How do I set the maskededitvalidator MinimumValue property to today? - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I am using an AJAX Control Toolkit: 'maskededitvalidator' to validate a textboxe's date entry. I am trying to set the minimum value programatically to today's date. I have tried both adding it to the source (and calling Page.DataBind()) or setting it in the code behind and niether work. No error, just the validation does not work. If I change the 'MinimumValue' property to a hardcoded value it works just fine. Any ideas? Thanks!
In the source directly on the control:
MinimumValue='<%# DateTime.Now.Date.ToString %>'
In the server code:
Me.txtDateMEV.MinimumValue = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()

I think this is more likely a "calendar" issue than a "maskedit" one.
Maybe you should try some Calendar option just like the example on Calendar Example. Check out the Calendar with date range, it looks like the problem you have.

I was never able to get the binding systax working in the source, but I did get it working in the code behind like below:
Me.txtDateMEV.MinimumValue = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
I had a CSS style which was erasing the current date if it was left blank and did not have a default date set. Once I updated the CSS not to set 'display:none' for the .AJAXCalendar .ajax__calendar_today style, then the code above worked. So half fixed my issue because CSS was preventing the MinimumValue code to apply. However I really wanted to be able to use the binding syntax but I could never get it to work.


SAPUI5: Adding a custom label to a StatusIndicator

This feels like it should be really simple, but I for the life of me can't figure it out. I have a StatusIndicator in my application and wish to give it a non-numeric label based on its value. I believe that this should be possible, because the fiori guidelines for status indicators have example screenshots showing this behaviour on the bottom of the page (ok, granted, they're still all numeric, but not labelled with percentages).
Referring to the API Documentation shows that StatusIndicator possesses an aggregation "label" which takes a Text-control. So I tried to use that (XMLView excerpt, link to plunkr below):
<si:StatusIndicator value="70" showLabel="true">
<si:Circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20" />
<si:PropertyThreshold fillColor="Good" toValue="100"/>
<si:PropertyThreshold fillColor="Error" toValue="50"/>
<Text text="Hi there"/>
(Example in plunkr)
However, this doesn't work. From my application I know the Label is used in some way (a formatter-function for the text is called), but the displayed label remains "70%" in the above case, instead of the expected "Hi there". Using a numeric value here does not work either, so it appears not to be due to that.
Am I misunderstanding something here? Unfortunately I was not able to find anything on this, and the API documentation on the label aggregation is rather sparse to put it mildly.
Final notes:
I already tried using 'showLabel="false"' (thinking, maybe it only uses the custom label if the default is turned off), but that just removes the label entirely (as expected).
I'm sure I could make a custom control for this, but would prefer not to, if I don't have to.
tldr: Why is the label-aggregation for a StatusIndicator control (seemingly?) ignored, and how can I add a custom label to the StatusIndicator that is based on, but not equal to, the value property?

Setting the controlsource value of a listbox using Properties Window

I am new to VBA and am currently still studying the most basic ideas of the language. I haven't gotten that far in my VBA Code studies to write the code I need by hand, so, in the mean time, I have been using the VBA Editor to enter Property Values via the Properties Window. This has been proving far more difficult than I anticipated. My Goal is to create a drop down list for a VBA Form. I understand one of my options is to reference a range of cells in my excel worksheet by inputting it into the value field located right of the ControlSource Property. My attempts to input the desired range always comes up with the same error:
Could not set the ControlSource Property. Invalid Property Value.
I have tried looking in the VBA Help files and even searched online. I haven't had any luck finding the proper syntax to enter into this field.
I am assuming I may run into similar issues as I try to set other property values through the Property Window. Thus, I am diligently studying my VBA courses so I can simply write the raw code. But that takes time and I need this form to work as soon as possible.
Is there anyone out there that wouldn't mind lending me their brain for a moment? I would be most grateful. Having this working would bring a lot of stress off of me.
Thanks for reading!
What tigeravatar mentioned, works fine for me, for the ComboBox as well for the ListBox.
If I enter =a1:b5 into the ComboBox' RowSource, I see the values of the cells if I open the form and the Combobox. Tigeravatar's notation with $ and sheet! may be more reliable for the productive version.
The RowSource is where the boxes get their displayed items from. The ControlSource is where the chosen value finally is linked to. So if I write just A10 to the ControlSource, then open the form, then pick a value, close the form, I see the chosen value filled to the Excelsheet field A10.
Sometimes it helps to start a fresh UserForm and to add some simple fresh controls. If you seek around, you will probably alter property values that influence the behaviour in an unexpected way, and then you get lost. I have tested with Office 2010. If you have another version, it may be important to forum readers to know.

X-Editable Datepicker / Bootstrap 2 not using default date

This is specifically about x-editable with bootstrap 2.3.2
The x-editable selector class is 'xedit'
This code opens the popup datepicker OK, but it doesn't read / use the default value 01/01/1970. Using data-value="01/01/1970" doesn't help either, nor removing the <strong> tags. Once a new date is selected / set, it works fine.
Anyone experienced similar / can suggest why this doesn't work ?
The <strong> tags do make a difference. Put them outside of your <a> tags. Also, update either your value 01/01/1970 to 01/1/1970 to reflect your data-format and data-viewformat or vice versa.

Requerying MS Access Form Causes Filter Not to Be Applied

Recently, I started noticing odd behavior with one of my continuous forms. It contains text boxes in the header which can be used to filter the list. For some reason, whenever this form is requeried, for example when a record is edited or added in another form, this form reverts to its unfiltered state.
I stepped through the code and played around with some variables in the immediate window. The filter is still there, it just isn't being applied. Setting Me.FilterOn = True does nothing, as it is already true. A work around is easy, I can set Me.Filter = Me.Filter, but I would like to find out what is causing this behavior in the first place.
I have other contiunous forms that work completely fine; requerying them does not do anything to the filter. I'm assuming I changed some setting on the problematic form, but I have no idea what. I compared all the settings between the two forms in the property window and found nothing. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this behavior?
Well I figured out what was wrong. I realized the query that the form was based on was a pass-through query. As soon as I changed it to a normal access query, the problem went away.
Unfortunately I had it as a pass-through query for a reason. Mircosoft Access doesn't like my join. Sometimes it throws me a join not supported error, and other times it just gives me screwed up results... Looks like I'll have to rethink this query.

Formatting a line chart

I have a line chart in a report (rdlc), that I cannot get formatted correctly. There are 2 main things I am trying to accomplish.
1) The x-axis is a date, right now it is being displayed as the full date with time, and I want it to be displayed as mm/dd/yyyy. I have attempted to change this by using =FormateDateTime(Fields!EndDate.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate) This is exactly how I saw it in Microsoft's examples, even the one included in VS2008 (what I am using), but for some reason it says that .ShortDate is and unrecognized identifier. I am thinking this might be a bug. So any ideas on how to get it into the mm/dd/yyyy format?
2) I want the values that are being plotted not to be there actual value but the previous values before added to the value. This is to accomplish a continual upward slope, showing the totals. I would also like to filter out zero's since the first 20 entries are so are 0. When I try to use the filter option it for some reason makes the chart just a flat line.
Any suggestions to any of these problems or a link to a good tutorial would be great as I am new to using these reports. Thanks!
Update: I have accomplished these by applying changes to the actual data being supplied, I would still like to know an easier better way to do this.
You can format the date in the lable under the general tab like this.
=Format(Fields!POWDate.Value, "M/dd/yyyy")
As of now I have fixed the problem by formating the data in the SQL query to the way I would like it to be displayed in the report.