Can we use a text element or lines over the graph? - jasper-reports

I created a bubble chart where i am using lines and text over the graph, i am getting preview in ireport but not in Jasper-server. Does any one know how to use these lines?

Unfortunately I don't think you can do this. When you view reports in JasperServer you are looking at html. From what I know, you cannot have overlapping controls in html. When you do, one of the controls will not appear. I have had similar situations with reports I created. Any time 2 controls overlap, one disappears.


Background Image not Aligning with Bubble Chart in SSRS

I have a background image for my bubble chart in SSRS (2008).
On the Design tab, the background image stays behind the bubble chart.
When I run the report (preview), the background image appears below the bubble chart - not behind it. I've set the background image as 'Send to Back'.
I assumed it should always stay as back of bubble chart.
How do I ensure that it stays fixed behind the bubble chart?
From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image.
According to this SSRS documentation, overlapping report items are not supported in preview mode, nor are they supported in HTML, Word, Excel, and several other important export formats. They are, however, supported in .pdf, and I've tested this to make sure that it works - even when the preview bumps the items so that they do not overlap, an exported .pdf will show them overlapping. So depending on the format you need, having overlapping report items may or may not be possible. If it is not possible for your required format, start looking into alternatives, like cropping your image into four separate images that surround your chart, and then keeping the chart as a fixed size in your report.
Oh, and I'm not sure what you mean by saying "From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image," if you are saying it won't work for your design purposes, that's fine. But I am able to set a background image in a bubble chart using the Fill section of the properties tab for the bubble chart to select a background image.
Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2008 as well. The properties window for the bubble chart looks like this:
Since it sounds like you already have the image you want uploaded to your project, you can choose "Embedded" for your source and then find the image in the Value dropdown.

RDLC Export to Word Showing a blank extra page

Im using RDLC for VS 2010 and exporting the graph to a word document gives one extra blank page (its not showing in PDF though). All of the dimensions in Report, Chart and Body are set 11x8.5 with no margins. I just wonder what could be causing the blank page in Word.
I was having the exact same problem and managed to solve it by adjusting the layout of my report.
Basically I moved all of my rectangles/tables etc to sit tightly next to each other, eliminating any white space where possible and also resized the report to be as small as possible, i.e. sit tightly against its contents.
It might also be worth enabling the report option to 'ConsumeContainerWhitespace'.
I suspect Word uses its own pagination logic, which is why you see a difference between pdf and doc. So it may just be the case that your report is over-running very slightly into the next page and saving a little space on the report may prevent this.
I realise this is not a precise answer, but I hope it helps nonetheless.

Crystal report (or SSRS) flowing text around image

I want to have this layout in Crystal Reports:
How can I do this? If it cant be done in CR or SSRS, is there any other alternatives?
I don't believe this can be done with Crystal Reports. I'm not as familiar with SSRS, but after looking through the field options I don't believe it can be done with it either. In general field locations are set static in reporting solutions.
I think this would be best done with html/css or even XSL. I don't know the scope of the issue, but I'd assume that you should be able to output an html or xml file from your application which could be opened with a web browser. For html you should be able to use the align or even float attributes or text-align in css to accomplish this.
I hope this helps.
If you want to have multiple columns of static text in Crystal Reports, then you'd just have to get creative with multiple text boxes, i.e. create 2 text boxes side-by-side and add text to each one until it looks right.
If you want to have 2 columns of data, here's how:
Keep it simple and start with a blank report.
Add your fields of interest to the details section. Resize them so that they only use the first 4 inches of space.
Go into your Section Expert->Details and turn on the Format with Multiple Columns option.
A new tab will appear called Layout. For this example, let's set the Width to 4 inches and leave the Gaps at 0.
Preview your report. If you have enough data in your dataset, it will automatically flood over to the right side of your screen.
It'll take a few minutes of fidgeting with the measurements to get everything looking the way you want. You can even have more than 2 columns if you set the Detail Width small enough.
Also, there is also an option in the Layout menu called "Format Groups with multiple column". It's hard to describe in text, but play with this if you have any grouping levels.

Crystal: TOC add dots

I try to add dots between the page title and the page number in Crystal Reports for a table of content. I found in the web, but I wonder if there's a more simple and direct way to get the same result.
I'm using CR shipping with VS 2008.
You could draw a dotted line behind the page title and page number fields, bring the fields to the front, and set their backgrounds to white. It wouldn't quite be the periods you're looking for, but it's a bit less baroque than the other method.

SSRS Exported PDF and TIF report render differently than in the report viewer

I'm seeing basically the same issue described here
I have a table that starts in the middle of the first page, and, depending on the size of the table, it should wrap onto the next page. This behaves fine when using the viewer, but when exporting to a pdf or tif image, things are displayed differently. Instead of starting on the first page and wrapping onto the second, it moves the entire table to start on the second page, leaving lots of ugly white-space on the first page. I've made sure that KeepTogether is false on the table, and there is no header/footer on the page (so it can't extend beyond the page's width).
Has anyone seen this problem, or know of a solution/troubleshooting steps?
The problem was fixed by re-creating the report(s) in question using the Business Intelligence Development Studio 2008 (instead of 2005). Don't know what was different in the re-created report, but it works properly now.