UIWebView and interface orientation - iphone

I'm creating a simple tab bar app for my YouTube channel. I have tabs for Twitter, Facebook and other stuff, but my last one is a YouTube channel. I just did a standard UIWebView with the website and it's like you're on the mobile platform in Safari like I want, but when you play a video it only works in portrait view and I have tried a few things like changing the code so it is
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:
return YES;
But that sadly makes the whole tab bar application landscape and that isn't what I'm looking to do. I honestly have spent hours upon hours trying new things and I literally am having no progress and I am getting very frustrated. I hope this helps, thank you. And just in case I was confusing before I would like to just make the Youtube videos in the UIWebView landscape and that is it. Thanks again. Also if this isn't possible could I get maybe some direction on how to implement a youtube API into a tab bar app...?

Have you gone into app summary and clicked to available orientations?
Are You running it in the simulated if you go to the menu at the top of your mac and go to hardware then click the rotation you would like or just type Command-(then the direction on your arrow keys such as -->)
Other than that I have no clue.


MPMediaPicker bottom part not responding to the clicks

I am using MPMediaPicker to play music from iPod Library in my app and facing a very strange issue:
The bottom of my media picker sometimes doesn't respond to the clicks,not even the built in tab bar of MPMediaPicker.Also I can't choose some songs at the bottom of the list.This may be very basic but I am unable to get it right now.
Please help!
Resolved the issue by presenting the MPMediaPickerController in a UIPopoverController

Forward and back native buttons in UIWebview iphone

Inside the Twitter iPhone app, if you click on a link it pushes in a WebView.
Ive gotten this far, but I can't find the correct identifier for the forward and backward buttons like at the bottom left of the image below. Are they native? or are they just images they have created themselves?
You might want to have a look at a drop-in inline web view controller I did: SVWebViewController. It should save you a fair bit of coding :)
Per the list of UIBarButtonItems from the docs, those items you desire need to be custom images a they are not provided in the current SDK.

Issue exiting video after playing(ios phonegap app)

I am currently using iwebkit and phonegap together. Once everything is compiled and tested on an idevice, I can click a video link and get it to play. It play full screen but it uses the ios web video player (the one that doesn't have the "done" button" and the top and has a bar that spans the bottom of the screen. I can then press the full screen button to have it use the regular ios media player but when i click done from that, it doesn't take me back to the part of the app before the video, it just takes me to the full screen video in the web player. I hope someone can help me solve this and I hope I was able to describe my problem in a clear way. I've spent 2 hours searching and have come up with nothing.
I'm having the same problem. iOS 4.3.x introduced this problem as far as I can tell. There's a few comments about it on Apple's developer site but so far I haven't found any solution. Part of the problem seems to be Phonegap because I experience the exact same thing you describe when running the compiled app. However, if I simply browse to the same HTML pages it seems to work fine. Note - I changed from directly linking to video files to using the HTML5 tag. Using the tag works better than direct linking in Phonegap -- the videos still open in the player but when you click the Done button it returns to where it was. Keep in mind that if you do this the video will be on the inline in the page and paused but when you click the play button it opens in the player. The only problem I've found with this solution is that it won't rotate when you change from portrait to landscape when running in the phonegap app but it does rotate when browsing to the video in mobile safari. Not sure if any of that helps. I would be interested in what you've been able to work out since you posted.

jqTouch UIWebView Tap-Jump Problem

I'm using jqTouch inside a UIWebView of my native iPhone application and many of the pages have very weird "tap-jump" issues.
About 75% of the time that I access a page if I scroll down a bit, and just tap anywhere on the screen, it jumps to the top of the page. If I open that same page in the iPhone Safari browser, it works great every time and no "tap-jump" issue. So it appears to be an issue ONLY within the UIWebView.
I've been spending hours and hours trying different things to figure out why this is happening and I welcome any ideas.
It is expected behavior for jQTouch to scrollTo(0,0) on slide left/right navigation. Of course, this will only create a noticeable effect if you tap a link while the page is scrolled (i.e., if the page isn't scrolled, it can't jump).
I don't know why you'd see a difference between UIWebView and Mobile Safari, unless perhaps the UIWebView is shorter than Mobile Safari, which could create the possibility of scrolling in the UIWebView that doesn't exist in Mobile Safari.
My suggestions are:
Make sure you have the latest version of jQTouch (https://github.com/senchalabs/jQTouch)
Make sure you are doing exactly the same testing in UIWebView as you are in Mobile Safari (i.e., if you scroll down prior to tapping in one, do the same in the other).

What is the iPhone API or Class that does picture scrolling with the cool reflection effect?

For example, in CNN's iPhone app, if you rotate the phone into landscape mode, it shows all the stories as pictures that you can scroll with your finger. It looks really polished with even a "reflection" effect. I've seen another app also do this, leading me to believe that it is a standard iPhone SDK API.
Here is a link to a screenshot from the CNN app so you can see what I'm talking about:
Anyone know what Class this is?
Try this: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
Also do a google search for Coverflow. I think that might do what you want or something close to it.