Getting all outstanding Facebook requests for user - facebook

When a request is sent using the new fbjs requests 2.0 on Facebook:
1 - a notification is shown under the globe icon in the header
2 - a incremental number is shown next to the app name on the left menu
If the user clicks the notification, request_ids=123... is appended to the url. This can be used to clear out the request. If they navigate to the app another way such as the left menu, the requests are passed. So if the user skips over the notifications, they accumulate a lot of outstanding requests.
Is there a way to get all outstanding requests for a user without relying on them clicking the notifications?

To retrieve all the users outstanding requests you can make a call as follows :
You can retrieve all the data for all the requests (for your application) into an array and remove them from facebook.
// Retrieve ALL request-2.0's for user
$res = $facebook->api('/me/apprequests/');
$requests = $res['data'];
foreach ($requests AS $request){
echo 'Deleting '.$request['id'] . '<br/>';
Now you have all the users outstanding requests in $requests and you can act accordingly.


How can I approve an XMPP subscription request 'later' in Smack ("Add later" functionality)?

Let us suppose that Alice sends a subscription request to Bob using the next code.
public bool AddBuddy(string jid) {
var roster = conn.Roster;
// 2` param is nickname
roster.CreateEntry(jid, null, null);
Presence subscribe = new Presence(Presence.Type.Subscribe);
subscribe.To = jid;
When Bob has logged, it receives a popup where tell you if you want to added or not in the next method.
public void ProcessPacket (Packet p0)
Presence presence = p0.JavaCast<Presence> ();
var a = presence;
But I need to implement a "Add Later" functionality. I have no idea how to save the messages in the server and also how to receive all of them
You can delay the subscription as long as you want, there is no need to save the subscriptions packets on the server. And in order to query the deferred subscriptions requests, simply query the roster for subscriptions not in mode both.
One remark regarding your code: Roster.createEntry(String, String, String[] will automatically send the presence packat. No need to send it again.
No need to save anything on the server as it maintains pending subscribe requests automatically, ie. whenever you login to the server at a later time, the subscribe request will be pushed to you again (if it wasn't dealt with before). Therefore, just save the subscribe request locally in your application in a list or something whenever you receive it from the server, and show that local request list to the user as a "Friend request page" for the user to accept/reject. If your application's lifecycle restarts, it will be receiving all pending subsribe presences again from the server (or whenever it re-logins). Let me know if this works for you.

how can I clear the app invite notification on Facebook?

When I use the API to send notification requests, they arrive as expected. However after the user follows the link and accepts the App permissions, the notification persists.
Is there some additional call I need to make to clear the notification? I know it auto expires after some time, but that doesn't seem entirely satisfying.
Am I missing something, or is this really not doable?
This is how you delete app request when users accept an app invitation.
When user accepts an invitation i.e. comes to your application canvas page by clicking on app request notification, Facebook sends comma separated ids in "request_ids" parameter. You can get this requests and delete it using graph api like this :
Here I am deleting the last request id :
$ids = $_GET['request_ids'];
$id_arr = explode(",",$ids);
$count = count($id_arr);
$delete_url="".$id_arr[$count-1]. "?access_token=" . $token . "&method=delete";
$result = file_get_contents($delete_url);
echo("Requests deleted (true or false) ?" . $result);
Note request_ids field may contain multiple request id if he has been invited multiple times. I am not sure but you may need to delete all.

Facebook Invite Friends With Random URL

I need to keep a track of users referring other users to my website. So i want whenever a user invites his friends from facebook, the invitation link to contain his userid. Is it possible to send invites with random urls.
For eg : Right now the user gets the invitation link for because that's what i have specified in my app site url.
I want the invitation link to be
I want the invitation link to be
And “joe” would be who or what here? If it’s the user sending the request – you have his id already, it’s in the request object details under from.
If you want to pass any other referential data – the Requests dialog has the data parameter for that. You can put any text data in there, up to 255 characters long. And when the user follows the request, you will get the request id[s] they are acting upon – and then you can read the request details from the API, and you will get that value you put into data back from there as well.
See docs: and
Imagine, that you have JS function:
function invite(){
//number from 0 to 9
var i = Math.floor((Math.random()*10));
//get random param
var param = arrayOfDefinedParams[i];
//define request URL
var requestUrl = "<APP_ID>&message=<YOUR_MESSAGE>&redirect_uri=<URL_SET_IN_APP_DASHBOARD>/?param="+param;
//show modal window with request URL and random param,'','width=400,height=300');
All you have to do now, is binding invite() to onclick event on any element ;)

catching like/dislike in my canvas application

I added a like button to the canvas application page that actually configured to the facebook page of the application.
I would like that whenever a user pressed like or dislike on my page, a request will be sent to my server noticing it that the user liked or disliked the application page.
I can catch these events by using the following code:
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) {
alert('You liked the URL: ' + response);
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(response) {
alert('You disliked the URL: ' + response);
I can just check if the response equals to my facebook application page.
the question is.. after I catched the like or dislike, how do i forward it to the server secure enough ? how can I send the request to the server without posting the facebook id as a post/get parameter?
i want to send it to the server in a way that the server will be able to fetch the facebook session information and fetch the userid from there, or any other secure way.
if i'll just call http://mysite/liked_my_app?uid=4534534543
then a user notice this request and start sending liked_my_app with fake uids.
is there a way to prevent that somehow ?
Instead of using the UID of the user, forward the signed_request. Only you can decode signed requests coming from your application because of the app_secret you have to use to decode it.
Another possible solution (depending on what exactly you want to do when you confirm a like/dislike event) is to check at intervals your page/app like count - in a cron job for example. When a user likes your page/app you can retrieve his UID (possibly other information as well), and you can cross-reference the lists from the last cron job.

