How to properly call a sub by referencing in Perl - perl

I'm working on a dispatching script. It takes a string with a command, does some cooking to it, and then parses it. But I can't grab a hold into the referencing:
my($contexto, $cmd, $target, $ultpos, #params);
my $do = "echo5 sample string that says stuff ";
$target = "";
$cmd = "";
$_ = "";
# I do some cumbersome string parsing to get the array with
# the exploded string and then call parsear(#command)
sub parsear {
my %operations = (
'echo' => \&echo,
'status' => \&status,
'echo5' => \&echo5,
my $op = $_[0];
if ($operations{$op}){
print "it exists\n";
print "incorrect command.\n";
sub status {
print "correct status.\n";
sub echo {
print join(' ',#_) . "\n";
sub echo5 {
print join(' ',#_) . "\n" x 5;
I don't really know what the problem is. If the sub does not exist, it never says "incorrect command", and if I call for example "echo5 hello" it should print out:
But it does nothing.
And when I call echo, it works as expected. What is the explanation?
Note: I'm on the latest version of Strawberry Perl

use strict; # 'use' is a keyword
use warnings;
# All these variables are not needed
sub parsear { # Learn to indent correctly
my %operations = (
'echo' => \&echo,
'status' => \&status,
'echo5' => \&echo5,
my $op = shift; # take first element off #_
if ($operations{$op}) {
print "$op exists\n"; # Make your status message useful
} else {
print "incorrect command: $op\n"; # And your error message
sub status {
print "correct status.\n";
sub echo {
# shift(#_); # This is no longer needed, and now echo can be used as a
# normal subroutine as well as a dispatch target
print join(' ',#_) . "\n";
sub echo5 {
# shift(#_); # This is no longer needed
print +(join(' ',#_) . "\n") x 5; # Parentheses are needed since x binds tightly
Then running:
parsear 'status';
parsear 'echo', 'hello';
parsear 'echo5', 'hello';
parsear 'an error';
results in:
status exists
correct status.
echo exists
echo5 exists
incorrect command: an error
I am not sure what "cumbersome string parsing" you are doing since you did not include it, but if you are parsing a string like
my $do = "echo5 sample string that says stuff ";
where the command is the first word, and the arguments are the rest, you can either split everything:
parsear split /\s+/, $do;
Or use a regex to cut the first word off:
my ($cmd, $arg) = $do =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)/;
parsear $cmd => $arg;
You don’t even need the variables:
parsear $do =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)/;
Finally, the echo5 subroutine is a bit more complicated than it needs to be. It could be written as:
sub echo5 {
print "#_\n" x 5; # "#_" means join($", #_) and $" defaults to ' '

The x command binds differently from how you were expecting; you probably wanted:
print ((join(' ', #_) . "\n") x 5);
Both extra sets of parentheses seemed to be necessary.


How do I add variables to be set based on a numeric input in perl?

