iPhone How to prevent my app from entering background when lock screen? - iphone

When press the lock button in app,system will call :
-(void) applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application and
-(void) applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
So how can I do to make my app only resignActive but not enter background,and I can run my timer when screen locked(Timer can't execute in background mode).
One method is set the property "Application does not run in background" in .plist to YES,it worked, but my app can never enter background again,however I want it will enter background when press the home button.
Update: I want to play some music in my app at a certain time,just like a music alarm,and I still want it works fine when the screen locked,because keep the screen on may waste a lot of battery,and I don't need to do any thing when user press the home button and exit my app.

Open your Info.plist file and add Application does not run in background. Set value to YES.

Application must have special privileges to do any processing in background such as Audio service/Voip service/Location service.
"I can run my timer when screen locked(Timer can't execute in background mode)"
you cannot run a timer in background which will keep running without using any tentrum and doing so...apple will not accept your application on appstore - that's the worst side if you are targeting appstore...

You can not prevent your app from entering the background. This is decided by the operating system (iOS) and is out of control from applications. However, from reading your updated question, I don't think this is what you need to do.
You can execute background tasks with [UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler;] (see reference). If you want to have something happening after a certain interval, check out [UIApplication scheduleLocalNotification:].
Some services such as VOIP, Audio and CoreLocation are allowed to run in background. Using these for other than their intended purposes (for example, playing silent audio) may risk your app being rejected.
Note that there is nothing you can do to prevent your application from entering the background. It is just that some tasks are allowed to execute in the background. Because of this, you cannot do GUI operations and NSTimers will probably not fire (at least I know some cases where they don't).
It would help knowing what you want to run in the background in order to suggest a solution.

Unless you are playing audio BEFORE the move to background you cannot start audio playback when the app is moved to the background or the screen is locked (which has some weird specifics) suffice to say, its as if you were in the background without actually receiving the applicationDidEnterBackground notification.
The best you can do is schedule a local notification, but in this case your music is limited to 30 seconds and must be part of your application bundle.


App launched from the first screen from the foreground ios

When I pressing "home" button, app calling - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application, ok its good, but when I wait for a some time (10-15 mins), app starting from first loading screen, why? I have added:
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;
But not success. I think it goes to suspended mode, how do I prevent this? Thanks.
It means that your app has been killed by the system.
You can't prevent it completely, the system kills background apps when it needs more memory, but you can do something like this:
free as memory as you can when the app goes in background: doing this, when the system needs memory, your app won't be one of the first to be killed because its footprint is low.
Since you can't be sure that your app won't be killed, use state preservation / restoration: Link
since your app needs to reproduce audio in the background (as written in the comments) I give you some extra advices.
remember to register your app background mode (from this link: Multitasking guide) --> "by including the UIBackgroundModes key (with the value audio) in its Info.plist file"
the app continues to work in the background since it's playing audio, but when the audio is suspended the app is suspended too (it means that it can be killed). So, you must use state preservation to restore it when the user comes back.
Another extract:
"When the UIBackgroundModes key contains the audio value, the system’s media frameworks automatically prevent the corresponding app from being suspended when it moves to the background. As long as it is playing audio or video content, the app continues to run in the background. However, if the app stops playing the audio or video, the system suspends it."
You app has exited. If you want it to come back to where you left off you'll have to preserve the state somehow, check on launch, and then restore the state.

view capturing in background

we can easily capture a view(screenshot) programmatically in iPhone.
But i am trying to capture screen automatically after every 5 seconds.that also, can be done.
But my main objective is , to capture screen, even if the app is closed, i.e in background.
Apple doesn't allow to background process to run for a long time, but can we do it for 5-10 min in background.
Capturing screen,even if the app is closed.Ofcourse user can close this function, within the app.
Apple might reject this, but is this possible ?
This is possible but it's not easy. You can register you app (via a .plist setting) as being a media app, this will allow it to run in the background. This is normally to allow media apps to continue playing music when the app is sent to the background. However if you are careful you can get it to do other thing in there too.
In your plist under "Required Background Modes" add a key "Item 0" and set it to "App plays Audio". This will mean you can do it.
You will then have to using AVAudioPlayer, play a silent sound that is say 5mins long, and then register one of your controllers for the AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification notification. Then when this calls back, you can have your bit of code that, first takes a screenshot, and then starts the sound again.
This is the general concept, look somewhere like :
for how to set up the audio playing.
If you are making an app for personal use only, this is fine, but will never make it to the app store.
Hoep this sheds some light on your situation! :)

Is it possible to run an NSThread or NSTimer on iOS 4 device when it enters the background state?

