Can't test app on iPhone after updating iPhone - iphone

I ran it fine, did all the certification hassle and my sister updates the iPhone and next day I can't test anything, Xcode doesn't simply recognize the damn iPhone. Please help. There is literally nothing I have found that solves this problem..
I should say that it worked fine a day ago. I'm so damn angry and frustrated I can't type..
Apple does a really really poor job of being clear what to do.
EDIT: I also see this "You don’t have permission to save the file “iOS DeviceSupport” in the folder “Xcode”."

What version of Xcode do you have and what iOS-version does the test-device have?
To test applications with Xcode 4.2.1, the device has to be of iOS 5.0.1 or down. If you updated to the iOS 5.1 beta, you will need to download Xcode 4.3 beta as well, as Xcode 4.2.1 does not have the required DeviceSupport-files for the beta.
Since you have Xcode 4.2, you will need to update to 4.2.1 to be able to test your applications on an iOS 5.0.1-device.

You'll need Xcode 4.2.1 if your iPhone is version 5.0.1.

I had the same problem,
Here is my solution!
First Update both Xcode and phone with the latest software.
Then go to the organizer and enable iPhone for development.
Done ..


ios app build for version 5.0.1uploaded to app store can be run on ios 5.1?

I did build app for ios 5.0.1 using xcode 4.2 and uploaded it on apple store. They rejected my app due to crash issue occurs when they install and run on ios 5.1.
Could you please let me know if we build an app for ios 5.0.1 will not be run on ios5.1 iphone device.
What will be the way so I can approved my app at apple store that is build for ios 5.0.1.
But two days ago they approved another app that is build for ios 5.0.1.
Should I query to apple store.
Please reply me thank a lot for time frame given to my ques.
The app can run in iOS 5.1, the thing is that you dont know how that app is going to work on 5.1, so probably you are using something that is allowed in 5.0.1, and in 5.1 is crashing.
Your only option now, is to download the 5.1 on your xCode and check what is going on.
Yes, Apple will approve apps that are built using the 5.0 SDK, though probably not anything earlier. They pretty much always test using the latest version of the OS so you should absolutely test with it before submitting. I'd venture that there's no reason not to develop with the latest too.
The changes between 5.0 and 5.1 are not huge so, chances are, you do have a bug. Apple normally send crash reports when they reject for these reasons.

Testing on iOS 3.1 simulator

iOS project. Base SDK 4.2, deployment target 3.0. A customer is complaining about an issue on iOS 3.1 (he has an old device).
I tried installing Xcode 3.2.3 - the oldest there is for download. It does not offer iOS 3.1 as a test target. Does anyone know how can I enable older versions of iOS on the simulator?
The box also has Xcode 4 (in a different folder). Could it be the case that they're sharing the iOS simulator, and the backwards-incompatible one from Xcode 4 is getting in the way?
There is no substitute for testing on a real device.
I've had a problem with my iPod touch (3rd gen, ios 5.0) crashing in one app. Every day. The dev won't buy, beg, borrow or steal a real iPod touch to test it on so he can fix it. As a user this is extremely frustrating.
The final versions of Xcode with the iPhone SDK, as it was called then, are not available from Apple's download page, but the direct links still work.
The direct links can be found at:
If you use the latest Xcode, you can install device debugging support via the Downloads->Components section, a la:
Some of the links are dead though. Apple is removing those old files little by little. Get them while supplies last.

Xcode deployment target

If my deployment target is set to iOS 4.1 and submitted to apple, and they test the app on iOS 4.3, would that cause the app to malfunction? My app was rejected for a bug that I am unable to recreate on my iPhone 4. The exact same device model they tested the app on. I simply cannot find the bug or error in my code. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you build your app to target iOS 4.1 it should run on iOS 4.3. It's possible that your app does something that works on 4.1 but causes a problem on 4.3; I had that myself with an app already in the store, and had to post an update so it worked correctly under a newer iOS release.
Note that you can tell the iOS Simulator what version iOS to simulate: on the Hardware menu, select Version, and subsequent runs will be tested against that version of the system libraries.
The simulator is not a perfect reproduction of a real device, but hopefully you can do this to reproduce the behavior that Apple has seen on their devices.
Did you test it on your iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3? There's two parts to the puzzle. If they rejected it for crashing under iPhone 4, you have to check all the different iOS versions you claim to support. The target iOS 4.1 should still make it work on 4.3, you just might have a crash (which apparently you do). Through testing with that actual software version on your iPhone, you'll find the bug and hopefully squash it. Good luck!

