Specs implicit conversion conflicts with Scala Predef - scala

I have a type alias in my code like so:
type Time = Double
And I often in both tests and in applications pass Long values to functions that use this type. For instance:
def at(time : Time) : T = {
// Do Something
This code works fine unless run in my tests where I get the following error:
found : Long
required: com.github.oetzi.echo.Echo.Time
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method long2double in object Predef of type (x: Long)Double
and method longToDouble in trait NumericBaseMatchers of type (s: Long)Double
are possible conversion functions from Long to com.github.oetzi.echo.Echo.Time
After looking up NumericBaseMatchers it seems its part of the Specs testing framework (my tests are written in Specs 1). I tried running code to get the error in the interpreter and it was fine out side of the tests.
Is there any way I can somehow remove the ambiguity so I can pass Long to values to a Double/Time function? Why does Specs try and create its own LongToDouble conversion when Scala already provides this?

If you want to deactivate an inherited implicit conversion you can do this:
override def longToDouble(s: Long) = super.longToDouble(s)
For convenience if you add it to a new trait, you can mix-in your trait to your specification when needed:
trait NoConversion {
override def longToDouble(s: Long) = super.longToDouble(s)
class MySpecification extends NoConversion {

Try unimporting one of them.
import NumericBaseMatchers.{longToDouble => _}


Scala: Multiple type parameters for implicit class

I'm trying to port parts of a Haskell library for datatype-generic programming to Scala. Here's the problem I've run into:
I've defined a trait, Generic, with some container-type parameter:
trait Generic[G[_]] {
// Some function declarations go here
Now I have an abstract class, Collect, with three type parameters, and a function declaration (it signifies a type than can collect all subvalues of type B into a container of type F[_] from some structure of type A):
abstract class Collect[F[_],B,A] {
def collect_ : A => F[B]
In order to make it extend Generic, the first two type parameters F[_] and B are given, and A is curried (this effect is simulated using type lambdas):
class CollectC[F[_],B] extends Generic[({type C[A] = Collect[F,B,A]})#C] {
// Function definitions go here
The problem is that I need the last class definition to be implicit, because later on in my code I will need to be able to write functions like
class GUnit[G[_]](implicit gg: Generic[G]) {
// Some definitions
When I simply prepend implicit to the class definition, I get the an error saying implicit classes must accept exactly one primary constructor parameter. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Is there a known way to work around it? I don't currently see how I could refactor my code while keeping the same functionality, so any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!
Implicit classes don't work that way. They are a shorthand for implicit conversions. For instance implicit class Foo(i: Int) is equal to class Foo(i: Int); implicit def Foo(i: Int) = new Foo(i). So it only works with classes that have exactly one parameter in their constructor. It would not make sense for most 0 parameter (type-)classes.
The title of your question also seems to suggest that you think the compilation error is talking about type parameters of the type constructor, but I hope the above paragraph also makes clear that it is actually talking about value parameters of the value constructor.
For what (I think) you are trying to do, you will have to provide an implicit instance of CollectC yourself. I suggest putting it in the companion object of Collect. But you can choose an alternative solution if that fits your needs better.
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
trait Generic[G[_]] {
// Some function declarations go here
abstract class Collect[F[_],B,A] {
def collect_ : A => F[B]
object Collect {
implicit def mkCollectC[F[_],B]: CollectC[F,B] = new CollectC[F,B]
class CollectC[F[_],B] extends Generic[({type C[A] = Collect[F,B,A]})#C] {
// Function definitions go here
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
warning: there were four feature warnings; for details, enable `:setting -feature' or `:replay -feature'
defined trait Generic
defined class Collect
defined object Collect
defined class CollectC
scala> implicitly[Generic[({type C[X] = Collect[List,Int,X]})#C]]
res0: Generic[[X]Collect[[+A]List[A],Int,X]] = CollectC#12e8fb82

Scala: Use implicits in companion object

I am creating companion object in scala and trying to use object implictis functions in class without import. But whenever, trying to compile the code I am getting an error: type mismatch; seems it is not able to import implictis automatically. Following is my code:
object ImplicitTest5 {
implicit def dollarToRupa(dollar: Dollar): Rupa = {
println("calling .... dollarToEuro")
implicit def dollarToEuro(dollar: Dollar): Euro = {
println("calling .... dollarToEuro")
case class Dollar(value: Double)
case class Euro(value: Double)
case class Rupa(value: Double)
class ImplicitTest5 {
private val value = "String"
def conversion = {
val euro: Euro = Dollar(3.1)
println(s" ----- $euro")
When i am using import ImplicitTest5._ in my class, it will compile and run fine. According to Programming in Scala, Page: 478 it will be working fine, and there is no need to define import.
In this case, the conversion dollarToEuro is said to be associated to
the type Dollar. The compiler will find such an associated conversion
every time it needs to convert from an instance of type Dollar.
There’s no need to import the conversion separately into your program.
Something is going wrong with my sample or my understandings are misleading ?
Something is going wrong with my sample or my understandings are
The conversion to Dollar will be associated with it if you define it inside Dollars companion object. Currently, all your implicits are defined on ImplicitTest5, which isn't where the compiler looks for implicits in regards to the Dollar class. This forces you to explictly import the object containing those implicits. Instead, do:
case class Dollar(value: Double)
object Dollar {
implicit def dollarToEuro(dollar: Dollar): Euro = {
println("calling .... dollarToEuro")
For more, see "Where does Scala look for implicits"
By default scala compiler will look into the companion object of source and target objects. So if for example you are converting from Dollor to Euro, the implicit method can be in Dollor or Euro companion object. The compiler will pick it automatically. Otherwise you have to bring it explicitly in the scope.