I am writing an audio application which plays media items from the iPod music library using the iPod music player.
Now I know it is possible for the iPod to carry on playing when it is in the background, but I want to also run either a Thread or a Timer in the background where a selector method periodically checks the state of the music player so that the app can apply rules in order to apply delays between tracks, and automatically load up new media collections into the player all while in the background.
Is this possible?
If not, is there any other method for achieving this functionality?
The trick is to not use MPMusicPlayerController as when your app enters the background it actually relinquishes control to the iPod app (you can check this by closing your app and opening the iPod app).
For the music app I'm currently developing I've rolled my own music player using AVAudioSession and AVPlayer (not AVAudioPlayer). I've implemented a queue on the player, and a datasource (similar to UITableViewDatasource) which feeds the queue. All of this works eloquently whilst running in the background and has no association what ever with the iPod app (and as an added bonus you apps icon appears next to the remote controls on mulitasking bar).
If you developed something similar then when you ask your datasource for the next item in the queue, you could query your rule set and take a decision on what to do next.
Sure. You can do this in the application delegate's applicationDidEnterBackground:.
From the template:
If your application supports background execution, this method is
called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
Well yes and now, you can't use NSTimer because they are invalidated.
You can start a block of code to run via GCD to run in background which will have the max. execute time of 10 min.

App not playing sound when screen turned off, but doing everything else as it should?

I have an alarm clock app which works on a timer. When the alarm is meant to go off and the screen is switched off, it should start playing audio from AVAudioPlayer, but it doesn't. Then when i turn the screen back on, i can see that the rest of the code fired as expected (a stop button is now on the screen). How do i get the AVAudioPlayer to play when the screen is turned off?
Is there any way for me to detect that the screen is turned off?
#zoul is correct that using the default audio session category will result in sound form your app being disabled when the user locks the screen. See the Audio Session Programming Guide for direction on which audio session category you should choose.
However, even once your audio session category is set correctly, you'll have another issue to tackle. When the screen is switched off, your application gets suspended per Apple's documentation here: Executing Code in the Background. This means that when the user locks their phone or switches to a different app, your app will stop running and stay in a freeze-dried (task-suspended) state until the user activates your app again. At that point, your app resumes execution as if nothing happened. That's why it appears that your app has continued to function when you unlock the screen.
For alarm behavior, you'll probably want to schedule the delivery of a local notification. A local notification will ensure that the system provides your alert to the user at the time you request, and allows the user to activate your app. See Scheduling the Delivery of Local Notifications for details on how to accomplish this.
Maybe you have the wrong audio category? See the documentation for AVAudioSession, especially the audio category settings.

How to stop HTML5 audio when iOS4 iPhone Web app is put into background?

I'm making a Web app (at chirpid.com) for the iPhone that plays audio files for cricket chirp identification. The user can start and stop the audio by tapping screen buttons. But if the user taps the home button while a sound file is playing, it continues to play in the background (an iOS4 feature). I want to stop the audio in this case. Is there an event or property that I can use via Javascript in Safari to determine when I have been put into the background?
You could manually trigger the "stop" button like this when closing the application.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
if(audioIsPlaying) {
[btnStop sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
You get 5 seconds to do anything when using the applicationDidEnterBackground: function.
That should be enough to stop the audio ;-).
I would guess you need to create a listener that listens to system events...
Perhaps you should read this book: http://books.google.com/books?id=a09NMFdA6m0C&pg=PA94&lpg=PA94&dq=iOS+home+button+event+javascript&source=bl&ots=4Nop45gmwI&sig=8mTEGQI1ym65H7XjmBSzRQ2KyMc&hl=en&ei=_qDWTrmMDsPh4QSR9I2rAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CEsQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=iOS%20home%20button%20event%20javascript&f=false
iOS4 has some kind of lock function you can assign to buttons, perhaps you could tie in a script to turn down volume that way.
If you found the solution be nice and post it here for others to see.
Best of luck!