How to ensure several parameters validation in a Zend_Rest_Controller? - zend-framework

I need to make sure that several parameters are provided in my Zend_Rest_Controller.
Here is my code:
public function indexAction() {
$filters = array(
'locid' => array('HtmlEntities', 'StringTrim')
$validators = array(
'locid' => array('NotEmpty')
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators);
echo "Correct";
echo "missing/invalid params";
But if I supply the url formated like this (without query string):
it returns 'Correct', instead of 'missing/invalid params'.
Any easy solution or parameters to include in validators?

I think that behavior is correct. The servername: 'localhost' in your case must be provided to call the actual validator


Zend redirector with query string

I want to create a redirect using a query string in Zend 1.12. The optional parameters should be in the form of a query string.
This is my code:
if ($this->_request->getParam('partner')){
$controller = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
$action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
$module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
$params = array(
"utm_source" => "affiliate",
"utm_medium" => "cpa",
"utm_term" => $this->_request->getParam('partner'),
"utm_campaign" => "partners",
"url" => $this->_request->getParam('url')
$this->_helper->redirector($action, $controller, $module, $params);
return false;
This produces an URL like
However I want this to look like:
How could I do that?
I've had better success with building the URL myself and using gotoUrlAndExit()

How to merge subform array into single array in Zend Framework1.11

I am using Zend Framework1.11. In my Zend Form I have two zend sub form, I have added these two sub form using addSubForm function.
Now when I call this zend form in controller then isValid function is not working. I have called it as follow..
public function registeredAction(){
$form = new Application_Form_RegisteredForm();
$formData = $this->_request->getPost();
// save into database using model class.
} else {
$this->view->form = $form;
In following code isValid is not working, while I print_r the $fotmData requested array, it print array like:-
[personal] => Array
[firstname] => 'Example',
[lastname] => 'Solution'
[MAX_FILE_SIZE] => 8388608
[address] => Array
[country] => 'IND',
[state] => 'RAJ'
I have also used the setData() function but it is not working, it's give exceptional error "Message: Method setData does not exist", I have used php array_merge function but return array is not working with isValid().
Can anyone help me to solve this problem. so I can easily store form data into database.
Take a look at array_merge
My solution is to create new base form with new method getSubFormsValues(), i.e.:
class My_Form extends Zend_Form
public function getSubFormsValues()
$values = array();
foreach ($this->getSubForms() as $form) {
$name = $form->getName();
$value = $form->getValues();
$values = array_merge($value[$name], $values);
return $values;
When you can call $my_form_obj->getSubFormValues() in your code.

Zend Framework Router Hostname and Multi-Language support

Last two days I was fighting with Zend Framework Router and still didn't find solution.
Existing project has 2 different modules which work with the same domain e.g.
default - Contains public information, can be accessed via
admin - Administrator interface, can be accessed via
Project is multi-langual and to keep language code it is transmitted as first parameter of every URL, e.g.
Part of code which takes care is next plugin:
class Foo_Plugin_Language extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
const LANGUAGE_KEY = 'lang';
public function routeStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$languagesRegexp = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $this->_bootstrap->getLanguages()));
$routeLang = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
':' . self::LANGUAGE_KEY,
array(self::LANGUAGE_KEY => $this->_bootstrap->getLanguage()->toString()),
array(self::LANGUAGE_KEY => $languagesRegexp)
$router = $this->getFrontController()->getRouter();
$chainSeparator = '/';
foreach ($router->getRoutes() as $name => $route) {
$chain = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain();
->chain($routeLang, $chainSeparator)
->chain($route, $chainSeparator);
$new_name = $this->_formatLanguageRoute($name);
$router->addRoute($new_name, $chain);
protected function _formatLanguageRoute($name)
$suffix = '_' . self::LANGUAGE_KEY;
if (substr($name, -strlen($suffix)) == $suffix) return $name;
return $name . '_' . self::LANGUAGE_KEY;
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$lang = $request->getParam(self::LANGUAGE_KEY, null);
$actual_lang = $this->_bootstrap->getLanguage()->toString();
$router = $this->getFrontController()->getRouter();
$router->setGlobalParam(self::LANGUAGE_KEY, $lang);
// Do not redirect image resize requests OR get js, css files
if (preg_match('/.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|js|css)$/i', $request->getPathInfo())) {
return true;
// redirect to appropriate language
if ($lang != $actual_lang) {
$redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$params = array(self::LANGUAGE_KEY => $actual_lang);
$route = $this->_formatLanguageRoute($router->getCurrentRouteName());
return $redirector->gotoRouteAndExit($params, $route, false);
One of the first question is what do you think about such way to provide multi-lang support. What I've noticed is that all this chains dramatically decrease operation speed of the server, response time from the server is about 4 seconds...
Main question is: Currently I have to implement such feature: I have domain that should work just with single module e.g. "foobar"... and it should be available via second url... or, of course, it should work like by default...
To provide this functionality in Bootstrap class I'be implemented such part of code
// Instantiate default module route
$routeDefault = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module(
$foobarHostname = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname(
'module' => 'foobar'
$router->addRoute("foobarHostname", $foobarHostname->chain($routeDefault));
And that is not working and as I've found routeDefault always rewrite found correct model name "foobar" with value "default"
Then I've implemented default router like this:
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'index'
But that still didn't work, and started work without language only when I comment "routeStartup" method in Foo_Plugin_Language BUT I need language support, I've played a lot with all possible combinations of code and in the end made this to provide language support by default:
class Project_Controller_Router_Route extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
* #param string $path
* #param bool $partial
* #return array
public function match($path, $partial = false)
$result = array();
$languageRegexp = '%^\/([a-z]{2})(/.*)%i';
if (preg_match($languageRegexp, $path, $matches)) {
$result['lang'] = $matches[1];
$path = $matches[2];
$parentMatch = parent::match($path);
if (is_array($parentMatch)) {
$result = array_merge($result, $parentMatch);
return $result;
So language parameter was carefully extracted from path and regular processed left part as usual...
But when I did next code I was not able to get access to the foobar module via url, because of module name in request was always "default"
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
/** #var Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite $router */
$router = $front->getRouter();
$dispatcher = $front->getDispatcher();
$request = $front->getRequest();
$routerDefault = new Project_Controller_Router_Route(array(), $dispatcher, $request);
$router->addRoute('default', $routerDefault);
$foobarHostname = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname(
'module' => 'foobar'
$router->addRoute("foobar", $foobarHostname->chain($routerDefault));
Instead of summary:
Problem is that I should implement feature that will provide access for the secondary domain to the specific module of ZendFramework, and I should save multi-language support. And I cannot find a way, how to manage all of this...
Secondary question is about performance of chain router, it makes site work very-very slow...
The way I have solved problem with multilanguage page is in this thread:
Working with multilanguage routers in Zend (last post).
Ofcourse my sollution need some caching to do, but I think it will solve your problem.

