Is it possible to read __DATA__ with Config::General in Perl? - perl

I'd like to setup Config::General to read from the __DATA__ section of a script instead of an external file. (I realize that's not normally how it works, but I'd like to see if I can get it going. A specific use case is so I can send a script example to another developer without having to send a separate config file.)
According to the perldoc perldata, $main::DATA should act as a valid filehandle. I think Config::General should then be able to use -ConfigFile => \$FileHandle to read it, but it's not working for me. For example, this script will execute without crashing, but the __DATA__ isn't read in.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Config::General;
use YAML::XS;
my $configObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => $main::DATA);
my %config_hash = $configObj->getall;
print Dump \%config_hash;
testKey = testValue
I also tried:
my $configObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => \$main::DATA);
my $configObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => *main::DATA);
and a few other variations, but couldn't get anything to work.
Is it possible to use Config::General to read config key/values from __DATA__?

-ConfigFile requires a reference to a handle. This works:
my $configObj = Config::General->new(
-ConfigFile => \*main::DATA

The DATA handle is a glob, not a scalar.
Try *main::DATA instead of $main::DATA.
(and maybe try \*main::DATA. From the Config::General docs it looks like you are supposed to pass a filehandle argument as a reference.)
If the -ConfigGeneral => filehandle argument to the constructor doesn't do what you mean, an alternative is
new Config::General( -String => join ("", <main::DATA>) );

This works for me:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::General;
use YAML::XS;
my $string;
local $/;
$string = <main::DATA>;
my $configObj = new Config::General(-String => $string);
my %config_hash = $configObj->getall;
use Data::Dumper;
warn Dumper(\%config_hash);
testKey = testValue


Perl and Catalyst: accessing maketext from a model

Edited to clarify / reflect what I've been trying:
I'm using CatalystX::I18N::* in order to be able to internationalise my site. I have that working nicely, and my site text is coming from $c->maketext().
However, I've been trying to access these codes from my database model (in order to generate, e.g., success or failure messages when checking input before creating / updating) and am struggling.
According to the CatalystX::I18N docs, CatalystX::I18N::Maketext is a 'Helpful wrapper around Locale::Maketext. Can also be used outside of Catalyst'.
I have MyApp::Maketext setup as directed:
package MyApp::Maketext;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(CatalystX::I18N::Maketext);
I have a little test script running, the setup for which is this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use TopTable::Maketext;
use Path::Class::Dir;
my $dir = Path::Class::Dir->new( "$Bin/..", "root", "locale" );
locales => ["en_GB"], # Required
directories => [$dir], # Required
gettext_style => 0, # Optional, Default 1
I am then trying two different ways to get a handle to the maketext() method:
my $lang = TopTable::Maketext->get_handle;
printf "%s\n", $lang->maketext( "" );
Gives the following result:
Can't call method "maketext" on an undefined value at bin\ line 23.
If I swap ->get_handle to ->new:
my $lang = TopTable::Maketext->new;
printf "%s\n", $lang->maketext( "" );
I get the following:
maketext doesn't know how to say:
as needed at bin\ line 23.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to try next! Thank you so much in advance for any pointers anyone can give.
I have finally got my head around this - this is the code that eventually worked:
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use Data::Dumper::Concise;
use TopTable::Maketext;
use Config::ZOMG;
use Path::Class::Dir;
my $tt_config = Config::ZOMG->new( name => 'TopTable' );
my $config_hash = $tt_config->load;
my (#locales, %inhertiance, $config);
$config = $config_hash->{I18N}{locales};
foreach my $locale (keys %$config) {
push(#locales, $locale);
$inhertiance{$locale} = $config->{$locale}{inherits} if defined $con
my $dir = Path::Class::Dir->new( "$Bin/..", "root", "locale" );
locales => \#locales,
directories => [$dir],
gettext_style => 1,
inheritance => \%inhertiance,
my $lang = TopTable::Maketext->get_handle( "en_GB" );
printf "%s\n", $lang->maketext( "menu.title.league-tables", "Division Three" );
This gives the correct value of:
League Tables for Division Three
Thanks for putting up with my spam!

Retrieve a value from object in perl

I am getting
$VAR1 = bless( \*{'Fh::fh00001Screenshot.png'}, 'Fh' );
in a variable. But I need to retrieve fh00001Screenshot.png from it. How can I get it?
The Fh package is used internally by the CGI module to handle temporary files used for building multipart data. You shouldn't be using it directly.
Check carefully to make sure there is no better way before using this code which comes from the CGI code for Fh::asString
(my $name = $$VAR1) =~ s/^\*(\w+::fh\d{5})+//;
print $name;
Rather than picking bits out of the CGI code, it looks like this package - which should really be a private one - is accessible from calling code. Use just $var->asString instead, like this
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
my $var = do {
no strict 'refs';
my $var = bless( \*{'Fh::fh00001Screenshot.png'}, 'Fh' );
print $var->asString;

How do I access a hash from another subroutine?

