facebook api, images url - facebook

When I paste a link on my Facebook automatically reads the url and assigned me a picture of them on my server etngo as I can do to take a default image.

Yes, set your og: tags on the web page. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ pay attention to og:image.


Can you force Facebook to recognize correct image without og: tags?

I have a website where news articles get posted through CMS and there is no option to add Facebook META OG tags to <head>. I could only add them manually to <body> but that won't work I assume?
Is there another solution where you can tell Facebook which image should be picked when using like/share buttons?
This depends how you make the share. You can use the FB.Ui to request a "Post to a wall" where you can specify the specifics of what appears on the share.
If you are sharing the URL only it will read your meta tags as you state. I have not tried making that image the first within the HTML as this may also make that the default.
you can use this link to debug your meta tags and test your sharing if you are sharing a URL.

How to tell FaceBook to not use any image when sharing a page?

When the og:image tag is not defined facebook searches for other images available on the page. I need to tell facebook no to use any images if the og:image tag is not there.
That isn't a feature, Facebook's crawler will always try to find the best image if you don't specify one

Image not appearing when sharing URL via Facebook

I'm preparing to launch a new site, http://www.careerclaim.com, and if I share the URL via FB only the URL displays, not the logo and title.
I've entered the URL in FB's debugger and it returns:
Can't Download: Could not retrieve data from URL.
Please help! Thank you!!!
You are redirecting to the HTTPS version of your page, but your og:url meta element states that the version using just HTTP was the “real” one – and that leads to an endless redirect circle, https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.careerclaim.com%2F

Like Box ('Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.')

I need some information, why like box frame not working: 'Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.'. I`m testing this href in http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug - it says correct answer, but frame not working.
In access logs for UA facebookexternalhit/1.1 always answer status 200 (and 301/302 for specific page).
example page: http://www.now.ru/item/series/comedy/Univer_222394
additional information: on some pages frame works, and some does not work
The Facebook Like Box is really designed to use the URL for a Facebook page, not for a general Web Page. It pulls Timeline content from a fan page within Facebook.
It can be used for a Web Page if the page has defined Open Graph Meta Tags and has been Liked at least once. However, there will be no "stream" functionality. The Like-Box for a Web Page would just have functionality similar to the Facepile plugin (except that Facepile just shows you friends, and a Like-Box also shows non-friends.)
Typically, though, you would want to supply the Like-Box with a Facebook Page URL in the following format:
Perhaps you are intending to use a Like Button or Facepile Social Plugin instead? Either of those can accept any URL as input.

Facebook Share doesn't pick up title / description meta tags that are changed after page load

Apparently Facebook Share doesn't pick up the title / description meta tags that are changed (via JavaScript) after the page load. It basically use the meta tags that are available upon load.
This is a simple example.
The link will change the title / description meta tags upon click. You can confirm that using Firebug.
Click the f|Share button: Facebook still always shows "A title that is available upon page load." and "A description that is available upon page load."
Anybody knows how to fix this?
This is a quote from Facebook. They scrape the page's meta tags when someone shares that page, and every 24 hours onwards (and not on page-load as you suggested). If you change the meta tags, you need to get FB to "lint" your page again using the URL Linter.
When does Facebook scrape my page?
Facebook needs to scrape your page to know how to display it around the site.
Facebook scrapes your page every 24 hours to ensure the properties are up to date. The page is also scraped when an admin for the Open Graph page clicks the Like button and when the URL is entered into the Facebook URL Linter. Facebook observes cache headers on your URLs - it will look at "Expires" and "Cache-Control" in order of preference. However, even if you specify a longer time, Facebook will scrape your page every 24 hours.
Because the facebook server hits the URL you submit and looks for meta tags. It will always default to the original tags.
I assume that Facebook servers do not execute javascript when they scrape your page.
You could use server-side logic to detect the Facebook user agent and modify the outputted HTML accordingly.
According to the bottom of this page ( http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ ), the user agent is currently:
Its none of Facebook business. They just provide an api for it. And api takes meta tags as parameter. So you set your meta tags to facebook sharing.