How to add parameters to controller redirect?

In Zend Framework 2 I want to pass an array of parameters from one action to another within the same controller which I did in ZF1 in the following manner:
$this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimple('foo', null, null, $params);
and in fooAction:
$params = $this->_request->getParams();
In ZF2, trying the various answers I have seen here on SO, I came up with the following:
$this->redirect()->toRoute('home/default', array(
'controller' => 'client',
'action' => 'foo',
'param' => 'bar'),
array('param' => 'bar'));
(trying both the $params and $options arguments of toRoute())
and in fooAction:
$param = $this->getEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParams();
$param = $this->params()->fromRoute());
None works for me. Is there a simple way to achieve what I want (passing parameters with a redirect) or should I go the route of using a container, session or even global variables?
You could use the forward plugin:
public function someAction()
$returnValue = $this->forward()->dispatch('application/controller/index', array(
'action' => 'other'
return $returnValue;
public function otherAction()
return 99;
You will be able to pass parameters too
In the end, what I did was, instead of using route parameters, using query parameters, since the parameters I used where not route related. That solved the problem.

Yii CJuiAutoComplete for Multiple values

I am a Yii Beginner and I am currently working on a Tagging system where I have 3 tables:
Issue (id,content,create_d,...etc)
Tag (id,tag)
Issue_tag_map (id,tag_id_fk,issue_id_fk)
In my /Views/Issue/_form I have added a MultiComplete Extension to retrieve multiple tag ids and labels,
I have used an afterSave function in order to directly store the Issue_id and the autocompleted Tag_ids in the Issue_tag_map table, where it is a HAS_MANY relation.
Unfortunately Nothing is being returned.
I wondered if there might be a way to store the autocompleted Tag_ids in a temporary attribute and then pass it to the model's afterSave() function.
I have been searching for a while, and this has been driving me crazy because I feel I have missed a very simple step!
Any Help or advices of any kind are deeply appreciated!
MultiComplete in Views/Issue/_form:
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'Tag');
$this->widget('application.extension.MultiComplete', array(
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => '', //Was thinking of creating a temporary here
'name' => 'tag_autocomplete',
'splitter' => ',',
'sourceUrl' => $this->createUrl('Issue/tagAutoComplete'),
// Controller/Action path for action we created in step 4.
// additional javascript options for the autocomplete plugin
'options' => array(
'minLength' => '2',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'height:20px;',
echo $form->error($model, 'issue_comment_id_fk');
AfterSave in /model/Issue:
protected function afterSave() {
$issue_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID();
$tag; //here I would explode the attribute retrieved by the view form
// an SQL with two placeholders ":issue_id" and ":tag_id"
if (is_array($tag))
foreach ($tag as $tag_id) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO issue_tag_map (issue_id_fk, tag_id_fk)VALUES(:issue_id,:tag_id)";
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
// replace the placeholder ":issue_id" with the actual issue value
$command->bindValue(":issue_id", $issue_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
// replace the placeholder ":tag_id" with the actual tag_id value
$command->bindValue(":tag_id", $tag_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
And this is the Auto Complete sourceUrl in the Issue model for populating the tags:
public static function tagAutoComplete($name = '') {
$sql = 'SELECT id ,tag AS label FROM tag WHERE tag LIKE :tag';
$name = $name . '%';
return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(true, array(':tag' => $name));
actionTagAutoComplete in /controllers/IssueController:
// This function will echo a JSON object
// of this format:
// [{id:id, name: 'name'}]
function actionTagAutocomplete() {
$term = trim($_GET['term']);
if ($term != '') {
$tags = issue::tagAutoComplete($term);
echo CJSON::encode($tags);
Widget in form:
<div class="row" id="checks" >
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'company',array('title'=>'File Company Distrubution; Companies can be edited by Admins'));
$this->widget('application.extension.MultiComplete', array(
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => 'company',
'splitter' => ',',
'name' => 'company_autocomplete',
'sourceUrl' => $this->createUrl('becomEn/CompanyAutocomplete'),
'options' => array(
'minLength' => '1',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'height:20px;',
'size' => '45',
echo $form->error($model, 'company');
Update function:
$model = $this->loadModel($id);
