how to set extended permission required? - facebook

I found the article very nice to introduction set extended permission required
but I go to Auth Dialog setting, the field required permission replaced users & friend permission. I can't see field required permission. please help me. thanks

You can set extended permissions required via your call to the show the login/authorize screen.
For Javascript SDK, it's the second parameter of FB.login(callback,scope).
For the Login social plugin it's the scope attribute.
For PHP SDK it will be
$params = array(
scope => 'read_stream, friends_likes',
redirect_uri => ''
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl($params);
Per the extended permissions are:
read_friendlists Provides access to any friend lists the user created. All user's friends are provided as part of basic data, this extended permission grants access to the lists of friends a user has created, and should only be requested if your application utilizes lists of friends.
read_insights Provides read access to the Insights data for pages, applications, and domains the user owns.
read_mailbox Provides the ability to read from a user's Facebook Inbox.
read_requests Provides read access to the user's friend requests
read_stream Provides access to all the posts in the user's News Feed and enables your application to perform searches against the user's News Feed
xmpp_login Provides applications that integrate with Facebook Chat the ability to log in users.
ads_management Provides the ability to manage ads and call the Facebook Ads API on behalf of a user.
create_event Enables your application to create and modify events on the user's behalf
manage_friendlists Enables your app to create and edit the user's friend lists.
manage_notifications Enables your app to read notifications and mark them as read. This permission will be required to all access to notifications after October 22, 2011.
offline_access Enables your app to perform authorized requests on behalf of the user at any time. By default, most access tokens expire after a short time period to ensure applications only make requests on behalf of the user when the are actively using the application. This permission makes the access token returned by our OAuth endpoint long-lived.
publish_checkins Enables your app to perform checkins on behalf of the user.
publish_stream Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission, you can publish content to a user's feed at any time, without requiring offline_access. However, please note that Facebook recommends a user-initiated sharing model.
rsvp_event Enables your application to RSVP to events on the user's behalf
sms Enables your application to send messages to the user and respond to messages from the user via text message
publish_actions Enables your application to publish user scores and achievements.

I don't think you can require extended permissions through that dialog, or by using the SDK as suggested above.
In previous versions of the PHP SDK the oauth dialog would return an error if the user did not approve all requested permissions -- this is no longer the case. As long as the user approves the basic permissions, any of the requested extended permissions can be unselected and the user is redirected without a warning or error. I hope that I'm wrong, but from reading the documentation and my own testing, I don't think I am.
From the same page of the documentation that you reference:
"The updated Auth Dialog will display a set of user and friends permissions on the first dialog, and other extended permissions (if any) on a second dialog screen. User and friends permissions are non-revocable, while extended permissions can be revoked by clicking on the "X" next to each permission on the second dialog screen. Your app must be ready to handle each scenario (permissions granted, and revoked) properly."
IOW, if your app requires a specific permission your code must ensure that the user grants it.


Restricting scope of Facebook oauth request

I'm using Facebook as a social identity provider, in order to authenticate users of my system. I don't want anything else from Facebook, other than the identity of the user (e.g. the user's Facebook id).
I'm making a passive request to{app-id}&redirect_uri={redirect-uri}&scope=public_profile - more details here: (see section: invoking the login dialog).
There are several scope options, listed here:
My problem is that there doesn't seem to be a scope that limits the access to just the user's Facebook id. This means that when the user first federates, Facebook presents them with a worrying message about all the additional info my app will have access to (see screenshot below). This doesn't work for me, I just need the user's Facebook id - I don't want to ask the user for all this additional stuff. Is it possible to restrict the scope down to just the user's id?
If you ask an user to authenticate your app, the minimum that your app always asks for is the public_profile. You can't get any information fewer than that.
You can read more on the permission here:

How to mark a scope as required in Facebook OAuth2?

Is there a way to mark a scope such as publish_stream as required in Facebook OAuth2?
Currently a user can skip the permission and that results in a non working app in my example.
No you cant do that, in fact facebook asks to check for the extended permissions before performing any related action.
You can any time check for the permissions a user has granted with the API- /me/permissions. Check out- Graph API Explorer
There's no way to "require" extended permissions such as publish_stream as far as I know. Facebook has some docs about how to handle those cases where the user only gave some permissions:
If a person declines the login dialog have a clear and upfront
explanation about why you are requesting each permission. Then let
them click or tap to opt back in to the permission request dialog. Do
not immediately redirect them into a permission request dialog without
an explanation.
For cases where someone has granted some permissions but not others,
only prompt for missing permissions at the point at which they are
needed. For example, if your app contains functionality which creates
an event on behalf of a person, only prompt for create_event
permission whenever they choose to add the event to Facebook.
Unless the permissions you are requesting in the login dialog are
critical to the functionality of your app and a feature doesn't work
without them, let people continue using your app without the

granting minimal permissions during facebook "Login Flow for Web"

I have implemented a server-side login flow for a facebook page management application to allow my users to grant the necessary permissions to this application. So far, this works nicely and allows my application to obtain a "page access token" after being granted the manage_pages permission.
However, during the login flow, the facebook UI on requests both the manage_pages permission (which is what I asked for) and the permission to see the list of friends of the user (which I did not ask for).
To be specific, I redirect the user to
Is there a way to convince the facebook UI to not request permission from the user to see his list of friends ?
For reference, since I spent a good amount of time researching an answer to that question, I believe that it is impossible to explicitely not request permission from the user to see his list of friends. The Facebook documentation hints at this by stating that these are the "default" permissions that every application gets.

How do I grant my app permissions on pages or groups I created?

I have an app, and I can write to user's walls with it, having requested the publish_stream permission when they sign in.
I've also created a page and a group, and would like my app to be able to write to those. (Specifically, I want my back-end server to post some updates to those periodically, without a user being involved.) The ability to do this seems to be implied by the descriptions of the /feed parts of those here and here . However, I can't seem to find a way to authorize the app to write to these pages. Those docs say it can be done if you have publish_streams and manage_pages. OK, but how do I grant those to my app?
In the user case, you request those permissions when the user signs in via the OAuth flow. However, the page and the group never sign-in, so there's no way for them to grant the app permission. I looked around the settings pages for the group and the page, and couldn't find anything that will let me add the app. So how do I give the app the required permissions to post to the group and the page?
Found it!
"Application Page Access Tokens
To perform the following operations as an Application Page, and not the current user, you must use the Application's Page access token, not the user access token commonly used for modifying Graph API objects nor the Application access token. This access token can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts with the manage_pages permission. This will return a list of Pages (including Application profile pages) to which the user has administrative access, along with an access_token for each Page.
Note: Applications that are configured as Native/Desktop apps will not be able to make API calls that require an application access_token."
I went to and, as me, created an access token with "manage_pages" permission.
I then went to$myname/accounts?access_token=$accesstoken
and it gave me a list pages and apps that I had given permission to. I copied the access_token from the relevant page, and pasted that into my code, so that the server-side create event code always used that access token.
And it worked!

Facebook Api Post Wall When User Offline

I'm getting the permissions of the user settings page of the application on myfacebook (publish_stream). Even if the user that permits has logged out how can i send something to is wall (as Formspring)
Per, after the user has logged out of your app/website, all you need to do is user an "App Access token" to post to that user's wall as long as you do still have publish_stream permissions for that user.
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission,
you can publish content to a user's feed at any time. However, please
note that Facebook recommends a user-initiated sharing model. Please
read the Platform Policies to ensure you understand how to properly
use this permission.