Facebook Integration in iOS app - iphone

I need to post a user-specific text, determined by him, on his wall/timeline when he presses a button (in facebook's tutorial, they make the user login when the app launches, and then it does nothing).
There is a lot of information on the internet but every site does it in other way.
Just wanted to know if there's a specific way to do it.

A quick easy way to add facebook to your app is ShareKit (http://www.getsharekit.com/). This also allows you to add other social network site to your app.

You might want to try Socialize: http://www.GetSocialize.com. It'll allow app users to comment & like within the app, with the option of also sharing out to a social network (Facebook currently live; Twitter coming). Full feature list at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features


Facebook App Center Game that doesnt use FB API?

Is it possible to submit my 3D WebGL HTML5 / Facebook Canvas app to the App Center, even though it does not use the Facebook API? It isn't integrated with Facebook in any way, other than, being embedded in..
..from a Dropbox-hosted URL, if that even counts as a technical "Facebook integration" - which I doubt, as no API usage or Facebook signup or login required to even play it.
I keep on trying to submit it for App Center review but it insists to think I'm using the FB API when I'm not. Does this mean usage of the FB API is absolutely required for App Center submission? What if I dont want my app logging in to people's Facebook accounts? What if I don't want it accessing their personal information, or posting for them, or any of that jank? What if I just want it to be a game to simply be played embedded in a FB app URL, with no actual FB integration or interaction? Can that not be put on the App Center?
It thinks I need 3 permissions, one of which is logging in to people's accounts, I think these 3 permissions are put there in settings by default, how do I removed those permissions from my app settings, as those permissions listed aren't being used in my game, as it isn't using any FB permissions?
A smaller question on the side, what is the "tagline"? Like, it is the keywords / searchable tags, right? I'm used to them being called just "tags" and not a "tagline" so just to be sure I know what it is.
Thank you so much for any help or suggestions!
Yes you can always submit the html5 game on facebook canvas but for App Centre listing its necessary. Also using dropbox, github hosted sited will have less server resources allocted to them and hence high load time - i recommend to use any other hosting services out their, but remember https is a must.
Tagline is like a punch line for any product just go on the same theme.

Which platforms do I need to add for my Facebook app?

I'm creating a Facebook app. It is an online survey and consists of some forms that the users have to answer. It runs on my server and is basically nothing but a common website. The site has been programmed to dynamically adapt to all mobile and desctop browsers and screen sizes, so the same URL provides the app for all platforms.
When I register my app with Facebook, I have the option to "Add Platforms".
Which platforms do I need to add? All? None? Just "Website"?
This depends on how exactly you want to use your app... A good starting point are the docs at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/web/tutorials/scrumptious/register-facebook-application/ which give you a first overview.
The app screen is similar to this:
I guess in your case, you'd need at least "App on Facebook" if you want to use it within the FB platform. If you want to use the Facebook Login, you need to configure "Website with Facebook Login" as well, and if you want mobile accessibility too, "Mobile Web" as well.

Am I allowed to make an app that allows users to like Facebook pages?

I want to create an app that simply allows a user to log in, touch a like button, and then the app logs them out. I am wondering if this type of app would be allowed by Facebook, since the main functionality is all Facebook related. The app would be used by business to help them increase their Facebook page following. Is this allowed?
Yes, you are. Pratically every like button you see in blog posts and product pages in online stores works like that (except for the logout).

Facebook: detecting user apps

Hello I've read the docs and am having trouble getting a definitive answer for the following questions:
Can our app detect if another app is used by a given user. What about if we are admin of, or have the id of both apps.
If one of the apps is removed from FB is there a way to tell if a user had it installed before it was removed? A sort of history of past apps, I guess.
FB Connect: is there a way to see the logged in user's facebook apps?
Best answer is "I think the most you can do..." but I'd like to know for sure.
Thanks for any help.
If you request the permission user_actions:APP_NAMESPACE you can see the open graph actions that the user has performed in that app.
In my apps I generally store the user ID of all authorized users in a database, and when I get a call via the "Deauthorize Callback URL" I don't delete the user from the database, but instead only flag the user as deauthorized.
This way I can easily get an overview of users that are using (or have used) any of my apps. This allows me to present special features for users who are using several of my apps.
For example, let's say I made a photo app (like Instagram) and a GPS running app (like Endomondo). If the user takes a photo with Instagram while running with Endomondo, I could present the option to GPS-tag the photo, or add the photo to Endomondo.
This is something that I think we developers should use more. Perhaps present an open API to other apps, to let the apps work together.

iPhone: Social media integration

I am developing iPhone app where I need to provide integration with different social media like FaceBook, Twitter, Google etc. I have seen couple of iPhone applications that allow people to login using their existing FB or Twitter accounts and allow to post comments, like/unlike, follow people etc. I want to implement something similar but not sure where to start with. Could anyone please suggest me right direction? Any documentation and sample code would be great help.
http://developers.facebook.com/ has just about all the info you might need.
Further also look in Apples library as it contains sample code and extensive information about most topics.
#AppleDeveloper, check out Socialize; this is exactly the problem we're working to solve: http://www.GetSocialize.com. Full feature list at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features
The problem with just putting Facebook into your app is that your download base of users aren't all friends on Facebook. So any sharing in the app using Facebook will only go out to that user's friends.
Socialize lets all users of the app see the social actions other users of the app take, in addition to allowing those social actions to be shared on Facebook (and soon Twitter & Google+ as well). Then we give you a reporting dashboard so you can see the effect of all the social actions on downloads & user engagement: http://go.GetSocialize.com/dashboard
Let me know if this is the type of thing you're looking for.