if (isset($_POST['News'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['News'];
$model->companies = $this->getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['News']
public static cordsFromAutocompleteString($string) {
$string = trim($string);
$stringArray = explode(", ", $string);
$stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1] = str_replace(",", "", $stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1]);
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = 'id';
$criteria->condition = 'company =:company';
$companies = array();
foreach ($stringArray as $company) {
$criteria->params = array(':company' => $company);
$companies[] = Company::model()->find($criteria);
return $companies;
since the "value" porperty is not implemented properly in this extension I referred to extending this function to the model:
public function afterFind() {
//tag is the attribute used in form
$this->tag = $this->getAllTagNames();
You should have a relation between Issue and Tags defined in both Issue and Tag models ( should be a many_many relation).
So in IssueController when you send the data to create or update the model Issue, you'll get the related tags (in my case I get a string like 'bug, problem, ...').
Then you need to parse this string in your controller, get the corresponding models and assigned them to the related tags.
Here's a generic example:
//In the controller's method where you add/update the record
$issue->tags = getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['autocompleteAttribute'], 'Tag', 'tag');
Here the method I'm calling:
//parse your string ang fetch the related models
public static function getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($string, $model, $field)
$string = trim($string);
$stringArray = explode(", ", $string);
$stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1] = str_replace(",", "", $stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1]);
return CActiveRecord::model($model)->findAllByAttributes(array($field => $stringArray));
So now your $issue->tags is an array containing all the related Tags object.
In your afterSave method you'll be able to do:
protected function afterSave() {
//$issue_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); Don't need it, yii is already doing it
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO issue_tag_map (issue_id_fk, tag_id_fk)VALUES(:issue_id,:tag_id)";
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindValue(":issue_id", $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindValue(":tag_id", $tag->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
Now the above code is a basic solution. I encourage you to use activerecord-relation-behavior's extension to save the related model.
Using this extension you won't have to define anything in the afterSave method, you'll simply have to do:
$issue->tags = getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['autocompleteAttribute'], 'Tag', 'tag');
$issue->save(); // all the related models are saved by the extension, no afterSave defined!
Then you can optimize the script by fetching the id along with the tag in your autocomplete and store the selected id's in a Json array. This way you won't have to perform the sql query getRecordsFromAutocompleteString to obtain the ids. With the extension mentioned above you'll be able to do:
$issue->tags = CJSON::Decode($_POST['idTags']);//will obtain array(1, 13, ...)
$issue->save(); // all the related models are saved by the extension, the extension is handling both models and array for the relation!
If you want to fill the autocomplete field you could define the following function:
public static function appendModelstoString($models, $fieldName)
$list = array();
foreach($models as $model)
$list[] = $model->$fieldName;
return implode(', ', $list);
You give the name of the field (in your case tag) and the list of related models and it will generate the appropriate string. Then you pass the string to the view and put it as the default value of your autocomplete field.
Answer to your edit:
In your controller you say that the companies of this model are the one that you added from the Autocomplete form:
$model->companies = $this->getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['News']
So if the related company is not in the form it won't be saved as a related model.
You have 2 solutions:
Each time you put the already existing related model in you autocomplete field in the form before displaying it so they will be saved again as a related model and it won't disapear from the related models
$this->widget('application.extensions.multicomplete.MultiComplete', array(
'name' => 'people',
'value' => (isset($people))?$people:'',
'sourceUrl' => array('searchAutocompletePeople'),
In your controller before calling the getRecordsFromAutocompleteString you add the already existing models of the model.
$model->companies = array_merge(