Advanced JPA Mapping with Compound keys - OneToMany relationship - jpa

I am using JPA 1.0 and have following tables, namely, Type, Guide and Address (names simplified for clarity and highlighted in bold) It is a scenario, where in relationships between 3 tables is built on compound keys. Non key fields for every table are below the solid line.
Type One --------> Many Guide
Guide Many <---------- One Address
Code PK
Date1 PK
Code FK
Date1 FK
Addr Identifier FK
Date2 FK
Addr Identifier PK
Date2 PK
Postal Code
(Pardon the formatting issue above)
I would like to start with Type table and unsing the compound key Code and Date1, get multiple rows (as a list) from Guide table. Then using Addr Identifier and Date2 from the row I want to get a single row in Address table. Please note these are reference tables and the data does not change, so there are no deletes or updates on any of these tables
I have tried this simple set of annotations that are returning empty list. (code is implified for clarity)
#Table(name = "Type")
public Class Type
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "type", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Guide> listGuide;
getListGuide() {
return listGuide;
#Table(name = "Guide")
public Class Guide
#JoinColumns({#JoinColumn(name = "Code"),
#JoinColumn(name = "Date1") })
private Type type;
When I use getListGuide() I am getting an empty list.
Can you please suggest a solution?
I also need a mapping solution between Guide and Address entities.


Child entity is not getting inserted/updated on parent entity update with onetomany

I am using #OneToMany annotation to save parent and child entities but I am facing issues while saving child entity in a particular case.
Child entity is getting saved in two cases:
During first insert of a parent with child.
During update of a parent with child when there was no child inserted/saved in database
in first insert
But When parent is inserted with child 1 and then during update of a parent I try to insert child 2 then I am not able to save the child 2
it is failing with below exception:
o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - ORA-01407: cannot update ("app_Name"."Child_entity"."REFERENCE_ID") to NULL\n
23:22:06.068 ERROR o.h.i.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl - HHH000346: Error during managed flush [org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement]
Please see my code as below:
public class Parent_entity implements Serializable {
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval =true)
private Set<Child_Entity> childrens ;
public class Child_entity implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(generator = "seq_gen", strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
#SequenceGenerator(name = "seq_gen", sequenceName = "child_SEQ",allocationSize=1)
#Column(name ="col_name")
private Integer asSeq;
#Column(name ="REFERENCE_ID")
private String referenceid;
In mapper class, I am explicitly setting primary key of the parent table.
Oracle database side I have below foreign key constraint added
ALTER TABLE child_table
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_parent_table
I have browsed through similar question on stackoverflow, which suggests that if you are using existing column for foreign key then existing values for that column should not be null.
But in my case column "REFERENCE_ID" is already non nullable.
Please let me know or suggest if I need to add something else to make it work.
Thank you.
In update scenario, Hibernate is generating below query:
update child_table set reference_id=null where reference_id=? and child_seq=?
where reference_id is Parent's primary key and child_seq is Child's primary key
Any idea why hibernate is trying to update Parent's primary key
I am explicitly setting Parent Primary key's value in Child's entity
There are actually three problems here:
Apparently "update scenario" inserts two new children instead of keeping one and adding one.
Unidirectional OneToMany relationship with a non-nullable join column
Lombok-generated equals and hashCode
1. Update scenario
Hibernate is trying to update reference_id to NULL because it wants to "detach" a child entity from the parent. That means, that during update, you are adding two new children instead of keeping one and adding one. I haven't seen the relevant piece of code of yours, but I assume it might look more or less like this:
ParentEntity parent = new ParentEntity();
ChildEntity child1 = new ChildEntity();
parent.setChildrens(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(child1)));;
ChildEntity child2 = new ChildEntity();
It ends up with a ConstraintViolationException. In the second save call, child1 is still a "detached" instance,
its id is NULL and Hibernate treats both children as they were new. So first it adds them to the child_table and later tries to remove the "old" one,
by setting its referenceId to NULL (orphan removal hapens later, and is kind of unrelated).
It could be easily fixed:
// ...
parent =; // <- save(parent) returns updated object
ChildEntity child2 = new ChildEntity();
No exceptions anymore but it doesn't solve the problem. Sooner or later you are going to remove a child from the children set and
it will always result in an exception.
2. Unidirectional OneToMany relationship with a non-nullable join column
The canonical way of modeling it would be as follows:
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "REFERENCE_ID", nullable = false)
private Set<ChildEntity> childrens;
#Column(name = "REFERENCE_ID", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private String referenceid;
It should work but Hibernate will generate unnecessary 'update' queries:
select parententi0_.parent_id as parent_i1_1_1_, childrens1_.reference_id as referenc3_0_3_, as id1_0_3_, as id1_0_0_, as name2_0_ ...
select nextval ('child_seq')
select nextval ('child_seq')
insert into child_table (name, reference_id, id) values (?, ?, ?)
insert into child_table (name, reference_id, id) values (?, ?, ?)
update child_table set reference_id=? where id=?
update child_table set reference_id=? where id=?
delete from child_table where id=?
Not a big deal with one or two items, but with 100?
This happens because the ParentEntity is the
owner of the relationship (due to the #JoinTable annotation). It knows nothing about child_table foreign key and doesn't know how to deal with it.
2b. "Half of" bidirectional OneToMany relationship
Alternatively, we can try to make ChildEntity the owner of the relationship by removing #JoinColumn and adding mappedBy. In theory, there should be a corresponding #ManyToOne on the other side of the relationship, but it seems to work without it. This solution is optimal, might be not portable though (to different JPA providers or different Hibernate versions).
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "referenceid", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<ChildEntity> childrens;
ChildEntity (no changes, same as in the question)
#Column(name = "REFERENCE_ID")
private String referenceid;
On update Hibernate generates following queires:
select parententi0_.parent_id as parent_i1_1_1_, childrens1_.reference_id as referenc3_0_3_, as id1_0_3_, as id1_0_0_, as name2_0_ ...
select nextval ('child_seq')
select nextval ('child_seq')
insert into child_table (name, reference_id, id) values (?, ?, ?)
insert into child_table (name, reference_id, id) values (?, ?, ?)
delete from child_table where id=?
3. Lombok-generated equals and hashCode
This is not directly related to your question but I think you will face this problem sooner or later. You are using #Data annotations (I assume they are Lombok's, if not, ignore this section). They will generate equals and hashCode methods from all the fields by default, including ids. It is fine in the ParentEntity, where the id is set manually. But in the ChildEntity, where the id (aka asSeq) is generated by the database, it breaks the hashCode()/equals() contract. It may lead to really sneaky bugs. From Hibernate documentation:
The issue here is a conflict between the use of the generated identifier, the contract of Set, and the equals/hashCode implementations. Set says that the equals/hashCode value for an object should not change while the object is part of the Set. But that is exactly what happened here because the equals/hasCode are based on the (generated) id, which was not set until the JPA transaction is committed.
You may want to read more about it here:
Implementing equals() and hashCode()
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma

JaVers, SpringDatat, JPA: Querying for Entity Update inside a Collection

I'm new to Stackoverflow, so I will make my best to conforms with usage. I was wondering if there were a way to get a complete list of changes/snapshots of a given Entity. For now it works well with edition of Singular Properties, as well as Addition and Deletion to Collection Property. But I'm unable to find when a Child Entity in the Collection Property was updated.
Given two Entities, and a LinkEntity:
class Person {
Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
Set<LinkAddress> addresses;
class Address {
Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "address")
Set<Address> persons;
class LinkPersonAddress {
Long id;
Person person;
Address address;
String linkType;
My use case is following. I get a specific Person by Id #1, and then mutate the type of specific Address (ie. HOME --> WORK). I save the Person back with the modified Set and let JPA Cascade my changes. Although all Spring Data Repositories for Person, Address, and LinkPersonAddress are annotated with #JaversSpringDataAuditable, I cannot retrieve this "update" using Javers QueryBuilder with the class Person and Id #1. It makes sense as I should query the class LinkPersonAddress instead, but how can I specify that I want only the changes from LinkPersonAddress relevant to Person with Id #1.
PS: Please apologize any typos in code snippets, as I didn't write it in my Dev Environment.
Let's start from the mapping. You did it wrong, Address is a classical ValueObject (see not Entity. Because:
Address doesn't have its own identity (primary key genereted by a db sequence doesn't count)
Address is owned by the Person Entity. Person with its Addresses forms the Aggregate.
When you correct the mapping, you can use ChildValueObjects filter, see

Does #OneToOne imply uniqueness?