I am making a score-keeping script in Perl, and would like to have it ask how many players there are, and ask for a name, then score, for each player. I have a good bit of this script done, but only for 3 players. the current script can be found on github here: skore
(from link:)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my #p1name = prompt("Player 1 name?\n");
my #p2name = prompt("Player 2 name?\n");
my #p3name = prompt("Player 3 name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: #p1name #p2name #p3name\n\n";
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
print "••• #p1name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p1score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p2name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p2score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p3name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p3score\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';
I'd like to also point out that I'm new to perl.
OK, wow. Stop for a moment, step back and put the code down. Think about what you're trying to accomplish here.
There's a bunch of things you're doing in your code that's really going to benefit from taking a step back, and understanding what's going on, before proceeding.
First off:
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
What is this intended to do? You only use $arg 3 times here, and one of those is to copy it to $subname.
This could be quite simplified by:
my $subname = shift;
cmd_go() unless defined $subname;
Now this:
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
Where did that come from? Because I'm pretty sure that - as a beginner to perl - you didn't write that yourself, not least because you don't have any subroutines prefixed with dev_ or hid. And this sort of redirect is serious overkill for a program that basically does just one thing.
(And normally, you'd use flags like getopt rather than a command that you leave blank in a default state).
You are also massively overusing arrays - which suggests you're not really sure the difference between #game and $game.
E.g. this:
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
prompt does this though:
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
It returns a scalar (a single line) and you're putting it into an array for - as far as I can tell - no particular reason.
Likewise this:
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
First off - you're using a bunch of single element arrays. But then you're numbering them. When ... actually, the whole point of arrays is to have numbered values.
So how about instead:
print "Num players?:\n";
chomp ( my $num = <STDIN> );
my #players;
my %scores;
for ( 1..$num ) {
print "Player name\n";
chomp ( my $name = <STDIN> );
push ( #players, $name );
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "Score for $person:\n";
chomp ( my $score = <STDIN> );
while ( $score =~ /\D/ ) {
print "Invalid - please enter numeric value\n";
chomp ( $score = <STDIN> );
$scores{$person} = $score;
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "$person => $score{$person}\n";
There are a bunch of other things that you're doing that is more complicated than it needs to be.
What I would suggest you do:
go re-read the perl basics. perldata in particular.
have a look at getopt which is a good (and standard) way to take program 'flag' style input. (e.g. showing version, if that's what you really want.
it looks a lot like you've cargo-culted the code here. I would suggest you re-write from the ground up, and when you hit a problem - ask about it on Stack Overflow, if you can't figure it out from the perl docs.
Try this. Hope this is what you wanted.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my $players= prompt("Enter total number of players:\n");
my #players_list;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_list , prompt("Enter Player ".($i+1)." name\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: ";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print $players_list[$i]."\t";
print "\n\n";
my #players_score;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_score, prompt("score for $players_list[$i]?\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print "$players_list[$i]\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m$players_score[$i]\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';

