Draw continuously gradient line in cocos2d - iphone

I have searched and searched and not found anything that works for me. How can I draw a continuously line with a gradient in cocos2d-iphone? I have tried CCRibbon but then I get gaps, and I have tried to draw multiple aligned lines in the draw method but with different alpha vales, but my draw method does not react to setting the alpha (it is always 100% alpha, see my draw method here under). How can I do this please?
- (void)draw {
ccDrawLine( ccp(0 - 5, 0 - 5), ccp(200 - 5, 300 - 5) );
Thank you

I am not sure whether this is what you need:
- (void)draw {
static GLubyte alpha = 0;
static int step = 1;
alpha += step;
if (alpha == 255 || alpha == 0) {
step = -step;
// You gonna need these two lines to use Alpha channel
glEnable(GL_BLEND); // disabled by default
glColor4ub(0, 255, 255, alpha);
ccDrawLine(ccp(0, 0), ccp(200, 300));
For more information about GL_BLEND and glBlendFunc you can refer to OpenGL ES 1.1 Reference.

From the question I'm thinking you want, for example, a thick line that runs from left to right and a gradient that runs from the top of that line to the bottom. If so, then this is how I did it. I created a 1 x 6 png image that had a vertical gradient with an alpha built into it. Then when I wanted to create a line, I would call my drawLine method in my layer.
- (void) drawLine: (CGPoint)origin withEnd:(CGPoint)end
CCSprite *wall = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"WallGradient.png"];
float distance = sqrt(powf(origin.x - end.x, 2) + powf(origin.y - end.y, 2));
float rotation = (180/M_PI) * acosf((origin.x - end.x) / distance));
[wall setScaleX:distance];
[wall setRotation: rotation];
[wall setPosition: origin];
[self addChild:wall];


Drawing a circle with cocos2d?

I am trying to draw a circle in my scene with :
- (void) draw
ccDrawColor4F(100, 100, 100, 255);
CGPoint center = ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2);
CGFloat radius = 10.f;
CGFloat angle = 0.f;
NSInteger segments = 10;
BOOL drawLineToCenter = YES;
ccDrawCircle(center, radius, angle, segments, drawLineToCenter);
Well, I get some white,small circle, not filled, with some line from the center to the circle (like a clock).
So, first why are the colors are not as requested, how can I fill it with my own color? whats the line in the middle?
And, what if i want to change the color after a second? whats the best way to do that? Set a timer with a global variable?
#import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
- (void) draw
glLineWidth(5*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR()); //set the thickness to 5 pixels for example
ccDrawColor4F(0.4,0.4,0.4, 1);
ccDrawLine([self anchorPoint], _peg.position);
CGPoint center = ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2);
CGFloat radius = 10.0;
CGFloat angle = 360;
NSInteger segments = 360;
BOOL drawLineToCenter = NO;
ccDrawCircle(center, radius, angle, segments, drawLineToCenter);
If you want to update the circle's color every second, schedule the update method and implement it as follows :
-(void) update:(float)dt
if(startTime == 0){
startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
double elapsedTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - startTime;
if(elapsedTime > 1){
//update ccDrawColor4F here, for example just changing the Red component:
ccDrawColor4F((float)arc4random() / UINT_MAX,0.4,0.4, 1);
startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
This should fix your issue. Hope it helps.
The colour values are floats not bytes, so you need to pass in something more like
ccDrawColor4F(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.f);
You may also want to reset the colour back to white after you've called your draw methods just for the sake of consistency.
To get a filled circle, use this function instead
void ccDrawSolidCircle( CGPoint center, float r, float a, NSUInteger segs, ccColor4F color);
The circle is always drawn from the middle, so presumably if you choose 4 segments, you'll get 4 lines drawn from the middle. Although I'm not too sure on that, I don't use primitives very much at all. As for the colour change, yes I would opt for some form of timer to change the values passed into the ccDrawColor4F method. But bear in mind that you want as little non-drawing code in the draw method as possible, so perhaps work out the colour change in another update related function.