I am trying to create some scripts for web testing and I use the following piece of code to set up variables from a config file:
package setVariables;
sub readConfig{
open(FH, "workflows.config") or die $!;
($s_var, $s_val) = split("=", $_);
$args{$s_var} = $s_val;
print "set $s_var = $s_val\n";
for example: var1=val1
I want to be able to pass the values set by this subroutine to a subroutine in another package. This is what I have for the package I want it passed into.
package startTest;
use setVariables;
sub startTest{
my %args = %setVariables::args;
my $s_var = $setVariables::s_var;
my $s_val = $setVariables::s_var;
setVariables::readConfig(); #runs the readConfig sub to set variables
my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost",
port => 4444,
browser => $args{"browser"},
browser_url => $args{"url"} );
$sel->type_ok("userid", $args{"usrname"});
$sel->type_ok("password", $args{"passwd"});
Unfortunately its not holding on to the variables as is and I don't know how to reference them.
Thank you for any help.
Your code has some problems. Let's fix those first.
# Package names should start with upper case unless they are pragmas.
package SetVariables;
# Do this EVERYWHERE. It will save you hours of debugging.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub readConfig{
# Use the three argument form of open()
open( my $fh, '<', "workflows.config")
or die "Error opening config file: $!\n";
my %config;
# Use an explicit variable rather than $_
while( my $line = <$fh> )
chomp $line; # One chomp of the line is sufficient.
($s_var, $s_val) = split "=", $line;
$config{$s_var} = $s_val;
print "set $s_var = $s_val\n";
close $fh;
return \%config;
Then use like so:
use SetVariables;
my $config = SetVariables::readConfig();
print "$_ is $config->{$_}\n"
for keys %$config;
But rather than do all this yourself, check out the many, many config file modules on CPAN. Consider Config::Any, Config::IniFiles, Config::JSON.
You note in your comment that you are trying to work with multiple files, your main code and a couple of packages.
One pattern that is common is to load your config in your main code and pass it (or select elements of it) to consuming code:
package LoadConfig;
sub read_config {
my $file = shift;
my $config;
# Do stuff to read a file into your config object;
return $config;
Meanwhile in another file:
package DoStuff;
sub run_some_tests {
my $foo = shift;
my $bar = shift;
# Do stuff here
sub do_junk {
my $config;
my $foo = $config->{foo};
# Do junk
And in your main script:
use DoStuff;
use LoadConfig;
my $config = LoadConfig::read_config('my_config_file.cfg');
run_some_tests( $config->{foo}, $config->{bar} );
do_junk( $config );
So in run_some_tests() I extract a couple elements from the config and pass them in individually. In do_junk() I just pass in the whole config variable.
Are your users going to see the configuration file or just programmers? If it's just programmers, put your configuration in a Perl module, then use use to import it.
The only reason to use a configuration file for only programmers if you are compiling the program. Since Perl programs are scripts, don't bother with the overhead of parsing a configuration file; just do it as Perl.
Unless it's for your users and its format is simpler than Perl.
PS: There's already a module called Config. Call yours My_config and load it like this:
use FindBin '$RealBin';
use lib $RealBin;
use My_config;
perldoc FindBin
perldoc Config
I would suggest using a regular format, such as YAML, to store the configuration data. You can then use YAML::LoadFile to read back a hash reference of the configuration data and then use it.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use YAML or some other configuration format with pre-written modules, you'll need for your reading routine to actually return either a hash or a a hashref.
If you need some more background information, check out perlref, perlreftut and perlintro.
all you need to do is collect the variable in a hash and return a reference to it in readConfig:
my %vars = ( var1 => val1,
var2 => val2,
var3 => val3,
return \%vars;
and in startTest:
my $set_vars = setVariables::readConfig();