How to subscribe to real-time updates for a Facebook page's wall

Facebook's real-time updates docs now say that you can get the feed for a page:
You can subscribe to the page's feed in the same way you subscribe to
a user's feed - the subscription topic should be 'user' and the
subscription field should be 'feed'
My understanding of this is that I need to post to the graph API to subscribe as such:
curl -d \
"object=user&fields=feed&callback_url=$CALLBACKURL&verify_token=$SECRET" \
(This is a bash script.) Here $CALLBACKURL is set up correctly following their example code. (At least I think it's correct -- I can successfully add subscriptions with it.)
The $OAUTHTOKEN is the one for my Facebook App.
And the $PAGEID is the facebook object id of the page I'd like to get realtime updates for.
When I do this, the call appears to work -- no error message. My callback gets called. But I certainly don't get notified when something happens on the page's feed.
So what's missing? Does the page need to install the app whose oauth token I'm using? Or do I somehow need to get an oauth token for the page itself by logging in as the page?
I do not know if this can help you but I'll tell you where I am for real-time update page feed:
(permissions : manage_page,offline_access,read_stream)
your application must be linked to the page (then install the application but not required to have a tab ex. create tab and delete tab
function page_access_token($page_id,$access_token){
$page_token_url="" .
$page_id . "?fields=access_token&" . $access_token;
$response = file_get_contents($page_token_url);
$resp_obj = json_decode($response,true);
$page_access_token = $resp_obj['access_token'];
return $page_access_token;
function page_tabs_create($page_id,$app_id,$page_access_token){
$page_settings_url = "" .
$page_id . "/tabs?app_id=".$app_id."&method=POST&access_token=" . $page_access_token;
$response = file_get_contents($page_settings_url);
$resp_obj = json_decode($response,true);
return $resp_obj;
function page_tabs_delete($tab_id,$page_access_token){
$page_settings_url = "".$tab_id."?method=DELETE&access_token=" . $page_access_token;
$response = file_get_contents($page_settings_url);
$resp_obj = json_decode($response,true);
return $resp_obj;
Subscription: to subscribe must be like a "user" and therefore object = user fields = feed but you have to add new fields because otherwise it receives the comments and likes the wall so you must add "status" in order to receive the articles posted (my problem is to get other content such as links I have managed to add "link" as fields but I am not receiving notifications when a link is posted)
$param = array ('access_token' => $ access_token,
'object' => 'user',
'fields' => 'feed, status, link'
'callback_url' => 'http:// ******** fbcallback.php'
'verify_token' =>'***********',
'include_values' => 'true');
my English is not very good but I hope it will help you, on my side I'm still looking for really all updates to the wall (links, video ...)
I have been researching on this and i am getting the pushes for pages too.
while subscribing make sure that object = user and fields = feed, status is present.
Make sure that application is added to your page, then only you will receive the update.
Response received from facebook is as below :-
where **** is my pageId.
The above push is received on adding a new post , as you can see the changed_feild is status , but when we post on wall the changed_fields comes as feed. Below link helped me in receiving pushes for the page.
Firstly, subscription to real-time update for page/feed doesn't work.
Does the page need to install the app whose oauth token I'm using?
Or do I somehow need to get an oauth token for the page itself by logging in as the page?
If i correctly understand you, you need only app access_token
I first started reading the docs about real-time updates thinking that it could delivery the actual data. But, as I realized, that's not the purpose.
Real-time updates are just to tell you that something has changed, and once it happens, you can call the api with the conventional method.
Also, seems like there's an error on this part the subscription topic should be 'user' and the subscription field should be 'feed'. The subscription topic, actually, should be 'page'. (Have you thought the same?)
And by subscribe on page feed as the same as user feed, means that you can get update notifications, not the data itself.
Not sure if this is a common mistake, but I'm posting it just in case.
Currently I'm working on a data mining tool that will need real-time updates. But first, I'm focused on the data itself, so I can't post any examples yet. (I'll edit this answer when implementing this part)
What I can say about your issue is:
1) Look that your $PAGEID isn't correct. Actually it's your APPID instead.
2) After subscribing, have your subscription appeared on the list when calling<app-id>/subscriptions?access_token=... ?
3) With user subscription, does it work? Or is it just with pages?
For this you need to set up an endpoint URL that receives both HTTP GET (for subscription verification) and POST (for actual change data) requests from Facebook.
Then you should make a POST to the graph API url<app-id>/subscriptions?access_token=<access_token> to subscribe, and be ready to handle the verification request.
Then to list subscriptions, just perform a GET request on the same url,<app-id>/subscriptions?access_token=<access_token>, which returns a JSON-encoded content that lists your subscriptions, up to one per object type.
Before you start waiting for the notifications you should check if the URL is actually being hit or not by FB
Check The Output of Following:
This shall return the callback_url if set correctly !