Draw line or rectangle on cocos2d Layer

Can you let me know what is the best way to draw a line or rectangle on a scene layer using Cocos2d ios4 iphone.
So far have tried Texture2d, but it is more like a paint brush and is not so good. Tried drawing a line using draw method, but previous line disappears on drawing another line.
Basically want to draw multiple horizontal ,vertical, oblique beams. Please suggest. Any code would help a lot .
The code to draw using texture is below:
CGPoint start = edge.start;
CGPoint end = edge.end;
// begin drawing to the render texture
[target begin];
// for extra points, we'll draw this smoothly from the last position and vary the sprite's
// scale/rotation/offset
float distance = ccpDistance(start, end);
if (distance > 1)
int d = (int)distance;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
float difx = end.x - start.x;
float dify = end.y - start.y;
float delta = (float)i / distance;
[brush setPosition:ccp(start.x + (difx * delta), start.y + (dify * delta))];
[brush setScale:0.3];
// Call visit to draw the brush, don't call draw..
[brush visit];
// finish drawing and return context back to the screen
[target end];
The rendering is not good esp. with oblique lines as the scaling affects the quality.
You could create a separate layer and call the draw method like this:
-(void) draw
CGSize s = [[Director sharedDirector] winSize];
drawCircle( ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2), circleSize, 0, 50, NO);
It's for a circle but the principle is the same. This is from a project I made a while back and it worked then. Don't know if anything has changed since.
You need to add draw method to your layer:
-(void) draw {
// ...
Inside it you can use some openGL like functions and cocos2d wrapper methods for openGL.
Hint: other methods can be called inside draw method.
But keep in mind that using other name for method
containing openGL instructions, that's not called inside draw mentioned above simply won't work.
Even when called from update method or other method used by scheduleUpdate selector.
So you will end up with something like this:
-(void) draw {
glColor4ub(255, 0, 100, 255);
CGPoint verts[] = { ccp(0,200), ccp(300,200) };
ccDrawLine(verts[0], verts[1]);
[self drawSomething];
[self drawSomeOtherStuffFrom:ccp(a,b) to:ccp(c,d)];
[someObject doSomeDrawingAsWell];
For more information check out cocos2d-iphone programming guide :

Drawing a solid line in a UITableViewCell

I don't know anything about graphics or drawing so I assume that's why I can't figure out what to look for to solve this.
Here's what I got in my UITableViewCell's drawRect
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
[super drawRect:rect];
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 0.25);
for (int i = 0; i < [columns count]; i++) {
CGFloat f = [((NSNumber*) [columns objectAtIndex:i]) floatValue];
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, f, 0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, f, self.bounds.size.height);
I think this should be drawing a black line but the line is gray, blending with what's in the background. How can I draw a solid line that is not influenced by a background image? I've tried all the blend mode's thinking maybe one would be like a blend mode none, because I don't want any blending, but all draw lines that blend in some way with the background.
You can try turning off antialiasing using CGContextSetShouldAntialias(). Also, 0.25 seems like a pretty thin line. Setting it to 1.0 might give you what you're looking for.
Two problems:
* You're drawing a black line that's 0.25 pixels (or 0.5 pixels on iPhone 4) wide; antialiasing will make this appear semi-transparent. Try setting the line width to 1.
* If f is an integer, then the center of the line is aligned on a pixel boundary (you want it on a pixel center). Try adding 0.5f.
If you want thinner lines on iPhone 4, then check if self.layer.scale == 2 and if so, set the line width to 0.5 and add 0.25f.
Alternatively, set the fill colour and call CGContextFillRect() instead, which means you don't have to worry about pixel centers.
UIView *line = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100,0,1,44)];
line.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:244.0f/255.0f green:244.0f/255.0f blue:244.0f/255.0f alpha:1];
[cell addSubview:line];