Perl error handling

how can i cache errors in perl? Is there try/cache like in JS? I would like if any error occurs to go to the start of the script.
And if anyone has an idea of improvement for the script below let me know because this is my first one in perl. The script just has to loop forever and never stop. :)
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET);
use Encode qw(encode);
use DBI;
use Time::Piece;
# Beware: we disable the SSL certificate check for this script.
# Debugging: off=0, medium=3, extensive=5
my $debuglevel=0;
my ($host,$username,$password)=('','xxxx','xxxx');
# Define cms api key and nodeid.
my ($cmsapi,$cmsnode)=('xxxxxxxxx','1');
# Define all parameters to be logged each script's iteration.
# #parameterlist[x][$parameterid,$parameterlongtext,$parametershorttext,$data]
# which corresponds for FHEM's DbLog with:
# #parameterlist[x][$parameterid,$parameterlongtext,READING ,VALUE]
# $parameterlist[x][3] will be populated by the script, thus here undefined in each line (the last value is missing).
my #parameterlist=(
[3922,"Status TC","statusHeatPump"],
[3931,"Zunanja temperatura","outsideTemperature"],
[3924,"Status zalogovnika","statusBuffer"],
[3925,"Status bojlerja","statusBoiler"],
[3940,"Temperatura bojlerja","boilerTemperature"],
[3943,"Temperatura zalogovnika","bufferTemperature"],
[4331,"Temperatura nadstropja","floorTemperature"],
[3811,"Temperatura pritličja","groundTemperature"],
# We substitute the text for the burner's status with an integer, so plots are easier.
# Define which parameter holds the burner's status.
my $parameterstatusHeatPump=3922;
my #statusHeatPumpmatrix=(
["Heating mode",50],
sub trim() {
my $str = $_[0];
$str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $str;
print "DEBUG: *** Script starting ***\n" if($debuglevel>0);
while (1) {
sleep 1;
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $request=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>'https://'.$host.'/api/auth/login.json?user='.$username.'&pwd='.$password);
my $response=$ua->request($request);
my $decoded=decode_json($response->decoded_content( charset => 'none'));
my $success=$decoded->{'Result'}{'Success'};
my $sessionid=$decoded->{'SessionId'};
print "DEBUG: ".$response->content."\n" if($debuglevel>4);
print "DEBUG: ".$success."\n" if($debuglevel>4);
my $i=0;
my $j=0;
my $parameterid;
my $dataValue;
my $rightnow;
my $data = "empty";
while (defined($parameterlist[$i][0])) {
$decoded=JSON->new->utf8->decode($response->decoded_content( charset => 'none'));
$dataValue=encode('UTF-8', $decoded->{'Data'}{'Value'});
if ($parameterlist[$i][0]==$parameterstatusHeatPump) {
while (defined($statusHeatPumpmatrix[$j][0])) {
if ($statusHeatPumpmatrix[$j][0] eq $parameterlist[$i][3]) {
print "DEBUG: Substituting text of HeatPump\n" if($debuglevel>0);
print "DEBUG: ".$response->content."\n" if($debuglevel>4);
print "DEBUG: ".$success."\n" if($debuglevel>4);
print "DEBUG: ".$parameterlist[$i][1]."=".$dataValue."\n" if($debuglevel>0);
$rightnow=localtime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
if ($data eq "empty"){
$data = $parameterlist[$i][2].':'.$parameterlist[$i][3];
$data = $parameterlist[$i][2].':'.$parameterlist[$i][3].','.$data;
print "JSON data = ".$data."\n" if($debuglevel>0);;
#Post data
my $req=HTTP::Request->new(POST=>''.$cmsapi.'&node='.$cmsnode.'&json={'.$data.'}');
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
if ($resp->is_success) {
my $message = $resp->decoded_content;
print "Received reply: $message\n" if($debuglevel>0);
else {
print "HTTP POST error code: ", $resp->code, "\n" if($debuglevel>0);
print "HTTP POST error message: ", $resp->message, "\n" if($debuglevel>0);
print "DEBUG: *** Script ended ***\n\n" if($debuglevel>0);
I am answering the specific:
Is there try/cache like in JS?
Yes there is. Instead of
try {
possible evil code;
} catch (e) {
in perl you write
eval {
possible evil code;
if ($#) {
where $# is the message with which youre code died. BTW - don't vorget the ';' after the eval code.
In Perl you can use eval,
For Perl Script:
eval {
your code statement;
print qq{Error: $#};
For CGI file use like below if you want to print the error:
eval {
your code statement || die "Error: $!";
print qq{Error: $#};

How to use refernce concept and access element of subroutine argument using Perl?

