why iAds not working in iPad? - iphone

I am using iOS SDK 4.2
My application is not universal application(iPhone/iPad) but it can be downloaded in iPad and works fine in both devices.
Now I have integrated iAd in my application.I've followed iAdSuite example. Its working fine in iPhone. But iAds not working when I download in iPad !!!
I found The BasicBanner and ContainerBanner examples in iAdSuite are configured to support both iPhone and iPad as it creates universal build.
I want to know that is it necessary to create universal app for iAd ???

See my post here
iAd development - more errors than successful test ads
Put breakpoints on the ad delegates and see if they are returning failures or success. You should get at least some response.
In debug mode apple will often send failures to simulate the iAd network being down.
In production, there is a very low fill rate for iAds - so there might not be an ad available.!
My app is iPad only, and i got ads. So no, it doesn't have to be universal.


No iAd banner in app downloaded from ituens

Apple has recently approved my app which contains iAd BannerView. While in both iOS Simulator and testing device iAd BannerView shows OK, in app downloaded right form Appstore is no iAd BannerView. I already enabled iAd Advertising Network so I can't figure out where is the problem. Could you guys help me?
Probably there is no iAd available in your region. For testing cases when developing the app with development profiles, iAds show up every time to help the developer. For production apps, iAds should be available in that territory in order to show up.

iAd not working on iPad

I made an iPhone Application which uses iAd. On the iPhone Simulator and the Device it works fine. It already is on the App Store.
Today, one of my customers told me that iAd is not showing up on the iPad. So I build my app on the iPad Simulator and it is not showing up, while the iPhone Simulator / iPhone Device work like expected.
I never test which device it is before displaying something, so this can not be the error.
This one does not show up any error: - (void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error
Any ideas?
If you want to use iAd, you pretty much need to be a universal app. My iPhone-only iAd app when run on an iPad in compatibility mode (on the simulator or on a real iPad) would call bannerViewDidLoadAd but then displayed a blank space instead of an ad. The Apple "iAd Implementation Best Practices" doc says:
Create Universal Apps
To ensure your app is capable of displaying iAd banners for all your users,
make sure you’ve developed a universal app that supports all possible devices.
**iPhone apps running in compatibility mode on iPad will not display a test ad
in development or live ads in deployed apps.**
I had a similar problem. The only solution for me was to make the application universal. Once the application was universal the iAds start working.
You might notice that even some of applications from iAds suite form Apple did not work. And they mention somehting in this regard in their description here:
The BasicBanner and ContainerBanner are configured to support both iPhone and iPad idioms, the TabbedBanner and NavigationBanner to support only the iPhone idiom, and the SplitViewBanner to support only the iPad idiom.
The only difference I have found was the universal vs. iPhone app settings (target->SUmmary->Device combobox).
Hoever, if I remember correctly, my - (void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error was called. The error was saying something about that there is no available iAds.
Also, I tried only on iOS5 (both simulator and device).
Hope this will help you a little ;)
Update: Also check this SO question in case you are using some older SDK:
Is iAds not available for iPad apps?
As an alternative answer, which just worked for me... because I forgot about it. I had set Fill Rate of iAds in the Settings/Developer page to 0% some long time ago... DOOH!
So please triple check there.

After iOS 5.0.1 upgrade, Test iAds unavailable on iPad 2

Both versions of my first App "Puffer's Train challenge" are currently sitting in the Apple queue "In Review". Saturday night I upgraded my iPhone 4 from 5.0 to 5.0.1 and also installed 5.0.1 on a new iPad 2.
Built & installed Lite versions of my app with iAds onto both devices. 5.0.1 initially caused both to crash. I was able to resolve that quickly (bad order of framework calls on my part) However! I spent the REST of Sunday trying to chase down any reason that test iAds are being served up to my iPhone (using wireless connection only to compare apples-to-apples), but the same code and the same calls fail with the error message "No inventory available" on my connected "wireless only" iPad 2.
App is built using xcode 4.2 for iphoneos, not universal, so I verified that the iAd framework call: ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait is returning 320x50 as it should. I "think" this rules out any problem that would be caused by different sized iAd requests.
Has anyone else experienced this same issue with Apple's test Ads using an iPad 2 device upgraded to 5.0.1? If so, I'd love to know that so I can stop (or at least slow down) pulling my hair out!
ps. Google's AdMob ads with which I replace iAds when not available, work Just Fine!
Because you're doing a Build & Install you're not using the Live (read: App Store) version of your app. This is why you're seeing Test Ads instead of actual Live ads.
Any time I've ever install an app to a device with Xcode I'm greeted with Test Ads from Apple. I believe this is because Apple intelligently looks at your app (either the version numbers or the provisioning file baked into the app) and knows that it's a developer build.
Now, if you're seeing Test Ads from the version of your app you've downloaded from the App Store then that's an entirely different problem. I've seen this as well but it doesn't sound like your problem.

iPhone iAds Not working on iPhone 4

I have an iPhone app in the app store, but I am having a problem with iAds. iAds are showing up as they should on iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS phones that have downloaded the app, but the iAds are not showing up on any iPhone 4 phones. They are all running the latest software version (iOS 4.2.1). Also, both iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS phones were both correctly displaying test iAds during my testing phase. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? Thanks in advance.
The iAds service currently has a really low fill rate (ie, you won't receive an advert every time you request one and, particularly outside the US, are often quite a bit more likely not to receive one). Quite probably either what you're seeing is a coincidence or the particular ads that Apple happens to be running at the minute in your territory aren't being supplied for the iPhone 4 with your app's combination of other ad-relevant metadata (and exactly what Apple use is undisclosed, just assume all the information you supply about your app may be relevant when picking which adverts to serve).
If your app showed the test iAds correctly then it'll show proper iAds correctly. Since Apple require that you properly implement showing/hiding of the iAd bar based on whether you receive an advert, it's safe to assume that they test this feature of your app.

Presenting both iAds and AdMobAds on the iPad

I'm currently using the AdWhirl SDK for the iPhone so I can switch Ad Networks depending on Ad-Availability.
Now there is no AdWhirl SDK for the iPad, so I just show AdMob ads.
But in iOS 4.2 we can now show iAds on the iPad too, and it would be nice to combine the two.
Is there a tutorial on how to exactly combine them?
I mean I did some manual switching between the too, in the usual delegate methods that get called when one of the two fails to load etc.
But it's really hard to test if this is working properly and stable, since on the actual Devices the fillrates for iAd will be ~10% and AdMob ~60%.
Now testing this the iAd-Test Advertisement shows up all the time, so I can't really test whether AdMob would show up, would iAd refuse to present an Ad.
I know this question is old, but I wrote an iAd/AdMob wrapper that's available on github. As little as one line of code will get both ads running and it's currently what I use with my app that's on the app store. It supports both iPhone and iPad in all orientations if you properly implement the callbacks.
If you don't want to roll your own, Mobclix offers something similar to AdWhirl for iPads