iPhone Circular Progress Indicator. CGContextRef. Draw on Demand

I want to draw an image that would effectively be a circular progress indicator on a UIButton. Because the image is supposed to represent progress of a task, I do not think I should handle the drawing code in the view's drawrect method.
I have a thread that is performing some tasks. After each task, it calls a method on the main thread. The called method is supposed to update the image on the button.
In the button update method, I create a CGContextRef by using CGBitmapContextCreate.
Then I use the button's frame to create a CGRect.
Then I attempt to draw into using the context I created.
Lastly I set NeedsDisplay and clean up.
But none of this is inside the view's drawrect method.
I would like to know if anyone has used CGContext to draw on / in a view on-demand in a view while the view is being displayed.
I would like to get some ideas regarding an approach to doing this.
Here is an encapsulated version of what I am doing now:
CGContextRef xContext = nil;
CGColorSpaceRef xColorSpace;
CGRect xRect;
void* xBitmapData;
int iBMPByteCount;
int iBMPBytesPerRow;
float fBMPWidth = 20.0f;
float fBMPHeight = 20.0f;
float fPI = 3.14159;
float fRadius = 25.0f;
iBMPBytesPerRow = (fBMPWidth * 4);
iBMPByteCount = (iBMPBytesPerRow * fBMPHeight);
xColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
xBitmapData = malloc(iBMPByteCount);
xContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(xBitmapData, fBMPWidth, fBMPHeight, 8, iBMPBytesPerRow, xColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
xRect = CGRectMake(30.0f, 400.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);
float fWidth = xRect.size.width;
float fHeight = xRect.size.height;
CGContextClearRect(xContext, xRect);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(xContext, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
CGContextSetLineWidth(xContext, 1.0f);
float fArcBegin = 45.0f * fPI / 180.0f;
float fArcEnd = 90.0f * fPI / 180.0f;
CGContextSetFillColor(xContext, CGColorGetComponents( [[UIColor greenColor] CGColor]));
CGContextMoveToPoint(xContext, fWidth, fHeight);
CGContextAddArc(xContext, fWidth, fHeight, fRadius, fArcBegin, fArcEnd, 0);
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
// [self.view setNeedsDisplayInRect: xRect];
The above is a little bit wonky because I've tried different tweaks. However, I think it communicates what I am trying to do.
Alternative approach:
You could create a series of images that represent the progress updates and then replace the UIButton currentImage property with the setImage:forState: method at each step of the process. This doesn't require drawing in the existing view and this approach has worked well for me to show simple "animation" of images (buttons or other).
Would this approach work for you? If not, why not?
This was really bugging me so after dealing with a series of silly, but necessary issues regarding the project I want this functionality for, I played around with it.
The end result is that I can now arbitrarily draw an arc representing the progress of a particular background task to a button.
The goal was to draw something like the little indicator in the lower right hand corner of the XCode windows while a project is being cleaned or compiled.
I created a function that will draw and fill an arc and return it as a UIImage.
The worker thread calls method (PerformSelectorOnMainThread) with the current values and a button identifier. In the called method, I call the arc image function with the percentage filled and such.
example call:
oImg = [self ArcImageCreate:100.0f fWidth:100.0f
fPercentFilled: 0.45f fAngleStart: 0.0f xFillColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
Then set the background image of the button:
[oBtn setBackgroundImage: oImg forState: UIControlStateNormal];
Here is the function:
It is not finished, but it works well enough to illustrate how I am doing this.
#ingroup UngroupedFunctions
#brief Create a filled or unfilled solid arc and return it as a UIImage.
Allows for dynamic / arbitrary update of an object that allows a UIImage to be drawn on it. \
This can be used for some sort of pie chart or progress indicator by Image Flipping.
#param fHeight The height of the created UIImage.
#param fWidth The width of the created UIImage.
#param fPercentFilled A percentage of the circle to be filled by the arc. 0.0 to 1.0.
#param AngleStart The angle where the arc should start. 0 to 360. Clock Reference.
#param xFillColor The color of the filled area.
#return Pointer to a UIImage.
#todo [] Validate object creation at each step.
#todo [] Convert PercentFilled (0.0 to 1.0) to appropriate radian(?) (-3.15 to +3.15)
