Problems deploying Java EE 6 application from netbeans to JBoss 6 - jboss

I have a Java EE 6 application developed on Netbeans 7 and try to deploy it on a JBoss 6 instance. The application makes use of JAX-RS but I am not using any Jersey specific aspects, just standard JAX-RS features.
Deployments as a WAR fails because of some missing Jersey classes and deployment as an EAR fails due to org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Only one JAX-RS Application Class allowed
Any idea what the cause of this might be?
What I do not want to do is disable RESTEasy in JBoss, I'd rather produce an application that runs on any Java EE 6 container without tweaks.

Glassfish silently adds Jersey JAX-RS packages to the build. If you uncheck the 'Package' checkbox in the project's lib configuration, the application is packaged without Jersey.
This makes sense, because after all, the target of the deployment might be a non-Java EE 6 container such as Tomcat.


Instruct Wildfly to run an application as a modular application (Java 9 modules)

I'm using:
Wildfly 21
Java 11
I've just went through the pain of modularizing (with Java 9 modules) an Jakarta EE EAR application of mine that runs on Wildfly 21. This application has a war jar, ejb jars, utility jars (all have a now) and other third party libraries. The whole application compiles well, without errors.
But I noticed that when I run it in Wildfly, althought it runs without problems as before when it wasn't modular, it seems that the application server is not considering that it is now a modular application and is not using the modulepath to run the application, but the classpath. So, at runtime, the modular nature of the application is being ignored.
Is there a way to instruct the application server to run the application as a modular one, using the modulepath instead of the classpath?
It's a pity that we have to be locked by application servers like Wildfly blocking us from using such an important Java feature (modules) at runtime in our applications.
While Wildfly doesn't support running modular wars, you can take a look at Piranha Cloud.
The Piranha Server itself can run in the module path and can deploy WARs in a new JPMS layer, respecting the module-info.class provided.
PS: I'm a Piranha Cloud developer

Why Eclipse Glassfish does not support Eclipse Microprofile

Why Eclipse Glassfish does not support Eclipse Microprofile ?
And I am confused about Eclipse Microprofile Application,
Eclipse Microprofile Application can be a servlet application(war) nor ony a jar application?
I think servlet-api not nessary for Eclipse Microprofile Application.
I'll start with your last question and work backwards.
You are correct. The Servlet API is not part of Eclipse MicroProfile. So an implementation of the MicroProfile spec need not support servlet. If you take a look at the various MicroProfile implementations you'll see that some of them are derived from application servers, and some are not. Those that have roots in an application server might support servlet, but others might not.
The MicroProfile spec does not specify application packaging or deployment. Just the APIs that must be supported. So some MicroProfile implementations might support war files (likely those with roots in application servers) but others won't. Most of them will support some form of an executable jar and runtime dependency management so that you can create a self-contained, immutable Docker image of your application and its runtime dependencies. In this scenario the value of war packaging is questionable.
Eclipse GlassFish is a Jakarta EE implementation, and the focus has been to deliver a Jakarta EE 8 release. MicroProfile is part of Eclipse, but it is not part of Jakarta EE (at least not yet). So there is no requirement for Eclipse GlassFish to implement MicroProfile (at least not yet).

Maven archetype for java ee 6 and eclipse

I need to create a java ee 6 project which contains:
The Web-things should be compiled to a .war file, the ejb to the ejb-jar and overall into an ear file. The application will be deployed to a Glassfish v3.
I was looking for a maven archetype which I can use and integrate into Eclipse. However I haven't found one. Can you help me?
I consider Andy Gibson's Knappsack Archetype as a good starting point for what you are looking for. It gives you certain levels of working projects from a very basic setup to one filled with examples.
Alternatively, Adam Bien's Weblog is always a good place for finding simple solutions as for example a minimal project setup.
The Java EE MVC Security Archetype is a quickstart for websites that want user self registration and security configuration.
You can try it out on Openshift, though sometimes you have to wait a couple of minutes for openshift to load and start the application.
The archetype includes the following technologies:
Java EE MVC web application for Wildly 9 environment
JSF 2.2 and Bootstrap
JPA 2.1
H2DB (H2 Development Database)
JUnit/Arquillian/Drone/Graphene for testing
Java EE SecuritySupported by JBoss/Wildfly Database Module
Please note: This post is self-promotional.

Is there any way to have a fully portable Java EE 6 deployment?

Is it possible to make a Java EE 6 application deployable on any Java EE 6 Container (like JBoss or GlassFish, etc) without using their modules / libraries?
If for example I want Hibernate or Weld then add these in my Maven pom.
In other words, is there any "vanilla" container or can JBoss or GlassFish be made "vanilla"?
I´m sorry... but to be honest I don´t understand your question.
Java EE applications are in most cases deployable an all containers - as long as they are not using packages or configurations which are specific to the chosen container.
Even if you add libraries in your POM and the applications are packaged as WAR or EAR this should work.
Weld is not needed because the API is part of Java EE 6. If you want to use JPA you also don´t need hibernate.

How to deploy EJB on server?

I am learning EJB3 from last few days. I have many questions regarding EJB, application servers and deployment of EJB.
To start with, I have created one simple helloworld stateless session bean but I don't know how to deploy it on server. It has single bean class, bean interface and one servlet client. I have used eclipse to develop this project.
None of the books that I read gives step by step details about how to put EJB on server and how to access those beans.
I have JBoss 6 server and I also have Java EE budle downloaded from sun website. Does this Java EE bundle contains Glassfish server? or do I need to download it separately?
Can anyone please give me step by step details of how to put my bean and its client on server (JBoss or Java EE)?
And why do we need to include bean interface class in EJB client code? I mean either we need to keep client and bean in same package or if we keep them in seperate packages we need to import bean interfaces in client code. Am I right?
With Java EE 6, you can package your Servlet and your EJB in a WAR (either package your EJB in a JAR and put it in WEB-INF/lib or simply put all classes in WEB-INF/classes). And to deploy this WAR, copy it to:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/<domain1>/autodeploy for GlassFish v3*
$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy for JBoss 6
With Java EE 5, you'll have to package your code in a EAR.
And if you want to deploy your application from Eclipse (using the Eclipse WTP), you'll have to install the appropriate server adapter. For Eclipse Galileo and GlassFish (there is currently no adapter for JBoss 6 AFAIK), right-click the server view, select New > Server, click on Download additional server adapters and select the GlassFish adapter. Finish to define your new GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 server and deploy your application on it (right-click on your application then Run As > Run on Server). For Eclipse Helios and GlassFish, you can follow the link given by #VonC (manual install) or check this answer (install via the Update Site).
You need to add GlassFish to your Eclipse installation (see GlassFish plugin for Eclipse).
The full process is described here (with the latest Eclipse Helios 3.6M6)
You should export as EJB into your jboss<version>\server/default/deploy folder and then add the build path for it on the servlet's web project. You can "Run on Server" and choose an application server just like you would in any project, no need to export the WAR although if you do that, you're gonna have to re-export your WAR every time you modify your code
AFAIK there's no Eclipse plugin for JBoss 6 but Eclipse provides one for 5.1