making axes distinct from other grid - matlab

Does anyone know how to make x-axis and y-axis look a bit bolder or somehow distinct from other grids?
Somehow I want it to look like this

The stupidest thing I can think of is drawing a line with LineWidth = 2
plot([0 0],[-200 200],'LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 0 0])
hold on;plot([-200 200],[0 0],'LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 0 0])
Though it has some obvious disadvantages, like that it ends at some place.

Check out hline and vline from the MATLAB File Exchange. It will let you draw horizontal and vertical lines at any given point and extend those lines to infinity (so redoing axes will still keep the lines drawn all the away across your plot). If you need to draw to specific handles, here's an advanced hline/vline.


Place MATLAB legend such that it does not overlap on the plot

I am generating multiple plots of different datasets in succession using MATLAB. I would like the legend positions to be such that they don't overlap on the plotted lines and it would be ideal if this placement could be done automatically.
I am aware of setting the 'Location' to 'best' to achieve this but the placement of the legend tends to be awkward when 'best' is used (below). Also, I would like the legend to be inside the plot. I also came across a way to make the legend transparent (here) so that it does not render the plotted data invisible, but explicitly placing the legend elsewhere is what I am looking for.
Is there a way to place the legend at the extremes of the image ('NorthWest', 'SouthWest' etc) automatically such that it does not overlap on the plotted data (apart from the methods suggested above)?
So, you have tried using Location instead of Position? For example:
x =1:100;
y = x.^2;
lgd = legend('y = x.^2');
and you are getting odd results correct? A quick way of solving this would be to still use Location, with best, and extract the coordinates:
You should get something like this:
ans =
0.7734 0.3037 0.1082 0.0200
which maps to:
[left bottom width height]
You will need to focus on left and bottom. These two values, left and bottom, specify the distance from the lower left corner of the figure to the lower left corner of the legend, and they are analogous to the grid frame you are using.
Then, depending on the size of the frame (I would suggest you use axis([XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX]) for this, if possible), you can pinpoint the position of the legend within the grid. What you can do next, is check if and which of your graphs in the plot cross paths with the legend (maybe define a relative distance function based on some distance threshold) and if they do, then randomly reposition the legend (i.e. change the values of left and bottom) and repeat until your conditions are met.
If this still troubles you I can write a short snippet. Finally, know that you can always opt for placing the legend on the outside:

Axis commands changes TightInset property to zero

I use some things from this question get-rid-of-the-white-space-around-matlab-figures-pdf-output to get rid of the white space when saving figure plots and images. This works fine, but my problem is when I use commands like "axis square" or "axis image". Ivt sets TightInset property of corresponding axes to 0 in "y" direction. I mean when I use this:
second and fourth numbers in "inset" are always zero, even if I set title and x-label. So in the end I don't see plot titles and x-labels.
Can I fix it somehow? So far I do it manually by adding some suitable number, but it is not convenient.
EDIT: Some more code for example. It displays two histograms.
axis square
title('Historgram 1');
ylabel('Pixel count');
set(gca,'xlim',[0 1])
axis square
title('Histogram 2');
set(gca,'xlim',[0 1])
ylabel('Pixel count');
and if I call
for i=1:length(a)
%...some stuff here
those y-related numbers in inset are zeros. If I comment axis square and do this, then inset are correct and it does what I need.
As far as I know when you use 'TightInset' you'll get only the graph or image, axis will be removed. I downloaded a function from mathworks file exchange 'saveTightfigure.m' to solve a similar problem. But I did not needed axes. If you need axes may be you can edit limits set inside the function. I mean you can give a little more space at left and bottom for keeping the axes.

