How can I take dump of all views in my mysql database. I don't need table structure, procedures..etc. Only views are required.
Please help me.
# External tools needed used by this script
# Dump database
$MYSQLDUMP -u $SRC_USER -p$SRC_PASS --opt $DB -h $DB_HOST > $DB.sql
# Replace the DEFINER lines with appropriate user#host
# Now insert the database in destination
you might check this link.
I am able to get the script for table creation via pg_dump command in postgress sql similar way I need to generate for functions, SP's & views to export into SQL file via pg_dump.
Can you please help on this?
For a Table:
pg_dump -U postgres -d postgres -t clientlocationregions > C:\clientlocationregions.sql
This will do:
pg_dump -Fc -s -n <schemaname> -f temp.dump <database name>
pg_restore -l temp.dump | grep FUNCTION > functionalist
pg_restore -L functionalist temp.dump > yourfunctions.sql
I have take backup by pg_dumpall > test.out
and test.out successfully generated, hence backup completed.
I have used command psql -f test.out postgres for restore
But got following errors with restoring backup:
databases already exists
relation "products" already exists
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "products_pkey"
I actually want to replace the data in the existing db with backup. How to do that?
The problem is that the database you're trying to restore already exists.
You can run a DROP DATABASE database_name command that will delete your existing database and then you can run your test.out file.
Or you can run pgdumpall --clean > test.out and then run the resulting file. The clean flag will make the resulting files have the DROP DATABASE command in them.
Do you use the bellow command ?
psql -h localhost -U [login role] database_name -f /home/database.backup
I think a flow like this might help, because we don't want drop the database each time we call the backup file.
First, we need to create a backup file using the --format=custom [-Fc] to restore it using pg_restore. We can use a connection string postgresql://<user>:<pass>#localhost:5432/<dbname> and replace <user>, <pass>, and <dbname> with your information.
pg_dump -v -Fc \
postgresql://<user>:<pass>#localhost:5432/<dbname> \
> db-20211122-163508.sql
To restore we will call it using --clean [-c] and --create [-C] to drop the database before restoring. Replace <user>, <host>, <port>, and <dbname> with your information.
pg_restore -vcC \
-U <user> \
-h <host> \
-p <port> \
-d <dbname> \
< db-20211122-163508.sql
This way you don't need to use clean when you create the backup file.
I have downloaded YELP's sql file and tried to import the sql to my local Postgresql.
I am running postgres on Windows 10 and using Cygwin to execute command that I have found on Google. (it took me forever to use Cygwin instead of windows psql shell)
anyhow, Yelp gives data schema in sql and also data in sql. You may find them a link attached below
so, basically what I thought was creating an empty table with YELP's schema
the, copy all YELP's data into that table.
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -s mydb < D:/YELP/yelp_schema.sql
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -d mydb < D:/YELP/yelp_sql-2.tar
and I am checking my database transaction and it doesn't change nothing and i do not see the table.
this is what i see on Cygwin terminal
enter image description here
and nothing on my postgresql database
Please let me know what I have missed.
Thanks a lot
your link asks for email to download. I would suspect yelp to be not transparent for it. So I did not check if they have any advise on their data sets... Anyway you use pg_dump to dump the data. to import the resulting file use psql for plain sql files and pg_restore for custom format ones...
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -f D:/YELP/yelp_schema.sql
pg_restore -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -s worldmap -Ft D:/YELP/yelp_schema.sql
pg_dump — extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other
archive file
I want to export my database as a .sql file.
Can someone help me? The solutions I have found don't work.
A detailed description please.
On Windows 7.
pg_dump defaults to plain SQL export. both data and structure.
open command prompt and
run pg_dump -U username -h localhost databasename >> sqlfile.sql
Above command is preferable as most of the times there will be an error which will be something like - ...FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user ...
In windows, first, make sure the path is added in environment variables PATH
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin
After a successful path adding restart cmd and type command
pg_dump -U username -p portnumber -d dbname -W -f location
this command will export both schema and data
for only schema use -s in place of -W
and for only data use -a.
replace each variable like username, portnumber, dbname and location according to your situation
everything is case sensitive, make sure you insert everything correctly,
and to import
psql -h hostname -p port_number -U username -f your_file.sql databasename
make sure your db is created or creation query is present in .sql file
Go to your command line and run
pg_dump -U userName -h localhost -d databaseName > ~/Desktop/cmsdump.sql
We're working on a website, and when we develop locally (one of us from Windows), we use sqlite3, but on the server (linux) we use postgres. We'd like to be able to import the production database into our development process, so I'm wondering if there is a way to convert from a postgres database dump to something sqlite3 can understand (just feeding it the postgres's dumped SQL gave many, many errors). Or would it be easier just to install postgres on windows? Thanks.