I am writing a code for calling a subroutine which has 4 argument(3 hashes and one file handler).i want to know how to access them in subroutine.My code is as below.
#print OUTFILE "Content of TPC file:.\n";
my $DATA_INFO = $ARGV[0];
my $OUT_DIR = $ARGV[1];
my $log= "$OUT_DIR/log1";
require "$DATA_INFO";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
print "\nComparing data:\n\n" ;
print "\n Comparison done:\n";
foreach $pattern (keys %status) {
print "pattern";
foreach $attr (keys %{$status{$pattern}}) {
print ",$attr";
print "\n";
#Print Data
foreach $pattern (keys %status) {
print "$pattern";
foreach $attr (keys %{$status{$pattern}}) {
print ",$status{$pattern}{$attr}";
print "\n";
Sub routine cmp_fault is here:
sub cmp_fault {
use strict;
use warning;
$data_ref= $_[0];;
$VAR1_ref= $_[1];
$status_ref = $_[2];
# print LOG1"For TPC : First find the pattern and then its fault type\n";
for $pat ( keys %$data_ref ) {
print "fgh:\n$pat,";
for $key (keys %{$data_ref{$pat}}) {
print LOG1 "$key:$data_ref{$pat}{$key},\n";
# print LOG1 "\nFor XLS : First find the pattern and then its pattern type\n";
for $sheet (keys %$VAR1_ref){
if ("$sheet" eq "ATPG") {
for $row (1 .. $#{$VAR1_ref->{$sheet}}) {
$patname = $VAR1_ref->{'ATPG'}[$row]{'Pattern'} ;
next if ("$patname" eq "") ;
$faultXls = $VAR1_ref->{'ATPG'}[$row]{'FaultType'} ;
# print LOG1 " $patname==>$faultXls \n";
if (defined $data{$patname}{'fault'}) {
$faultTpc = $data{$patname}{'fault'} ;
# print LOG1 "\n $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n";
if("$faultXls" eq "$faultTpc") {
print LOG1 "PASS: FaultType Matched $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n\n\n";
print "PASS: FaultType Matched $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n\n";
$status_ref->{$patname}{'FaultType'} = PASS;
else {
print LOG1 "FAIL: FaultType Doesn't Match\n\n";
$status_ref->{$patname}{'FaultType'} = Fail;
return 1;
When passing parameters into an array, you can only ever pass a single list of parameters.
For scalars, this isn't a problem. If all you're acting on is a single array, this also isn't a problem.
If you need to send scalars and an array or hash, then the easy way is to 'extract' the scalar parameters first, and then treat 'everything else' as the list.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub scalars_and_array {
my ( $first, $second, #rest ) = #_;
print "$first, $second, ", join( ":", #rest ), "\n";
scalars_and_array( "1", "2", "3", 4, 5, 6 );
But it should be noted that by doing so - you're passing values. You can do this with hashes too.
To pass data structure references, it's as you note - pass by reference, then dereference. It's useful to be aware though, that -> becomes useful, because it's accessing a hash and dereferencing it.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub pass_hash {
my ( $hashref ) = #_;
print $hashref,"\n";
print $hashref -> {"one"},"\n";
print $hashref -> {"fish"} -> {"haddock"};
my %test_hash = ( "one" => 2,
"three" => 4,
"fish" => { "haddock" => "plaice" }, );
pass_hash ( \%test_hash );
print "\n";
print Dumper \%test_hash;
The core of your problem here though, is that you haven't turned on strict and warnings which would tell you that:
for $pat ( keys %data_ref ) {
is wrong - there is no hash called data_ref there's only a scalar (which holds a hash reference) called $data_ref.
You need %$data_ref here.
And here:
for $key ( keys %{ $data{$pat} } ) {
You also have no $data - your code says $data_ref. (You might have %data in scope, but that's a really bad idea to mess around with within a sub).
There's a bunch of other errors - which would also be revealed by strict and warnings. That's a very basic debugging step, and you will generally get a much better response from Stack Overflow if you do this before asking for assistance. So please - do that, tidy up your code and remove errors/warnings. If you are still having problems after that, then by all means make a post outlining where and what problem you're having.

How can I get the name of a function reference [duplicate]