I annotated my fields with only #OneToOne and when I check the database (generated using liquibase) saw that there are unique constraints on database columns.
Does this mean #OneToOne implies uniqueness just by itself, eg. one Building can only be in one city, and no other Buildings can be in the same city?
What do I do when I want to tell that there may be other other buildings in the same city?
add #JoinColumn(unique = false),
only use #JoinColumn(unique = false) without #oneToOne,
or use #ManyToOne?
or leave it without any annotations?
I don't want to put a Buildings field in the city class, because I wouldn't ever call city.getBuildings();. Does any of the below require a bidirectional reference?
class Building {
#OneToOne(optional = false)
City city;
class Building {
#OneToOne(optional = false)
#JoinColumn(unique = false)
City city;
class Building {
#JoinColumn(unique = true)
City city;
class Building {
City city;
The JPA specification says that for a bidirectional OneToOne relationship (2.10.1 Bidirectional OneToOne Relationships):
Assuming that:
Entity A references a single instance of Entity B.
Entity B references a single instance of Entity A.
Entity A is specified as the owner of the relationship.
The following mapping defaults apply:
Entity A is mapped to a table named A.
Entity B is mapped to a table named B.
Table A contains a foreign key to table B. [...] The foreign key column has the same type as the primary key of table B and there is a unique key constraint on it.
In case of unidirectional OneToOne relationship ( Unidirectional OneToOne Relationships):
The following mapping defaults apply:
Entity A is mapped to a table named A.
Entity B is mapped to a table named B.
Table A contains a foreign key to table B. [...] The foreign key column has the same type as the primary key of table B and there is a unique key constraint on it.
If you have a City-Building relationship, then for any reasonable city it would be a OneToMany/ManyToOne relationship, since a given city can have multiple buildings, but a given building can be only in one city.

How do I properly annotate two JPA entities which are in a parent child relationship?

Maybe this is a question with an easy answer ... but I don't get it running. At persist() I get the exception that the referential key in the child table is null (which of course is not allowed by the database). I have a recipe and some steps for preparation.
I'm using EclipseLink 2.4.1 (rcpid is autoset by JPA)
public class Recipe {
long rcpid;
List<Recipestep> recipesteps = new ArrayList<>();
targetEntity=Recipestep.class )
// This does NOT work. Following line tries to access a join-table !!!
// #JoinColumn(name="rcpid", referencedColumnName="rcpid")
public List<Recipestep> getRecipesteps() { return recipesteps; }
// some more attributes, getters and setters
} (rpsid is autoset by JPA)
public class Recipestep {
long rpsid;
Recipe recipe;
#ManyToOne( targetEntity=Recipe.class )
#JoinColumn( name="rcpid" )
public Recipe getRecipe() { return recipe; }
// some more attributes, getters and setters
The code above is a valid workaround. However to have clean (and supportable) code, the relationship should be only one-way with a collection in the parent which references all its children.
You have mapped this as a unidirectional one to many, but have two mappings for the recipestep rcpid database column. Try changing the long rcpid to
Recipe rcp;
And then remove the joincolumn definition from the oneToMany and make it bidirectional by marking it as mappedby the rcp manyToOne relation. An example is posted here
Eclipselink will always insert nulls on unidirectional oneToMany relations using a joincolumn when first inserting the target entity, and then update it later when it processes the Recipe entity. Your rcpid mapping in Recipestep is also likely null, which means you have two write able mappings for the same field which is bad especially when they conflict like this.
You are experiencing the default JPA behaviour. Adding an entity to the recipesteps list is not sufficient to create a bidirectional relation.
To solve the issue you need to set the rcpid explicitly on every element in the list.
EDIT: I think the issue is that JPA does not know where to store the id of the Recipe in the Recipestep table. It assumes a name ("recipebo_rcpid"), but your table seems to lack it.
Try adding the column "recipe_id" to the Recipestep table and a mappedBy attribute to the #OneToMany annotation:
fetch = FetchType.EAGER,
mappedBy = "recipe" )
You probably do not need the targetEntity attribute in the annotation- the List is typed already.

jpa OneToMany & ManyToOne

i have a oneToMany and ManyToOne mapping in my models:
class User
#OneToMany (cascade = { CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH }, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<Judgement> judgements;
class Judgement
#ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
private User judge;
and in DB, i have to tables as Users and Judgements, when i tried to run my code, it showed error as:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "users_judgements" does not exist
does that mean i have to create the table users_judgements by hand, jpa cannot automatically create the relationship for me? RoR can do it...Thanks.
If you have a foreign key from USER table, user_id, in JUDGMENT table then there is no need to have another table. That will be the #JoinColumn(name = "user_id").
See if you are missing something; I can not see any "mappedBy" attribute, which will be "user" in your case.
Please take a look at this article; page 4 that the link will take you, give details about one-to-many relationship. It will be worth reading the whole article.
Also, the part 1 of the same tutorial is good for basics;