#todo [] Background Image Support. Allow for the arc to be drawn on top of an image \
and the whole thing returned.
#todo [] Background Image Reduction. Background images will have to be resized to fit the specfied size. \
Do not want to return a 65KB object because the background is 60K or whatever.
#todo [] UIColor RGBA Components. Determine a decent method of extracting RGVA values \
from a UIColor*. Check out arstechnica.com/apple/guides/2009/02/iphone-development-accessing-uicolor-components.ars \
for an idea.
- (UIImage*) ArcImageCreate: (float)fHeight fWidth:(float)fWidth fPercentFilled:(float)fPercentFilled fAngleStart:(float)fAngleStart xFillColor:(UIColor*)xFillColor
UIImage* fnRez = nil;
float fArcBegin = 0.0f;
float fArcEnd = 0.0f;
float fArcPercent = 0.0f;
UIColor* xArcColor = nil;
float fArcImageWidth = 0.0f;
float fArcImageHeight = 0.0f;
CGRect xArcImageRect;
CGContextRef xContext = nil;
CGColorSpaceRef xColorSpace;
void* xBitmapData;
int iBMPByteCount;
int iBMPBytesPerRow;
float fPI = 3.14159;
float fRadius = 25.0f;
// #todo Force default of 100x100 px if out of bounds. \
// Check max image dimensions for iPhone. \
// If negative, flip values *if* values are 'reasonable'. \
// Determine minimum useable pixel dimensions. 10x10 px is too small. Or is it?
fArcImageWidth = fHeight;
fArcImageHeight = fWidth;
// Get the passed target percentage and clip it between 0.0 and 1.0
fArcPercent = (fPercentFilled 1.0f) ? 1.0f : fPercentFilled;
fArcPercent = (fArcPercent > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : fArcPercent;
// Get the passed start angle and clip it between 0.0 to 360.0
fArcBegin = (fAngleStart 359.0f) ? 0.0f : fAngleStart;
fArcBegin = (fArcBegin > 359.0f) ? 0.0f : fArcBegin;
fArcBegin = (fArcBegin * fPI) / 180.0f;
fArcEnd = ((360.0f * fArcPercent) * fPI) / 180.0f;
if (xFillColor == nil) {
// random color
} else {
xArcColor = xFillColor;
// Calculate memory required for image.
iBMPBytesPerRow = (fArcImageWidth * 4);
iBMPByteCount = (iBMPBytesPerRow * fArcImageHeight);
xBitmapData = malloc(iBMPByteCount);
// Create a color space. Behavior changes at OSXv10.4. Do not rely on it for consistency across devices.
xColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// Set the system to draw. Behavior changes at OSXv10.3.
// Both of these work. Not sure which is better.
// xContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(xBitmapData, fArcImageWidth, fArcImageHeight, 8, iBMPBytesPerRow, xColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
xContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, fArcImageWidth, fArcImageHeight, 8, iBMPBytesPerRow, xColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
// Let the system know the colorspace reference is no longer required.
// Set the created context as the current context.
// UIGraphicsPushContext(xContext);
// Define the image's box.
xArcImageRect = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, fArcImageWidth, fArcImageHeight);
// Clear the image's box.
// CGContextClearRect(xContext, xRect);
// Draw the ArcImage's background image.
// CGContextDrawImage(xContext, xArcImageRect, [oBackgroundImage CGImage]);
// Set Us Up The Transparent Drawing Area.
CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(xContext, nil);
// Set the fill and stroke colors
// #todo [] Determine why SetFilColor does not. Use alternative method.
// CGContextSetFillColor(xContext, CGColorGetComponents([xArcColor CGColor]));
// CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(xContext, CGColorGetComponents([xArcColor CGColor]));
// Test Colors
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(xContext, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(xContext, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
CGContextSetLineWidth(xContext, 1.0f);
// Something like this to reverse drawing?
// CGContextTranslateCTM(xContext, TranslateXValue, TranslateYValue);
// CGContextScaleCTM(xContext, -1.0f, 1.0f); or CGContextScaleCTM(xContext, 1.0f, -1.0f);
// Test Vals
// fArcBegin = 45.0f * fPI / 180.0f; // 0.785397
// fArcEnd = 90.0f * fPI / 180.0f; // 1.570795
// Move to the start point and draw the arc.
CGContextMoveToPoint(xContext, fArcImageWidth/2.0f, fArcImageHeight/2.0f);
CGContextAddArc(xContext, fArcImageWidth/2.0f, fArcImageHeight/2.0f, fRadius, fArcBegin, fArcEnd, 0);
// Ask the OS to close the arc (current point to starting point).
// Fill 'er up. Implicit path closure.
// CGContextEOFillPath(context);
// Close Transparency drawing area.
// Create an ImageReference and create a UIImage from it.
CGImageRef xCGImageTemp = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(xContext);
fnRez = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: xCGImageTemp];
// UIGraphicsPopContext;
return fnRez;