Creating `**` power operator for Scala?

I quite like the ** syntax for pow, available in many languages (such as Python).
Is it possible to introduce this into Scala, without modifying the Scala 'base' code?
My attempt at an Int only one:
import scala.math.pow
implicit class PowerInt(i: Int) {
def `**`(n: Int, b: Int): Int = pow(n, b).intValue
(see it failing on IDEone)
this works for me: (problem#1 pow is defined on doubles, problem#2 extending anyval)
(also there is no point in having those backticks in the methodname?)
import scala.math.pow
object RichIntt {
implicit class PowerInt(val i:Double) extends AnyVal {
def ** (exp:Double):Double = pow(i,exp)
def main(args:Array[String])
This answer is 2 years late, still for the benefit of others I'd like to point out that the accepted answer unnecessarily extends from AnyVal.
There is just a minor bug that needs to be fixed in the original answer. The def ** method needs only one parameter, i.e. the exponent as the base is already passed in the constructor and not two as in the original code. Fixing that and removing the backticks results in:
import scala.math.pow
implicit class PowerInt(i: Int) {
def ** (b: Int): Int = pow(i, b).intValue
Which works as expected as seen here.
Scala compiler will cast an Int to a PowerInt only if the method that is called on it is undefined. That's why you don't need to extend from AnyVal.
Behind the scenes, Scala looks for an implicit class whose constructor argument type is the same as the type of the object that is cast. Since the object can have only one type, implicit classes cannot have more than one argument in their constructor. Moreover, if you define two implicit classes with the same constructor type, make sure their functions have unique signatures otherwise Scala wouldn't know which class to cast to and will complain about the ambiguity.
There is a way to make the solution a little bit more generic using Numeric typeclass:
implicit class PowerOp[T: Numeric](value: T) {
import Numeric.Implicits._
import scala.math.pow
def **(power: T): Double = pow(value.toDouble(), power.toDouble())
This is my solution using recursion (so I don't need import scala.Math.pow):
object RichInt {
implicit class PowerInt(val base:Double) {
def ** (pow:Double):Double = if (pow==0) 1 else base*(base**(pow-1))
def main(args:Array[String]){
println(2.0**3.0) //8.0
println(2.0**0.0) //1.0

Why does an implicit conversion on the constructor require 'this'?

Consider the following typical Scala 'pimp' code:
class PimpedA(a:A){
def pimp() = "hi"
implicit def pimpA(a:A) = new PimpedA(a)
new A(){
pimp() //<--- does not compile
However, changing it to:
new A(){
Makes it work.
Shouldn't it be the same to the Scala compiler?
EDIT : Is there any solution that can make it work without having to add the this.?
Not at all. For it to work, pimp needs to be either an object or an imported member of a value, and it is neither. A class has an "implicit" import this._. It has not a mechanism that auto-prepends this to stuff to see if it compiles.
In this case you should give compiler a hint that pimp() is not a random function. When you write
compiler know there isn't pimp function on class A so it's an error and before giving up it searches implicit conversion in scope and finds it.
And when you just call pimp() compiler doesn't know what object to pass to the pimpA(a: A) implicit function.
It is hard to understand what is your goal. I can only suggest to make PimpedA a typeclass (Pimp[T] in this example).
trait Pimp[T] {
def action(p: T): String
implicit object PimpA extends Pimp[A] {
override def action(p: A) = "some actions related to A"
def pimp[T: Pimp](p: T) = implicitly[Pimp[T]].action(p)
class A {
val foo = pimp(this)
scala> new A foo
res2: String = some actions related to A

How do you define implicit conversion in modern way?

Stupid question, but none of the examples works for me; classic article "Pimp my Library" is buggy and even the simplest code has problems.
Btw. I assume you have to put conversion method in the object (a lot of snippets omit that part). According to PiS book it seems hanging implicit def is OK, but this gives me error as well.
object Minutes
implicit def toMinutes(x : Int) = new Minutes(x)
class Minutes(private val x : Int)
def minutes = x.toString+"m"
object MainApp {
def main(args : Array[String])
The error -- "value minutes is not a member of Int".
What am I missing? Scala 2.9.1.
All you need you to do is bring your implicit conversion into scope where you want to use it, so the compiler can find it...
def main(args : Array[String]) {
import Minutes._
The implicit conversion must be in scope, e.g.
def main(args : Array[String]) {
import Minutes._
There are other ways, too, e.g. using package objects.
You can get the example in the Pimp my library article to work as follows:
class RichArray[T: Manifest](value: Array[T]) {
def append(other: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val result = new Array[T](value.length + other.length)
Array.copy(value, 0, result, 0, value.length)
Array.copy(other, 0, result, value.length, other.length)
implicit def enrichArray[T: Manifest](xs: Array[T]) = new RichArray[T](xs)
You need a context bound for T: [T: Manifest] is short for [T](implicit m: Manifest[T]). A Manifest is a way of passing the value of T to the method at runtime, when T is known. Normally the parameterized type information is used by the compiler to ensure type safety at compile time, but is not incorporated into the bytecode because the JVM can't handle it (type erasure). Scala collections changed in version 2.8 so that for performance reasons, Arrays are now not automatically wrapped by compiler magic, hence supplying a manifest for generic operations became necessary.
The other change is the (xs) argument for new RichArray[T]. I think that one's a typo.