are there good caching patterns on iOs? - iphone

I'm about to implement caching on my app, I imagine there are already good patterns on how to do that.
I think I'm going to use Core Data but I was wondering the best way to do that.
Most of the doc I found are just for Core Data tutorial.
What I do is to generate the NSManagedObject but then I also use a similar class with my additional methods, this to be decoupled from future fields addition keeping the generated one independent.
Is there some tutorial on the best way to handle object caching with Core Data?
Thanks in advance.

For keeping the hand-written code separate from the machine-generated code when using Core Data, have a look at mogenerator. Very useful.
As far as caching goes, Core Data's pretty decent, and with judicious use of batch faulting and pre-fetching, you can fairly easily manage the number of trips to the persistent store. The faulting mechanism works well in my experience, so be wary of premature optimisation when it comes to Core Data.
The advice Apple gives here is good, in particular use the profiling tools to see the part of your app that isn't working efficiently, and then address that specifically, rather than spending time writing code for a problem that doesn't exist.

Caching to file system is discouraged on iOS. Use Core Data for permanent storage, not temporary caching when possible.
There are however two in memory caching facilities provided by Apple.
NSURLCache for caching responses using the URL loading system (NSURLConnection and friends.). Simply create a new instance, and set it using +[NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:].
NSCache for caching any object. Just create an instance, add and fetch cached object using keys like form a normal dictionary collection. Supports both count and cost limits, as well as locking cached objects using the NSDiscardableContent protocol.
You could also use a in-memory NSPersistentStore for Core Data if you like to work with managed objects, that are only to live for one execution of the app.


Best way to store data on iphone

I am creating a Questions and answers app for iphone which allows user to answer the questions displayed.
Currently I am invoking a web service to store the users answers. But I am slightly worried what if the web service goes down. I need to store the users answers locally and then invoke the web service when it is up and running.
How can I store the users answers when the web service is down. Is Sqllite a good option for this?
Please suggest.
Is Sqllite a good option for this?
Yes, SQLite is decidedly a good option. The other choice would be Core Data.
Use CoreData or SQLite on iPhone?
It depends on the complexity of your data model. I've looked into something like this recently and here is what I learnt. The most popular data storage methods in the iPhone are:
Good for small quantities (hundreds of Ks) of hierarchical data.
Bad if relationships or queries are complex (since you have to write the code).
Very easy to learn.
Supports array, dict, string, data, date, integer, real, boolean elements.
You can store it as XML, which is editable and portable, or as binary files, which is faster.
Core Data
It's a object graph manager with searching and persistent functionality.
You need a good few hours of learning.
Easy to use once you set it up.
Better than a plist because it lets you manage object graphs, grow your object model, write queries, undo/redo, migrations to modified data models, memory management, and handle concurrent access.
Better than SQLite because:
The performance is similar and the speed of development is faster.
Creating objects is faster.
When the objects are in memory, executing queries doesn't require a search in the backend (which usually is either memory or SQLite).
A database.
Better than Core Data when the operation doesn't require you to bring objects to memory. Example: update, delete, and select 1 (see if something exists).
It has full text search if you compile the extension.
Hardest to learn. Easier if you use a wrapper: FMDB, egodatabase.
If you can get away with a plist do that. If you see the amount of code you will have to write is too much work, then switch to Core Data. Only if you are an expert and absolutely need the performance use SQLite (unless, of course, you already know SQLite and not Core Data).
It should be, yes. I'd set up a Core Data based app with entities for Questions and Answers and set up relationships between them. Then just use NSFetchedResultsController or whatever you would like to gather and display the data
You have several options:
Core Data
Client-Side storage
If you wish to go the web based route, I'd take a quick look at Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide.
Basically, you store a local copy of the database in memory so incase the web service is down, users can still use the app.