Export a hash from a module to a script

refering back to this thread, I'm strugglying with the way how to export datas from my module. One way is working but not the other one which I would like to implement.
The question is why the second method in the script is not working ?
(I did not h2xs the module as I guess this is for distributing only)
Perl 5.10/ Linux distro
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package my_common_declarations;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(debugme);
# local datas
my ( $tmp, $exec_mode, $DEBUGME );
my %debug_hash = ( true => 1, TRUE => 1, false => 0, FALSE => 0, tmp=>$tmp, exec=>$exec_mode, debugme=>$DEBUGME );
# exported hash
sub debugme {
return %debug_hash;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use my_common_declarations qw(debugme);
# 1st Method: WORKS
my %local_hash = &debugme;
print "\n1st method:\nTRUE: ". $local_hash{true}. " ou : " . $local_hash{TRUE} , "\n";
# 2nd Method: CAVEATS
# error returned : "Global symbol "%debug_hash" requires explicit package name"
print "2nd method \n " . $debug_hash{true};
Thx in advance.
You’re returning not a hash but rather a copy of the hash. All hashes passed into or out of a function get dehashed into a key-value pairlist. Hence, a copy.
Return a reference to the hash instead:
return \%debug_hash;
But this reveals your internals to the world outside. Not a very clean thing to do.
You could also add %debug_hash to your #EXPORT list, but that’s an even dodgier thing to do. Please please please use a functional interface only, and you won’t regret it — and more importantly, neither shall anyone else. :)

How do I interpolate variables to call a Perl function from a module?

Requirement is to pass module name and function name from the command-line argument.
I need to get the command-line argument in the program and I need to call that function from that module
For example, calling a program with 2 arguments: MODULE1(Module name) Display(Function name)
perl MODULE1 Display
I want to some thing like this, but its not working, please guide me:
use $ARGV[0];
& $ARGV[0]::$ARGV[1]();
Assuming the function is not a class method, try this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my ( $package, $function ) = #ARGV;
eval "use $package (); ${package}::$function()";
die $# if $#;
Keep in mind that this technique is wide open to code injection. (The arguments could easily contain any Perl code instead of a module name.)
There's many ways to do this. One of them is:
use strict;
use warnings;
my ( $package, $function ) = #ARGV;
eval "use $package; 1" or die $#;
Note the the first argument of the function will be $package.
Assuming the module exports the function, this should do:
perl -Mmodule -e function
If you want to make sure your perl script is secure (or at least, prevent yourself from accidentally doing something stupid), I'd avoid doing any kind of eval on data passed in to the script without at least some kind of checking. But, if you're doing some kind of checking anyway, and you end up explicitly checking the input, you might as well explicitly spell out witch methods you want to call. You could set up a hash with 'known good' methods, thus documenting everything that you want callable and protecting yourself at the same time.
my %routines = (
Module => {
Routine1 => \&Module::Method,
Routine2 => \&Module::Method2,
Module2 => {
# and so on
my $module = shift #ARGV;
my $routine = shift #ARGV;
if (defined $module
&& defined $routine
&& exists $routines{$module} # use `exists` to prevent
&& exists $routines{$module}{$routine}) # unnecessary autovivication
$routines{$module}{$routine}->(#ARGV); # with remaining command line args
else { } # error handling
As a neat side effect of this method, you can simply iterate through the methods available for any kind of help output:
print "Available commands:\n";
foreach my $module (keys %routines)
foreach my $routine (keys %$module)
print "$module::$routine\n";
As per Leon's, if the perl module doesn't export it, you can call it like so
perl -MMyModule -e 'MyModule::doit()'
provided that the sub is in that package.
If it exports the sub all the time (in #EXPORT), then Leon's will work:
perl -MMyModule -e doit
If it is an optional export (in #EXPORT_OK), then you can do it like this.
perl -MMyModule=doit -e doit
But the first will work in any case where the sub is defined to the package, and I'd probably use that one over the last one.
Always start your Perl like this:
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
Then do this:
no strict 'refs';
my ($class, $method) = #_;
(my $file = "$") =~ s/::/\//g;
require $file;
Whatever you do, try not to eval "$string" ever.
Well, for your revised question, you can do this:
use strict;
use warnings;
no strict;
use Symbol qw<qualify>;
my $symb = qualify( $ARGV[1], $ARGV[0] );
unless ( defined &{$symb} ) {
die "&$ARGV[1] not defined to package $ARGV[0]\::";
And because you're specifying it on the command line, the easiest way to include from the command line is the -M flag.
perl -MMyModule MyModule a_subroutine_which_does_something_cool
But you can always
eval "use $ARGV[0];";
But that's highly susceptible to injection:
perl "Carp; `do something disastrous`;" no_op
I'd use UNIVERSAL::require. It allows you to require or use a module from a variable. So your code would change to something like this:
use UNIVERSAL::require;
$ARGV[0]->use or die $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR;
Disclaimer: I did not test that code and I agree Robert P's comment about there probably being a better solution than passing these as command line arguments.