form variables will still be available to the page you are transferring to.
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