I found this blog entry which guides you to do these steps:
Create a dump of the PostgreSQL database.
ssh -C pg_dump --data-only --inserts YOUR_DB_NAME > dump.sql
Remove/modify the dump.
Remove the lines starting with SET
Remove the lines starting with SELECT pg_catalog.setval
Replace true for ‘t’
Replace false for ‘f’
Add BEGIN; as first line and END; as last line
Recreate an empty development database. bundle exec rake db:migrate
Import the dump.
sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
sqlite> delete from schema_migrations;
sqlite> .read dump.sql
Of course connecting via ssh and creating a new db using rake are optional
STEP1: make a dump of your database structure and data
pg_dump --create --inserts -f myPgDump.sql \
-d myDatabaseName -U myUserName -W myPassword
STEP2: delete everything except CREATE TABLES and INSERT statements out of myPgDump.sql (using text editor)
STEP3: initialize your SQLite database passing structure and data of your Postgres dump
sqlite3 myNewSQLiteDB.db -init myPgDump.sql
STEP4: use your database ;)
Taken from (upvote there):
The sequel gem makes this a very relaxing procedure:
First install Ruby, then install the gem by running gem install sequel.
In case of sqlite, it would be like this: sequel -C postgres://user#localhost/db sqlite://db/production.sqlite3
Credits to #lulalala .
You can use pg2sqlite for converting pg_dump output to sqlite.
# Making dump
pg_dump -h host -U user -f database.dump database
# Making sqlite database
pg2sqlite -d database.dump -o sqlite.db
Schemas is not supported by pg2sqlite, and if you dump contains schema then you need to remove it. You can use this script:
# sed 's/<schema name>\.//' -i database.dump
sed 's/public\.//' -i database.dump
pg2sqlite -d database.dump -o sqlite.db
Even though there are many very good helpful answers here, I just want to mark this as answered. We ended up going with the advice of the comments:
I'd just switch your development environment to PostgreSQL, developing on top of one database (especially one as loose and forgiving as SQLite) but deploying on another (especially one as strict as PostgreSQL) is generally a recipe for aggravation and swearing. –
#mu is too short
To echo mu's response, DON'T DO THIS..DON'T DO THIS..DON'T DO THIS. Develop and deploy on the same thing. It's bad engineering practice to do otherwise. – #Kuberchaun
So we just installed postgres on our dev machines. It was easy to get going and worked very smoothly.
In case one needs a more automatized solution, here's a head start:
PGPASSWORD="PASSWORD" /usr/bin/pg_dump --file "results_dump.sql" --host "" --username "username" --no-password --verbose --format=p --create --clean --disable-dollar-quoting --inserts --column-inserts --table "public.${table_name}" "memseq"
# Some clean ups
perl -0777 -i.original -pe "s/.+?(INSERT)/\1/is" results_dump.sql
perl -0777 -i.original -pe "s/--.+//is" results_dump.sql
# Remove public. prefix from table name
sed -i "s/public.${table_name}/${table_name}/g" results_dump.sql
# fix binary blobs
sed -i "s/'\\\\x/x'/g" results_dump.sql
# use transactions to make it faster
echo 'BEGIN;' | cat - results_dump.sql > temp && mv temp results_dump.sql
echo 'END;' >> results_dump.sql
# clean the current table
sqlite3 results.sqlite "DELETE FROM ${table_name};"
# finally apply changes
sqlite3 results.sqlite3 < results_dump.sql && \
rm results_dump.sql && \
rm results_dump.sql.original
when I faced with same issue I did not find any useful advices on Internet. My source PostgreSQL db had very complicated schema.
You just need to remove from your db-file manually everything besides table creating
More details - here
It was VERY easy for me to do using the taps gem as described here:
And I've started using the on my Mac (no install needed, drop the app in your Applications directory, although might have to add one line to your PATH envirnment variable as described in the documentation), with as a GUI tool to view/query the database.