New to Aptana, two questions on deployment - eclipse

I've moved to Aptana from DW (mainly to get better Phonegap/Android integration). I'm using Aptana integrated into Eclipse (i.e. installed Eclipse and then added Aptana).
I have two questions.
How can I configure Aptana/Eclipse to copy files to my local development server when I want to test? I can clearly do this in the filesystem outside the IDE, but would like it inside on a button or menu.
How can I configure the process to use, for example, the Google closure tools for js and css as part of my build/deployment process? I'd like to automatically minify the js and/or be able to use the css extensions offered (variables).
I get the feeling that all this should be possible since Eclipse is so configurable, but I don't know where to start. Would Ant do this for me? How?
Would appreciate some pointers.

I can answer your first question.
If you have the Aptana plug-in installed, you will have an option on your right-click menu titled "Deploy". Expanding the deploy setting will reveal the option to "Run Web Deployment Wizard...". From here, if you are using a web server as mentioned, you will probably want to choose the FTP/SFTP/FTPS option. Fill in the form with your servers information and be sure to run a test to make sure things are working properly.
I always check the "Automatically sync my changes with the remote site" box and then select the "Automatically sync in both directions" radio button. This will automatically deploy my current file to my web-server upon a save.
You may also want to only select the "Automatically sync from my machine to remote site", the reason I choose both ways is because I sometimes work from different machines and it helps me keep things in sync. A little tweaking and it should save you a lot of time and effort!
[Using Indigo Release 1, and Aptana Studio 3]

Aptana don't include support for "Google Closure", you can instead use "Eclipse" or "WebStorm".
I hope below links will help -
and this stack exchange thread -
Google closure compiler usage WebStorm


Distributing eclipse with UI customizations

I would like to use Eclipse in an intro programming class. Is there some way I can make some kind of preferences file or some such that I can distribute with it that would set defaults for:
which buttons are in the toolbar
which menus are enabled in the application
which context-menus are enabled
what kinds of completions are available
I'd like it to start with only completing words from the current document
that is no Java API completions or code generation or whatever
This can be done using Eclipse Preferences File. All you need to do is import preferences into your workspace.
You can also export the workspace folder itself & publish Eclipse together with a default workspace folder, which will contain all the preferences.
Then create a shortcut to start eclipse with -data <path to your workspace> parameter
I'd try the following:
Install Eclipse
Put the configuration files and workspace under version control and commit.
Configure Eclipse as required.
Check all the changes in the version control to understand what configuration files are relevant to my changes.
Continue as Zilvinas is suggesting.
Look into Eclipse Oomph. It essentially automates all the tasks that you need to do to set up a fresh dev environment.
Also of interest are Yatta profiles which do a similar thing based off Oomph.
They're pretty easy to set up and publish. Get your local eclipse working, record to a profile, publish the profile, get your students to consume said profile. We've used these in a professional environment to more easily on-board new devs!

Setting up hot deployment with eclipse and Jboss

I am used to work with rails locally where I can use any text editor I please while I have the server running. If I make changes to a file Webrick, it will pick it up and I am able to see the changes on the page.
Can I do this with eclipse?
I am using Atom for html editing but every time I save the changes and reload the page, the changes are not done. Any ideas?
Is your project an Eclipse Web project associated with a server in the Eclipse Servers view? If so, double-click on the server and you'll be able to tweak a few thing. The interesting option would be Automatically publish when resources change under Publishing.
PS: if you're using Java Enterprise or JBoss technologies, you can add JBoss Tools on top of your Eclipse IDE, it features some features and default settings that should make things simpler for you.
I've found the answer by going to eclipse in Preferences > General > Workspaces > Refresh using native hooks or polling
This way I am able to edit html files with Atom. Hope it helps someone
Question for reference: eclipse, refresh files edited by external editor

Open Files in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Mars with the TFS plugin. I work with many files that don't have a file extension. Is there a setting to have those files open in Eclipse? Currently, I always get Windows "what do you want to do with this file" selection displays.
All of these non-extension files are plain text that would properly render in Eclipse.
We have a fix in TEE/Eclipse TFS plugin to handle opening files without any extensions from Source Control Explorer in Eclipse. It will be available with our next update.
Unfortunately, the way our Eclipse TFS plugin (i.e. TEE) is written today, you will not be able to do what you are asking (meaning, you will not be able to configure the system so that when you click on a file with no file extension in the source control explorer and have it open in Eclipse – you will always be promoted by Windows to choose the application). We will keep this use case in mind as we continue to support the plug-in and will add it to the backlog of options to be considered in the next release. We are sorry for any inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for your question.

Port Eclipse Problems view configuration to IDEA/Android studio

I'm using Intellij IDEA/Android Studio.
I was asked not to make any commits unless my code doesn't trigger any warnings in Problems View of Eclipse IDE.
So, is there any quick way to port Eclipse's analysis configuration to IDEA?
There is not. There is the Eclipse Code Formatter third party plug-in for portng over code formatting definitions. Pehaps you can contact that developer and see if he would add problems/inspections definition syncing. Until then, I see two options for you...
Configure your IDEA inspections so they match the team's Eclipse settings. This of course would require some time to initially set up. But I think in the end, it's the best solution.
IDEA can export to files in eclipse format. As part of that it can keep its configuration linked to the eclipse files. This way you could pop over to eclipse to check for problems prior to committing.

Integrate Sublime Text with Tomcat

At work, we develop Java applications and are using Eclipse. As a frontend dev I would like to switch completely to Sublime, but it's missing a feature of Eclipse, I can't work without it.
When developing, I had to build the project with Maven and publish it to a Tomcat server. Eclipse does this all automatically and also republish changed files.
I came so far, building the app with Maven and publish it to Tomcat with the Maven-Tomcat plugin. But with Tomcat 7 republishing isn't possible and changed files aren't copied to the working directory. So I have to leave Eclipse open and refresh its workspace everytime I changed files in Sublime.
Would it be possible to integrate this functionality into Sublime with any plugin?
Rather than deploy to a specific Tomcat 7 container that you ave set up yourself, I would instead use tomcat7:run to start a live container based on the unpackaged web app.
That should get you pretty much exactly what you are after.
If you don't mind switching to jetty as a server container jszip:run can get you even more, but I'm still working on getting that plugin to beta quality so ymmv
What about this plugin I'll try it tommorow and then I'll let you know if it do the job (if it will work with ST3).
Eclipse has a feature for this. Select "Refresh using native hooks or polling" and "Refresh on access". You should select both. I have tried only selecting "Refresh using native hooks or polling", but it works only when you keep open the specific file in eclipse and modifying it outside. "Refresh on access" also not working alone. With these options combined it works charmingly.
PS: Native hooks available only in Windows. For Linux and Mac polling is used. I don't know how efficient it is.
I had this problem too. The workaround, is to open both eclipse and sublime, and instead of refreshing your project manually in eclipse every time you have made some changes in sublime, u can can use this plugin to make the refresh automatically.
PS : As mentioned by #Kapil Dev S, eclipse (with "Refresh using native hooks or polling" checked ) can refresh automatically resources when changed, but it doesn't detect changes as soon as it happens (it takes some seconds, at least for me on Linux)