How would one determine the subroutine name of a Perl code reference? I would also like to distinguish between named and anonymous subroutines.
Thanks to this question I know how to print out the code, but I still don't know how to get the name.
For example, I'd like to get 'inigo_montoya' from the following:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
my $sub_ref = \&inigo_montoya;
print Dumper $sub_ref;
# === subroutines ===
sub inigo_montoya {
print <<end_quote;
I will go up to the six-fingered man and say, "Hello. My name is Inigo
Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."';
Why not ask, what the compiler sees? (It would return __ANON__ on anonymous subs).
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sub_ref = \&inigo_montoya;
use B qw(svref_2object);
my $cv = svref_2object ( $sub_ref );
my $gv = $cv->GV;
print "name: " . $gv->NAME . "\n";
sub inigo_montoya {
print "...\n";
Sub::Identify does exactly this, hiding all that nasty B::svref_2object() stuff from you so you don't have to think about it.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Sub::Identify ':all';
my $sub_ref = \&inigo_montoya;
say "Sub Name: ", sub_name($sub_ref);
say "Stash Name: ", stash_name($sub_ref);
say "Full Name: ", sub_fullname($sub_ref);
# === subroutines ===
sub inigo_montoya {
print <<' end_quote';
I will go up to the six-fingered man and say, "Hello. My name is Inigo
Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."';
Which outputs:
$ ./
Sub Name: inigo_montoya
Stash Name: main
Full Name: main::inigo_montoya
Expanding on Jan Hartung's idea (and scrapping my own), you could get a fully qualified name and some trace information for no matter what it is or where it came from:
use B qw(svref_2object);
sub sub_name {
return unless ref( my $r = shift );
return unless my $cv = svref_2object( $r );
return unless $cv->isa( 'B::CV' )
and my $gv = $cv->GV
my $name = '';
if ( my $st = $gv->STASH ) {
$name = $st->NAME . '::';
my $n = $gv->NAME;
if ( $n ) {
$name .= $n;
if ( $n eq '__ANON__' ) {
$name .= ' defined at ' . $gv->FILE . ':' . $gv->LINE;
return $name;
I'm not sure about calling the name of the function from the outside, but you can get it from within the subroutine via the caller function:
sub Foo {print "foo!\n";return (caller(0))[3];}
print "Called $function_name\n";
This has the following output:
Called main::Foo
Of course, you can return the function name as one of the items that the subroutine returns. That way, you can capture it and have the option of displaying it (or using it in other logic, etc).

What causes the warning "Use of uninitialized value" in my program?