Xcode debugger not stop i ipod with IOS 5 Beta

I have 2 devices,iphone with 4.3.1 and ipod with 5.0.
The problem is that in my iphone the debugger stop in break points, and in ipod the debugger won't stop on break points.
Any ideas on why that happens?
Have you installed the iOS 5 SDK in your Mac? I think that is what you require.
Also you need to understand that some of the functionalities might still be missing in some of the cases as it is still a BETA version. It might not be a fully functional version yet.
So either you can try using the iOS 5 SDK in your mac or if you have already tried it then I think you should wait for the final iOS 5 full version to work properly.
Also in the below link, they have discussed that some of the functionalities of iOS 5 still doesn't work on iPod. So may be Apple is working on it before the final launch.
You can also try referring to this link:
iPhone Dev: Xcode debugger does not stop on breakpoints
I think its the same problem like with iTunes. If you use a beta SDK you also need beta iTunes to sync with your device and a beta Xcode. Do you have the beta Xcode? Thats because the official Xcode release don't have an iOS 5 debugger. Open your Organizer and look if your iPod is listed as a supported debugging device.
Do you have iOS5 SDK installed as well? Are you testing with that? If not, the app won't stop at breakpoints. Your XCode version does not have the iOS5 debugger.
Not the solution to your problem, but I faced the same problem and solved it using UIAlertViews & NSLogs. I should also mention that I even installed xcode with iOS 5 SDK beta, even after which the breakpoints won't hit.
It was some issue with the symbols. You can create & display a temporary alert view where you want to put the break-point with its message/title being the value that you want to see, or you can log the value.
To debug a device running iOS 5 you will need to install the beta version of XCode, which contains the iOS 5 SDK. Once you register as an apple developer you can download it from

downgrading iPhone 3GS iOS4 to OS3

I'm working on an iphone project for OS3.1.3. I updated my iPhone to iOS4 and now I can't test my project on my iPhone anymore. I tried downgrading but get "device not eligible"
What should I do now?
If I download latest XCode SDK4 will I be able to recreate my app so that it runs both on OS3 and OS4 ? It has no specific os4 features.. it should just run on both and want to test it on real iphone with os4..
First of all, downgrading your phone won't work. at least not with the "official" approach. I think once there is a Jailbreak for iOS4, downgrading your phone should be possible again.
Secondly, Creating an iOS app with XCode SDK4 that runs on your 3.x devices is no problem at all:
Just set the "iPhone OS Deployment Target" Value (Target -> Info -> Build) to "iPhone OS 3.0"
You can build with SDK4 and still target older devices running iOS 3.2 or earlier. How to do this is covered in detail in this other question here.
You can downgrade your phone OS, that's covered in this question over here.
But really the best approach is to update Xcode, compile with SDK4 and support earlier iOS versions as well.
I'm in the same situation.
What is the best ?
1 Upgrade to SDK4 and still target on IOS 3.xx . Will iPhone ios 3.1.3 users be able to download apps built with SDK4 . I don't think so.
2 Downgrade ios4 to ios3 and still work with SDK3.
PS : Someone suggested to get the lastest SDK
You can downgrade iPhones, iPod touches and iPads.
Instructions are here. If for instance you're downgrading a second generation iPod Touch from iOS4 to iOS3.1.3 you'll need the iPod2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw firmware. A Google search will bring these things up.
Some downgrading references ask you to modify a "hosts" file. I don't think this is necessary, I downgraded from iOS4.2 to iOS3.0 (and to iOS2.0 for fun) without having to do this.
Good luck.