How to create a persistant iphone cache

So I have been doing lots of reading and found out NSCache is not persistent which is a slight problem for what I need to do. I have heard that I will need to use Core data instead... but I don't have any experience with core data so am wondering if its the only solution for persistent data.
The app will allow the user to search through a catalog, by typing in a search parameter in the code and select a distributor for their search parameter. What I want to do when the app loads is download the list of distributors and save them to a "cache" the will be persistent (till when the header I will make at some point changes and demands the app to update the cache), so that if the user turns the app of or the phone next time then open it the manufacture.
Now that I'm getting abit deeper into my app I'm getting abit lost in things for instance how would setting up a cache work with regards to NSURLConnection.
Any suggestions or code examples would be greatly appreciated..
This previous answer of mine might help you decide.
To sum it up:
If your data is small, static and low-complexity, use a collection class and write it to disk using the built-in class methods
If the data is static, low-complexity but large, SQL may be a good solution especially if you already know it.
If the data is dynamic and complex regardless of size, then Core Data is your best choice.
Viewed purely from the technical perspective, Core Data is always the best choice for iOS/MacOS API apps. Core Data is not just a persistence API, it is an API for creating the model layer of the Model-View-Controller design paradigm that the Apple API uses. It not only persist the data, but models it, validates its and provides an easy interface to the rest of the API.
If your going to be writing iOS apps, you need to eventually learn Core Data. However, it does have a learning curve and you should pick the method right now that will let you ship a usable app.
You can also check out sqlite. Here's another question that discusses getting started with sqlite on the phone: Where's the best SQLite 3 tutorial for iPhone-SDK?
The advantage to sqlite is that it is fairly easy to pick up. The downside is that you have to write queries for everything, and that can be a pain. It doesn't save objects, just data, numbers or text.

When to use CoreData in iPhone development

I've been looking into creating a new application for iOS and after my last few apps I've been tempted to use CoreData (for benefits including saving and automatic undo/redo).
I've been a little confused when trying to implement the data-model I've been given fr the project though, since it seems that CoreData seems very much much closer to a database than a data model.
Should I be using CoreData for an application that doesn't generally fit the 'large amount of data/records' description I would generally use an SQL style database for?
If it helps, the app I'm designing will be a sort of document editor, so there will be a number of objects I will need to represent (there might be embedded images, graphs/charts, hyperlinks etc within the document) and I need to create this model from an xml description.
Most of these 'items' need to implement a set of interfaces (the model was created for a Java product; I'm having difficulties seeing how inheritance and abstract interfaces can apply to CoreData), and every example I've found so far seems to add base elements (like an NSDate or String) to a simple model.
Does this sound like a candidate for CoreData, or is CoreData more of a tool for implementing a database in an application? (i.e a library system/staff database).
consider CoreData as an option once you are able to properly write the majority of the code it will replace. so once you know how to properly serialize/deserialize, write undo/redo, KVO, copying, etc.
Should I be using CoreData for an
application that doesn't generally fit
the 'large amount of data/records'
description I would generally use an
SQL style database for?
CoreData isn't restricted to large databases (at all) - it will work well with small sets, and beyond databases (binary files and documents, direct in memory use of models).
your example could benefit from CoreData. it depends on the amount of custom code you need - sometimes it is just easier to write the code if you're just using CD objects as an interface generator, and your app uses a lot of custom code/objects. to be honest, i've never used CoreData in a shipping app - i always found reasons to migrate models to existing code before then (assuming CoreData was also used during development/modeling stages).
it's a nice framework, but it shouldn't be viewed as a 'magic object generator' that will solve most problems. first, you need to understand he technologies/patterns you intend to replace with it. there is a limited number of ideal uses for it. if you can't write the code the objects depend on, don't bother using CoreData. iow - don't consider it as a replacement for initial effort because there are certainly times when it is a good choice and a bad choice - but you can't make an objective answer for your context if you don't (truly) understand what it is capable of.
One of the purposes of Core Data is managing an object graph in memory. This certainly fits your application. It can then be persisted to disk easily. Using a tool such as mogenerator allows you to use Core Data to manage the object life cycle, graph and persistence, but add your custom protocols on top.
In short, yes, you can use Core Data for non-database uses, with a bit of work to conform to the model.

use custom core data persistent store for getting data via webservices?