This one makes no sense to me. I have these two subroutines.
sub load_config_file {
if (#_ eq '') {
die RED . "No configuration file defined" . RESET . "\n";
} else {
if (! -e "#_") {
die RED . "#_ not found!" . RESET . "\n";
} else {
if (`cat #_` eq '') {
die RED . "$config_file_path is an empty file!" . RESET . "\n\n";
} else {
print "Configuration file:" . GREEN . "#_" . RESET . "\n";
my $xml_obj = XML::Simple->new();
my $config_xml = $xml_obj->XMLin("#_", SuppressEmpty => 1);
%config_file = %$config_xml;
} # End load_config_file
sub load_guest_os_file {
if (#_ eq '') {
die RED . "No guest operating system file defined" . RESET . "\n";
} else {
if (! -e "#_") {
die RED . "#_ not found!" . RESET . "\n";
} else {
if (`cat #_` eq '') {
die RED . "#_ is an empty file!" . RESET . "\n\n";
} else {
print "Guest OS file:" . GREEN . "#_" . RESET . "\n";
my $xml_obj = XML::Simple->new();
my $guest_os_xml = $xml_obj->XMLin("#_", SuppressEmpty => 1);
%guest_os_file = %$guest_os_xml;
} # End load_guest_os_file
Their purpose is to load a specific config file needed for my script. The first one, load_config_file, works perfect. But when I move onto the second one, load_guest_os_file, I get these errors from Perl:
Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in join or string at line 146.
Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in join or string at line 148.
Line 146 in my script is
if (! -e "#_") {
and line 148 is
die RED . "#_ not found!" . RESET . "\n";
What am I missing? When I call the subroutine thus:
… the values assigned to those two variables are
my $config_file_path = './config.xml'
my $guest_os_file_path = './guest_os.xml'
Edit: I should also add the values for the two variables coming from the command line arguments processed by Getopt::Long. If no value is assigned, the variable is just "declared", I think that's the term. I do not assign a value to it, it's just my $config_file_path; and my $guest_os_file_path;.
Here is the code from the beginning of the script.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Modules to load
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use XML::Simple;
use Net::Ping;
use Net::OpenSSH;
use Data::Dumper;
# Script version
my $version = 'v0.6';
my (%config_file, %guest_os_file, %machines_xml, $ssh_obj);
my #selected_mode;
# Configuration file
my $config_file_path;
# Guest OS file
my $guest_os_file_path;
# Exclusion file
my $exclude_file_path;
# Disables snapshot capture
my $no_snapshots = 0;
my $logfile_path;
my $verbose = 0;
# Program modes
my %program_modes = (
analyze => \&analyze,
backup => \&backup,
restore => \&restore,
help => \&help,
'c=s' => \$config_file_path,
'e=s' => \$exclude_file_path,
'g=s' => \$guest_os_file_path,
'l=s' => \$logfile_path,
'v' => \$verbose,
'x' => \$no_snapshots,
'a' => sub { push #selected_mode, "analyze" },
'b' => sub { push #selected_mode, "backup" },
'h' => sub { push #selected_mode, "help" },
'r' => sub { push #selected_mode, "restore" },
's' => sub { push #selected_mode, "setup" },
# Show the help menu if no program mode has been selected
if (#selected_mode == 0) {
# Throw an error and show the help menu if too many modes are selected
} elsif (#selected_mode > 1) {
print RED . "Too many program modes specified" . RESET . "\n";
print "See help menu [-h] for further information\n";
# Run the selected program mode
} elsif (#selected_mode == 1) {
if ($selected_mode[0] eq 'help') {
} else {
# Die unless user is root
die RED . "You must be have superuser permissions to run this script" . RESET . "\n" unless ($> == 0);
system "clear";
print "Solignis's VMware $selected_mode[0] script $version for ESX\\ESX(i) 4.0+\n";
if ($selected_mode[0] eq 'analyze') {
} else {
This will always be false:
if (#_ eq '') {
When empty, the array gives 0 in scalar context, not ''.
if ( ! #_ ) {
is sufficient to test if there was nothing passed.
But I think you actually mean to insure a defined value was passed:
if ( ! defined $_[0] ) {
To know why it $_[0] is undefined, we'd have to see the code from the declaration to where it is passed to the sub.
Some genereal pointers on your code:
Consider using elsif instead of the ever nesting else blocks.
If you have a bunch of error conditions you're filtering out, consider using statement modifier if/unless logic.
Consider using -z or -s to get your file size ( see ).
Unpack #_ at the top of your subroutines.
Minimize use of global variables. Explicitly pass all data in and out of your subs.
Here's a cleaned up version of your first sub:
sub load_config_file {
my $config_file = shift;
die RED . "No configuration file defined" . RESET . "\n"
unless defined $config_file;
die RED . "$config_file not found!" . RESET . "\n"
unless -e $config_file;
die RED . "$config_file_path is an empty file!" . RESET . "\n\n"
if -z $config_file;
print "Configuration file:" . GREEN . "#_" . RESET . "\n";
my $xml_obj = XML::Simple->new();
my $config_xml = $xml_obj->XMLin("#_", SuppressEmpty => 1);
return $config_xml;
} # End load_config_file
BTW, I am not sure what you have going on with the REDs and RESETs in your die messages, but I have a feeling that it could be better achieved with an exception handler.
If you use the subs with only one value, you might as well copy that over to a variable, instead of using #_, like so:
sub load_guest_os_file {
my $path = shift;
The tests you are performing can be done better, and they do not need to be inside each other, since the only result is die:
$path || die RED . "No guest operating system file defined" . RESET . "\n";
-e $path || die RED . "$path not found!" . RESET . "\n";
-s $path || die RED . "$path is an empty file!" . RESET . "\n\n";
The -e check is not functionally necessary, as -s will fail also if the file is missing. It will give a better error, though.
Also, if you are using arguments to your function, it might be more consistent to not manipulate global variables with the sub, and instead give a return value, such as:
return %$config_xml;
%config_file = load_config_file($config_file_path);
In order to get the warnings mentioned above, the first parameter to subroutine load_guest_os_file has to be undefined (which is the default value after declaration).
From the source code you have shown, the only possibility I can see for this scenario to happen is that no valid option -g<path> was given, and so variable $guest_os_file_path is never assigned a value. Then subroutine load_guest_os_file would be called with an undefined value as its parameter like this
and Perl would give these warnings.