Matlab, gplot custom linewidth for some lines, but not all

In the past, there has been asked a question about customizing the linewidth in gplot (see In MatLab, how to adjust the line width drawn by the function 'gplot'?). I am dealing with a slightly more complicated version, which prevents me from using the solution given there. Therefore, I would like to ask how to do the following: I would like to adapt the line width of some of the calls of gplot, and not of others. I am namely calling gplot several times and using hold on to plot them in one figure. I am trying to draw a graph, with multiple types of edges (A and A2). And k paths in it. I am currently using the following code:
hold on
% a line where I define my own colors (not shown, since not relevant)
hold all
for i=1:k
hold off
But I would like to draw the paths with a larger line width, while keeping the A and A2 at the standard line width 1.
Can someone help me? Thank you very much!
You can get the children of the axis before and after adding the extra lines, and only set the new ones to have a larger linewidth:
hold on
% a line where I define my own colors (not shown, since not relevant)
hold all
for i=1:k
hold off

Remove border around Matlab plot

Matlab is displaying a black border around a plot and I would like to remove it. I think i should be using something like:
But I'm not sure what PropertyName or PropertyValue should be used...
I tried all of the suggestions including:
axis off;
The figure still has a black boarder and looks like this:
Edit 2:
This is a simplified package that reproduces the black box. Run the script called "runPlot". Here it is:
I can't figure out why the box is still visible. This might be due to the line in "plotTEC.m"
axis([-.65 .6 .25 1.32]) % hardwiring axis length since the coastline runs off of the plot
#Pursuit: If I use "plot browser" I get a recursive error....I am not familiar with the matlab plotting package but this seems strange. Does anyone else get this error? Again, thank you guys for your advise!
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
You want to experiment with the properties of the axis. Some properties of interest.
xcolor %The color of the x-axis line and the x axis labels
ycolor %
box %'on', or 'off' indicating if one or both sides of a plot should have lines
xtick %Where to place the labels
For a completely bare plot, use:
To set the figure background to white as well
Depending on your exact problem, you can try the 'box' property, to see how it affects your plots
If you want to turn off the actual plots lines but keep the plot labels then I am not aware of a simple solution. I think that I would need to remove the axes as described above, and then manually add labels using the text function.
Edit: As I just learned from this question, Plot Overlay MATLAB you can also try
axis off
axis on
Which I think is equivalent to
Edit 2:
If nothing else works, activate the "plot browser" in your figure. Use "view" --> "plot browser". From the plot browser panel, uncheck each object until you figure out which object is drawing the lines that you need to remove.
Then double click on the offending object to bring up the "property editor" panel, and mostly likely click "More properties" to view all possible properties of that object. From that view you can (hopefully) figure out what object is drawing the offending lines.
After you have figured out the object and property to edit, you can probably figure out where in the code that object is created, and set the property programmatically.
set(gca, 'Box', 'off');
Solution to remove 'gray' background in imagesc
I = imread('imgname.jpg');
[rows columns] = size(I);
posX = 100; posY = 100; %you can set any value for posX and posY - try to keep it on screen
f = figure (1);
set(gcf,'Position',[posX posY columns rows]);
set(gca,'units','normalized','position',[0 0 1 1]);
axis off;
axis tight;
This should save the image with same size as that of the original, using imagesc.
set( gca , 'Visible' , 'off' );

How do I hide axes and ticks in matlab without hiding everything else

I draw images to axes in my matlab UI, but I don't want the axes and ticks to be visible how do I prevent that, and also where do I make this call?
I do this
axis off;
Is this what you are looking for?
This is definitely somewhere else on this website and in the matlab documentation. Try typing
help plot
Or using the documentation on plotting!
edit: Now that you have shown what you are doing. (You don't need the handles, I just always write them in to clutter my workspace)
myImage = yurbuds0x2Dironman; # don't ask
fH = figure;
iH = imagesc(myImage);
Are you able to do it like this?
I support the
approach over the
axis off
one. The reason is set(gca, ...) just removes the labels but keeps the axes, unlike axis off. I am generating a group of images with fixed dimensions to combine later into a video. Deleting the axes creates different size frames that can't be recombined.