Is this a good idea? When is it a good idea, and when is it bad?
Just heard about this in one of the WWDC videos, and I don't quite understand why would one want to do it this way. Seems complicated and I cannot see the benefit.
The way I see it, it would be to totally abstract the data access layer. You'd then be able to access the web service using Core Data fetch request API. You'd also be able to implement caching in the persistent store without affecting the application logic.
Also changing the web service request/response format could potentially only affect the persistent store layer.
I see it can be a benefit for large requests. Since networking is quite expensive in battery life, application should use as less bandwidth as possible so developing a single request sending more information but using Core Data to access only subsets at a time is a good design in my opinion.
Finally, I think Core Data API blends well with major ORM web framework like rails or django for example.
It is complicated and it is meant to show what you can do with Core Data. I personally like to keep server communication separate from the local cache and then update the server based on changes to the local cache. This means that I use code that listens for save events from Core Data and then updates the server.

Tips for converting an iPhone 2.x app to 3.0 with Core Data

I have an app developed for iPhone OS 2.x. For the obvious reasons, the model classes in that app were written without Core Data.
Now that 3.x is available, I'd like to know what are some of my options for taking my existing model classes and rebuilding them with Core Data. I do many things with my models besides the obvious, such as serializing them and storing them into an sqlite3 database so that my application can work when there isn't any network connectivity. I would expect Core Data to be able to help me with that as well.
Also, with the incorporation of Core Data in your application, is there any reason at all to still use sqlite3? Would you still use it for things such as providing for offline content, keeping around statistics that might not necessarily make sense to create a model out of? Or is there ways of incorporating all of that into Core Data as well?
The primary benefits I've found from using Core Data in my iPhone applications are:
Keeping referential integrity
Managed model migration on schema changes
providing an object relational mapping
Vastly simplified insertion and join and query process - joins for instance are typically just done through "dotted" syntax
Multiple store overlaying (although look for my stackoverflow question about this to see if it actually works on sqllite, still awaiting response...)
Structured predicate construction - you can create your predicates as objects instead of inline embedded sql statements
Reflective data store - you can introspect the data store at run time in a structured and statically analyzable way
That said, if your app already has been designed to work against a sqllite database, you really need to ask yourself if you're ready to convert your application over.
You will need to do at least these things:
Remodel your entire database schema in Core Data managed object models
Rewrite all of your database queries and management to use Core Data
Rewrite all of your models to either be backed by Core Data generated managed objects, or extending them
Import all of your existing data by hand into your Core Data database
Be prepared for potentially writing a lot more code! Although Core Data provides a good object framework for dealing with data store querying and management, it also does so at the expense of verbosity.
To continue the previous point, when you do even relatively minor changes to your schema, you're going to be prepared to spend a relatively significant amount of time providing a schema mapping and applying it correctly to your existing schemas.
Give you already have solved almost all of these issues already, the benefit you would get form porting an existing application to Core Data is elegance and keeping up with latest technology. You will have to provide a not insignificant amount of effort to get that, and given the benefits probably aren't stupendous, you might find it not really worth your while.
To answer your second question, I can't really think of any reason for using sqllite directly if you are using Core Data to be honest. I'm not certain that outer joins are terribly simple in Core Data for instance. However, you don't typically use Core Data in that manner - you would use it procedurally to craft the same effect as the outer join in SQL.
For statistics and stuff I would still use Core Data because it provides some fantastic aggregation functionality.
Note there is nothing preventing you from taking the opposite approach: adopt Core Data for extended functionality until you become comfortable enough with it, then begin porting your main applications existing code to use Core Data.
The other answer is very good, but I disagree on the benefits being mainly elegance and keeping up with technology... the real reason to move to Core Data is actually performance and memory related, in the Core Data manages caching very intelligently and you'd have to do a lot of work to replicate that. That to me is the sole reason to even consider it, as it is very verbose as noted and you also have to work around all data objects needing to use NSNumber to hold primitive values (which I find particularly annoying).
For something like your setup, the approach I'd probably take for migration is to have each model class hold on to managed objects that are actually the storage classes - then your whole code would not have to change, just some things in the model objects and possibly management classes you might have built to handle creation or population of the model objects. That even hides the NSNumber wrapped primitive issue.
If you are strongly considering working with Core Data, you may want to take a look at this book that covers the iPhone specific Core Data as well (including NSFetchedResultsController):
You can buy an e-book only unlocked PDF version which is not too expensive...