Restkit : Download a file on system - iphone

I have a really hard time to find how downloading a file with the restkit framework ?
I've got a webservice (with base64 auth), which return a file.
When i do a regular "get" call, i did receive the stream (with good mime/types), but i can't find a way of getting the data, to make a NSData, and register my file. The response object only have a bodyString and bodyJSON, but no bodyDATA.

I haven't used RestKit, but accoding to their API documentation the RKResponse object has a body property that is of type NSData.


NetSuite RESTlet output pdf

NetSuite Restlet PDF file encoding issue
The above thread seems to be giving a solution to outputing a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet. As far as I know, you cannot output a pdf from a restlet, so I'm very confused. I am using a restlet to generate a report and the information ultimately needs to output to a pdf so I was trying to see if there was a work around. I tried the answer code from the above thread and I got the expected error:"error code: INVALID_RETURN_DATA_FORMAT error message:Invalid data format. You should return TEXT."
Am I missing something? Is there a way to export xml to a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet?
The thread you reference discusses how to generate a PDF file in Netsuite. If you want to return a PDF from a RESTLet you will have to return it as a member of a JSON object. e.g.:
var pdfFile = genPDF(); // base this on the sample
fileName: pdfFile.getName(),
fileContent: nlapiEncrypt(pdfFile.getValue(), 'base64')
And then your receiver will have to create the actual file.
Recall that RESTLets are for application-to-system communications. If you are trying to return a PDF to a browser you should probably be using a Suitelet.
If this is part of a larger app and you need the RESTLet then review this post: Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript for options to display the RESTLet response.
Reading through that answer, it appears you'll need to encode/convert the PDF to string format before returning, so you'll need to use base64 encoding.
The NS method nlapiEncrypt(content, 'base64') seems like it might be a good place to start.
Another avenue to investigate, which I haven't tried, is to first save the PDF in the file cabinet, then to return a public link to that file. You'll need to make sure the file has the correct permissions.

Issue with decoding base64 encoded app engine data in swift

I am developing ios app which is getting data from Google endpoint ,the data is base 64 encoded on the server to a custom java object, which is then returned by the endpoint method.
On the iOS side I am able to receive the data and print the data using the generated client code.
I am facing a problem and I am unable to decode the data back in to the GTL**** endpoint auto generated class.
The decoded data shows up with some hex numbers:
My Code:
let respo2 = GTLDecodeBase64(responce) as? GTLEndpointStatusCollection
I also tried decoding using the swift classes:
let respo = NSData(base64EncodedString: responce, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
The input is base64 encoded : rO0ABXNyABNqYXZhLnV0aWwuQXJyYXlMaXN0eIHSHZnHYZ......
The desired output should have been readable data,
but instead im getting:
<aced0005 73720013 6a617661 2e757469 6c2e4172 7261794c.....
I even tried encoding, decoding the base64 decoded data with NSUTF8
but no use.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible for data encoded on Server in Java (with custom Java objects) to be decoded back ? (I understand Google endpoint does the serialization/deserialization in between)
Thanks in advance.
You should use JSON for serialization rather than manually converting the object to a bytestring and base64 encoding it. If you are using the Endpoints libraries this is automatically done for you, simply by returning the object in your method. See the docs here for an example and the rest of the Endpoints docs for more details. To consume the API you can use the generated iOS libraries which also do this for you as per the examples here. You won't actually see any JSON unless you inspect the HTTP traffic or use the API Explorer.
It sounds like you might just be doing more work than is needed by pre-encoding the object, rather than just letting Endpoints do it for you. If you really need to manually serialize an object to some property you can use a library on the Endpoints side like Jackson to serialize the object to a string property and NSJSONSerialization on the client to convert it back to an object.

Objective C error 3840 - bad JSON apparently but it validates with JSlint

I have read around and this error seems to be from bad JSON. Easy enough, here is my JSON
My issue is, this appears to be correct, and when I run it through JSON lint it returns vaild. I have also used cURL to download this page and used json_decode() to read it...worked fine.
Here is an example page:**M&f=v
I ran it through HTTPScoop and the only thing the response text returned was
On the objective-c end I am using NSURL and NSData to get the URL, and then NSJSONSerialization. I can print out before NSJSONSerialization and see that it is infact getting data, but this error only occurs when I try to format it into JSON. Any thoughts?
The NSJSONSerialization class, by default, expects the input to be not just valid JSON, but a valid JSON object. If you want to read something that's not an object, you need to specify the NSJSONReadingAllowFragments option to the reader.

Parsing response from the WSDL

I've generated the web service client in eclipse for the OpenCalais WSDL using the "develop" client type. Actually I was following this post so not really going in detail. Now when I get the results this way: new CalaisLocator().getcalaisSoap().enlighten(key, content, requestParams);, I get the String object, containing the response XML. Sure it's possible to parse that XML, but I think there must be some way to do it automatically, e.g. getting the response object in the form of some list whatsoever?
The response from the SOAP interface is already parsed. The englighten() method returns an XML string. When you call it with SOAP, this response is wrapped within even more XML. The SOAP library already parses the outer SOAP XML and returns the result of the enlighten() method, which is also XML.

Get NSString/NSData object from hardcoded bytes saved as NSString object in webservice response

I am working with the iPhone SDK and I have to process a webservice response I receive from an external service.
The response data consists of an XML string that was UTF8-encoded to a byte array.
This byte array is converted to string
This string is put into a XML wrapper element
The wrapper is returned via an HTTP response
Therefore I need to know how to convert the response data back to the XML string it used to be. Unfortunately, I cannot change the way my response is created, so I have to deal with it somehow.
Example of the raw data I get from the webservice:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body><ExportBytesResponse xmlns="">
How do I get back my old xml string representation hidden inside these raw bytes?
Any help is highly appreciated, I feel just stupid right now for not being able to come up with a solution.
Best Regards,
ExportBytesResponse is Base64 encoded, so you must first decode that node using something like this.
That will give you an NSString containing the XML. Then you can use NSXMLParser to parse your data.