How to draw a solid circle with cocos2d for iPhone

Is it possible to draw a filled circle with cocos2d ?
An outlined circle can be done using the drawCircle() function, but is there a way to fill it in a certain color? Perhaps by using pure OpenGL?
In DrawingPrimitives.m, change this in drawCricle:
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, segs+additionalSegment);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, segs+additionalSegment);
You can read more about opengl primitives here:
Here's a slight modification of ccDrawCircle() that lets you draw any slice of a circle. Stick this in CCDrawingPrimitives.m and also add the method header information to CCDrawingPrimitives.h:
Parameters: a: starting angle in radians, d: delta or change in angle in radians (use 2*M_PI for a complete circle)
Changes are commented
void ccDrawFilledCircle( CGPoint center, float r, float a, float d, NSUInteger totalSegs)
int additionalSegment = 2;
const float coef = 2.0f * (float)M_PI/totalSegs;
NSUInteger segs = d / coef;
segs++; //Rather draw over than not draw enough
if (d == 0) return;
GLfloat *vertices = calloc( sizeof(GLfloat)*2*(segs+2), 1);
if( ! vertices )
for(NSUInteger i=0;i<=segs;i++)
float rads = i*coef;
GLfloat j = r * cosf(rads + a) + center.x;
GLfloat k = r * sinf(rads + a) + center.y;
//Leave first 2 spots for origin
vertices[2+ i*2] = j * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
vertices[2+ i*2+1] =k * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
//Put origin vertices into first 2 spots
vertices[0] = center.x * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
vertices[1] = center.y * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
// Needed states: GL_VERTEX_ARRAY,
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
//Change to fan
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, segs+additionalSegment);
// restore default state
free( vertices );
Look into:
These will allow you to fill a circle without needing OpenGL
I also wonder this, but haven't really accomplished doing it. I tried using CGContext stuff that Grouchal tipped above, but I can't get it to draw anything on the screen. This is what I've tried:
-(void) draw
[self makestuff:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
// Drawing lines with a white stroke color
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Draw them with a 2.0 stroke width so they are a bit more visible.
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
// Draw a single line from left to right
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 10.0, 30.0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 310.0, 30.0);
// Draw a connected sequence of line segments
CGPoint addLines[] =
CGPointMake(10.0, 90.0),
CGPointMake(70.0, 60.0),
CGPointMake(130.0, 90.0),
CGPointMake(190.0, 60.0),
CGPointMake(250.0, 90.0),
CGPointMake(310.0, 60.0),
// Bulk call to add lines to the current path.
// Equivalent to MoveToPoint(points[0]); for(i=1; i<count; ++i) AddLineToPoint(points[i]);
CGContextAddLines(context, addLines, sizeof(addLines)/sizeof(addLines[0]));
// Draw a series of line segments. Each pair of points is a segment
CGPoint strokeSegments[] =
CGPointMake(10.0, 150.0),
CGPointMake(70.0, 120.0),
CGPointMake(130.0, 150.0),
CGPointMake(190.0, 120.0),
CGPointMake(250.0, 150.0),
CGPointMake(310.0, 120.0),
// Bulk call to stroke a sequence of line segments.
// Equivalent to for(i=0; i<count; i+=2) { MoveToPoint(point[i]); AddLineToPoint(point[i+1]); StrokePath(); }
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, strokeSegments, sizeof(strokeSegments)/sizeof(strokeSegments[0]));
These methods are defined in a cocos node class, and the makestuff method I borrowed from a code example...
I'm trying to draw any shape or path and fill it. I know that the code above only draws lines, but I didn't wanna continue until I got it working.
This is probably a crappy solution, but I think this would at least work.
Each CocosNode has a texture (Texture2D *). Texture2D class can be initialized from an UIImage. UIImage can be initialized from a CGImageRef. It is possible to create a CGImageRef context for the quartz lib.
So, what you would do is:
Create the CGImageRef context for quartz
Draw into this image with quartz
Initialize an UIImage with this CGImageRef
Make a Texture2D that is initialized with that image
Set the texture of a CocosNode to that Texture2D instance
Question is if this would be fast enough to do. I would prefer if you could sort of get a CGImageRef from the CocosNode directly and draw into it instead of going through all these steps, but I haven't found a way to do that yet (and I'm kind of a noob at this so it's hard to actually get somewhere at all).
There is a new function in cocos2d CCDrawingPrimitives called ccDrawSolidCircle(CGPoint center, float r, NSUInteger segs). For those looking at this now, use this method instead, then you don't have to mess with the cocos2d code, just import CCDrawingPrimitives.h
I used this way below.
for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
ccDrawCircle( ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2), i,0, 50, NO);
I made multiple circle with for loop and looks like a filled circle.